My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3495: It's impossible!

"You see if I can do it!"

As soon as Qiming God raised his right arm, he firmly grasped his left arm and tugged, Gu Xian's left arm directly turned into a strong ancient sage fire!

A circle of weird halos directly enveloped Qiming God. He swore to the death to kill Ye Di. Now he has no thoughts about saving Long Chutian! That longevity palace is hard to open!

If this is the case, let this not be the Lord... to pay for his life!

The mighty ancient sage trembled and trembling, the body of the ancient sage, even a single hair, is precious to the ancient sage, this little Mingzi really has the determination to kill the emperor!


Under the peculiar halo, behind the God of Enlightenment, there seemed to be a glitzy world after another. In that halo world, the stars seemed to be lit up inexplicably, and they were burning!

Many people are not optimistic about Su Jin based on his momentum alone!

The Eastern Qiming God burned the left arm of the ancient sages, and the power has surpassed all the ancient sages present, and even the mighty ancient sages together are not as powerful as the Qiming God!

Su Jin's body seemed to be undulating in a sea of ​​anger, and his feet seemed to be moved by an uncontrollable violent wind and waves, and his body was a little unsteady even to stand!

"Okay! Really relieve your breath!" Suiyue Shizun's eyes were brilliant, he didn't believe it, he didn't believe that Ye Emperor, in this case, can still compete with the Dongfang Qiming God!

"The price of not beheading the world is too great." The Supreme God of Dafa Power also sighed.

"The price is a bit higher, but it can be regarded as eliminating a threat -" Shenming Taoist also said.

Not only did the years begin to respect them with excitement, when the Eastern Enlightenment God was on the rise, the cultivators of the Eastern Divine Region were all in joy!

"No one should underestimate our Enlightened God!" said many monks in the Eastern Gods Region.

"The true ancient sage is so powerful that he is willing to even one arm... it is not a miscalculation for the world-honored person. At this level, he is far from being compared with the Qiming God."

"As expected to be the Lord of the Peak Divine Realm, under the successive blows, he truly made the determination to kill the World Venerable. That's good, it preserves the reputation and also protects the Peak Divine Realm from falling into the altar!"

"Look at that Emperor Ye, he couldn't even stand still! Could it be that he was injured just now and lost most of his strength? How could it be so bad?"

"How does he compare with Qiming God! He is just a preliminary awakening, and we Qiming God, but we have ruled the Eastern Gods for countless years, and have stood firm at the peak of Gods for many years!"

"My son died, he was cursed, the undefeated eternal trick, he was broken twice in a row, it really hit him hard, but is it really easy to kill him if he isn't?"


Many people still have questions-


The sad and Qiang movement, from weak to strong, seems to be playing the most powerful battle song for the Qiming God! That sound wave is turning into an imaginary tide, pouring into the "halo" behind the Eastern Qiming God!


Enlighten the power of God, soar one more point!

The Chaosheng Banshee, with the original mysterious technique, blessed the enlightened God in this state! And so far, the only one who helps enlighten God!

"It's so shameless!" The ancient **** emperor yelled.

"I just enlightened God, and I was afraid that the old stone man would help Ye Di, but now I let the tide sound banshee bless him..." Gui Zang also had an incredible expression.

Ordinarily, for fairness, it shouldn’t be like this—

"Guxian burns his left arm, the effect of combat power will last for a long time, can Ye Di last until that time?" Feng Gu asked with a nervous expression.

"How to support this? Even if the Chaosheng Banshee doesn't bless the Qiming God, this Qiming God has a 90% chance of winning!" The ancient **** emperor said with iron.

"So high?" Gui Qing looked at the ancient **** emperor with some surprise.

"Emperor Ye just consumed too much, plus he was injured originally, that is, he can still stand in the Qiming God's aura, and when we are in it, he will be crushed into powder in an instant." Teeth itchy with anger.

Gui Zang nodded with deep approval, agreeing with what the ancient **** emperor said.

Su Jin turned his face slightly, looking at a cloud on the black sea, his expression was stern, and he didn't say no...

"That's all?" Su Jin turned his face back, and asked God Qiming coldly.

"How can you...?" Qiming God responded.

Su Jin chose not to reply to the other party. He raised his arm and said lightly: "Aotian! Open!"

The sky above your head, a circle of blue ink light, opens instantly! The dark ink color in it is like an infinite and lonely unmanned world, making people unable to perceive how deep it is!


Su Jin put his right arm horizontally in front of him, and a slightly prosperous stone axe, suddenly gathered countless blue ink streamers, directly displayed in everyone's eyes——

The stone axe has a hole in it, and there is a tear of seal in it!

"Tears of honoring! It turned out to be tears of honoring!" Qiming God was obviously taken aback. Upon closer inspection, there was a vaguely sealed statue in the tears. It was a Taoist shadow, showing a kneeling posture!

Su Jin stepped towards the sky, his indifferent voice spread all over the world: "Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, show it to me!"

"No! This is... the power of the ancient emperor of the starry sky!" Suiyue Shizun shouted bad things!

Before waiting for the years, Shizun was surprised!

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, instantly manifested in the boom!

The Eastern Qiming God also woke up in the sluggishness, madly burning the ancient sage's divine will, and even blessed the effect of burning the ancient sage's left arm to the maximum!

At that moment, the sky seemed to collapse--

There are ninety-nine floors in the quiet starry sky, layer upon layer, extremely eye-catching!




Su Jin didn't say anything to the other party at all, the tears of honor embedded in the Ootian Divine Martial erupted with incredible brilliance! In an instant, the ninety-nine to the quiet starry sky began to grind towards the east Qiming God from top to bottom!

"The First Time of the Years! The Supreme God of Dafa Power! The Chaosheng Banshee! Help me!"

As he spoke, Dongfang Qiming God had already felt the terrifying pressure. He did not expect that only the Dao Ying who was sealed in the "Tears of the Venerable" could threaten him so much!

But he didn't count another problem! Although the ancient emperor of the starry sky and Zhiyou Xingchentian are strong, the Aotian Shenwu is dominant! Yedi’s Aotian King Bone is the real reason for the pressure on him!

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, under the pressure of the Aotian King Bone, Shenwu, Senluo Plane, and the ancient emperor of the starry sky, how could he not let this Eastern Qiming God be afraid!

Dongfang Qiming God still has the body of the ancient sage to burn, but this is too costly, he has already lost a left arm, and if he burns, he will not be able to withstand this loss!


Su Jin stood on the ninety-ninth floor to the quiet starry sky, like a majestic God of War, invincible!

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