My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3494: Catch heaven!

Thousands of people, attention!

The crystal red power of "Great Divine Dao" is becoming more and more condensed in Su Jin, especially the two crystal red sky arms, which are even more shining!

Can you open the Hall of Eternal Life without the Lord Yedi?

"Ah--" Su Jin felt unshakable first, he exhausted everything, and the instant burst was enough to make people stunned!


But why not?

Su Jin lost his calmness, perhaps as long as he resorted to the Great Divine Dao, that kind of crazy mood would infect him at all times. He had always been calm, but at this time there was a touch of anxiety in his heart!


"Eternal Life Palace" was trembling, and Su Jin felt that this Palace of Eternal Life was so heavy that it seemed to be pulling a star! It's too heavy, just like a mortal kicking one foot on a steel plate, trying to use his arms to compete against a mountain.

There must be something wrong.

The Palace of Longevity is originally Su Jin’s thing. It is absolutely impossible to open it so hard. Su Jin rarely keeps a trace of clarity in delusion and anxiety——

Soon, Su Jin looked like a blessed soul, suddenly raised his head, looking at the twinkling stars in the sky!

The stars above this piece of "Peerless Immortal Burial", the starry sky wandering dragons, those dragons that shuttle among the stars and condensed from the ultimate heaven, gave him a chance!

Su Jin understands, it's not that the Palace of Longevity is difficult to open!

It's because of not enough cultivation, and the Tao can't do it! If he is the "no world-zun" in a fully awakened state, opening the door of this "Eternal Life Hall" is no less than the door of Xinbujia!

Strength, Su Jin needs strength now!

"God! Come over to me!" Su Jin yelled up to the sky, his long black hair suddenly spread out behind his shoulders, raising the void behind him!

Now, the dragon of heaven, he wants to take it too!

Catch, the dragon of heaven and stars!

The crystal red power radiated from the Great Divine Dao is like a trawl net that is completely empty, and directly imprisoned the hundreds of divine dragons intertwined with that day!

Crystal red chain, layered on top of each other, wrapped around the dragon body——

At this moment, no one would have thought that this world-zun would be so mad!

"The dragon in the starry sky formed by the intertwining of heaven and Dao, like me, can't touch it at all! This emperor of the night is hunting the dragon!" The monk in the Eastern Peak God's Domain said with a pale face in disbelief.

"Those who do not belong to the real dragon, but are far more terrible than the real dragon. Heaven, the evil youth said before, even the mighty ancient sages and enlightened gods, their perceptions of the heavens are still staggering like babies. Toddler time!"

"People in the world often say that the way of heaven is viewed, this way of heaven... can it still be captured?"

"Not the world-honored, not the world-honored is really terrible. Now his Taoist body is being protected by the old stone man. As long as the weird old stone man does not leave, Enlighten God and they cannot kill him!"

"The dragon that is intertwined with the heavens is not the dragon's might, but... the heaven's might!"

"This way of catching the Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that it will be a great taboo of the Heavenly Dao. Isn't this really not afraid of anything in the world's heart?"



Su Jin knows he has this ability now!

Before looking at it, it was far from being so majestic and intertwined in other places! And his "Sudden Heaven Sutra", coupled with the power of the world-zun's ‘Great God’s Way’, absolutely captures everything! Even if this is here, you must surrender!


The hundreds of Dragons of Heaven, struggling constantly in the chains of the crystal red god, kept whimpering and howling!




The crystal red chains are extremely bright and colorful. They have passed through one dragon after another, and even in the depths beyond the reach of everyone's eyes, there are chains piercing the deep space, and they have caught one after another incomparably ferocious dragons of heaven!

Article 999-

With the power of Su Jin Yuanshen, he wandered into the emptiness in an instant, and here, only so many dragons of heaven could be found!


not enough!


"Eternal Life Palace"! In the aura of immortality encircled by the longevity hall, a'life monument' suddenly skyrocketed. The'tree of enlightenment' rooted on it, the silver-green book leaves, instantly covered the sky, and every silver-green leaf was rushing. The clamor, release endless insights!


Among the densely packed stars, the stars are shining, and when faintly, one after another, the dragons of the heavens are condensed again, and they are sucking the extremely rich traces of enlightenment!

nine hundred ninety-nine--

Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

The magnificent scene is rare in the world! The dragon of heaven, constantly swallowing the scars from the tree of enlightenment, finally reached a terrifying number of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!


Countless people turned pale, feeling that their own avenues were all being crushed severely, and they did not dare to gush out even a trace of power under the might of that heavenly way——

Long Xiao, the sound of heaven and earth!

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons of heaven, going hand in hand, is the limit!

Su Jin doesn’t know if he can withstand such a large force, but it should be fine if he thinks about it. His arms, after all, turned into heavenly arms. With the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine heavenly dragons holding them, they should be enough. Up!

Vast, stunning!

There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine heavenly dragons, each of which is unstoppable. This frightening scene has actually appeared!

The sky of the starry sky was shattered by nearly ten thousand heavenly dragons, splitting one piece after another, and those intertwined heavenly lightnings circulated between each heavenly dragon!



Su Jin was crazy, without hesitation at all!

The gate of the Hall of Eternal Life is slowly moving away, that's right! It's going to open soon!

However, outside of such a huge "Eternal Life Palace", many people just saw a blur of brilliance appear! But in an instant, Su Jin split up a shadow avatar and sent the goddess of origin in——


Longevity Hall, close again!

Su Jin Yuan Shen body walked into the Dao body of the deity, the tree of enlightenment suddenly disappeared, and the heavenly dragons began to wander away!

The goddess of origin, became the first person to enter the Palace of Longevity! The world is in an uproar!

Dongfang Qiming God is now extremely aggrieved. He is now infected with an unknown curse. Although there is no bad feeling, the patina on his face seems to be spreading——

"The enemy of murder is not shared! No one! You dare to really fight with me!" Dongfang Qiming God stared at Su Jin and shouted.

Su Jin opened his eyes and stood up directly! Now that the Goddess of Origin was sent to the "Eternal Life Palace" by him, he naturally had no worries about the future. Even if he stood up without hesitation, he said softly, "Why not dare!"

"Even if I burn the ancient sage's body today, I will kill you!" Dongfang Qiming God stepped forward.

"You can't do it!"

Su Jin's eyes burst out with a strong light, and also greeted the past——

The mighty Guxian hesitated a little. He didn't know which side to stand on now, but seeing that the world-honored God enlightened him, he was relieved, and he couldn't deal with that Xiaoming anyway.

You know, the mighty ancient sage of the body of the God of Cookery, facing the enlightened God who burns the ancient sage's divine will, will be beaten to death, and he does not need his eternal trick!

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