My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3505: Impeccable IQ

Su Jin’s voice is entirely in the tone of meeting an old friend——

Even if the "Life Fairy King" in my eyes is so strange.

To Su Jin, the Immortal King of Life is indeed very strange. Her figure does not seem to be familiar at all, although he knows that the other party is certainly not bad.

In silence, Su Jin saw that the other party did not speak, and even on her, there was endless coldness!

"If you don't speak, brother will leave..." Su Jin said angrily.


The voice of the Immortal King of Life seems to have reached the extreme coldness of the world——

Su Jin's cold hair stood upright. Since he practiced, he has never felt this kind of coldness in a woman, especially the short words ‘Stay’, which seems to indicate extremely bad consequences.

"Let me guess what?" Su Jin said with a straight face.

"Okay." The King of Life nodded stiffly, even with his back to Su Jin, it was creepy.

"I have the body of a ghost king, and I can't feel you in a peerless tomb. This shows that... you are in harmony with the Tao, the ultimate life avenue. You seem to see me here with a certain will. Am I right? "Su Jin asked.

"Wrong." The voice of the Life Immortal King became even colder.

Su Jin:...

How does this allow him to communicate?

Let him talk like a tongue, facing such a cold girl, there is nothing to do.

"Ahem -" Su Jin showed a pained expression on his face, "My injury is too serious. Can I have a place to sit down? In fact, our affairs are easy to solve."


A moonlight gradually condensed into a chair, allowing Su Jin to sit down. The chair was moderately soft and hard, as if it were cushioned by a blanket.

There is a play, there is a play, Su Jin's eyes flashed a glimmer of hope——

Fighting, it must be a fart, this life immortal king can squeeze Shizun to death, that is to say, to the point where Gu Xian can be squeezed to death with his fingers, how to fight!

"It was like now, and one month ago that year, you heard the news that you have entered the cycle of reincarnation and will never be seen. I am discouraged and set a period of the next month, but you never appeared in the end." Similarly, with his back facing Su Jin, the cold tone in his tone made countless monks who quietly followed this scene tremble.

"That's because I don't deserve you--" Su Jin rolled his eyes and said lightly: "I'm back for three thousand reincarnations. It's a pity that things are wrong!"

"You are unfeeling, you are qualified, you were cheated away by a fox!"

"The king vaguely remembered that when he entered the cycle of reincarnation, some verses often lingered."

Su Jin couldn't help but began to feel sore, and continued: "There are beautiful people, and they will never forget them. If you don't see them for a day, they will think like crazy. When will you know when you meet? At this time, this night is embarrassing..."

Read, read affectionately.

It's nauseating!

The cultivators of the four gods all took a step back!

I take the test!

This is also OK?

Your special brew is really talented!

"Toothless! Sure enough, this set! No wonder he is surrounded by beautiful women, so shameless for three thousand generations!" The monks of Order God's Domain couldn't help but spray.

"No way! Beautiful women take this trick, you see that he is catchy, his face is not red and his heart beats, this not only requires great confidence, but also has a thicker skin than the sky!"

"Is this really the cold-blooded person? Why does it seem to suddenly become a great talent? But look at it, the King of Life, you won't be fooled, she just said, let this person not stay Come and accompany her!"

"Why didn't I think of this trick? No wonder the younger sister doesn't love me, but a scholar who loves Confucianism and Taoism. What's so good about Confucianism and Taoism? Now I am so wrong, scholars rely on a mouth-- "

"Take it, will the fairy king of life be fooled by you! Don't look at it, how you hurt others... stepped into the reincarnation three thousand times, never seen! What a despair!"

"I'm so ashamed to hear it! There is a beauty, I can't forget it, I don't see it for a day, I think like crazy! Nah...I vomited--"

"So shameless!"



When countless people started spraying, some people saw the Immortal King of Life, trembling vaguely, but the coldness of that trembling body was not diminished.

Then, the shocking and shameless scene appeared again!

"I can see you in the future, but I must never stay--" Su Jin's temperament seemed to be mentioned suddenly. Under the tiger's body, his eyes condensed like stars with mighty and domineering sharpness, "I'm back. I have the posture of standing on top of the heavens!"

It's terrible--

These four-character evaluations, regardless of Su Jin's opponents, even the current Chaosong Banshee, give this super-advanced feeling!

At first it was close, like an old friend who opened the chatterbox, then talked about the thoughts, and used high-level verses to impress the other party and break his heart. Not only did he exaggerate the beauty of the other party, incomparable, but also clearly told the king of life that he seemed to have countless helplessness. !

And now it's amazing, what's alive is the feeling of a comeback! Declare your return with supreme confidence! The key is obviously shameless, but very useful!


Five-body throwing clothes--

"Now if I stand in front of the emperor that night, I will definitely slap him directly, can I say such brazen words?" The cultivator of the Eastern Gods Realm wanted to roll on the ground angrily.

"Who can take care of the emperor of the night! It's too fatal for the current king of life to lead people into the trap step by step without saying anything!"

"I...Professional Bai Xiaosheng of the Eastern Gods! Don't let me go out of this peerless fairy burial, or I will tell the world about your shamelessness!"

"Don't you realize that he is a man like this? He is very tender and feels pretty good." A female nun from Eastern Gods said in a low voice.

"It's over, another deceived one! You didn't feel how advanced Yedi's successive routines are!"


Countless people, looking at the fairy king of life! Now, many people are so annoyed to die, hoping that the immortal king of life can pinch the Ye Emperor to death with his fingers, a thousand times eight hundred times!

The bright moon is in the sky, the vicissitudes of time--

The King of Life turned his back to Su Jin, slowly lowered his head, his voice seemed to soften, and said: "Unfortunately, the years are fickle, and I can't go back to the past."

"Yes! Tell me how can I save you, now...I still have some power to open the Palace of Longevity for you once! you!" Su Jin asked urgently in his eyes.

Inside, Jiao, and outside, many monks from the Four Gods Realm, after hearing Su Jin’s words, they all seemed to be hit inside and outside—

The proper hero return mode, although I have lost you, but I entered Samsara for three thousand lives, I must be strong enough to be worthy of you, now... now I have the ability to make you back to the way you were before appearance!

The complete routine, one link and one link, step by step, impeccable!

It's terrible, it's terrible.

"Will you stay here--" The Immortal King of Life shook his head, seemingly unspeakable.

"It's okay to stay with you!" Su Jin gritted his teeth fiercely, looked at the Immortal King of Life with his eyes'eagerly', and shouted: "But I want to kill someone. After I kill him, I will be here forever. you!"

"Who..." the life fairy asked.

"Catch the monks from the four gods and pretend to be the young man who is not the world-honored person!" Su Jin stood up suddenly, and finally turned pale, affecting his injuries, "He is the existence in this immortal burial, and he wants to kill. I--"

The King of Life fell into a long silence--

"You are really shameless!" A voice suddenly appeared in the entire fairy burial.

Soon, that evil young man! Appeared not far from Su Jin, a hundred meters diagonally across!

"Come out? You and I fight--" Su Jin swayed holding the chair and pointed at the young man.

"You want to kill him?" The Immortal King of Life looked at the evil young man, "Have you got my permission?"

"This is the way he must go! The test he arranged for himself back then! If the test is not completed, he will definitely die! can't stop it!" The evil young man seemed to be anxious, obviously this situation It was also something he never expected.

"I will fight you on his behalf." The King of Life slowly got up.

Hum hum~~~

Su Jin hummed an unknown little song softly. With a pale face, he sat on the chair and flipped his hands gently. A case table appeared in front of him, with a pot of old wine and a plate of venison hidden in the past. He began to drink happily.

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