My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3500: Time flow

Su Jin naturally won't have the worries of the tide female demon----

"The God of Qiming has disappeared. Among those limited powerhouses, who can figure out where you are?" Su Jin asked, looking at the tide sound female demon.

Who can?

The Chaosheng Banshee shook her head, "If the God of Enlightenment is there, he can only start my "road of fate" through the'one-time trick' to cut fate. In addition, the mighty ancient sages, the first time of the years, Know nothing about me. No one has seen me today except you."

"What about the breath?" Su Jin asked.

"As long as I am not near the sea, no one knows where I am—"

"That's good, you can investigate later, and bring me a few slightly harder bamboos by the way. By the way, help me pay attention to the news of Immortal King Good Fortune." Su Jin said calmly.

After all, there was nothing in Su Jin's eyes. He picked up the carving knife and began to concentrate on carving the unfinished semi-finished wood carving...

The vitality of the Chaosheng Banshee is recovering. If she wants to return to the original state, she must stay with Su Jin for at least three hours.

Speechless for a long time-

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the wood carving on Su Jin’s hand. From an artistic point of view, or from the point of view of the gods’ items, it was totally worthless. Moreover, Su Jin’s hand was carved and carved, and the position of the tiger’s mouth was worn. Two eye-catching red blisters appeared.

Really...Isn't there any repair?

The Chaosheng Banshee sighed in her heart. Who could have imagined that everyone who shouted to kill the World-Venerable would fall into this field, and even the weakest monk would be able to kill him if they found him at this moment.

Gradually, Chaosheng Banshee felt the difference in the wood carving.

Although Su Jin’s cultivation seems to be scrapped, the wood carving seems to have a very special charm, especially in the last few compilations, the Chaosheng Banshee seems to have seen a dragon, and the dragon was carved on the wood carving. On the surface, when the eyes are carved out, they are even more vivid!

Su Jin has forgotten the time, he doesn't know when the Chaosheng Banshee will leave--

This woodcarving work was finally completed. It was a pen holder. Although it could not be driven by the gods, Su Jin seemed to have a new understanding of himself.

It is not easy for a mortal. Any monk in the realm of the gods is born as a dragon, but arrogance will fail. For example, Long Chutian has long lived under the shadow of his father Qiming God, but his temperament is not good.

life. It seems to be inextricably related to Xinxing——

This is why Su Jin has to use an unusual person to sharpen his xinxing even if the status quo is so unbearable.

The night came quietly.

When the Chaosheng Banshee came with a complicated mood, she brought a very unique spirit bamboo from the local area, and cut it into several pieces——

"Yoshishizun, the Supreme God of Dafa, and the mighty ancient sages have arrived in another city, 21,000 miles away." The Chaosheng Banshee walked into the room and said to Su Jin.

"Eighteen thousand, nine hundred and sixty-three dollars." Su Jin whispered while still staring at the pen holder.

"It's 21,000 miles." The Chaosheng Banshee said seriously: "It's very close, it's not safe here."

"I mean the number of knives in this pen holder." Su Jin looked at the Chaosheng Banshee, "If it is not safe here, where is it safe?"

The tide sound banshee frowned--


The ancient sages and his ilk can almost reach a range of 100 million li in one step. Although this life restricted zone is large, ancient sages can wander at will, even if Su Jin escapes to any place, it is not very meaningful.

And now the Chaosong Banshee is very surprised, Su Jin silently remembered from the first stroke of this pen holder, without fail, this kind of mind and extraordinary will, even the Chaosong Banshee admires!

"This pen holder has no engraved patterns in it, and it's just a common product." The Chaosheng Banshee said seriously.

"You don't understand--" Su Jin shook his head, then continued: "I'm hungry."

Chaosheng Banshee:...

She is weak.

Su Jin is really hungry now. He hasn't eaten for almost a day. He can't eat a grain for a long time like before. This day's consumption makes him dizzy and exhausted.

The next hour, the Chaosheng Banshee watched Su Jin finish his three-meat-and-two-vegetarian dinner, and continued to report the news she had inquired.

"In this life forbidden zone, there are many ancient sages who still existed in the age of good fortune. I suspect this does not exist, but the world created by the mighty power in the tomb." Chaosheng Banshee said.

"Is this important?" Su Jin asked.

"Of course it is important. In this era, the Immortal King of Good Fortune has fallen for 1300 years. If the Immortal King of Life is not enchanted, she can create an era, but she still has to choose to assimilate with the Dao and not to remain in the world."

"Years and years have respected them, and they should have been searched long ago, right?" Su Jin asked again.

"Yes, many of the ancient sages in this world are not weaker than the Qiming God, and the ages and the mighty ancient sages dare not make too much effort--" Chaosheng said.

"Then I'm worried about something... I'm tired, let's rest." Su Jin was really sleepy, feeling that his eyelids were fighting.

The Chaosheng Banshee's silver teeth bit, she has never served a person personally, and she is still a man!

Really are--

Because it was a sunny day during the day, the stars at night seemed to be more brilliant than ever, and Su Jin was almost a useless person. Even if the smell of smell around him, he could not resist sleepiness, and fell asleep early.

The Chaosheng Banshee sat leaning on the innermost side, two straight strands of green silk hanging down in front of her shoulders, she lowered her eyebrows, and with her charming and captivating eyes, she gave Su Jin a fierce look.

Now, the Chaosheng Banshee fell into a situation of inner struggle again.

No World Venerable is right in front of you, and you can kill him with a single knife. In the future, her Chaosheng Banshee will be the first person to cut ‘Not World Venerable’! The name will last forever, immortal!

"He's so sure, I won't attack him--" The Chaosheng Banshee finally found out in frustration that she couldn't bear the consequences that the World Honored said to her at the time.

The satin pajamas, the sleeves are flicked, the red candle suddenly disappears... The Tide Sound Banshee gradually lay down, pulling the thin quilt in front of her with her hands...

The sigh gradually echoed in the room.

The Chaosheng Banshee saw this step, but she also accepted her life. At first, she was only cautious, touched Su Jin's hand, feeling that his palm was not warm, and finally tried the position of his heart until her chest——

It turns out that this is a Taoist couple, no wonder the human world is so uncomfortable, it feels different.

The Chaosong Banshee finally fell asleep almost lying on Su Jin’s shoulders, with her hand on his chest. This night, it was destined to be an extremely quiet, undisturbed night——

The faint moonlight was fading in the west, and the Chaosheng Banshee did not see it at all. A faint white halo spread across Su Jin's body, and then spread again.


Woke up at once. Bright sunshine projected from above the wooden window——

The Chaosheng Banshee almost woke up screaming!

In just one night, all of her life was abundant, and the small trace of curse had also turned into the size of a broad bean. The key to her... she seemed to have not moved for a hundred years, as if she had taken another step!

Face to face, Su Jin was awakened by the screams——

Su Jin didn't feel embarrassed, it was just the tide sound female demon...

"This is Shuang Xiu?" Chaosheng Banshee stared at Su Jin with wide eyes and asked in disbelief.

"No." Su Jin said weirdly: "Are you really ignorant or pretending to not understand?"

After a sleep, Su Jin's body didn't allow it. Nothing else could happen. This little fairy was shocked--

"My cultivation base hasn't been loosened for a long time. This is all your reason." Chaosheng Banshee said seriously, she thought Su Jin was lying to her.

"It's normal, maybe because I have a tree of enlightenment..." Su Jin said again.

Enlightenment tree?

The Chaosong Banshee didn't believe it, Su Jin used the ‘big life technique’ to prevaricate her before—

"We are really married." The Chaosheng Banshee listened to nothing now, her face was full of joy.

Su Jin was ashamed and said indifferently: "You say so."

He really didn't expect that with such a prominent name as the Chaosheng Banshee, he didn't know anything about the Taoist companion. He was a little white who knew nothing!

However, Su Jin also felt something was wrong, his spirit today was completely different from yesterday.

Soon Su Jin moved his legs, although he still couldn't feel the power of Jiu Dao, but he was already able to walk! And the strength is not small--

Su Jin put on the golden robe, fastened the golden belt, and walked directly into the yard, welcoming the bright sunshine!


It's better too-

It's a pity that Su Jin knew that there were many people from the Four Divine Realms outside, otherwise he really wanted to go out for a walk.

When will the power be restored... Su Jin entered the house again, but saw the Chaosheng Banshee boldly looking at him. Soon, he took the knife from the table and returned to the courtyard.

"Try again, as long as I can feel a trace of the nine powers, I will have the possibility of complete recovery." Su Jin squeezed the knife tightly, and started to carve a piece of Mozhu without any difference. He couldn't feel the breath. The sea, even more unable to run the sun in the body——

So, for five consecutive days.

Su Jin compiles engraving during the day, sharpening his heart, and the days seem to come over so plainly...

In the past two days, Chaosheng Banshee has always wanted to avoid Su Jin. Apart from going out to investigate the news, there is another important reason. Her cultivation level has almost risen in the past two days!

Even if the Chaosheng Banshee is now facing the mighty ancient sages and years of Shizun, she is sure to defeat the opponent one-on-one. She wants to avoid Su Jin not because she wants to practice... but... she finally understands what Tao is. companion.

Otherwise, she would not have made such a big breakthrough.

On the sixth day, the Chaosheng Banshee hurriedly pushed in and walked into the courtyard from outside!

"Something happened!" The Chaosheng Banshee just said three words, and immediately looked at the young man sitting on the wooden chair. Her eyes gradually widened--

Su Jin was on the wooden chair, his eyes open, holding a carving knife, his body remained unchanged!

Strands of the endless years of vicissitudes of life, as if turned into mottled luster, swirling around Su Jin!

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