My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3490: The beacon bone tower, the palace of longevity!

The golden monk's stick is the ultimate move!

With the greatest power of Buddhism in his life, this Buddha's foot can make the world look up. The power of the golden monk's blow is not only immeasurable fortune, but also different from the suppression of the "big immeasurable **** and Buddha". power!

This Buddha pestle seems to be far away in the sky, and for another instant, it seems to have wiped out the soul!

Su Jin's face straightened, and the "Era Incense Burner" in his palm quickly flew out——

"Hahaha! Take my things and use them to bring me down?" The golden monk laughed wildly. He really didn't know how to describe Su Jin as stupid.

The smile stopped suddenly!

The censer of that era directly swallowed the golden brilliance, as if all the Buddha's magic had begun to show. The censer swiftly swallowed the terrible Buddha pestle!


The incense burner shook during the entire era, and on the surface of the furnace body, a number of Buddha characters were rapidly rising and falling. They were complete Buddhist scriptures, which was not originally known by the golden monk!

If so, then the Buddhist scriptures on the "Era Incense Burner" must have just been branded by Su Jin himself! Just exhibited the supreme power of the Buddha!

"Damn it! Damn it!" The golden monk raised his hand, and the sleeves of the Buddha's robe suddenly bulged. Among them was a golden robes of Buddhism. The origin of this robes was amazing, and even some secrets of ancient Buddha secrets were hidden in it.

"Buddha pestle, give it to Xiao Shenxiu, the robes fit him."

As Su Jin spoke, the incense burner of the whole era began to tilt, and the mouth of the incense burner began to point at the golden monk, emitting a golden glow!

The robes were quickly swallowed by the "Era Incense Burner"——

Even the golden monk who is about to die of anger, now has to firmly stick his feet in the void!

"Do you want to take me? You can't take it!" The golden monk suddenly rose by a thousand feet.


On the side of the golden monk’s right hand, he was severely attracted by the censer of that era--

Ahhhhh! The golden monk became angry and furious, he had no choice but to grow bigger, and the golden body appeared, in order not to be sucked away by this'epoch incense burner'!

However, the golden monk found that he still underestimated Su Jin's ability!

The golden monk felt that his ‘golden body’ was being squeezed, and in his engulfed right arm, there seemed to be a force that was almost terrifying, about to squash him and madly pull him in!



Sorrowful voice, horror appeared!

The golden monk was already huge enough, but starting from his right shoulder, the whole person was squeezing crazily until it became the size of the mouth of the incense burner, and finally was completely taken in in an unwilling roar.

The entire "Era Incense Burner" began to become unstable!

Bang bang bang! Fist marks appeared on the surface of the incense burner. The incense burner was trembling violently, but no matter how bombarded the golden monk, the incense burner of this era could not be broken!

"You let me go!" The golden monk yelled at the sky, he only felt that the sky and the earth were shrinking, and finally above that, he could only see one eye peering in——

Su Jin has closed the era censer to the size of a palm.

"Thank you for the reward!"

Before Su Jin put it away, a golden light appeared in the distance! The headless little **** show, indifferent to the voice, walked step by step, driving the Cotai Avenue.

Su Jin dumbly--

Jiyuan Incense Burner is indeed a rare treasure. Of course, Su Jin is not a stingy person. He flicked his fingers and flicked the Epoch Incense Burner into the air, and finally landed in front of Xiaoshenxiu.

"Little Shenxiu! You, let me go!" Jin Seng knew that Xiao Shenxiu was rubbing the surface of the incense burner with his hands, and he was very familiar with the breath of Xiao Shenxiu.

"From then on, you will no longer feel lonely, because you will follow me back to the land of the Buddha, and be company with the Lord Buddha--" Xiao Shenxiu sighed.

"Who! Who wants to be with you! You lunatic, let me go! Quickly let me go!" The golden monk felt that the world was spinning, he felt that he could no longer be born, he could only be locked in the small world in this incense burner!

"You throw that robes up and let me have a look." Xiao Shenxiu couldn't help but said.

Now that the golden monk wanted to go out, he naturally didn’t care about anything. He not only threw the robes, but also the previous buddha pestle to the edge of the incense burner——

Xiao Shenxiu finally communicated with Su Jin, and finally reached out and took the two objects into his hands...


The robes with the ultimate Buddha charm! Xiao Shenxiu is very calm, but his posture is very weird. He puts the robes on his body, and fastens it——

"It's all for you!" Jin Seng didn't want to be locked here, never wanted to.

"Buddha friend, look at me carefully..." Xiao Shenxiu took the Jiyuan incense burner and couldn't help but pointed at his robes, calmly, it seemed to show off.

"Little God Show! I..."

The golden monk used all his life's words and language to curse Xiao Shenxiu frantically. When he thought that he would fall into the hands of this lunatic in the future, listening to his show off every day, his back was chilly!

In this scene, the mighty Guxian and others who also watched were dumbfounded--

In their opinion, the golden monk is not weak!

But even if it exists, it is still defeated by Yedi's means!

"I'm coming!" The mighty Guxian exclaimed.

Not long ago, the mighty Guxian had fought the almost invincible young man, and the opponent had a headache for him, the body of God Eater, now it should be no problem to fight against this world-honor!

"Fight, I will accompany you, but don't blame me for not reminding you... It's better to get out of the way now--" Su Jin pointed to the'Beacon Bone Platform' not far away, motioning these people to block his way.

"Do you dare to hit my ancestors! She is mine!" The mighty Guxian's eyes widened, and when he said that, he refused.

"I can save her." Su Jin knew what mighty Guxian had for the goddess of origin.


The mighty Guxian stayed in a daze, "The Goddess of Origin has passed away and it is impossible to turn around again. How can you save it?"

"How to save is not what you should care about. If you want her to live, don't delay time, and don't let others disturb me." Su Jin glanced at the mighty Guxian.

"Mighty ancient sage! Don't listen to him bewitched!" The Supreme God of Dafa Power hurriedly shouted.

Now, the mighty ancient sages are an indispensable force among them. If they flicker because of Su Jin's short words, their situation will be even more difficult!

"Say, how do you save it!" Mighty Guxian looked at Su Jin angrily, "Did you fool me!"

"I am not the world-honored person, is this reason enough?" Su Jin asked.

No one!

Although these three words are scary! Even the mighty Guxian hesitated, but even if it is not the world-zun, it is almost impossible to save the goddess of origin as before.

Seeing the mighty Guxian hesitate, Su Jin moved his mouth to pass the voice to the mighty Guxian!

The mighty Guxian took a step back and looked at Su Jin incredulously...

"Now, it is the most important thing to kill this world-honored one!" Suiyue Shizun took a step towards the mighty ancient sage.

"Don't come here!" Mighty Guxian raised the copper spoon in his hand, and pointed at Suiyue Shizun and others——

"Mighty ancient sage! Have you forgotten! We are together! We are here together to kill the world-honored one!" Dafa Shi Zhizun said anxiously.

"If you can't cut the world-honored person, naturally you should cut it! But I didn't let you kill my little Taoist aunt!" The mighty Guxian's eyes were round and his expression was extremely exaggerated, "Let him save! Who dares to stop, I kill him!"

Qiming God never expected that things would develop to this point. He sneered: "The Goddess of Origin, no one can save. He just wants to recover the body of the Goddess of Origin. If you really believe it, you will be laughed at by the world in the future. !"

"You can pull it down, Xiao Mingzi! You have the patience, you can kill people, then you can save them! You are quite capable, you are quite capable of your eternal skill, why is it useless to the Lord!"

The mighty ancient sage keeps revealing the scars of Qiming God——

This is the most terrible.

Sure enough, everyone knows the news that the eternal magic has failed against the world-famous!

"The invincible eternal magic, killing fate, is it useless to the world-honored... useless!" The monks of the Eastern Peak God Realm are now more shocked than any other God Realm cultivator——

"How could it be useless! Enlightened God, you don't want to scare us! This is not the world-honored, if there is no fate, who can kill him!" Someone was scared to cry by the words of the mighty ancients.

"This technique cuts fate and is invincible in the world. Since the ages, the power that has died under this technique is not lacking in existences that are like the unworldly sovereign! Now... tell me, this technique is useless for the unworldly sovereign?"

"It's in vain that we trust you, you Qiming God keeps saying that you want this emperor to be afraid and confident that you can kill him. It turns out that the eternal trick hasn't worked for so long, it's really useless!"

"If you can't kill the World-Honored One, he will kill us! You are so powerful and useless—"

"Oh my god, the eternal magic, even the unawakened world-zun can't be cut off. That magic fell on him, and he didn't even make a loud noise."

"What to do, what to do now?"

"You don't want to save the goddess of origin! Even Qiming God can't do it, but he claims to be sure, and he has won the trust of the mighty ancients!"

"How to save! I don't believe she can live like this!"


Seeing that the others did not retreat, the mighty Guxian hurriedly waved the "Bronze Spoon", and drove the Dafa Power Supreme God and others back hundreds of miles away--

"You can do it! If she doesn't live, I will fight you hard! Until she wakes up, I won't let anyone approach you!" Mighty Guxian promised!

"Mighty ancient sage! You are so confused!" The supreme **** of Dafa power is now burning with anger. This kind of lie that laughs off his teeth, the mighty ancient sage also believes?

"You know what a fart, you know--" The mighty Guxian didn't want to waste any more words, and the copper spoon stood up, even in a posture of one man and one man.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and finally calmed down for a while before he stepped to the front of the'Beacon Bone Platform', 100 meters away from the Beacon Bone Platform, and stopped!

Everyone looked at Su Jin with their gazes--


Under the starry sky, the void seemed to begin to tremble endlessly. There were countless stars high in the sky, and there were thousands of starry dragons intertwined with the heavens. For a moment, he bowed his head and looked at the ‘Beacon Bone Platform’!

The void above the beacon bone platform, like powder, continues to collapse, as an extremely magnificent temple vaguely manifests, and then becomes a state of'virtual virtual reality'. The movement caused during the period is simply beyond description. !

Collapsed, collapsed and collapsed once again. That extremely magnificent hall seemed to have its own majesty, constantly refreshing everyone's cognition——

"Chang, Longevity Palace..." Qiming God's face was shaken.

The ancient **** emperor and others who were far away in the black sea were all shocked!

Mo Hongyu, Xiao Suxian, Feng Guyi and Wang Qiang all covered their mouths, and they couldn't bear to see this scene.

Hall of Longevity, born for a woman! It will also be the first time, for a woman!

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