My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3508: The last way

Bright sky!

Amidst the emptiness of the galaxy, Su Jin, together with Doudou, Chaosheng Banshee, and Xiao Suxian, landed on an uninhabited continent.

"It turns out that the evil young man is actually a piece of heavenly king bone, already have two king bones?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin with her fascinating eyes, showing all kinds of amorous feelings. .

"Three --" Su Jin said lightly.

"Huh?" The Chaosheng Banshee was taken aback, even if she was wearing a blue thin dress and her pocket, she gasped.

"Not long ago, Ootian has become a king, and with the Qingtianlian piece, it is already three yuan." Su Jin has nothing to hide, and it is not a secret.

"Ye Di is the smartest person I have ever seen——" Shentu said seriously.

The scenes not long ago are still vivid!

For a few women, Su Jin was definitely a temporary play at the time. It would not be easy to have the last laugh under such huge pressure!

Su Jin shook his head and didn't feel anything. It was just taking advantage of his strength, and he felt that the life fairy king, as long as he was reincarnated, it would be impossible to trap him in the tomb. The other party just wanted to see his determination. .

At this moment, Xiao Suxian is carefully depicting the formation pattern based on his memory. As the national daughter of the ancient immortal kingdom, he is far from reaching the stage of ascension to the ancient immortal realm, but Su Jin only allows her to depict the ascension pattern. There is a way.

"Is the characterization done?" Su Jin asked, looking at Xiao Suxian.

"Okay, but... can it really work?" Xiao Suxian doubted Su Jin's ability.

"Yes--" Su Jin said seriously.

"What should I do next?" Xiao Suxian's expression was a little nervous. Although she was a national daughter, but the ancient fairy country has been able to ascend to the ancient immortal realm for countless years, the only national daughter who has been able to ascend to the ancient fairy realm is in the index.

Su Jin looked at Shentu Doudou, "You become the original form."

The rabbit nodded, blushing and embarrassed, and finally turned into a blue rabbit and jumped into Xiao Suxian's arms.


Su Jin raised his hand, the'Life Stele' appeared from his hand, and saw a sigh, the'Enlightenment Tree' stretched out, and then he snapped his fingers, two immortals circled Xiao Suxian and Chao Sheng On the banshee.

"Use the blood of your origin to light up the formation pattern. If nothing happens, there will be a divine light. During this period, I will seize your main road and fly up together." Su Jin said.

"How could it be!" Xiao Suxian looked incredulously.

"Anything is possible! Don't worry, my Immortal Dao is far stronger than you. No immortal Dao has a long history without my enlightenment tree. I will bless you." Su Jin said.

"Then I will try." Xiao Suxian nodded.

Xiao Suxian was wearing a fairy-white long dress. As soon as she stretched her wrist, a drop of blood condensed from the catkin's fingertips, which was directly hit by her in the formation.

At that moment, Xiao Suxian only felt the immortal Dao in his body extremely strong! It feels like infinite ancient immortal Dao marks are swarming into her ancient immortal avenue!

Her internal organs, the sky, countless veins, are all immortal and brilliant!


The entire enchanting celestial formation burst out with a strong celestial light, and the celestial marks in it, under the blessing of the "Enlightenment Tree", unexpectedly reached its peak for a short time!

Immortal array, bright and dazzling!

A column of fairy light, about tens of meters wide, directly violently broke through the restrictions and hit the endless distance at high altitude!

"I feel the power of attraction!" Xiao Suxian said in surprise.

"I felt it too!" The Chaosheng Banshee was taken aback. Although she was called the "Tidesheng Banshee", she was not a demon. It was just because when her body was close to the sea, the Dao Mark would merge into the tide sound, and a wonderful appearance appeared. Movement.

But she is not cultivating immortal Dao——

How could the Chaosheng Banshee not be surprised!

The corner of Su Jin’s mouth curled, he held Xiao Suxian’s original ancient immortal Dao, with the help of this enchanting immortal formation, he could easily enter the tide sound banshee also disguised as an ancient immortal, not to mention, he built it. There is immortality.

Scenes are flying by! This piece of celestial light seemed to lead them through an extremely long distance, but when it reached the end, it was a scene of a fairy blossom transformed into a five-color fairy cloud!

"Weird, so weird, is there another Ascended?"

The sudden strange cry directly attracted the attention of Su Jin and the three people——

The five-color fairy cloud gradually dissipated, as if the cloud and mist were lifted away, revealing a piece of fairy soil, and on the very edge of a small piece of land, a monument was erected!

That is a white jade stele with the three misty characters of "Ancient Immortal World" written on it!

"Who is talking?" Xiao Suxian glanced around and couldn't help asking.

" are so bold! Can't you see such a big person!" The voice continued.

Su Jin smiled faintly, took two strides forward, bends over and picked up one person—

This person is no more than a foot tall, he is really hard to find in the clouds!

Su Jin grasped the teapot braids erected by this person, and watched him dancing with his arms and legs, with a displeased expression on his face. He was also very surprised: "Who are you?"

"I am the Immortal Changbai who is in charge of the introduction here, you are disrespectful, let me go!" Immortal Changbai yelled.

Although he yelled, Changbaixian Weng was very courageous. A pair of small eyes kept lingering between the "Tide Sound Banshee" and Xiao Suxian——

"We are the immortal cultivators who soared up." Su Jin said lightly.

"I know! But your combination is really interesting. This beauty also came up with a rabbit spirit." After being put down by Su Jin, Changbaixian Weng held a teapot-like haircut, and finally jumped on the words'Gu On the white jade monument of "Xianjie".

"Look at me like this again, carefully goug your eyes--" The Chaosheng Banshee scared Changbai Immortal Weng coldly.

"You are scared when you are a fairy? Since you have soared up from here, you will be in charge of the fairy! I can tell you that this level is not easy for me." Changbai Immortal hugged his fleshy arms in front of him , A miserable expression of yours.

"How can it be difficult to live?" Su Jin asked.

"Man, stand on the left! Just stand here and wait for my message! You two, lose the rabbit spirit, and follow me to the'refining pool' to see if you are orthodox ancient immortals--" Changbai Xian Weng's eyes were not right, as if he was intoxicated.

He considers himself lucky.

Staying here boringly, it's hard to meet an ascender for thousands of eight hundred years, and now...two big beauties have come! When he saw a beautiful fairy last time, he had forgotten that it was thousands of years ago!


Changbaixian Weng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, one by one, slap prints, constantly appearing on his face, hot pain, making him howl with anger before he was angry!

"Do you dare to hit me!" Changbai Immortal Weng grinned and roared at Su Jin-

"What if we don't enter the training pool?" Su Jin's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Impossible! If you don't enter the refining pool, how can you be given the status card of the ancient immortal world, you will be expelled!" Changbaixianweng said angrily.

Bang bang bang ——

For a while, Jin Xing'er appeared in Changbaixian Weng's mind, and he couldn't help saying: "Stop, stop! I have something to say!"

Su Jin calmly said: "We can also enter the training pool, but before that, I will beat you half to death. Of course, you will not see the scene of two fairies entering the training pool."

"Where did you fly up? The Immortal Prison of Refining the World? Or the Twelve Emperor Realm?" Changbai Immortal Weng trembled, his tone lightened a lot when he spoke.

"We--" Xiao Suxian was about to explain the origins, but was stopped by Su Jin.

Su Jin said with cold eyes: "Anyway, it's something you can't afford to provoke, so we can deal with our identity card, otherwise it will come in the next day, wipe your identity here, and beat you to death!"

"Do it, I will do it!"

Changbaixianweng slapped his head, and sprayed three wisps of immortal energy from his mouth, condensed into cards.

"This is the identity card of the ancient immortal world, you only need to drop blood!" Changbaixian Weng said quickly, unable to withstand the beating and intimidation.

Xiao Suxian nodded at Su Jin, she began to drip blood, and her original immortal path seemed to sway, as if she had successfully ascended——

Su Jin lightly grabbed the two fairy cards in front of him, two ray of fairy light appeared from him and the Chaosheng Banshee, and disappeared into the fairy cards.

Without blood, can you light up the immortal card with strong immortal power?

Changbaixianweng was shocked, knowing that he almost made a big mistake and provoke the existence that he shouldn’t provoke——

"You're not bad, keep your eyes honest from now on." Su Jin said coldly.

"Yes! Yes!" Changbaixian Weng nodded hurriedly.

"Ask you something."

Su Jin said with a sullen face, "Do you know that there is a person in the ancient immortal world who owns the Avenue of Life? That's a girl named Yu Shi concubine."

"Who are you... on earth?" Immortal Changbai was terribly scared. Not only was this person very'cruel', even the questions he asked were terrifying.

"Ask?" Su Jin suddenly showed a bad face.

"Don't ask, you should be people who admire life fairies very much? But remember, in the ancient world, you must not call life fairies directly. She is currently in the'Putuo Wonderland', where there are many fairy cities, fairy courtyards are popular, and life fairies Practicing in that fairyland—" Changbai Immortal continued.

"How to go!" Su Jin asked again.

"You have already become people in the ancient immortal world, and you can send it from me--" Changbaixianweng quickly led the way.

Before long, several white jade-like teleportation stones emitted fairy lights and connected together. Changbaixianweng wiped his tears and sent away the three Su Jin people. He never wanted to meet these people again!

Things went smoothly unexpectedly.

This is something Su Jin could not imagine--

Putuo Immortal Mountain is surrounded by immortal spirits, and the range seems to be endless. Among the ten thousand mountains, there are not many immortal cities, and the place where Su Jin and the others appeared is a place called'Golden Immortal City'.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation formation, Su Jin saw many immortal cultivators in immortal clothes, rushing incessantly. The heyday of immortality here is rare in the world!

When he came here, Su Jin stopped one person, and the first question he asked was how to see Yushi concubine!

"You want to see the Fairy of Life, I still want to see it!" A young man looked at Su Jin weirdly. He saw two women standing beside Su Jin, both of whom were already covered in veils. They felt detached and very extraordinary.

"Life Fairy, is it so difficult to see?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"Everyone in the world wants to see the fairy face. The foreign immortals who come to Putuo Wonderland are all for her, but where is there time for everyone to see?" the young immortal cultivator said.

"How can I see you last time--" Su Jin got up helplessly.

"There are four ways, I ask you, do you have a prominent family?" The young man continued to look at Su Jin and asked.

"No." Su Jin shook his head.

"Then there are only three ways left." The young man said earnestly: "The first way is to become a closed disciple of'Yunmeng Guxian', because that Yunmeng Guxian has only one closed disciple, which is the fairy of life. The fairy sees her as her own, and doesn't often let her come out to show others."

"This is too difficult--" Xiao Suxian said blankly.

"Yes, it's difficult!" The young man said with emotion: "It is almost impossible! Then subtract one more path, and there are two ways left. One is to wait another half a month, and then all the fairy courtyards in Putuo will unite in Together, hold a fairy meeting, when countless cultivators will come."

"Just wait until the fairy meeting, the life fairy will appear?"

"Of course not! When the fairy meeting is rumored, Wan Chao will come to congratulate, and many big people will come, how do you say Life Fairy will also show up? Then maybe... I said it is possible... to see her."

Su Jin sighed: "Well, there is one last way--"

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