My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3491: Son of God, die!

The Hall of Longevity, the Hall of Longevity that all heavenly creatures yearn for!

This legendary existence was lost as early as the ancient times. It will appear in the Great Tribulation every time, and be buried in the Great Tribulation. It has not appeared a few times in total—

Now, not the Lord, use this longevity hall to save the goddess of origin!

is it possible?


"There are countless legends about the Hall of Longevity in ancient times, but no one has ever opened the Hall of Longevity, and no one has walked into it. This is not the world-honored person who is really against the sky -" The monk of the Eastern Peak God Realm was extremely astonished. Especially when this Hall of Longevity appeared, his face showed a look of incomparable yearning.

"Saving the goddess of origin, only if she is allowed to enter the Palace of Longevity, is there a slight possibility!"

"The Hall of Eternal Life, it is an ancient evil without the world-zun. He has only appeared for one life, and he can fight the sky, but at the same time it also brought catastrophes to the heavens. But at that time, he did not have the eternal magic, no longevity. temple--"

"Why did you not save an enemy? If the news I received is correct, this goddess of Origin came from the door of origin, why did he save this woman at the price of opening the Palace of Longevity?"

"Longevity, many great sages, ancient sages and others can be regarded as longevity. I really don't know the existence of this'Eternal Life Palace', what is the significance?"

"You can get everything you can't. It's rumored to be like this. It's a better place than any Buddhist and Taoist Paradise, the most beautiful paradise—"


The mighty Guxian, now looking forward to--

On the one hand, he was looking forward to him, but also to guard against people like Shizun Shizun, the Supreme God of Dafa Power, and the God of Eastern Qiming! Anyway, as long as the Origin Goddess enters the Hall of Longevity, he will be willing to be a sinner against God!

"It's really the Hall of Longevity!" Suiyue Shizun's breath was unstable, his eyes flushed a little, and he looked at the empty and floating temple above the'Beacon Bone Platform'.

"The means of not being the world-honored are far more than these. We look down on him too much." Dafa Power Supreme God also said.

"In any case, it must be killed here, otherwise none of us will be able to get out of here!" Dongfang Qiming said through the voice of God.

"He is a master of profound art, a supreme treasure of mysticism, and even a heavenly secret. How to kill the Wang Pintian bones? I just enlightened God's eternal art, if it works." Shenming Taoist sighed.

It’s okay not to mention it. When I mention it, the face of Dongfang Qiming's God is pulled down——

Undefeated, broken!

That's all, the key is that the longevity palace that Su Jin condensed now is really scary...

At this moment, the monks of the four great gods are all staring at the ‘Eternal Life Hall’!

If placed in normal times, this Hall of Eternal Life is now like an extremely mysterious ‘mirage’, but in the twinkling of light, there is a situation of virtual reality and reality——

Su Jin sat down in the void on the spot.

At this time, the Hall of Longevity, which had no idea how many layers of space had collapsed, began to radiate a marvelous light, and the speed of transition from virtual to reality gradually slowed down.

"It must be successful--" The mighty Guxian watched Su Jin raise his hand, and then the goddess of Origin floated on the'Beacon Bone Terrace'.

Su Jin's body trembled.

His immense power, including the power of the Nine Paths, when covered on the "Eternal Life Palace", can only slow down the speed of the transition from reality to reality, but it cannot make the "Eternal Life Palace" completely solidified!

No matter how hard Su Jin works, he can only say that he will do his best!

As for whether the Goddess of Origin can completely turn back, Su Jin is only 60% sure! Moreover, he didn't know what was in the Hall of Longevity, and whether there would be any accidents when the goddess of Origin went in—

Can't control it.

Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes, his three pupils opened together! The entire nine auras are all circled on the "Eternal Life Hall"! It's like an ultimate rainbow!

"It's horrible, this is the power of the Unworldly Lord!" In a different time and space, Musashi-sama now finds that he is a fart. He even wanted to deal with the Unworldly Lord before, and he simply enlightened him, and he realized the gap.

"This is only the nine powers of the night emperor, and has not yet used the great divine way of the world-honored." The ancient **** emperor said seriously.

"Yes, it is indeed the nine powers. If you look carefully, you will know how difficult it is for Ye Di to do this step now." Gui Zang reminded.

Observe carefully?

Xiao Suxian, Feng Guyi, Mo Hongyu and other women all looked intently--

The ‘Eternal Life Palace’ is slow in reality and reality, more than dozens of times slower than when it first came! Moreover, Su Jin's "Nine Auras" has a faint tendency to rotate counterclockwise, which shows that the pressure to stabilize the "Eternal Life Palace" is unimaginable!

"It's now!" Su Jin suddenly shouted!

Three pupils, turned into a crystal red color!

In the black world around, countless crystal red auras, like crystal red long silk, began to converge from all directions! Directly poured on the "Eternal Palace"!


The gate of the Hall of Eternal Life seems to be extremely far-reaching, as if it is an untouchable place. If it is not Su Jin at this moment, it is impossible for them to reach the level that they could not reach for countless years. !



The mighty ancient sages, the Eastern Enlightenment God, and many other great abilities, all looked at this scene incredible—

Even if it was an enemy, they wanted to see the scene inside the Hall of Longevity, but Su Jin used the "Great Divine Dao" to open it for the first time, but it failed!

That's right, it just shook the "Eternal Life Palace", but he didn't open it!

"What's going on?" Mighty Guxian couldn't help asking.

Su Jin didn't speak. This time he tried to open it, which had already consumed a lot of his energy, and to be honest, others didn't know that he was also starting it for the first time. Unsuccessful is expected.

The method of opening is definitely not my infusion with strength——

Su Jin now has a lot of madness in his heart, and even wants to go to the "Eternal Life Palace" personally and open the door with his own hands, but he knows that's not the case!

Things seem to be in a dilemma-

Now that the enemy is present, if Su Jin gives up, the Goddess of Origin will definitely die out and will never be saved, but if he does not give up, even if he successfully opens the Palace of Longevity and sends the Goddess of Origin into it, he... will also suffer a great loss of strength, temporarily Hard to recover!

"Look for a good opportunity." Dongfang Qiming's eyes flashed, and the voice was transmitted to Suiyue Shizun and Dafashi Supreme.

"Cheng also originated from goddess, and failure also originated from goddess. It depends on the choice of the world-zun." A cold and arrogant killing intent appeared on the face of Shizun Shizun——

It’s better for Ye Di’s existence against the heavens to die early, otherwise all the bright stars will be eclipsed in front of him, and judging from the injuries he just shook the'Eternal Palace', this is undoubtedly a good thing to kill him. opportunity!

"Why didn't it open?" A cultivator of God's Domain for a hundred generations was immediately puzzled.

"The Hall of Longevity is something that is not the world-honored thing, can't even he open the Hall of Longevity?"

"The Palace of Longevity seems to have descended in this dark world. In fact, the laws and rhymes contained in it are almost unknown. Just now, the Lord only shook the Hall of Longevity, and it was impossible to open the gate of the Hall of Longevity. ."

"The goddess, who reversed the origin of all living beings, just disappeared like this?"

"It seems that it is the first time that the world-zun has opened the Hall of Longevity. It is really crazy for him to do so, and he will save the goddess of the gate of origin regardless of the damage!"


How to do--

Su Jin slowly raised his arm, his golden sleeves wiped the blood flow from the corner of his mouth fiercely. His eyes were unblinking, observing the Hall of Longevity. His cognition of the Hall of Longevity only existed by himself. Killed the enemy, but that was it, he didn't have the experience of opening the Palace of Longevity.

There must be a way. for sure!

Su Jin closed his eyes again, and instantly covered the entire ‘Eternal Palace’ with the power of the primordial spirit——

In the end, how can we open this temple.


On top of Su Jin's head, his body of primordial spirit came out of his body and walked directly onto the ‘Beacon Bone Platform’! He directly hugged the Origin Goddess.

The body of the goddess of origin was still warm, and Su Jin could not feel any breath of her! But Su Jin knew that it was all because of the "origin fire" in her body!

"It's a monster!" Suiyue Shizun took a breath.

The soul, everyone knows that the soul can only be a circle of the soul, but the soul is in human form, which is rare in the world!

Yedi's primordial spirit, even in these four gods, couldn't find a existence that could rival him! This is equivalent to his fourth soul, it's really too strong--

"So what, if it is not the world-zun in the peak state, he may be able to open the Hall of Longevity, but now he is not awakened, and it is still early to open the Hall of Longevity." Dongfang Qiming God is very comfortable now, knowing that Su Jin is no matter what. It is impossible to save the goddess of origin.

"He wanted to use the body of the soul to walk to the gate of the longevity hall! Open the palace of longevity with the body of the soul? Is this way too risky? If you are not careful, the body of the soul will Torn into pieces--" asked the Supreme God of Dafa Shi.

"It's better to be torn apart!" Dongfang Qiming God laughed.

Soon after Dongfang Qiming God laughed...

In the darkness, a red-faced young man was looking at Su Jin frantically!

"No World Honored!"

A touch of swordsman suddenly appeared near Su Jin's deity. The red-faced young man was fierce and mighty. In just three breaths, his strength once again increased by a level!

"Long Chutian! Do you dare--" Dongfang Qiming's eyes were blank, and the suffocating heartache came out in his heart for an instant.

Now it is the son of God Dongfang Qiming who is taking action against the world-zun! Long Chutian! That guy who was nearly half disabled by Xiao Shenxiu not long ago!

Now Long Chutian is in a very strange situation! His injury is just like what Xiao Shenxiu said, he can recover in half a day, but at this moment, he is far from the strength of his cultivation level half a day ago!

"Butian Pill? Daozi took Butian Pill!" Suiyue Shizun was shocked.

"Ding--" Su Jin spoke silently with the body of the original spirit, finally holding the goddess of origin, and started walking towards the "Eternal Life Hall" above.

Long Chutian only felt that his body was frozen by time and space, no matter how his own thinking drives him, he can hardly move any more! His sword rainbow, which can smash everything, can touch the body of the world-honored one with only a single loss!


The nebula rolled, and the dark void under the stars suddenly took a complete mountain-like sky arm! On that day, the arm was like a mountain range descending from nine heavens, with six fingers breaking all laws, and when the booming voice dared to appear, this heaven arm took a photograph!

Fast, fast!

Long Chutian was directly scratched by these six-fingered sky arms, and he fell to the ground in a **** rain, and he was unformed!

Dongfang Qiming, God, just stayed on the spot...

The mighty Guxian knew that something was wrong, and he was a bit quicker just now. After all, it is impossible to give people many opportunities to resist with the cultivation base of the world-honored person, but he can definitely carry it down with his ancient sage's ability!

But even so, the mighty Guxian also felt that he shouldn't get ahead by himself, after all, Long Chutian's Laozi, Qiming God did not take this blow for his son!

Scalp tingling——

The time-honored first and the supreme **** of Dafa momentum are all staring round eyes!

The world is silent!

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