My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3510: Mysterious Breaker

Along the rugged fairy road, many people including Qin Haiyang reached the second level.

"Everyone, this mountain is called Laojun Mountain. In the time when the ancient immortal kings crisscrossed, Laojun Mountain once turned into Laojun celestial beings and flew past the mountains.

The blue-clothed youth is obviously more familiar with this place, and then he said: "Lao Jun, the fairy fell, and with a ray of fairy mountain spirit, Lao Jun Mountain has condensed again."

"Friend Fairy knows a lot about this place--" Qin Haiyang laughed.

"Just laugh, I'm a local, and my name is Duan Fengxian. I come from'Yuelan Academy'." The blue-clothed youth clasped his fists around.

Su Jin felt indifferent, walked into the second level, and began to break through!

But for the identity of the blue-clothed youth, dozens of other people around were shocked--

"You are Fairy Eagle City, the son of the Duan family?" someone asked in surprise.

"Xianying City can also be ranked in the forefront of all the fairy cities in Putuo Wonderland, and the Yuelan Academy in Eagle City is known as the first of the Five Immortals!"

"As expected of the son of the Duan family, knowledgeable and talented!"

Duan Fengxian hurriedly clasped his fists, a little ashamed in his smile——

"The head of the Five Immortals? They are also worthy?" A discordant voice appeared!

Qin's third sibling and Duan Fengxian all looked over.

"People of Qinglong Academy." Duan Fengxian frowned. There are many schools in Putuo Wonderland, but their strengths are uneven. Of course, there are also some academies that threaten the Fifth Academy. This Qinglong Academy is one of them.

"Duan Fengxian, this immortal meeting, the five academies will be re-ranked! Can you Yuelan Academy rank in the top five, or two! But our Qinglong Academy is bound to win first!" said the youth headed by Qinglong Academy.

This young man's dress is extremely luxurious. Compared with the more elegant styles of other colleges, his dress and temperament are slightly public--

"Your family, Qinglong Ancient Immortal, didn't you teach you how to behave?" Duan Fengxian also dismissed the young man. "Would you like me to teach you here on his behalf?"

"You--" The young man's face was a bit annoyed, but immediately he suppressed his arrogance and sneered: "After half a month, when the fairy meets, you will see our Qinglong Academy, and you will force your Yuelan Academy! But since you With such a request, it’s not necessary for me, Gu Yang, to test his sword here."

"How to compare?" Duan Fengxian asked.

"The people present, including your Yuelan Academy, my Qinglong Academy, and these people--" Gu Yang thought about it, and continued: "Forget it, let all the testers who are closed today also participate in it, anyway. , I will go the farthest!"

"No problem." Duan Fengxian agreed without hesitation.


The sudden sound of a bell shocked all the thousands of testers still in the sky!

"Someone broke the record! Only when the barrier is broken, breaking the shortest record ever held, will the'Tianshan Clock' ring! Who is the arrogant man--" Someone was surprised.

"There are a total of 100 levels in the Tianguan, and every tenth integer is a big level. The record of breaking the level will be recorded on the'bell-ring inscription' of each level!"

"Ah? Look at the front! At the beginning of the third level, the ‘bell-ringing stele’ flashes colorfully. The record for the second level before us should be broken!"

"After the turning point of Laojun Mountain, the second level is the second level. The second level is called'Colorful Immortal Lotus Pond'. The record holder... is the fairy of life!"

"At that time, Yunmeng Guxian set up the sky pass, and let the fairy of life be the first to break through. The fairy of life lived up to expectations and cleared all of them! In the past 100 years, in addition to the first 50 levels, 23 levels have been broken. It still holds records for most levels!"

"Who? Who broke the record for the second level of the'Colorful Immortal Lotus Pond'!"

"Putuo Fairyland, there has not been a Tianshan bell ringing for several years. As long as the bell rings, the fairyland mountains and Wanmen Academy are all known..."

"The Fair of Immortals is approaching, the ancestors of the world, the unworldly arrogant, gathered in Putuo, I think there will be many more days to break the record in the future——"

"how come!"

Qin Qingwu, Qin Shan, Qin Haiyang, including Duan Fengxian, Gu Yang and others, walked to the "Colorful Immortal Lotus Pond" and looked at the fairy pond in front of me, which was like a sea of ​​fog. mysterious!

"The second level, the Seven-Colored Immortal Lotus Pond, the Life Fairy has a record of 50 breaths. This is already a very exaggerated record. Can anyone break this?"

There are more and more people, the melodious bell of the Tianshan Clock, I don't know how many people come to hear the news, in a short while, the number of passers-by in the sky has risen from thousands to tens of thousands! And the numbers are still soaring--

"Where's Brother Ye? Did you see Brother Ye?" Qin Haiyang squeezed forward. He was only amazed just now, but he forgot where Su Jin had gone.

"The Immortal Consciousness and Primordial Spirit are locked here, and the aura is more mixed, maybe in other corners." Qin Shan said lightly.

"Then there can only be goodbye." Qin Haiyang said with some regret.

"Do you know that we almost exposed our identities. If this happens again next time, let me take you out secretly again--" Qin Qingwu said.

"Sister, let's start! Strive to break the record, so as to win glory for the family!" Qin Haiyang couldn't wait.



Qin Qingwu stepped into the "Colorful Immortal Lotus Pond", only then found the difficulty! The origin of the immortal Dao in her body seems to be restricted by inexplicable rules. With such a vast immortal pond, she can only keep herself from falling. In just a few dozen breaths of time, it is impossible to pass——

"Test!!" Qin Haiyang fell to the bottom with one foot, and finally turned into a fairy light, which was transmitted back to the shore again. His first attempt ended in failure!

"Friends of the fairy, this colorful fairy lotus pond pays attention to the balance of the use of fairy power, and it is not difficult to understand it." Duan Fengxian hurriedly said to Qin Haiyang.

"It's too cold, I feel like my body is going to freeze--" Qin Haiyang was trembling in fright, and the dark cold deep into his spine, like ice, made him unwilling to experience it a second time.

When Qin Qingwu heard Duan Fengxian's words like this, he tried to balance the immortal power in his body.

"Even so, it is impossible to leap over this fairy pond without two quarters of an hour -" someone said to Duan Fengxian.

"Humph." Gu Yang lifted his clothes and walked away, not slow!

This second level has a time limit of five hundred breaths, as long as you pass it within five hundred breaths!

Gu Yang, spent only one hundred and seventy breaths of time, is already the best of the best!

Duan Fengxian, as if deliberately, controlled the time to break the barrier to one hundred and sixty breaths!

Qin Qingwu's and two younger brothers' speeds were two hundred one, two hundred seven and three hundred and nine, respectively.

"Sure enough, I am the hottest chicken..." Qin Haiyang seemed to have lost his fighting spirit. This is the second level. There are a hundred levels in total. The fairy of life has no chance with him.

"Look at the guy who just broke the record, how long it took!" Someone saw Duan Fengxian standing blankly in front of the'bell ringing stele', and Gu Yang, also dumbfounded, his eyes staring round.

On the tolling bell, the new record of the birth of the "Colorful Immortal Lotus Pond" is clearly written: 1 breath!

Qin Haiyang came to the tolling bell and rubbed his eyes, and couldn't help kicking the tolling bell on both feet, and shouted, "This broken monument! Is it broken?"

"It can't be broken! But how can this one-interest record be possible!"

"Every time the bell is engraved on the stele, there will be the name of the breaker. If this stele is not broken, why is there no name left?" Gu Yang reacted and said immediately.


"Ah! Who is this! The third level broke my heavens again!" All the monks raised their heads high, their faces pale in fright.

"There must be something wrong with the sky pass! The second pass is unnamed! And the record is only 1 breath! Now the third pass, it is also broken! I heard that it took ten hours for the life fairy to go out in the third pass. Ten of them The record kept by Chrono, how short is it, was broken by that mysterious man again?"

"There really is such a arrogant in the world? Only a few hundred breaths before the second pass, the mysterious man broke the record of ten hours of life fairies?!"

"Could someone cheat! Could it be that Yunmeng Guxian deliberately released the water?"

"Impossible! Since the completion of the Tianguan a hundred years ago, Yunmeng Guxian has not adjusted the difficulty of passing the Tianguan, and has always maintained the state that the life fairy walked through at that time—"

"Yunmeng Guxian, don't you give me an explanation?"


The mysterious barrier breaker broke two records in a row. I didn't know that the entire Putuo Wonderland was a sensation before, but now... he smiled secretly and heard a huge sensation.

The breaker is Su Jin!

In the second stage of the colorful fairy lotus pond, if Su Jin walks normally, he can also break the record of'Life Fairy', but he feels uncomfortable. After deliberately failing once, he directly uses'shrink the ground into an inch' and go straight. Up...

As for the third level just now, although it is a bit more troublesome, to him, it is like doing a first grade question. If he wants to... it can be faster, but he doesn't want to be famous here now!

Therefore, Su Jin, as the incredible record holder, urged the teleportation array on the edge of the "bell ringing stele" from the beginning of the fourth level to teleport himself away——

Walking out of the teleportation formation in Jinxian City, Su Jin was still helpless. There were a hundred levels in the Heavenly Pass, which might be the first reason. It was really simple and speechless.

Back to the thousand square meter mansion!

Su Jin didn’t see the Chaosheng Banshee and Xiao Suxian, and thought that maybe he was out shopping.

Not long afterwards, there was a craftsman who was good at carving in the courtyard. Su Jin felt that carving was difficult, especially the smaller the carving, the less meticulous it was. However, once he achieved a certain thing, he would Empty all thoughts and concentrate on it.


Tianguan, millions of immortal cultivators have gathered!

And standing in front of the third level, Qin Haiyang and the others called out "too ridiculous" after seeing it!

Pass this third level within a few hundred interest?

"The level of the third level is called'Flying Golem'! Compared with this level, the second level is too pediatric. This third level not only has to deal with several thorny problems, but also has to face sudden changes. The situation!"

Qin Haiyang also tried it, only to be beaten to a complete body——

At this moment, all the cultivators in front of the third level, even Duan Fengxian, had failed three full times. They stood in front of the third level again and examined the situation!

After entering the third level of the Flying Golem, you will see a purple fireball like a star. Everyone needs to use the power of immortality to counter the horrible heat wave!

Not only that, among them, Lei Dao Xianyuan will create endless thunder snakes strangely. The key is only the superficial situation. Many people are trapped by many "mirrors" silently, and some even have petrified conditions. , Was directly cleared, and failed to exit——

"How on earth did that mysterious man pass this ‘flying golem’ level within a few hundred breaths of time?" Gu Yang couldn’t help but ask at this moment because he didn’t believe in evil.

"Yes, there must be something wrong with the Tianguan level, so that two consecutive levels will be broken, and maybe that person is lucky!"

"With such a shocking opportunity to become famous, why should the other party not leave a name? It must be a guilty conscience! This third level is simply not a place for people to pass!"

"To ask for an explanation, you must ask for an explanation!"


Until late at night, under the pressure of countless people in Putuo Wonderland, Yunmeng Guxian personally appeared in'Yunmeng Academy' and told a shocking fact!

"This person is effective in breaking the barrier, and he didn't break the barrier in an unobtrusive way. If someone wants to slander my Yunmeng Academy, he can come to me. Please stop mentioning this matter!"

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