My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3488: Not the destiny of the Lord!

No one!

The real no one!

Dongfang Qiming’s God’s words are convinced that people are convinced. Earlier, the emperor had teased the world and deceived countless people, and the power of the ‘seal of heaven and the world’ of Origin Gate was not blessed on him either——

Under the attention of countless people, the golden avenue burning with blood is so dazzling that it is impossible for people not to pay attention!

"That's the emperor of the night! The emperor who bewitched the goddess of the gate of origin, not the world-zun!" Some monks felt the enormous pressure, shocking the soul.

"Our King of Different Time and Space, ordered not to take action against the World-Venerable, but the courageous starved to death! If we do not take action, we will be destroyed by the World-Venerable in the end!" The monk from Different Time and Space flashed With a gloomy look, he knew the seriousness of the matter.

"The ancient **** emperor is dizzy! It is a consensus not to harm the world without the world-honored god, and now the Eastern Qiming God wants to use the "eternal magic" on him! That destiny can be cut down, he who is now not a climate-"

"Definitely! The wicked young man explained before, let Dongfang Qiming God use the eternal trick of'cutting the fate' to this unworldly honorable person!"

"A little while ago, the people who had the door of origin let out a word. In the two days before the world-zun disappeared, they actually went to confuse their goddess of origin, that is, the woman who was liked by Long Chutian, the son of the enlightened god, named Zu child."


Some people are terrified.

Some people look at each other with hatred.

Some people are afraid of it.

The golden avenue, burning with blood flames, is particularly eye-catching on the earth, but some people are not afraid when they are afraid to the extreme.

Su Jin looked sideways, looking at a group of elderly women and children, dressed in a peculiar outfit made up of five colors. These people were obviously afraid of him, but one of them was a little girl, only five or six years old, with two sticks on the back of his head. The croissant braid, but there is no color of fear, even the little hand holding the egg, smashed at him...

Not the Lord, under the deceitful words and deceiving the crowd, has it become like this? That little girl, there is no fear in her eyes, some just hate—

Su Jin stopped his steps, and in the next second, his figure squatted in front of the little girl!

"Ah!" A group of old and weak women and children, all retreated in shock, and fled around.

"What's your name?" Su Jin released the power of the Great Divine Dao, his eyes regained Ming and Qing, and asked the little girl with an expression that was as gentle as possible.

This delicate little girl didn't answer him at all, even lowered her head and bit his shoulder severely.

Su Jin smiled, "The world is unsympathetic and unrighteous. When a disaster strikes, they fly separately, and your family has also left you—"

The little girl bite so hard that she didn't loosen it. In the end, she felt scared. After letting go, she didn't flee, and muttered: "Xiao Duoyan's parents are long gone, Xiao Duoyan is not afraid, not afraid of you—"

Su Jin suddenly.

"I am going to save a sister. After saving her, she will be your relative. Since you are homeless, follow me."

Su Jin touched the back of her head, "There is an old grandpa who will protect you, don't be afraid..."

After all, Su Jin walked back to the Cotai Strip——

Until I walked away and disappeared, the people who had been with Xiao Duoyan all looked at this little girl who was only five or six years old with caution.

"She was bewitched by the unworldly goddess! She became a demon like the goddess of origin! Can't keep her!" Several old men looked at Xiao Duoyan angrily.

"Kill this little demon girl!"

"Infected with evil spirits, brought unknown to our **** city. You don’t know anything. After she was born, her parents returned. She is an ominous person, and she killed her parents! Now, now she wants to harm us again. !"

"Grandpa Shu Ke, I...I didn't--" Xiao Duoyan was scared on her face as she watched those people push her, even more scared than just now.

"You killed your parents and hurt the tribe. Because of the death of your parents, none of the tribe has ever been on the martial arts list in God City! Your father, the top ten arrogant of God City, and your mother is from a famous family. You... you are really a great disaster. !" An old man named Shu Ke, his face changed suddenly, and said viciously with a face that Xiao Duoyan had never seen before.

"Your family was disbanded. Originally, your grandfather intended to take you back, but in the end, why did you still wander on the street? That is because the above has been approved, you will continue to kill your relatives! You still don't understand!"

"No, it's not." Xiao Duoyan was panicked, lowered her head and backed away, her little hand clenched the corner of her clothes——

"Hit, kill her!"



A group of people rushed up, and a lot of clubs started to come!

At that moment, Xiao Duoyan's expression was desperate, but soon, a scene that made her dumbfounded began to appear! There are nearly hundreds of people in the city of God, their pace is getting slower and slower, as if slow motion, maintaining various movements, and finally standing still...still still!

"Poor, so pathetic, woooo-" the weird old man cried, resounding in nothingness.

"Old, old grandpa." Xiao Duoyan looked around, but she couldn't see half of her figure.

"Go on the Cotai Strip, run, run--"


Xiao Duoyan panicked and couldn't choose her way. After walking on the Golden Light Avenue, she couldn't help but glance at the people in the still and frozen God City.

Xiao Duoyan was panting, she was still young, and she found herself running faster and faster, and a wonderful cloud appeared under her feet!

It is precisely because of this cloud that it has chased to the depths of the darkness, and it is infinitely possible to see the back of Su Jin who had just been bitten by her.

The black sea, the sound of the tide is still——

There is a female demon, and there are waves of demon clouds, and the music seems to rise to the extreme! On the other side of the black sea, someone familiar with Su Jin was watching this scene!

Gu Shenhuang, Feng Guyi, Mo Hongyu, and Guizang brothers and sisters are all here!

Alien Time and Space is involved in a catastrophe, but if you want him to deal with Yedi in'Alien Time and Space', naturally it is absolutely impossible! Even if Ye Di killed the last person in their "Unknown Time and Space", they could not betray the World-Venerable!

"The Eastern Qiming God, is performing the eternal magic, the situation is not good——" The ancient **** emperor said solemnly, watching the scene on the beacon bone stage, where not only the Eastern Qiming God, but also the supreme Dafa power stood. Gods, gods and Taoist priests, and the beginning of the years!

"I heard that the Dongfang Qiming God had used it once before, but it was only for the evil mysterious young man. His eternal trick failed to kill the mysterious young man." Feng Guyi said.

"This matter is extremely serious, the evil youth is not a living person, and the road to fate has long been cut off, but Yedi is different--" Guizang's expression was tense now.

"I believe him--" Wang Qiang glanced at the Fairy Xiaosu slowly.

"The eternal technique of enlightening God is peerless and invincible. It has never missed. Yedi is a living and powerful man. This technique may be a little dangerous when used." Yun Zhibai also slowly shook his head, enlightening the name of God, shining from the past. Today, even though he was standing on the side of Ye Emperor, he didn't think Ye Emperor could take this technique.

"We have to have faith in Yedi!" Ancient God Emperor said.

"Father, I am a bit restless, I am a bit restless--"

"It's okay! If they take action against Ye Di, you can let it go! Ye Di kills it, and I don't look a pity! When this matter is over, I will settle the account after the autumn!" The ancient **** emperor felt angry when he heard this, and finally He gave Dao Guichen a stern look, "Dao Guichen, your family didn't participate, right?"

"Don't dare, don't dare--" Dao Guichen shook his head quickly.

"This time, Dongfang Qiming God is a trouble, and the screaming banshee is another big trouble..."

Gui Zang went on to say: "The Chaosong Banshee, it is rumored that no one in the world has ever seen her. She walks with clouds and comes with clouds. She has experienced thousands of calamities, but never fell.

"Aren't you talking bullshit! The enemy present, which one is not a big trouble?" Ancient God Emperor asked back.


In the prosperous black world, among the dense stars, the dragon of heaven, interweaving scenes of extremely beautiful heavenly brilliance, under that star, the Golden Light Avenue has already extended! !

The beacon bone platform, the entire bottom of the bone platform is filled with animal oil. This bone platform is bloody, but the animal oil is full of pungent stench, which makes people vomit—

The goddess of origin, lying on it quietly!

"If the origin of the fire is not my ancestor, I will teach you one by one!" The mighty Guxian looked at the eighty-eight peak masters who were wailing, and finally walked to the side of Dongfang Qiming God with his head downcast. .

He had to stop!

Because the Lord is here!

Years Shizun, the Supreme God of Dafa Shi, including some existences of Qiming God, all carefully observed Su Jin——

In the distance, the golden brilliance is getting stronger and stronger. That is... those Buddha lights came from a golden monk!

"Huh?" The mighty Guxian looked up the Cotai Strip and found that the young man was a little familiar, really familiar--

Regardless of his temperament or his face, he always felt like he had seen it before. It is a pity that although he is a God Eater, he has a lot of forgetfulness. For a while, he really didn't think of it—

"This person... is not the world-honored person!" Even though the people at the Gate of Origins lay on the ground and wailed, they could still see the figure of the Ye Emperor. After all, the golden avenue was really gorgeous.

"We abducted our goddess, and now the goddess who possessed the eternal magic passed away because of him! If it weren't for him, the gate of origin would still be the original gate of origin!"

"Eternal magic, the fairy pupil of truth! Even if that piece of origin fire gathers again, the goddess reappears after ten thousand years, it is impossible to have the fairy pupil of truth and eternal magic." It is a pity that the peak master said.

"If the mother of origin is still there, I don't know what we will think of what we do, immortal pupils and eternal magic, rare in the world—"

"Even the Eastern Qiming God has never had a divine pupil. What a pity! If the goddess does not die, it is very likely that in the future it will grow into an existence like the Qiming God-"

"This is not the world-honored one, you must use death to comfort the spirit of the goddess in the sky!"


Countless people are looking at--

Dongfang Qiming God stared at Su Jin, watched him stand still, and said lightly: "You are here."

"Yes, I came to kill you." Su Jin said directly.

"You have not yet awakened, and you have not yet achieved the power of being truly unworldly. With your current situation, it is absolutely impossible to take over my'one-time trick'." Dongfang Qiming said lightly.

"Xiao Ming, don't talk about it. When you dealt with the mysterious young man, you had such an incredible attitude, and you were not educated yet?" said the mighty Guxian.

"Shut up, how could he compare with that kind of existence!" Dongfang Qiming's face was blank, and he gave the mighty Guxian a fierce look.

"I don't care, you killed my ancestor! You have to give Lao Tzu an explanation!" The mighty Guxian is still angry. If the world is not in front, the situation is imminent, he must have a fight with Qiming God!

"This matter, I'll talk about it after the world-honor is killed! I can help her condense her body from the state of originating fire." Dongfang Qiming God now wants this little fat man to shut up!

"That's not her! I want you to save her now!"

"You...are you going?" Dongfang Qiming God was very angry, he couldn't do it at all, and immediately, he took a step.

Forever! Cut fate!

The road to fate opens!

Behind Su Jin, his fateful road began to open suddenly!

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