My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3501: Mysterious hand

The tide sound female demon suddenly felt a sense of suffocation!


Su Jin is in epiphany!

The Chaosheng Banshee knew that even if something big happened right now, she could not disturb Su Jin. This kind of epiphany was extremely important for a monk. She was born from a fishing village by the sea and was favored by the sea god. She finally had an epiphany and achieved success. Guxian's Early Stage——

Su Jin's state now seems to be more mysterious than she was back then!

Open your eyes and stay unmoved, all the world seems to have nothing to do with Su Jin!

"A strong breath of time--" The Chaosheng Banshee trembled in her heart. She had never thought that she would see this scene in Su Jin!

Years are the easiest and most difficult thing in the world. Su Jin now seems to be a dead object, a piece of wood, and even the tide sound female demon can't feel his heartbeat!

The Chaosheng Banshee didn't dare to touch Su Jin, even the slightest footsteps!

Time passed in one minute and one second.

"It's been two hours since I appeared." The Chaosheng Banshee was counting the time. She remembered that Su Jin was in this sitting position when she left in the morning. Maybe from a certain time in the morning, he had entered an epiphany.

The dusk is groggy.

In Su Jin's eyes, a faint gleam of brilliance flickered, and immediately, sober--

"Little fairy, do you have any news?" Su Jin stood up and looked at the sluggish banshee.

"The King of Life may be related to you." Chaosheng Banshee reacted and said quickly.

"Fart--" Su Jin shook his head, "The Immortal King Good Fortune is related to me, I know."

The Chaosheng Banshee smiled bitterly: "Speak out you don't believe it. Now there are a lot of portraits posted on the street outside. Both looks and temperament match you."

"Will it be time to respect them?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Absolutely not. For the first few days, they have no such great power. I will secretly remove a picture and see if it is you." The Chaosheng Banshee handed over a picture with a human portrait. Su Jin's hand.

Su Jin's face was gloomy--

The person on the pattern is eighth similar to him, and he holds a wine gourd in his hand. The characters written next to the portrait, including the character ‘Chu’, are particularly eye-catching.

King of Chu, the name is so far away, Su Jin silently closed his eyes, sobered, and asked: "I am wanted, is it the Immortal King of Life?"

"Although this world is extremely lifelike, it may be condensed by you at first. I suspect that the ‘life fairy king’ is buried in the celestial burial." The Chaosheng Banshee said solemnly.

"The picture above says that she will appear on the night of the full moon, the full moon here... but twenty-four days later?" Su Jin guessed.

"It should be—" Chaosheng Banshee was tense, "How are you recovering now? Or try, let's see if we can find a way out."

Su Jin shook his head.

"You haven't sensed your Nine Dao?" The Chaosheng Banshee has collapsed a bit-

"No! But if the Life Immortal King is really related to me, then the Life Immortal King in the immortal burial must know that I am here! Otherwise, there won't be so many coincidences!"

Su Jin kept his face sullen, and continued: "It is impossible to escape. This prosperous world may even be condensed from the memory of the King of Life."

What a month later, the King of Life becomes a demon overnight, it is all false!

Su Jin almost didn't even think about it, pointed directly at the sky, his lips began to tremble, and slowly said, "I, King of Chu, stepped into the reincarnation three thousand times, today... come to you!"


The night seems to fall in an instant!

Heavenly Fate City seemed to be collapsing, and all the buildings, walls, and grains of sand began to dissipate! The so-called monks in Heavenly Fate City seemed to be completely frozen, and finally drifted away in the wind!

The Chaosheng Banshee was horrified, this... really has something to do with Su Jin!

She said that she felt wrong. Starting from the Hundred Worlds of Gods, some people pretended not to be the World Venerable, and were moved to this fairy burial. The entire process seemed to be manipulated silently from behind, and the youth who pretended not to be the World Venerable could have easily killed Ye. Emperor, but he didn't do it--

In the same way, there are the monks of the four gods!

Years Shizun, mighty ancient sages, and others, watched the prosperous world, turning into dust, and this strange black space seemed to have an unimaginable loneliness!


Suiyue Shizun felt the void trembling, and a large pink-and-white virtual hand suddenly fell from the sky, a touch of tender green like a vine-like chain, quickly cast down from the nine heavens!

Yesterday, the moon was lacking, and now... a huge disc-like divine moon, rising slowly, the thousands of chains, directly entwined! There... is the "Tianyun City" that just dissipated!

"Ye Di!!" Suiyue Shizun was almost roaring, and he really saw the existence of two people. That woman, with her looks, figure and temperament, was simply perfect, and the faint rhyme of Taoism all over her body made him stare at her at this time. From the perspective of several ancient sages, it is not who the Chaosheng Banshee is!

"Peerless Immortal Burial, completely launched!" The mighty Guxian wanted to stop the years Shizun.

"This is an excellent opportunity! This is not the world-zun, it is related to the Peerless Immortal Burial! If he is blessed by the life immortal king, we won't even have a chance!" Suiyue Shizun shouted.

"Yes!" The Supreme God of Dafa Power also said.

"Yedi Dao's injury has not healed, and his whole body has been lost. It is easy to cut him!" A brilliant divine light burst into the eyes of the **** Taoist priest——

"Dafa is the supreme god! Together!" Suiyue Shizun said coldly.

Boom boom boom~~~

Strands of irregular lightning like earthworms flashed under nine heavens, and the entire black sky, instantly became frightening, uneasy, hesitating, and could not help breeding in the minds of all monks!

"The best opportunity for Emperor Zhan Ye! He has no cultivation skills!" The cultivator of Order God Realm said in surprise.

"God Qiming! We are about to avenge your enmity!" said the cultivator of Eastern Gods Domain.

"That woman, unparalleled in the world, seems to be the screaming banshee undoubtedly, this woman...I'm afraid it's the first time to show her face in front of people, never thought that she would stand beside the world-honored——"

"Ye Di’s methods are extremely superb. I heard that when he was in the Hundred Generations of Gods, he abducted the goddess ancestors of the Gate of Origin in just one day. Even in this peerless fairy burial, the goddess of Origin refused to let Ye Di commit trouble. , Committed suicide."

"No one, we will witness the fall of No one!"

"God Qiming and his son can look at them. If they are not the emperor, the emperor will not escape this catastrophe. If he has the ability to equate the sky, no one can save here!"

"The immortal king is dead, so fear! Kill the emperor and save the people!"

"Yeah, as long as the Lord Ye Di dies, we can go out, otherwise...all will be buried here——"


As the monks of the four gods were discussing, the Dafa Power Supreme God began to burn the ancient sage’s divine will in a desperate posture. The ancient sage’s divine intent radiated from his body turned into a raging ancient sage’s divine flame, forming a piece of power that could destroy the world. The scarlet round blade!

Chi Chi -

The supreme **** of Dafa momentum cut through the disappeared "Heaven Fortune City" almost instantly, and even began to cause spatial instability when the wheel blade was rotating and cutting!

"This guy is desperate!" The Chaosheng Banshee was taken aback, and Su Jin stretched out his hand to stop it.

Just everything--

The supreme **** of Dafa momentum has already cut through Su Jin and Chaosheng Banshee, he wants to laugh wildly, knowing it is done! But in the world, the sound of astonishment overwhelmed everything, and he had a dark face, watching the circles of gray and white Dao Yun, covering the two of Su Jin, the two of them... safe and sound!

"You!" The Chaosheng Banshee was more surprised than ever.

Could it be that Su Jin recovered?


The Chaosheng Banshee was surprised to find that there was no power circulating on Su Jin. This is these gray Dao rhymes, and what is it?

"It's time for you to cut it--" Su Jin's faint voice made the face of Dafa Power Supreme God extremely ugly.

As soon as the voice fell, the signs of years of vain quality were visible.

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin suspiciously. Before this fellow had an epiphany, could it be that he realized a magical technique? But if this technique is really powerful, why is his body trembling.

"Hold me—" Su Jin whispered.

The Chaosheng Banshee was startled, and then without a trace, she made an intimate move and held Su Jin's arm.

"What's going on." The Chaosheng Banshee asked through voice transmission.

"It's nothing, it's just that I had some insights before. This technique is not that strong, but it is good for bluffing people." Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light, and with a subtle and inaudible voice, he talked to the tide girl next to him. Said the demon.

Not strong yet?

The supreme **** of Dafa momentum, although not as good as the God of Enlightenment who had already disappeared before, is still quite powerful. With this blow, she and Su Jin had nothing to do!

Years Shizun stared blankly at--

In his eyes, Su Jin’s time, space, and Daoyun all over his body are extremely cheerful, and this person’s perception of time and space is truly a peak!

"What the **** is it!" someone also asked blankly.

"Sorry, the injury has not fully recovered." Su Jin quietly paid attention to the surroundings, and at this moment, he was approached by strands of tender green chains, and even began to entangle his body!

The Chaosheng Banshee tried the strength of the life chain with her hands, but she was directly taken away!

"You provoke the terrifying power in the fairy burial, she...she is the fairy king of life." Suiyue Shizun said coldly.

"Well, I came in accordance with the agreement three thousand years ago. I advise you to run quickly, otherwise Lao Tzu will give an order later. It will not be easy for you to leave alive."

When Su Jin spoke, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, even if his body was entangled with tender green vines, his face was threatening with a cold color——

"Then I will kill you now!" Suiyue Shizun didn't believe in evil. How could the life immortal king not look like helping Ye Di, otherwise he could still be tied with a chain?

Immediately, the years are coming!


That huge pink-white hand, gently facing the years, Shizun--


Years Shizun’s sweat was coming out, and he now feels like an ant! It was directly pinched by the pink-white giant hand with two fingers...

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