My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3504: Full moon night!

Run away, run away!

Sakura's expression seemed to be extremely disturbed, and Chaosheng Banshee had a special feeling for Sakura. This pretty little girl who looked like eight or nine years old turned out to be... the predecessor of the Immortal King Good Fortune?

It's incredible.

Of course, the Chaosheng Banshee will not have any doubts about Su Jin's words——

"Don't worry, there is still time. Do you know what place this is?" Su Jin calmly asked Sakura's emotions.

"Those stone men have the power of life. This seems to have awakened some of my memories." Sakura felt strange images flashing in her mind, a little fuzzy, as if fragmented and spliced ​​together, very strange.

"Your previous life was in the same era as the Life Immortal King. Although you fell first, you must know the Life Immortal King--" Su Jin thought for a while.

"It's very dangerous, it's too dangerous--" Sakura couldn't see anything about Su Jin. She used her best to see Su Jin's good fortune for a long time in the future, after so long of cultivation. She was still confident, after all, she had grown a lot, but now...Su Jin's good fortune, she can't see at all.

"Little fairy, go and see if there is anything wrong, come and tell me immediately."

Su Jin's face was solemn. Although he had just initially recovered the nine powers, as long as he used it a little bit, there was a kind of tearing pain in his body. The damage caused by the burning of the great divine way was far from healed!

"Is there enough time? So who will protect you—" Chaosheng Banshee was a little reluctant.

"I'm fine, you can come before the full moon rises." Su Jin nodded at the Chaosheng Banshee.

Regarding this, although the Chaosheng Banshee was worried, she walked into the darkness according to Su Jin's orders...

When the moon is full.

What will happen when the night of the full moon comes?

Not only Su Jin is considering this issue, but even the other monks who are being swallowed up want to know as soon as possible. Here, it is too terrible—

"These stone men gathered here, it feels like a broken dragon stone for sealing the tomb. It is not yet known whether these stone men have combat power, otherwise we will all become martyrs by then!" There is a female sister from the Eastern Gods, Three to five groups, trembling in fear, they felt how weak they were when facing the mysterious power!

"Our Eastern Gods has lost too much. As the pinnacle of Gods, the number of people arrested would have been the most--"

"Which family are you from?"

"I come from the Dongfang family. The Dongfang family is an ancient imperial court. I used to take charge of the Eastern Gods Realm, but at that time the Eastern Gods Realm hadn't even reached the highest God Realm."

"Ah? At first, Eastern Gods was named after your Dongfang family. I heard that in this generation, Dongfang family had a beautiful girl named Dongfangqin. I don't know where she is in the tomb at this moment."

"Damn not the Lord, if it weren't for him, how could we have fallen into this ghost place--"


Happiness produces sorrow, and joy in sorrow, perhaps this is the despair of the four gods monks.

Time passed by.

The cultivators of the Four Gods Realm, except that they did not enter the restricted area of ​​life in different time and space, and suffered the least damage, many of the weaker cultivators were overwhelmed long ago, and one group after another passed away.


A vast full moon, a white glow appeared from the horizon!

"It's getting started! It's getting started!" Hundreds of Gods Domain's Xian, nervous, shouted directly.

That full moon was so big that it spanned the entire horizon. Although the sight was spectacular, people in the Four Great Gods naturally knew that it was not time to appreciate——

"The month of January has come! Will the fairy king of life appear?" Someone sadly discovered that their usual boring and boring life, but now it seems that with a full moon rising, it has become extremely luxurious.

"There are powerful prophecies that as long as the King of Life and the King of Life come together, today's Peerless Immortal Burial will be completely closed and eternally sinking into endless darkness." Someone sighed.

"Ah? Isn't this peerless burial place completely closed before?"

"Yes! You should have heard that this happened because of the Universal War Ancestor! That Universal War Ancestor is naturally incomparable with Gu Xian, let alone the old stone man, the evil mysterious youth, and the mighty Gu Xian. It is comparable to others, but it is the ancestor of the world warrior who walked into this peerless celestial burial, caused a catastrophe, and led the evil youth out."

"The moon is full, and everything is like a dream bubble. I have thought about hundreds of ways to eliminate it, but I never thought that it would fall in this situation. I...after the fall, I can't even return home."


The full moon quietly revealed more than half of her head!

The situation is getting more and more urgent! Countless people have seen the living stone men and started to turn sideways, all facing east!

Strands of fairy **** draw out from the bright moon——

Thousands of stone people, each of them huge, covered the entire dark world. Those moonlights, as if swallowed, gradually turned around the snow-white snow-capped mountains to the north, and finally gathered into a white bridge, horizontally Hang out!

The Chaosong Banshee came back, with nothing, the worry on her face, without disguising——

"What to do." Chaosheng Banshee asked through voice transmission.

"An Xin, the King of Life should have passed away a long time ago. If my guess is right, what is buried here should be her Taoist body. Since she has a long-cherished wish, I will help her fulfill her wish within this month. "Su Jin Chuanyin responded to the Chaosheng Banshee.

"She will kill you--" The Chaosheng Banshee shook her head with fear in her eyes, "Just now, I couldn't get out of those stone formations. This place has become a complete Jedi."

"Not necessarily, you will be safe if you come, besides...I still have the worst solution." Su Jin responded.

The worst way!

Chaosheng Banshee puzzled.

According to Su Jin's current strength, I am afraid that even ordinary sages can't beat him. He does not know when he will be able to recover from the great divine way of the world. How can he contend with that ‘life fairy king’?

Often, the dead are the most terrifying——

This peerless celestial burial has been arranged since the three thousandths of Su Jin’s reincarnation, which is enough to show how cruel and cruel the "life immortal king" is.

"Sakura, you hide it first." Su Jin wanted to send Sakura back to the fairy bridge.

"I... I should be able to help."

"You don't need to take risks with your body, I've never seen any scenes along the way, good...When I can't help, I will definitely call you out and talk to the so-called life fairy king about the daily routine--" Su Jin's eyes were cold, and finally with a gentle tone, she coaxed Sakura onto the fairy bridge.

The real challenge...

It's about to start.

The long bridge of life turned into by moonlight is not far away. Su Jin knew that he should be on the road, and walked on this bridge to meet the so-called ‘life immortal king’.

"I'm with you." Chaosheng Banshee said quickly.

"If anyone here is most likely to live, it's you... so I can't let you follow me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Why am I most likely to live?" The Chaosheng Banshee was surprised.

"Your curse, I just solved it for you. Your body is full of vitality. If you perceive it carefully, you will find that the skin on your back will feel cold."

Su Jin calmly said: "I have condensed the Daoyun of the great life technique into a totem and imprinted it on you, so you will not be restricted by the restricted life zone. Now you, think of a way to leave..."

After speaking, Su Jin stepped onto the Moonlight Bridge without turning his head back.

The Chaosheng Banshee is full of complexity.

The curse of God has been lifted. In the Peerless Immortal Burial, she is not bothered by the passing of life, that is to say, she is free!

These days, the Chaosheng Banshee has been in the ups and downs from despair to happiness, but now this kind of freedom... She didn't feel any happiness--

Even the Chaosheng Banshee felt that Su Jin dumped her...

"How can he live?" The Chaosheng Banshee seemed to be accustomed to life in a small house during this month, and her mortal-like joy and comfort made her feel different from the fun of boring practice.

but now……

Su Jin is gone!

The Chaosheng Banshee stood on the snowy mountain and refused to leave--

Su Jin's mind is now extremely calm. Twenty-four days ago, he should have been killed by the Life Immortal King, but fortunately, he spoke and dragged it down to today.

"This shows that the King of Life places great importance on the one-month period." Su Jin said firmly in his heart.

However, what is to come will come! Su Jin is not afraid! He is now... the peak period of the Nine Dao has not yet fully recovered, and the Great Divine Dao is completely unable to perceive it, but the blue sky lotus in the sea of ​​Qi, vaguely exudes a breath...

Su Jin could feel the blue sky lotus, but he still failed to call this lotus, which made him feel a little weird.

How far is this fairy road--

Su Jin hurried away for half of the incense time, but he still hadn't reached the end. He could now see the giant'stone men' on the left and right sides. The green eyes of these stone men were extremely uncomfortable.

There is no murder, no hindrance, Su Jin never stops...

Finally, from a distance, Su Jin saw a black building! On the building, there was a wonderful back, but her waist-length hair was dangled, and her hair was like snow.

Su Jin's face was gentle, and he asked loudly: "I have reincarnation for three thousand lives, you... did you choose reincarnation, or disappearance, or did you fit in?"

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