My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3493: Gate of Eternal Life

A weird cloud hung over the foreheads of countless people——

Not to mention a pretty young girl, even if she is not the world-honored person, she can't get a slap in the face of the Eastern Enlightened God, and this situation is very rare, as if there is an unknown existence, so strong that it hits the face of the Enlightened God. on.

"You--" Dongfang Qiming God, staring closely at Xiao Duoyan, his body is still trembling now, and he can't even guard against that slap in the face.

That palm seems very dreamy, appearing from nothingness.

"Who!" The **** Taoist suddenly hovered a shimmering gossip in his hand. He pinched and calculated with his ten fingers, and finally the gossip mirror in his palm directly shone on the golden road.

That is, Xiao Duoyan is not far away-

Vaguely, a very simple old stone man appeared shrunkenly. His expression was scared, as if he couldn't see the light, and he didn't dare to look at other people's faces.

The mighty Guxian looked at the old stone man in shock...

This old stone man definitely does not exist in any of the four gods. Judging from the situation in this peerless immortal burial, countless stone man steles, this old stone man belongs here!

The key is naturally not this... but he is still alive?

How could it be alive! An old stone man, from the beginning of the establishment of Peerless Immortal Burial, has been living until now?

"She is too pitiful, her parents are gone, don't...don't make her embarrassing..." Old Stoneman said in a fearful voice, as if he had no confidence.


It's weird!

No one dares to look down upon such an existence——

Even the noble and enlightened God of the East, the mighty ancient sages and others, know who slapped that slap just now!

"Who is the predecessor?" The mighty Guxian walked honestly, saluted, and asked the old stone man.

"I, I was wrong, I shouldn't hit you, I..." Lao Shiren wiped his tears with his sleeve, dragged Xiao Duoyan aside in one step, looked at the Dongfang Qiming God, and kept bowing his head in pleading.

The God of Dongfang Qiming was first smashed in the face by an egg, and now he was slapped in the face by the old immortal. It can be said that he has lost his majesty!

What if you don't breathe?

"I care who you are! One forever! Cut fate...the road to fate! Open!" Qiming God is now as crazy as he is going to declare the death of this old stone man.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" The old stone man hugged his head, knelt down, curled up on the edge of the Golden Light Avenue, afraid to look at the Dongfang Qiming God——

Dongfang Qiming God’s crazy expression gradually became serious...

Finally, his face was ashen!

This strange old stone man, the scene that appeared after the road of fate was opened by the Eastern Qiming God, made Qiming God at a loss!

Eternal magic, cut fate! Enlightened God's Taoist rhyme of this eternal art has turned into a number of phantoms that he doesn't know, and he can't even enter the fateful path of the old stone man!

Slightly approaching, he was bounced away and shattered!

This is even more obvious than when it was used against Ye Di! Too much!

The entire dark world, the people of the four great gods, were all in an uproar—

The mysterious old stone man, the road of fate begins to close forcibly! Don't give any face to the Qiming God, this is the second strong man today who makes the Qiming God's eternal trick to fail!

"It's shameful..." The monk of the Order God Realm already wanted to hide his face, and couldn't bear to look at the Eastern Enlightened God.

"Eastern Qiming God, the great name of the world, is completely destroyed today! Who is this old stone man? Why is he afraid of seeing strangers with his invincible posture?"

"God Qiming, can't control the fate of not being the world-honored person. Now there is another old stone man! And the slap just now was the old stone man who slapped him. Is he pretending to be crazy or acting stupid? , Do we need to beg Qiming God for mercy?"

"You Eastern God's Domain, if you don't do it this time, you will lose the title of the Peak God's Domain! An eternal technique, in a day, it fails on two people! It is not an invincible technique!

"It's an eternal skill that can kill the ancient sage, but he can't even enter the fateful path of the old stone man. This face is so embarrassing—"


The voices converge into a sea, and the East Qiming God hears it, it is not a taste!

impossible! Dongfang Qiming God would rather this be a dream!

Immediately, Dongfang Qiming, as if God did not believe in evil, pointed at the curled up and trembling old stone man, blushing and shouting: "The road to fate! Let's open it again!"

"Open again!"

"Open again!"

Fortunately, for the first time, the old stone man's fate has been opened, but after a series of shouts, Qiming God's heart is on the verge of collapse! !

The old stone man's path to fate, he can no longer shake, he can't even manifest himself!

"I killed you!" Dongfang Qiming God is now embarrassed, where he is willing, rushes directly to the old stone man——

The old stone man stood up trembling, shivering and said: "Don't... don't hit the child——"

The **** of Dongfang Qiming was so angry that he burned the gods of the ancient sage, like a shooting star, kicked the old stone man with one foot!

Enlightened God in this state, how much strength has skyrocketed! This foot, even the mighty ancient sage, the body of the God of Cookery, will have to be kicked and broken!


The feet of Qiming God hadn't touched the old stone man, the whole person seemed to be resisted by a transparent light, and the whole person was violently shaken out and fell extremely far!

The mighty Guxian was stunned.

Just now, the mighty ancient sage can see clearly that the old stone man has not made any movements at all, but the surface of the stone man’s body is actually suspended in layers of mysterious Taoism, even without any hands, the **** of enlightenment is shaken out. .

Now, a word suddenly burst into the mind of the mighty Guxian...

Peerless fairy burial!

Regarding the "Peerless Immortal Burial", it was spread in the dark world. At first it was spread in a different time and space. The mighty Guxian has never believed it. Now... he really believes it a little bit.

Dongfang Qiming God, almost embarrassed to want to commit suicide!

"God Qiming! You...your face..." Suiyue Shizun looked dumbfounded, and raised his finger at Dongfang Qiming God, as if seeing an incredible scene.

After the mighty Guxian heard it, he looked over—


Even if it was a mighty ancient sage, he couldn't help but step back! Was scared by the situation of Dongfang Qiming God!

The slap and blood mark that was originally on the face of Qiming God started to turn blue. It was still an abnormal blue, with a faint patina color——

"My face, what's wrong with mine——" Qiming God got up. He saw his leg from the first point of view. The leg that had just kicked towards the old stone man was growing a very old one. Green spots!

Countless monks are shocked!

Su Jin, standing outside the gate of "Eternal Life Palace" with the body of the soul, holding the goddess of origin, paid attention to this scene.

Su Jin has always valued the old stone man very much. He thought that the other party was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong!

"No, it's okay, it's fine if you get out of here..." The old stone man shook his hand quickly, as if he was blaming himself for something wrong.

"Senior is the Bronze Emperor?" Su Jin asked the old stone man outside the Hall of Longevity.

Bronze Emperor?

In addition, Su Jin couldn't guess who the old stone man could be!

"I can't, I can't offend the Emperor of Heaven -" The old stone man shook his head again and again, and finally bowed down on the Golden Light Avenue, and bowed to the **** city under the distant wall of buried corpses.

The mighty ancient sages, the Shizun Shizun, including the Supreme God of Dafa Shi, everyone was shocked when they heard the four words "Bronze Heavenly Emperor"!

Throughout the ages, even if it is not the Lord, it has not opened up its own era!

But there was once a person whose fame was all over the world! Only he, with his own power, opened up an era that belongs to himself, and even in the heavens!

The Bronze Age

The mighty Guxian is not sure if this old stone man is or not, but the cow is a real cow. He is a magnificent Guxian, he is already a first-class powerhouse, but now, in front of the old stone man, he finds himself even No fart!

"Since the old man refused to admit it, why did he follow me all the way to this point?" Su Jin asked again.

"You kid... tell you to run south, south... there is a way to survive in the south, you just don't listen to it--" the old stone man said in terror, "Don't go north anymore. I passed the Black Sea and disturbed the tomb. That person, none of them will survive here."

Su Jin's heart shuddered.

After a little silence, Su Jin stopped asking, just put the goddess of Origin in front of the gate of the "Eternal Life Palace", and finally took a deep breath. He knew that there was not much time to open the Eternal Life Palace!

Now if you want to open this ‘Eternal Life Palace’, there’s one of the easiest ways! It is to open it in a brutal way!

In a short while, Su Jin wants to reach the peak of the power of the Nine Dao, so that Daoxia of the Nine Dao Aura can completely envelop the entire "Eternal Palace"! If the expectation is good, the Palace of Longevity will be realized and stabilized for a period of time, but how long it will last, he cannot predict!

This is the first step!

In the second step, an extremely large force is required to open the door of the palace——

Su Jin must use the great divine way of ‘not the world’s honor’ to pull, this is the key to success! However, in this second step, he is still a little emboldened. If his great divine way is completely awakened, with his peak power of unworldly respect, it would be a dream to enter the Palace of Longevity!

It's a pity, it's a pity to achieve that level, it's too far away! And it's not practical!

Of course, Su Jin will try anyway!


The Nine Dao, like a circle of rainbows, began to burst out extremely dazzling brilliance around the "Eternal Palace". Su Jin's pressure suddenly increased, and his power was like a big river bursting its bank, and it poured out crazy!

not enough!

not enough!

Su Jin didn't know if his face was distorted, but his nine ways at the moment already had a hundred or two of his usual performance!

After ten breaths, Su Jin dizzyly watched the Palace of Longevity gradually solidify, no longer changing from virtual to real--

to make! The first step is done!

Su Jin was very excited, even though he was soaked, there was still hope in his heart! Although this level of difficulty is ten times more difficult than he previously expected!

"Great Shinto!"

Su Jin opened his three eyes, and the crystal red'Great Divine Dao' divine power was grabbed by him from all directions in an instant. Then his body skyrocketed and his whole body turned into glazed gold. This is his golden body of King Buddha!

In a blink of an eye, Su Jin looked at the golden ring of the palace gate that was as high as a mountain, and grabbed his hands directly!


With both golden body and arms, he couldn't grasp the knocker!

Su Jin roared violently, his arms turned into crystal red colors, that was...the sky arm!

He didn't believe it, and he used his heavenly arms with the power of the world-honored! Can't open this longevity palace!

Eternal Palace! The dream of countless creatures!

Eternal Palace! The hope that the goddess of origin will come alive!

Su Jin's head, heart, feet, and three circles of crystal red brilliance, as if each represents the sky, the earth, and the space. He has exhausted all his strength and wants to use Blessed One's "Great Shinto"! Open the door of longevity!

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