My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3503: The stone man survived and was buried in the sky!

Ancient God Emperor, Guizang brothers and sisters, Feng Gu Yi and others are all outside the Black Sea! They accepted Lao Shiren’s suggestion, and did not rush into the restricted area of ​​life before—

"Stone man stele body, she... after all, she is going to be cruel." The old stone man sighed with pity and compassion.

"Senior." The ancient **** emperor nervously approached the old stone man and asked: "Is the predecessor talking about her the strongest existence in this peerless immortal burial?"

"Yes." The old stone man burst into tears, "You call the Ye Emperor's kid, if you listen to my advice early, I can follow him and protect the way, but now it's late, it's late."

"Can you make it clear? Who is that... on earth?"

"Life Immortal King, her immortal burial area is bounded by the Black Sea. Once stepped into it, the chance of life will not stop passing. Now that the stone man is moving, do you know what it means?" Old Stone Man asked.

"What?" Feng Guyi realized something was wrong.

"The tomb piles, once awakened to live, the peerless formation, they will be buried together in the sky. These stone monuments have another purpose, which is to isolate the restricted area of ​​life. It is too late to say anything. You will find out in the near future. Here, the vitality will continue to flow." The old stone man said with tears.

The stone man survived and was buried in the sky!

The ancient gods, the ghosts and the others, directly stunned——

"Senior, is there really no alternative?" Feng Guyi asked quickly.

"I didn't expect that Ye Di was the one she was waiting for, otherwise I would have reminded him." Lao Shiren regretted it.

"Remind what?"

"To deny your identity, let alone admit that you are that person, otherwise God will be hard to save! Now these stone men are alive and full of vitality, which is an ominous omen."

"The people who accidentally escaped from the'Life Forbidden Zone' not long ago were all crazy. In the end, they all bleed from their seven orifices and died of vitality!" Dao Guichen's face was solemn, and he rushed from a distance to inform the ancient **** emperor!

The situation is getting wrong.

Su Jin, who was in the life restricted zone, sat cross-legged on the top of the snow-capped mountain, letting the biting cold wind slap his face, his sharp eyes still saw a scene he didn't want to see.

An hour.

Three hours.

Five hours.

The Chaosong Banshee stood beside Su Jin——

"According to time calculations, two hours ago should be the time of dawn." Su Jin said in a deep voice.

"Thousands of stone men survived. The entire stone men buried in peerless immortals came here." The Chaosheng Banshee pointed to the distance.

In this dark world, brightly lit cities began to extinguish the lights rhythmically, as if turning off the lights in each room. This darkness makes people extremely uncomfortable!


The surviving stone statues, skyrocketing thousands of meters, stood quietly in the four directions, the strange green glow that resembled a whirlpool, which made people feel a chill on their backs and a sense of horror!

"The stone man survived--" Su Jin looked around coldly.

"What should we do now?"

"It's not yet the night of the full moon tonight, there is still a lot of time." Su Jin had a headache.

Su Jin is not the only one waiting.

Even the mighty ancient sages and the supreme gods of Dafa momentum looked at this scene incredible!

"Great evil, great sign of evil." The gods and Taoists continued to calculate, with white smoke on his clothes and head. He stayed up for a day and finally got some secrets, but the results obtained were quite shocking!

"Is there a way to survive?" The mighty Guxian knew that the Taoist priests had some ability, so he asked quickly.

"In the past, it was the living to send the dead, but now thousands of stone people are alive, this is an unclear sign of adding a new burial!" The **** Taoist said with a pale face.

With joy on the face of the Supreme God of Dafa Power, he hurriedly asked, "Does this mean that the Ye Emperor will die?"

"Dafa is the supreme god! I have seen eternal loneliness, your vitality is exhausted in your life, and you have fallen into the tomb in the realm of ancient sages!" The **** Taoist said with shock on his face.

"What?!" Dafa Power Supreme God's face changed suddenly.

"There is no one to live in the four divine realms! I... don't know where to be born. This kind of peerless celestial burial is the most terrible place, not to mention the burial of the life fairy!"

The voice of the Taoist priest was hurried, and he was also shocked by his own words. He suddenly felt that there was no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth, knowing that he would be trapped alive and die in this peerless burial.

"Bah baah baah! You guy, ten hexagrams and nine are not accurate, you must be wrong!" The mighty Guxian shook his head and repeatedly expressed his disbelief——

"I hope I am wrong." The Taoist priest sighed.

"Thousands of stone men who survived are nourished by the vigor of the monks in the four great realms. There are already 10% of the monks here, their vitality has been taken away and turned into dead bones."

"The speed of vitality passing by is more than three times faster than when these stone men didn't come!" The mighty Guxian took a closer look and quickly changed his expression.



A great panic is spreading among the cultivators of the four gods——

"I...I can't do it anymore!" A monk from the Eastern Peak God Realm directly covered his face, his whole body was like dried wood, and layers of dry skin were peeling off with the wind!

The pain of vitality may not be felt at first by some people, but once the vitality is deprived of about 30%, the pain is simply beyond human's ability to bear!

The blood, flesh, and will all seem to be disobedient!

"God Qiming, the time has come, and even the two great powers disappeared! We...we can't stand it anymore, **** it, let us leave this ghost place!" There was a monk with blood sores on his face. Drop it.

"God thief! Let me go, I don't want to die... I'm still young and don't want to die—"

"This is a curse, we...we offended the Immortal King! Now, I have fallen to a great level because of this. We originally wanted to walk the way for the sky and kill the world-defying Lord, why... why do we do this to us?"


There are wailing scenes everywhere--

Hell on earth, nothing more than this!

In Su Jin's ears, it seemed as if there were thousands of ghosts crying, his face was cold, his body was slightly shaken, and a faint black halo began to float from under the seat!

The halo of the ghost king!

The Chaosheng Banshee was surprised, " feel the nine ways?"

"I don't know why, it just seemed that my Nine Dao suddenly loosened, it should be the reason for my ghost king body." Su Jin said coldly.

After one month of recuperating, the body is close to healing, but the nine realms of perception are late.


Ring after ring of light began to rise, swirling around Su Jin's body——

Su Jin lightly pointed, "Tongtian Immortal Bridge!"

The world-shaking coercion is coming! On the Tongtian Immortal Bridge, there is an immortal dragon plate holding it, and on the back of the immortal dragon, a young girl who has grown up a lot, looks around in shock—


Fortune Immortal King's present life!

Kozakura panicked and screamed: "Dad is faster than...flee!"

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