My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3498: Life restricted zone

Lao Shiren's words have dealt a great blow to the monks in the Gods of Order, the Gods of the Hundred Generations, and even the entire Eastern Peak Gods.

"Qiming God tried to burn the ancient sage body, and in the end he was killed by the town. Fortunately, after the night emperor burned the great divine way, the power of the time and space mill was dissipated, and the years of Shizun were still alive—"

"Mighty ancient sages, can they chase down to the depths of the'life forbidden zone" and kill the emperor only by relying on the three great abilities of the mighty ancient sages, the Shizun of the Years, and the Supreme God of Dafa Shi?"

"Emperor Ye turned into a torch just now and fell to the north of the Black Sea. Is it possible that we also have to go to the restricted area of ​​life?"


The will is low, except for the other side of time and space, the monks of the other three gods are all filled with an atmosphere of despair——

Years have always had a gloomy face!

He dare not think!

If Su Jin confronted him directly, instead of enlightening God, he would definitely be involved in the depths of time and space, and even if he had no chance of being exiled to the depths of time and space, he would be killed by Su Jin!

"God Qiming, father and son both died in battle..." The Supreme God of Dafa Power looked at Shizuki Shizun, and slowly said: "Now there is no leader among the dragons, and the mighty ancient sages are outgoing! It is still necessary for Shizuki Shizun to stand up and preside over the overall situation!"

"If you don’t have the world, your life is at stake, and you can’t fight anymore--" the **** Taoist priest looked at the years and said: "I think the best situation is now. We win because there are more people. If you find the world-zun in the restricted area, you can easily be killed."

"Mighty Guxian, you have something to say!" Suiyue Shizun's eyes were breathing fire, and he shouted at the mighty Guxian.

"What can I say? What does it matter to me?" Mighty Guxian stared at Sui Yue Shizun and asked.

"If you don't help the world-zun at the critical moment, how can you harm the Qiming God fall!" Suiyue Shizun couldn't restrain his anger.

"Blood spurts!"

The mighty Guxian naturally didn't want to carry this **** pot, and immediately shouted: "How strong is the fighting power of the world-honored person just now, you are the first person in the past, as if you are deep in the mire, suppressed, you are powerful, why didn't you kill that kid? Will one more me turn the tide of the battle?"

One force, fight against several ancient sages——

The fierce power of the world-zun is still vivid!

"Now that the Lord is not burning the Great Divine Dao, all combat power has been lost. The monks of the three divine realms will quickly cross the Black Sea! If the Daoists in the different time and space are willing to help, it will naturally be better." The divine Daoist ordered, "Enter life." Forbidden area, search for the world-zun!"


Life restricted zone.

Mysterious and unknown place, where no one has ever set foot before--

At this moment, a woman in colorful clothes was standing blankly behind a huge boulder. Although there was still a black earth under her feet, the mysterious world in front of her was completely different from what she had thought before.

There is not only light, but also a kind of strange light that has never been seen before——

There is a strange halo crisscrossed everywhere in the void, some as small as fireflies, and some as large as sacred mountains. The entire void is this splendid scene.

The Chaosheng Banshee was not prepared at all. When she entered the restricted life zone, she discovered the difference here. Her vitality seemed to be being swallowed. Although it was slow, she could feel it!

Colored clothes, white skin that countless beauties dream of, the Chaosheng Banshee has an unimaginable facial features, fresh and impeccable quality, a slight glimpse of her red eyes can be enchanted and upset all beings!

"Why me--" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the young man who was supported by a circle of clouds behind the huge stone, until now after a stick of incense, the flame of the great divine way has not been extinguished.

I know that the man can't respond...

But the Chaosheng Banshee was still a little unwilling.

She has discovered that there is almost no way to escape here. In the long journey, life will be swallowed up sooner or later. She doesn't want to die here!

If you can choose, Chaosheng Banshee really wants to take this opportunity to cut off Yedi's breath and send him on the road!

However, the power of God's curse made Chaosheng Banshee cut off this idea...


The Chaosong Banshee didn’t know where it belonged to the “Life Forbidden Zone”. She looked at the strange halos crisscrossing the sky, some halos touched together, and they would form a twinkle like a pill. Bright place——

Finally, the flame went out.

The Chaosheng Banshee walked to the side of the boulder and carried Su Jin on her back.

"It's cold so fast?" The Chaosheng Banshee was a little unbelievable.

But after thinking about it, the Chaosheng Banshee was relieved. Before Su Jin burned the Great God Dao, not the Jiu Dao. His current "Fire God Dao" in the Nine Dao is still intact. Such flames will not ruin him—

It's just that the injury... is too serious.

"Who? There seemed to be someone there just now!" Suddenly, the monk of the Order God Realm shouted at the place where the Chaosong Banshee disappeared.

"Report it quickly!"

"Discovered the World-Honored One?"

"Not sure, but someone moved out just now—"

"Could you be dazzled..."

"This kind of **** place, I don't want to stay any longer!"


The black earth and the shining beams of light are connected to each other, and the tide sound banshee does not dare to go in again. The more she walks back, the faster the vitality will pass!

An existence like the Chaosheng Banshee is useless for longevity, but vitality... is the most important existence of everyone. Once vitality has passed to the limit of danger, even God will be hard to save!

In the distance, the rolling black sacred mountain, vaguely surrounded by stone tombstones, formed a vast array of formations——

And among the infinite stone steles, an ancient pagoda stands calmly in it. On the ancient pagoda, there is a terrifying eye, shaped like a fish eye, constantly paying attention to the surroundings...

Ghost place!

Rao was shocked by the power of Chaosheng Banshee, she didn't want to go anymore, didn't want to pass the stone tombstone.

Do you want to risk walking through the void?

The Chaosheng Banshee hesitated.

What would happen to those criss-crossed halos?

There are chasing soldiers behind, and the road ahead is difficult! The Chaosong Banshee is never an indecisive person. She twists her posture and walks into the void, trying to avoid the weird lights that go up and down and crisscross--

"not good!"

The Chaosheng Banshee was shocked, as if she had passed through a time and space tunnel, until she touched a taboo and was swallowed by the twinkling light.

Thoughts are turning into darkness——

Eternally mixed thoughts, countless voices, like auditory hallucinations, appeared in the head of the Chaosheng Banshee, and the same was true for the other person! That is Su Jin...

Su Jin is quite sure that his consciousness has not yet awakened, but it seems that there is a strange power in the world, he is... also a member of the reckless common people.

The Chaosheng Banshee was in a daze. When she opened her eyes, she first saw Su Jin... he was in his arms... opened his eyes?

Originally, the Chaosheng Banshee was holding Su Jin, who was suffering from an incurable injury. Now... once the unworldly Lord opened his eyes, with such a gesture, it was really embarrassing...

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