My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3497: Town kill!

The 100,000-meter-high tide of the sky can no longer approach, and it is even retreating on the same road!

Above the black tide--

The tidal banshee in the cloud seemed to panic, and there was a little more inconceivable in her contemplative eyes.

Dafa is the supreme god, the first time, and the enlightened god! Su Jin has already attacked three by one, and now she breaks her magic of the banshee of the tide sound, such an enchanting, rare in the world!

Now, the tide is like a moat, being forced back by the power contained in the ancient starry sky!

"What? The monstrous magic of Chaosheng Banshee, can't get close to the world-zun Yedi?!" Many monks who were receding from the horror tide turned pale, and they looked at the sixth one in disbelief. Su Jin on the stars--

"The Chaosheng Banshee hides extremely deeply. Her technique, even if it is the mighty ancient sages and others, will not be easy to follow. When one person is against the three great sages, this Chaosheng Banshee is for Ye Di, It's already fourth!"

"No! Look at the direction of the ancient starry sky! The ancient starry sky formed by the ten-star connection turns out to be God Enlightened! The goal of the night emperor... is not the tide sound banshee, but to kill and burn the ancient sage body Enlightened God!"

"Oh my God! Can he really do it?"

"Impossible! The Qiming God who burns the ancient virtuous body, even the old stone man, can hold his arm with the opponent. In this state, the Qiming God, how could Ye Di be an opponent!"

"The ancient road of ten-star starry sky, to the end, can open up a prosperous world! It is an extremely ancient unpredictable power. It is said that the heavens at the beginning were constantly appearing like the **** of creation... in the chaos. One world after another!"

"It's a pity that I didn't see the face of the Chaosheng Banshee. I heard that the beauty of the Chaosheng Banshee is absolutely unique in the world. She ranks seventh among the ten ancient demon girls, but in terms of beauty, she can rank in the top three— "

"God Qiming must never die!"

"In fact, with the current power of the emperor, you only need to flee without confronting the Qiming God. The Qiming God will eventually die! The ancient gods are too precious. Once burned, the roads are unstoppable. The roads of the Qiming God are currently extremely strong. Soon it will fade away as the ancient sage's body fades..."





Su Jin, who had a disheveled hair, couldn't see the expression at all under the crystal red brilliance. Many people saw that his dao body covered by the crystal red was cracking everywhere.

Someone said that Su Jin was crazy!

Qiming God is already mortal, but Yedi has to go to the end of the ancient starry road to crush and kill Qiming God at the cost of damaging the Taoist body!

Su Jin knew he was not crazy!

In the secret realm of the Tianxu, in the Song family, Su Jin once saw the ancestor of the Song family burning a great sage body. If he did not shoot himself, the burning process would be extremely slow and absolutely controllable!

In this piece of ‘Peerless Immortal Burial’, there are still beauties in different time and space! Su Jin cannot retreat. Once he retreats, Qiming God can’t find himself, so he will definitely choose to madly retaliate against Alien Time——

At that time, Feng Guyi is about to die, Mo Hongyu, and Xiao Suxian will not escape the clutches!

"I have to admit that you are very courageous! I once thought that I could live forever, and I never thought of the day when I would burn the ancient virtuous body!"

Qiming God looked at Su Jindao.

"You have reached the limit -" Su Jin said coldly.

"You too!"

"I am different from you, I own the Palace of Longevity."

"Eternal Life Palace, if you don't have the energy to open it, your disappearance in this celestial burial is the best result."

"I am the same as the Goddess of Origin, she has the existence of Origin Fire, which can protect the inheritance, and I know that I am not the Queen... Maybe there is a future!"

"Future! Hahaha—" Qiming God looked up to the sky and laughed, "Why do you have a future, but my son doesn't!"

Speaking of this, the expression on the burning old sage of God Qiming has become distorted!


Take another step!

Su Jin felt that his body was about to disperse. The reason why he didn't use the Star Giant was naturally because he knew that he couldn't kill this person just by relying on the Star Giant!

He wants to use the world-honored power to unleash the power of opening an era! But he had counted a thousand calculations, but underestimated the strength of his current physical body!

Take a few steps in a row, unwavering! Su Jin only felt that the surrounding space barriers were evaporating out of thin air. The countless stars and streams were all forced back by the ancient starry sky. He even had no sense of his body, especially now...the tenth star is in front of him. The end of an ancient road!

Take another step, my body will be destroyed!

Su Jin has a deep feeling--

It looks like a small step ahead, but in fact it seems to have endless thrust, pushing him backwards, his steps can't even be lifted!

That kind of hardship made Su Jin realize what despair is!

Burning nine? Even if the power of the Nine Paths is burned, it is almost impossible for Su Jin to take that step! I can only lift my legs at most——

"I can't come here! Isn't it proud! Don't you want to kill me who burned the ancient sage? Why were you so proud when you killed me as a child!" Qiming God laughed wildly, smiling, and he shed tears. Feeling worthless for Long Chutian's death!


The whole world, the earth, the sky, and the temperature all seemed to rise suddenly!

The laughter of Qiming God stopped abruptly!

In the hearts of countless people, a sense of killing began to emerge!

The ground under your feet seemed to be turning into a piece of dragon scales. Someone shouted in surprise, panicking and rising into the air!

The earth in the black world actually began to surging, it was a sacred dragon! And it's still a burning dragon!

The sky, the dragon of heaven, screams in the sky! Every dragon of Heaven began to burn flames!

Void, the crystal red divine power that was constantly being grabbed, seemed to float in flames instantly!

"No World Honored, Ye Di burned the Great Divine Dao that is not World Venerable!" The ancient **** emperor thundered in his mind, his eyes appealing to endless despair. Ye Di would rather burn the great divine Dao than leave, and would not wait for the enlightened God’s way. Eliminate!

"If he wants to take that step, he must gain a strength several times stronger than the current one!" Gui Zang also looked dumbfounded, and his voice trembled strongly before he knew it.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are empty, as if they are not dominated by the World-Honor!

The flame on Su Jin's body was brighter than the starlight, and several times brighter than the enlightened God burning the ancient sage's body!

Everyone in the dark world has a sense of life being controlled by others at this moment! At that moment, the World Lord Ye Di ruled everything!

"" Qiming God even spoke with anxiety--

The current God of Qiming feels like the difference between the scorching sun and the fireflies compared to Yedi!

The supreme **** of Dafa momentum, retreating thousands of miles, dare not look at that world-zun Yedi, one look!

The mighty Guxian, as if his **** was on fire, quickly walked out of the battlefield!

Only the old stone man, exuding a dizzy divine power, faintly glowing with copper-green, sheltering Xiao Duoyan behind him! He...won't retreat!

"If I die, you will die too! So, I can look down!" Qiming God plucked up his courage and said with a sad smile.

Su Jin's entire body of great divine power was burning, he raised his head slightly in the flames, and took that step resolutely--

Void shattered, and the earth cracked into countless rift valleys like the sky, even the black sea has set off a long wave!


Enlightened God, like a burning sandbag, was shattered by countless brilliance in the void!

In this step, he directly killed Qiming God!


Su Jin in the flames was extremely unstable. The raging flame made him difficult to stand high in the sky. His consciousness was losing and had begun to blur!

After that, Su Jin unexpectedly dropped an arrow from the string, with a trailing red **** flame, crashing into the black sea at great speed!

"Tide sound banshee! You are guilty! The deity bestows you a curse from the heavens and seeks my Dao body, otherwise... the curse will reincarnate with you forever and ever.

Before he lost his consciousness, Su Jin cast the curse of God and hit directly into that wonderful cloud——


Remorse in the Chaosong Banshee! In the depths of the clouds, she felt an extra tingling pain on her collarbone. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an extremely terrifying curse force. She... she didn't look good, and suddenly turned her head to look at the drag. The humanoid body with a crystal red flame hurriedly stepped on it, and fell with the opponent!

Enlighten God, Enlighten God...dead?

The monks of Eastern Gods wailed in a bleak and mournful manner——

"Peak Divine Realm, send my lord Qiming God!" Numerous monks from Eastern Divine Realm bowed in unison to send Qiming God a ride!

"Unwilling to be with the sky, forever will not be the world-zun! Different time and space, send Ye Di!"

The ancient **** emperor, carrying billions of different time-space monks, knelt down in great pain!

The Order of the Unlucky God’s Domain monks all breathed a sigh of relief——

The Lord of the Peak Divine Realm, the death of Qiming God is a good thing for them! Not the demise of the Blessed One, that would be better! What's up with them anyway!

"It's time to go out, or the world is dead, that senior, should we return to God's Domain, right?" the monk of Order God's Domain asked.

"Yeah, it's time to go out, this bird's place is too depressing, but Qiming God and Unshizun all died in battle, but we didn't expect it—"

"Where are the seniors! Let us go out quickly--"

"Senior, the agreement is complete! I want to go home!"


With a shout, the evil young man did not show up! Over time, many people feel bad...

Could it be that Yedi was not dead?

Above the beacon altar, the Hall of Eternal Life turned into nothingness and disappeared--

Old Shiren looked dumbfounded, "That's a life restricted zone... why did you go there..."

"Grandpa, what's the matter with that big brother?" Xiao Duoyan asked.

"There's something, but it won't lead to death. There is still a way to save it. Of course it depends on his good fortune." The old stone man hesitated and thought.


Some people heard the words of Lao Shiren, and the shock of reality made them feel soft inside and out!

"Fart! That's not the world-honored god, how could it be possible that you haven't died yet! You are always confused!" Someone bullied the old stone man cowardly, knowing that he would scold him, and the other party would not kill, and they quickly became angry.

"You old thing, let me tell you, the world-zun... is dead!" Someone still can't stand the attack of Old Stone man's words, attacking Old Stone's humanity.

The old stone man dodged his eyes and said cowardly: "Although the guy who caught you is not very good, but he still keeps his promise, he won't let you go, it must be that the little guy just didn't die—"

"Dead!" Some people felt like five thunderstorms, some of them cried in fright, Ye Di is not dead, they are the ones who die!

The old stone man took Xiao Duoyan and was frightened by those people and kept going backwards, Wei Wei Nuonuo said:

"Just now, although the little guy burned the Great Divine Dao, he was very close to the Hall of Longevity. With the power he had just shown, he definitely had the opportunity to open the door of longevity and let himself in... He didn't do that... but I chose to go to the'Life Forbidden Zone' behind the Black Sea..."

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