My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3502: Stone Man Change

What level of power is this? !

Shizun Shizun only feels that he is compared with the other person, like a drop in the ocean, so small that it can't be more insignificant. If his strength is water droplets, it is the surging sea for convenience!

Su Jin was stunned--

Although the ‘green’ chain around him was about to tie him into a zongzi, the shocking power brought by that pink-white arm still cheered him!

The whole world seems to be cleansed down...

The gale was blowing wildly in the night, and the blowing clothes were hunting and hunting, and countless people were fascinated by the wind and sand. At this moment, inexplicable sadness filled the sky!

"Year Shizun, the dignified ancient sage, in that hand, he dared not even move a bullet! That hand, as if it could crush his ancient sage's body at any time, and destroy him." Many people were horrified and faced. Peeped to each other.

"In the burial of the peerless immortal, the life immortal king is buried... The world just now seemed to be the life immortal king deliberately condensing. Which path did she choose? Is it a road of incarnation, or she chose to completely eliminate it? Long die?"

"Dafa is the supreme god, and the ages are the only ones who can't follow the other's finger. If this kind of power does not die, they are ancient sages. The gap between them and her is normal!"

"One hand turns the sky, only one hand falls on the ground, why does this power carry endless sadness... Maybe she shouldn't appear, or... really wants an answer?"


No one knows.

On the surface, the chain grabbed Ye Di, but it did not allow others to act on Ye Di——

"That year, you chose to cut off the dust in a month. On the night of the full moon, I walked to reincarnation and never met again. Now I am reincarnation for three thousand lives and come back again! Twenty-four days later, I will give you an explanation!" Su Jin Said lightly.


The years of Shizun, turned into dust and sand, suddenly disappeared between those two fingers!

The night turns into day, in such a world, as if everything can come again! The broken and lost began to regroup from the state of fragments. The Heavenly Fate City, as if a dream, the three ancient characters on the gate were all restored again.

The tender green chain on Su Jin's body was pulled back a little bit, and that pink-white giant hand slowly turned into nothingness from the sky!

The mighty Guxian looked at all of this with a guilty conscience, and he was crushed directly into powder after just a few years! He was really scared!

"You are the Chaosheng Banshee, I didn't expect you to be as beautiful as Zuer——" The mighty Guxian has only heard the voice of the Chaosheng Banshee, and now when communicating with the other party, he dare not look at it for fear of that. Yedi was furious.

"I already belong to the sage-" The Chaosheng Banshee stepped forward and hugged Su Jin's arm tightly, looking extremely obedient.

"Dafa Shi Supreme God, mighty ancient sage, are you still fighting after waiting for a few people?" Su Jin asked the Dafa Shi Supreme God.

The Supreme God of Dafa Power sank his face and said coldly, "You must not fail the test of the Immortal King of Life. If I wait for the people of the world to go out, what is the difference from being buried here? In the future, don't let us find it. Chance, will be ruthlessly beheaded!"

After speaking, Dafa is the supreme god, and he directly chooses to retreat——

The mighty Guxian rubbed his greasy little hands, and finally, with a sigh, he chose to stand with the gods and priests and walked away.

Who knows what will happen in twenty-four days?

First, people who did not belong to the World-Honored World and the Four Great God Realms were brought into this ‘Peerless Immortal Burial’, and now this Life Immortal King seems to have something to do with Su Jin. This is a test for Ye Di!

Watching the enemies retreat——

The Chaosheng Banshee took Su Jin northward, and even walked into the endless snow-capped mountains, not wanting to disturb him clean.

Outside a snow-capped cave house, at night, when the twilight is approaching, it starts to snow, and a bunch of jumping bonfires make the cave house seem to have a little warmth.

"I'm going to retreat for a few days..." Su Jin took a deep breath and said to the Chaosheng Banshee: "It would be great if my origin immortal Dao can be sensed. At that time, I will be able to call out the Immortal King of Good Fortune. See if she knows something."

"Good Fortune Immortal King? In your fairy way?" Chaosheng Banshee said blankly.

"Well, she is the reincarnation of the Immortal King of Good Fortune. I was accepted as a daughter at the beginning to live with me. This Immortal King of Life is from the same age as her. She should be able to give me some clues." Su Jin said seriously.

"Okay, I will try to disturb you as little as possible." The Chaosheng Banshee slowly got up beside the shining campfire, walked to the entrance of the cave, under the afterglow, the snow fell like powder and rustle outside, according to this degree , I am afraid that this cave will be filled with snow tomorrow morning.

The Chaosong Banshee was not beside Su Jin, and now she was blowing a little cold wind, she couldn't help covering her cheeks with her hands——

In the past few days, after experiencing the benefits, her cultivation level has become more and more diligent, as if she has fallen into it, always thinking about how it feels--


Time passed quietly.

Day after day, on the day of January, getting closer and closer.

Tomorrow night is the appointed time! It was also the King of Life. During the period of January, this scene had appeared, but I didn't know that the King of Life in the burial was so stubborn that everything... it was tomorrow night.

The Chaosheng Banshee has mixed joys and sorrows. After these days, Su Jin's perception of the years seems to have entered another level, but he still hasn't sensed his nine ways!

"Tomorrow night, what should I do?" The Chaosheng Banshee's irritability is no longer limited to her tone, and now there is an anxious state on her face, looking at Su Jin.

"If you come, you will be at ease. You have swept the snow at the entrance of the cave more than 20 times. Didn't it still block my way out?" Su Jin said lightly.

"You can't perceive the Nine Paths, and tomorrow the Life Immortal King will appear in the Peerless Immortal Burial. At that time... he won't even have the power to fight--" Chaosheng Banshee sighed.

"I also feel that tomorrow is going to be inevitable. I have my eyelids twitching a dozen times today, and I feel restless." Su Jin got up and walked to the cleared snow mountain cave entrance, looking at the endless snow-colored mountains. .

"In these days, I have gone out about ten times. People in the four gods have many casualties, most of them died of the passing of life..." The tide sound female demon nestled in Su Jin's chest, her graceful onion fingers, also Slowly pressed on Su Jin's shoulder.

It's another long night!

However, this night is obviously unusual!

For 22 consecutive nights, it would snow every time before nightfall, but tonight, it was a bright moon, and the snow-capped mountains in the distance seemed to be swallowing moonflowers, glowing with superb fluorescence!

Tomorrow night will be the night of the full moon, but tonight, the unpredictable vision has already begun to be exhibited!

And Su Jin didn’t know that outside the restricted area of ​​life, there were also monks in the ‘different time and space’, and he saw a frightening scene--

One after another stone monuments, the gray eyes suddenly began to condense the green light of life, more than ten million! These stone people who had turned into a stele stepped across the black sea and walked straight into the life restricted zone!

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