My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3489: Xiao Ming is out

Countless people, shouting!

The exciting sound wave even suppressed the beautiful movement brought by the wave sound banshee! Even if you are not the world-honored person, the East enlightens God and controls the path of fate, and his eternal magic can kill you!

too excited--

The road to fate without the World-Honored One is full of vitality. Once it appears, I don't know where it extends. But even so, it is impossible to live under the eternal technique of the Eastern Qiming God's "cutting the fate"!

"No World Honored is about to die, this world catastrophe arises because of him, and ends with his passing!" The monk of the Order God Realm said with emotion.

"As long as it is a creature in the world, no one can escape the Enlightened God's'cut fate'! He, this technique, has not yet been defeated!"

"This person is not the world-honored person, it is really bad luck. If he is completely awakened, he may be able to fight with Qiming God. What a pity, he died young!"

"The Qiming God killed him. The mighty ancient sages, the gods, the supreme gods of Dafa momentum, and the Shizun Shizun do not need to take action. They are just watching a show. The current non-world-zun is undoubtedly the meat on the chopping board and is already at the mercy of others. For..."

"This is the God of Enlightenment, extremely powerful and admired by countless people!"

"How old do you dare to be called the World-Honored? Poor the "Goddess of Origin" who turned all living beings upside down. She died because of him. The beauty... what a fate--"


The endless joy and vigor shook the sky, but it did not bring any change in expression to the young man on the Golden Avenue.


As always calm.

"I want to know why your death is imminent, why can you be so calm." Dongfang Qiming God looked at Su Jin said.

"It's nothing more than an eternal trick. If this king wants to, he can twist it with his hand, and people like you use it as a means." Su Jin stood with his hand folded and said lightly.

"In the face of my'cut fate', you can still be like this. You are the first person--" Qiming God is not angry. He sees a lot of conceited people. Until the time is gone, he will be extremely remorseful and flooded. To remember and unwilling to the world.

"You kid is a little crazy! Have we met somewhere?" Mighty Guxian said.

"In the whole world, no one can take this blow, even if it's you, not the world-zun." Suiyue Shizun also said calmly.

"God Enlightenment, why do you need to talk to him more? Just cut off his destiny directly, presumably that existence will not embarrass us--" The Supreme God of Dafa Shi said hastily.

Dongfang Qiming God sighed deeply and nodded.

From him, began to walk out a series of phantoms condensed by his Daoyun, just like dealing with the monster young man before, the same, but now these phantoms are just going on, it is not the fate of the world's emperor. .

Countless pairs of eyes, not even daring to blink, for fear of missing the blow that the dust settled!

Although they all know that they can't take it down without the World-Honored One,...but this kind of scene is hard to see once in a lifetime, and no one wants to miss it!

"Cut!" Dongfang Qiming God, with contempt in his eyes, suddenly shouted.

Su Jin still held his hand and did not fall--

Dongfang Qiming doesn't know the God, so, after all, there are countless longing faces looking at him, and his contemptuous eyes gradually become solemn.


"Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!"

Enlighten God's forehead, sweat is like a stream of water, quickly shed, this...this is impossible!

Like when he was in the realm of a hundred generations of Gods, the evil young man, Qiming God knew that the other party was already dead, not a living thing, and could not be cut off by a single technique forever.

However, now in the four great gods, including the monks of the ‘Eastern Peak God’s Realm’ he governs, they have seen them all, seeing the path of destiny that is not the world’s emperor Yedi, full of vitality——


The mighty Guxians are beginning to get nervous.

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, can you do it?" The mighty Guxian asked with a breath of cold air.

The time is the first, the supreme **** of Dafa, and every power, the pupils are shrinking sharply, realizing that it is not good!

If ordinary monks are still in confusion, then people such as Shiyue Shizun and his like have long known that the eternal technique of the Eastern Enlightenment God to "cut fate" is useless for the unworldly emperor!

like water off a duck's back!

Dongfang Qiming God, with red eyes, staring at Su Jin--

How does he explain to the world.

How did he say that he had never failed in an eternal trick that he had never failed, but now he failed once?

The arrogance is like the Eastern Enlightened God, and this kind of thing is not allowed at all. If he fails, it will directly affect the entire Eastern Peak God Realm! He can't afford this price!

"It's terrible—" The Supreme God of Dafa Power quietly said to Shiyue Shizun, and there was no lack of horror in his voice.

"How did he do it?" The **** Taoist priest was also shocked.

"I heard that the eternal art acquired by the Goddess of Origin was created by the world-zun. The Daoyun of the Dao of Chaosheng Banshee has been borrowed a bit. That eternal art, if the Goddess of Origin is still alive, the future It is even more powerful than Qiming God's "cutting fate"." Shiyueshi respected.

"Is this impossible?" The Supreme God of Dafa Power was stunned.

"Nothing is impossible! Otherwise, what do you say about the current situation?" Suiyue Shizun asked, feeling that something was wrong.

"..." All were speechless.

As time passed by one minute and one second--

There are more and more doubts about the God of Dongfang Qiming!

"The eternal magic has been used, why hasn't this been eliminated by the world?" The monks of the Eastern Peak Divine Region were all astonished.

"Slashing fate is an eternal art, to anyone like us who has the opportunity to meet? Maybe... it may take some time. Give Qiming God some time!"

"The destiny path of not being the world-honored has already been revealed under the eternal magic. It shouldn't be so difficult to cut. This magic is invincible. What is the problem with God Enlightenment?"

"Then you don't even move, if you don't even move, it seems that you don't care about the eternal art of enlightening God at all! Is the'cutting fate' invalid?"

"Something is wrong, such a powerful God of Enlightenment, even an unawakened unworldly deity can't cut it, and it will be even more difficult next! God of Enlightenment has become invincible and mighty because of this eternal art. His other divine arts, Including the strength of the virtuous body, it is not even as good as the mighty ancient virtuous!"

"If this technique is not effective against the World-Honored One, it is the most terrifying——"


Faced with the doubts of countless people-

Dongfang Qiming God, there is hardship to say, he used an eternal art to make a phantom of Tao Yun, and when he walked into the "road of fate" belonging to the unworldly, he saw an extremely strange situation!

The road to the world-honored destiny seems to be covered with a layer of extremely mysterious brilliance. That road is infinitely far and wide, and even on this road, his eternal magic and rhyme are all involved. Bai Dao, was completely crushed!

Can the road of fate be so dangerous?

This is something that Dongfang Qiming God cannot imagine! He used an eternal technique to kill countless people, and no one's path to fate could be like that of the World Lord Ye Di!

"Everyone! Enlightened God is blessing the power of the eternal magic, now I will take the life of the Lord!"

In the distance, the Buddha's glory was soaring, the golden monk actually came with his palms together——

"Yes." Suiyue Shizun nodded immediately.

"I haven't tried the majesty of the world! Do you want to take the lead?" The mighty Guxian was a little annoyed, obviously the anger just now has not been vented.

"The mighty ancient sage, give me this opportunity first. The reason why I appeared in the Hundred Generations of Gods is only to take my Buddha, the most precious tree." The golden monk said.

"Bodhi tree?" The mighty Guxian was surprised and guessed.


The golden monk has no expression on his face--

Su Jin glanced at the golden monk, "I don't mind you guys shooting together."

"Arrogant! I never heard that the world's emperor Yedi has achieved the realm of'Samadhi' in Buddhism. Can you dare to fight with me?" The golden monk raised his voice.

"You told me not to use other powers, including the great divine way of the world-honored, otherwise it would be unfair to you." Su Jin didn't want to say that the other party was shameless, he didn't hesitate, nodded in response.

The golden monk took a deep breath and was able to compare Buddhism and Taoism with the world-zun. This is something that is difficult to dream in ordinary dreams, but since the other party has agreed, he does not hide it!

"Om~~~" A muffled loud noise sounded in the palms of the golden monk apart.

In the golden Buddha light, an extremely simple incense burner began to appear. When the golden monk was released, it was spinning out and getting bigger and bigger.

This incense burner, three feet, in the end, turned out to be more than a hundred meters wide!

"The name of the incense burner is: Jiyuan. It was an era before, when I made the golden body of Buddhism and Taoism, I made it with one arm of my golden body. After receiving the incense of an era, countless worlds blessed my era censer with incense. "The golden monk said.

When the era censer came out, the world was in an uproar!

The golden monk actually did not lose the existence of the ancient sage. He achieved a golden body one epoch, and cut off his arm, creating a Buddhist incense burner, and he has received the incense of an unknown number of people——

As long as the golden monk has prestige in other worlds and is worshipped by creatures in the world, the power of this furnace will increase by one point!

"Good stove," Su Jin said.

Su Jin glanced at it, and he saw a lot of the wonderful things about the Buddha. This incense burner is very rare, with the endless power of incense, and even a sense of exclusion of time and space. From his eyes, the Buddha and Tao resonate. On the surface, I don't know how many pictures will appear. Those pictures are all Buddhist, Taoist and incense followers worshipping this golden monk.

"Please ask Samadhi! If Samadhi is not as good as me, please hand over the Bodhi tree--" the golden monk said seriously.

"I don't need the power of Samadhi to deal with you."

Su Jin said lightly. As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed at the ‘Era Incense Burner’! And the vertical eyes on the center of his eyebrows directly began to bloom with wonderful golden brilliance, in which there was a ‘卍’ Buddha seal slowly spinning!

When the golden monk heard Su Jin's words, he couldn't help being annoyed--

But then, the golden monk's expression changed, and the "Era Incense Burner" in front of him was faintly out of his control!

what's the situation!

This "Era Incense Burner" was built by the golden monk himself with his own golden body! how is this possible--

Su Jin believes in...

The golden monk screamed, his left foot shook the void, and he made a posture of zhama stance, while his Buddha hand kept pinching the Buddha handprint, and immediately, a super-burning Buddhist power burst out!

But the stove is still drifting towards the unworldly Lord strangely!


Su Jin moved his finger, changed his palm, and a **** Buddha seal, like a windmill, with golden light, as if surpassing nothingness in an instant, directly bombarding that ‘Era Incense Burner’!

On the censer of the era, there was an additional Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’!




Numerous swastikas and Buddha seals were photographed. Each time the ‘Era Incense Burner’ was tapped, the censer would shrink by one inch. With successive taps, the Era Incense Burner finally turned into the size of a palm, floating in Su Jin’s palm——

So strong! The golden monk is in pain, he can no longer perceive the "Era Incense Burner"!

Of course, no matter how badly it is, it is nothing compared to the Bodhi tree! Immediately, the golden monk stomped his feet, his hands clasped together, and he rose straight up!

A golden pestle with a golden Buddha ring on it began to appear in front of the golden monk——

"Go!" Numerous Buddhist auras radiated from the back of the golden monk's head, and the golden pestle in front of him went directly towards Su Jin!

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