My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3496: The tide

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian's pressure is too strong, so strong that people want to worship!

Even if the ancient **** emperor and others were in Lost Sea, they had seen the ‘Xingkong’s ancient emperor’ perform this technique, it seemed that they were not tyrannical when the Ye Emperor performed it now!

When you are fighting, why be afraid of a battle!

What about the Peak God Realm! Cut down its master first, then destroy its domain!

No one can imagine the pressure of the East Qiming God! His ancient sage **** bones seemed to have endured the oppression of hundreds of millions of heavens, and he also knew that he was far from being comparable to the ‘Starry Sky Ancient Emperor’——

Even if...just a Taoist shadow sealed in the "Tears of the Venerable".

In an instant, Shi Zun, the Supreme God of Dafa Power, felt bad!

"Shoot!" Suiyue Shizun made a decision immediately!

He knew that the ninety-nine to the quiet starry sky could not be completely descended, otherwise even if it was the Enlightened God, he would have to pay the price of being close to fall!

The current enlightened God needs others to share the pressure for him——

Although... Although this will fall into the limelight and be discussed behind the scenes, it is better than perish!

"No World Honored! I have a moment of withering and old age, and a moment of spring art! I wonder if you can take it!"

The years of Shizun's words did not end, "This is the'Kurong Road' that I have built all my life!"

The wind direction has changed confusing and confusing throughout the battlefield——

Su Jin glanced at the ancestors of the years. The way this man built is nothing more than taking the years as the foundation, plus the perception of life, among the three thousand avenues, it can be regarded as the superior avenue!

Seeing Su Jin not speaking, Sui Yue Shizun nodded at him, raised his hand, and enticed Fengyue. The trajectory of the road like a stream of water began to gather in front of him——

The trajectory of the Kurong Avenue turned out to be a Dao map based on the Dao, half thriving, and half dark and invisible. This map seems to represent the ultimate comprehension of the years and years of Shizun!

"With such a simple understanding, dare to be ashamed?" Su Jin said lightly.


Shizun's old face can't be hung up anymore--

What he had realized throughout his life was that he was judged by people as ‘simple’!

"Too rampant! Among the several great abilities, Shizun Shizun is inferior to the Eastern Qiming God, and even slightly weaker than the mighty ancient sages, but he is still the third strongest here, and Ye Di even commented on him!" Many people fight the injustice for the time.

"Although it's crazy, but Qiming God did this... it's a bit unreasonable. He said before that he was going to fight the Ye Emperor dignifiedly, obviously because he was afraid that the old stone man would help the Lord Ye Emperor. Why now... …Now you are going to join forces with Seiyue Shizun and the others?"

"Just force it, what's the point?"

"Eastern Gods Realm, didn't it mean that you walked to the Peak Gods Realm shamelessly back then?" The monk of the Order God Realm said, directly causing many cultivators of the Oriental Gods Realm to stare at each other.

"There are already two invincible powerhouses here. One is the evil young man who initially pretended to be unworldly, and the second is the old stone man. Just now, the old stone man was not allowed to go north in the Black Sea. There...there is probably still buried there. There are unimaginable existence."

"Dafa, the supreme god, also sacrificed means! Wouldn't the world-honor be as shameless as the Qiming God and let the old stone man take action?"

"No, he is arrogant and arrogant, and he will never--"


Suiyue Shizun's face is red now, and he can't speak at all!

Su Jin used practical actions to prove how simple the "Kurong Dao" he built!

In the void, there was a ‘space-time grinding disc’ condensed, Su Jin took a shot on the time-space grinding disc, and the whole time-space grinding disc directly accelerated the speed of its rotation, and began to suppress Shizun of those years!

The supreme **** of Dafa momentum, offering a scarlet treasure wheel, that treasure wheel seems to be contaminated with evil spirits, actually condensing a ghost head with teeth and claws in the center of the treasure wheel!

" are so amazing--" The Supreme God of Dafa Power is already wounded, and now that scarlet wheel, cutting the void, is actually unwilling to approach Su Jin's body!

This is not the world-honored person, could it be that all laws do not touch the body?

Dafa is the supreme god, so depressed!

Years Shizun is full of strength, constantly skyrocketing, using his own "Road of Withered Rong" to fight against Yedi's "Time and Space Mill"!

He knows himself hard!

Years Shizun finally understood why Su Jin wanted to say that his great path was simple! This "Time and Space Mill" already represents everything!

Time and space, time, and even seem to faintly contain an understanding of the way of heaven! It's all in this time-space mill. When Shiyue Shizun is suppressed under the time-space mill, time seems to be passing temporarily, and his Taoist body seems to start to rotate with the millstone!

"That's not possible!" Suiyue Shizun was anxious, and he couldn't see people everywhere. As the'Time and Space Mill Disk' was spinning faster, he saw that there was a space and time storm in the center of the Mill Disk, which was spiraling into a tornado. Going down, he will be involved sooner or later, and he will step into the eternal distance if he does not die, it is difficult to come back!

Too ruthless!

Fortunately, Shizun Shizun was only fortunate that although no one could be seen everywhere, he could still feel the aura outside of the time-space mill. He crazily transmitted to the'Tide Sound Banshee' and asked him to use the tide voice rhyme to guide him. Out a way

One enemy three!

Su Jin used "Ninety-nine to You Xing Chen Tian" to directly shoot the Qiming God on the earth!

The ground is sinking!

" can actually push me to such a point, I swear to kill you!" Qiming God's voice is full of unparalleled madness——

His aura continues to skyrocket!


three times!

Five times!

boom! boom! boom!

From ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, the fifty-third heaven was broken in an instant! Still shattering! The earth is being shaken, the void is collapsing, and the galaxy is dimming!

When only reaching a scorching human-shaped torch, when standing up from the ground, many people looked pale and found that... this person... is the God of Enlightenment!

"God of Qiming burned the ancient sage!" Someone was suppressed by the terrifying coercion to the point of being unspeakable. Seeing the God of Qiming, he just wanted to turn around and escape!

"Eastern Qiming God! He does not hesitate to burn the entire ancient sage's body, but also kills the night emperor! Just just one ancient sage's left arm, he is already tyrannical, and now he burns the complete ancient sage's body, the ancient sage's road, he... Now... I'm afraid I can fight that old stone man!"

"It's a pity that Su Jin's stone axe is embedded in only a Taoist shadow, the Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor of the starry sky! That kind of existence has long since disappeared. A Taoist shadow, plus the night emperor, cannot defeat the Enlightened God in this state."

"The price of burning the ancient sage body is complete demise! The Eastern Gods Realm will be plunged into turmoil from now on, and may even fall into the Peak Gods Realm——"

"Look! The millstone filled with the rhyme of time and space is trapping Shizun Shizun, and Shizun Shizun is dragging into the storm of time and space step by step!"


At this moment, the Chaosheng Banshee seemed to sing--

Her voice is full of magnetism and beauty, this is her first time singing! The previous tidal vocal music chapter is just her original avenue, which caters to the instinctive sound of the Black Sea!


The deafening waves, from the black sea in the distance, are suddenly too high!

Ten meters, 100 meters, kilometers!

The last 100,000 meters of monstrous waves seemed to roll in mighty under the starry sky!

This Chaosheng Banshee finally demonstrated her ferocity, using a monstrous power that is not weaker than the mighty ancient sages and other strong men!

"It's over--" The old stone man shivered, yes, he looked at the direction of the black sea with fear on his face!

"Grandpa, what's that over the sea?" Xiao Duoyan asked timidly, hiding behind Lao Shiren.

"It's the biggest secret in this celestial burial. There is... a life restricted zone——"


It's too late to say, then soon!

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, the last heaven, was directly shattered by Qiming God!

This is the ultimate power to burn the ancient sage! It's daunting!

The ancient sage fire that enlightened God was hurt, and its power is undiminished! Still burning!

"Death—" Qiming God's obscure face, with a speed that has never been reached, hit Su Jin with a punch!

Su Jin felt that time and space were flowing backwards, he smashed an unknown number of layers of void, and finally stopped, stopped!

The tossing blood came out directly, and the disheveled him was equally crazy!

"Qiming God is like this! The mighty ancient sage, why is it still unclear! Anyway...Anyway, the goddess of Origin has already entered the Hall of Longevity, you should kill him now!" The Dafa Power Supreme God yelled and looked at the mighty ancient sage.

"Little Daogu was sent in, but when Ye Di dies, who will drive! When will she come out again!" Mighty Guxian hesitated--

He can naturally see that this time is the best time to kill the world-honored...

"God Qiming has burned the ancient sage's body in order to fight against the world-honored one! You...If you don't want to leave an eternal infamy, just stay here!" Dafa Sovereign has a great air.

The mighty ancient sage felt a chill in his heart——

Now that Shizun Shizun is trapped in the ‘Time and Space Grinding Disk’, the Chaosong Banshee has completely erupted, and the life of Qiming God has entered the countdown! He... what should he do?

The key to the mighty Guxian is not sure yet, could he really kill the world-honored person if he really makes a move?

Look at the world-zun Yedi, but still looks like a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. Under the devastating blow of the enlightened God just now, he has not been bombarded!

Gradually, the mighty Guxian trembled fiercely all over——

Su Jin... Su Jin's state seemed to be a different person, and his whole body was filled with endless killing intent, and that killing intent was almost condensed!

"The look in Ye Di's eyes is so terrible--" From a distance, Feng Gu glanced at that look, his whole body was chilly!

"We still need to retreat a little bit further!" The ancient **** emperor took a deep breath, "otherwise we will be affected by the "Tide of the Sky" of the Chaosheng Banshee!"

"Emperor Ye is injured... he was injured by the Qiming God who burned the ancient sage's body, can he survive?" Xiao Suxian said anxiously.

"Look at his feet... he... he actually!" Mo Hongyu's face faded in an instant, she knew that Su Jin would be desperate now! However, how can one person have a chance of winning against digital tycoons!

Su Jin's feet...

Countless people saw the creepy scene!

Su Jin's body is showing a crystal red light from the inside to the outside! Under his feet, one star after another is manifesting! In a blink of an eye, there are already ten connected in a straight line, and an ancient road of ten stars in a starry sky appeared!

Ten stars in a row!

Su Jin's long hair was scattered, rendering the crystal red. He didn't plan to use it to form a giant anymore. He had to personally use the body of a'non-worldly honored' to bear the coercion of the peerless stars and step through this ancient starry sky. road!


Three steps!

At five steps, Su Jin's body couldn't help shaking, and the sound of crystal cracking appeared! This kind of voice makes people even suspect that his Taoism may collapse at any time!

The sound was extremely crisp, even the black waves that were 100,000 meters high could not hide it!


The sixth step! The "Tide of the Sky" that the Chaosheng Banshee uses through the black sea! Retreat!

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