My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3507: Sandao Baidi

"All dead, all dead—"

There were monks from the Gods Realm for a hundred times, staring blankly at Su Jin standing in the void.

"The messenger of God belongs to my hundred generations of royal family. If Ye Gongyi doesn't have any trouble, he can inherit the entire hundred generations of God's Domain in less than twenty years. As a result... , It's hard to escape!"

"We order God's Domain, and it is worse than any God's Domain. The domain master dare not even come out now!"

"Look! Look at the place where the eighty-eight peak masters of the gate of origin fell!"


The remaining four cultivators of the gods all had their faces shocked, including Su Jin, Chaosheng Banshee, mighty ancient sages, and even the King of Life and the evil young man suddenly staring at them!

"Look at what you are doing!" The evil young man angered at the Immortal King of Life, "The people at the Gate of Origin must not be easily cut off! Even I...I am careless!"

"God's handwriting?" The King of Life was obviously a little surprised.


The entire peerless fairy burial shook in that patch of eccentric glow!

Su Jin didn't care about it, and directly summoned the God Rabbit Doudou and Chaosheng Banshee, and then walked towards the Life Fairy King with a dark face!

"Look, this is the person you are waiting for, a strong man who claims that after three thousand years of reincarnation, there will be no God... He is now, not to mention you, even I can kill with one finger!" The evil young man sneered. Said: "But he hasn't changed a bit, he's still so passionate! He's a kind of love!"

"Who are these two of you?" Life Immortal King asked Su Jin.

Before Su Jin could speak--

Chaosheng Banshee and God Rabbit went around, knelt down and said: "Ye Di is our master!"

The evil young man's eyes flashed, and the two women in their hearts were clever!

The life fairy raised his head, his eyes softened a lot--

In the true sense, Su Jin was the first time to see this woman's face. Except for the white hair that was in the middle of the night and her waist, both on her skin and her face, it all gave people the feeling of a fairy. Unfortunately... he didn't. I like this woman too much, and from the way she feels to herself, it shouldn't be a person or a corpse.

"It's no coincidence that God's handwriting appears here." The Immortal King of Life slowly said, "I test you beforehand, don't you blame me..."

"No blame!" Su Jin shook his head flatly.

Although it is not strange! But Su Jin was shocked inside! Why is this woman a temptation? Did she not intend to leave herself in this peerless fairy burial?

"Crazy woman! You are really a crazy woman!" The evil young man was a little crazy--

"You asked me earlier, which path I chose..." The Immortal King of Life smiled, staring at Su Jin, and said, "Now I tell you, will you go find me?"

"Do you...reincarnated too?" Su Jin's eyes were dumbfounded.

"I originally planned to fit into the great road, but I was angry back then, so I chose reincarnation. The life road that my body transformed into, including memory, was all reincarnated in one person, and she, that is me, is currently in the ancient immortal world. ——"

The King of Life lowered his face, "You want to come to me, your big life technique can perceive my life path."

"What is your name in the ancient immortal world?" Su Jin hurriedly asked.

"Master Yu..." The Immortal King of Life raised his hand and pointed at the evil young man, and said: "He doesn't want to be your enemy, and... he's not a human being."

"What about you? You are not the will of the life immortal king--" the young man snorted coldly.

"Who is he?" Su Jin has always been puzzled. This young man could easily kill him, but when he came to this peerless immortal burial, he said bluntly that this was just a test of life and death!

"Before the period of January of that year, you had entered the cycle of reincarnation, and he... was actually a king bone, but he was quite special, and belonged to the heavenly king bone among the best king bones. At that time, you killed the heavenly king. Bone right arm, set this test, and now you have passed it." The King of Life said again.

"Where did it pass!" The young man was anxious.

The immortal king of life shook his finger slightly, and the evil young man's expression suddenly changed!

Circles of vitality are being stripped from the young man, his physical body collapses quickly in a shriveled way, he is not a human, without blood——

"Finally, it's up to you! But I... don't like him! You don't want me to recognize him! At least, I haven't recognized it yet!"

When the youth roared, the void it was in was quickly occupied by an inky blue halo, and soon, a long, dark blue arm bone, floating in the void!

"You may still have doubts, but God's hand-instruction is not trivial. I have sensed the breath of the White Emperor Three Swords, and only the will of the immortal king I have left will not last long.

The King of Life wiped away that piece of Heavenly Dao King Bone and gave it to Su Jin, "Let’s go, remember to come to me... Come to Ancient Immortal World——"

Su Jin only felt that thousands of stone people were respected, and they all began to roar to the sky!

That kind of aura that shattered the sky is unheard of even for him!

It turns out that the God's manuscript has such an effect!

Su Jin saw the gate of origin and the place where the eighty-eight peak masters had fallen, and vaguely saw the formation of transmission lines appearing. Among them... there were several terrifying auras that turned the sky upside down, spreading!

A piece of green life totem is connected to each other on the body of thousands of stone people!




The entire peerless fairy burial began to show its original appearance, and there was a river of life to the south! Across the starry sky-

More than many people began to entangle vitality and merge into the long river of life!

"You reincarnated, are you as beautiful as you are now?" Su Jin asked.

"Well--" The King of Life turned his head shyly, "But my original memory has been sealed by myself. You have to chase the rain concubine and unlock my sealed memory. It's not easy—"

"I will definitely go!"

Su Jin sighed, "You are in the ancient immortal world, wait for me!"

"You sin gods, all are going to die!" In the divine light emitted by the hand of God, there are faintly several figures who are about to cross over, and their voices spread everywhere!

"Hurry up--" The life immortal king swept away his robes and directly plunged the three Su Jin into the river of life, and then... the vast life totem condensed from countless stone figures, slowly descended from the sky, and landed at the hand of God. !



When almost all the surviving people escaped, this peerless celestial burial, as if from the outside to the inside, quickly collapsed in, and finally turned into a tiny bit of light and disappeared!

Except for the time and space of the other side, the ancient **** emperor and others, the remaining three cultivators of the gods all left!

They found their way home! Here, it is far from the realm of a hundred generations, but it is separated by three distances! It's not far!

"Thank you, senior, for helping me in the tomb." Su Jin found the old stone man and was shocked by his identity.

At that time, the Immortal King of Life summoned tens of thousands of stone people, this old stone man, who was not included in the list, could defy the will of the Immortal King of Life, and was really powerful!

"Little friend Fuze is profound, alas—" Lao Shiren pulled that little Doyan to him, "I have a relationship with her, maybe, I can see the sun again, it is for her."

"Xiao Duoyan, would you like to follow this grandpa?" Su Jin asked Xiao Duoyan seriously.

"Hmm -" Xiao Duoyan nodded her head hurriedly.

"Senior, it is a good thing to be able to see the sky again. The years are reincarnation, and the vicissitudes of life are almost changed. This era is no longer in the past. If Senior has nowhere to go, I would recommend a place." Su Jin said.

"Where?" Lao Shiren had no home, and now they were all strangers outside, he couldn't help asking.

"Ancient God Emperor!" Su Jin said softly.


The ancient **** emperor's heart is called a beauty. Such a great good thing really fell on him. If he could invite this old senior to the ‘different time and space’, who would dare to provoke him that day?

He is even very likely to be the Bronze Emperor!

Su Jin said earnestly: "In the different time and space, the jurisdiction of my blessing, seniors can safely teach Xiao Duoyan there—"

"It won't be troublesome, right?" The old stone man still hesitated.

"No! No! Senior, don't worry!" Ancient God Sovereign said quickly.


"Feng Guyi, when I am away, I will contact Niluan Tianyu, and wait for me to come back soon to conquer the Eastern Peak Divine Realm!" When Su Jin said to Feng Guyi, he called Xiao Suxian again and said: " The Ancient Immortal Realm that the King of Life said, but which immortal realm your Ancient Immortal Kingdom can ascend?"

"Yes." Xiao Suxian was a little nervous and nodded.

"Su Xian, you go with me, the others, wait for me to come back in a few days, and then consider the long-term plan." Su Jin looked at Mo Hongyu, Wang Qiang, Guiqing and other women, and finally turned around after seeing them nodding their heads. .

"Wait—" The mighty ancient Xian ran over, scratching his head, and finally shook his head and shook his hand at Su Jin: "Thank you, Lord Yedi, for not killing!"

"Little fat man, since you want to thank you, you can't leave empty-handed." Su Jin said coldly: "In a few days, I will restart the Longevity Hall in Different Time and Space, and let the Goddess of Origin come out. At that time, I can't say that I still need it. You help!"

"Huh? How many days?"

"I don't know, but it should be soon."

"My dignified Guxian, let me go to another time and space, do I still want my reputation?" The mighty Guxian became embarrassed.

Su Jin sent a message to the ancient **** emperor, explaining some things to him.

"Senior!" The ancient **** emperor's mouth broke with a smile, "We are in a different time and space, nothing else, but there are countless delicious foods! We can do it for a thousand years, and it will be difficult to see in time and space. Some of the rare birds and beasts, the meat is delicious, don’t you think about it?"

"Go! I can't go--" The mighty Guxian couldn't hear the words of rare birds and beasts, the saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly walked to the side of the ancient **** emperor.

Soon, Su Jin took the "Blue Rabbit" around, Xiao Suxian, and the Chaosheng Banshee disappeared——

However, a few people didn't know it, and soon there was a big shocking news!

The Hundred Worlds of God's Domain, three hundred and sixty-six worlds, torch! There are only a few gods' realm monks left, and it is hard to return home! This still originated from the fire that the evil young man indulged!

"It's ruined, it's all ruined." Many of the Hundred Generations of Gods Domain engulfed by blazing flames can't help but feel melancholy from a distance.

"Not the emperor of the world, the threat of cutting the gold dynasty, cutting the hundred generations, and now... have all come true!"

"Emperor Ye also said that soon, he will conquer our Eastern Peak God Realm! He... personally said--"

"It's a pity! The King of Life is standing on the side of the Emperor Ye Di! This shocking fairy can even prevent the power of God's hand-to-letter and prevent the terrifying existence from coming!"

"Where did you go without Shizun Yedi?"

"It is rumored that I went to the vast ancient immortal realm, which is a closed ancient immortal realm with unknown power. It is rumored that there is only one ancient immortal country that can make the female of the country fly up. There, it is as mysterious as a peerless fairy burial."

"Three Swords Baidi, who of you knows Three Swords Baidi?"

"Zhan the emperor, kill the king, kill the common people, no one will ever escape the three swords! The life immortal king is so hurried, it should not give the other party the opportunity to use the three swords, otherwise... even if she is the life immortal king, It will also be cut to the source of destruction!"

"The White Emperor with Three Swords will surely know what happened in the God's Domain of the Hundred Generations, and the God's hand-written word has been completed, without the world-honor...Soon, he will also die under his three swords!"

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