My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3511: It is recommended to increase the difficulty!

The record is valid, or Yunmeng Guxian personally appeared to say——

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Countless people were beaten to death, and even Gu Xian came out to prove it, naturally no one would doubt it!

"One hundred days pass, the third pass blocked the hero's road of this commander!" Qin Haiyang also heard the news.

"How did you say he lived? The life fairy's record at that time was ten hours, and we are still far from the normal speed of breaking the barrier—"

"This person should have an extremely deep understanding of the Dao, especially the Immortal Dao. In this flying golem, there are not only more than a dozen immortal powers, but also infinitely close to the sense of heaven." Duan Fengxian also said.

"The time limit for the third pass is one week. It seems that we can't tell the victory or defeat for the time being." Gu Yang of Qinglongyuan looked at Duan Fengxian coldly.

"There used to be an Immortal Master Fenghua who achieved a good score of twenty hours in the third level. At that time, she was only under the fairy of life. If we want to break through the level, it will take at least three days. In this way, the agreement between you and me, Forget it." Duan Fengxian didn't want to compare.

The mysterious barrier broke everyone, and no one wanted to break through the barrier anymore——

"Remember, when the Fairy meets, Qinglong Academy will definitely crush you at Yuelan Academy!" Gu Yang turned his head and left, thinking about investigating the mysterious breacher.

If such a talented person can be recruited for his own use, it would be a blessing for Qinglong Academy!

"Sister, are we still trying?" Qin Haiyang asked Qin Qingwu eagerly.

"Aren't you calling yourself a Peerless Tianjiao? Why don't you try?" Qin Qingwu asked.

"My immortal body is almost cooked through inside, I won't try anymore--" Qin Haiyang ran away, directly activated the teleportation array, and said first.

"Damn--" Qin Qingwu and Qin Shan walked into the teleportation formation together, and then teleported out.

That's strange.

Under the circumstances of Putuo Wonderland's expectations, for three consecutive days, the mysterious passer never broke the pass.

In the fairyland, tens of thousands of academies were frantically searching for this person’s information, but they only got the gossip from the "Yunmeng Academy"——

The mysterious barrier breaker did not leave his name when he signed up.

Originally, there were not many applicants in one day, but as soon as the news was exposed, many monks who loved to pretend to be paralyzed, all chose not to leave their names when signing up!

Some people even claim that they are the passers-by! The reason why I do not break is because there is no challenge! At this time, countless gate academies were caught in a problem——

This night, the moon is high and the wind is light.

Yunmeng Academy, above the nineteenth mountain, a circle of white bamboo, under the shining of moonlight, is even more immortal.

There is a small wooden building next to the bamboo, one for Tibetan clothes, one for books, and the other for a woman’s residence and retreat.

Accompanied by the moonlight, the life fairy rain teacher concubine paced quietly in the room, wearing a white dress and holding her hands, her waist-length hair hanging down like a waterfall is especially intoxicating.

Those pair of autumn water cut eyes seemed to have hidden things and couldn't read them. Yu Shi's concubine, the reincarnated person of the fairy king of life, had a transcendence that far surpassed the other's face——

It seemed to be in chaos, the Yushi concubine looked out the window, smiled unconsciously, and muttered to herself: "Six ways of reincarnation, reincarnation can't affect my body... The world is turbulent, and my Taoist soul can't be turbulent!"

"I am immortal, and my soul is immortal. After returning for half my life, my blood is boiling with white hair, my blood is boiling. I am returning now, my blood is cooling...I am still a teenager."

After reading ten thousand books, the madman didn't know how many, but the Yushi concubine heard that the passer-through had broken her record in an incredible way, but she paid more attention.

These words and writings all originated from that person. Unfortunately, in the heavens, the ancient sage was full of immortal meanings. He recorded the face of that person at the time, and this sentence originated from the news of this person. It’s also top secret——

"The third level of Flying Golem, if I break through now, I can keep it within three hours, but I can't do it like him." Yushi concubine continued to mutter to herself.

The moon was cold and the shadows were clear. In the middle of the night, a ‘Tianshan Bell’ rang, completely breaking the tranquility!

The mysterious barrier breaker has appeared!

The Yushi concubine stared slightly, stretched out her slender jade-like fairy fingers, and directly swept wisps of fairy light on the tall mirror——


The man had just broken the fourth level, and he was standing at the beginning of the fifth level, just...why wear black clothes and a hood?

"Choose to go through the level late at night and don't want to show up. This person must be a thief or a thief, not a good person." Yushi concubine also wants to see who it is, but now it's better, the other party's dress, with a piece in the dark night Like black carbon--


Wanjia Academy, the lights are on! This mysterious passer, really chose to pass the pass again! Moreover, at the request of all forces, Yunmeng Guxian set up blue sky immortal stones in all heavens, and anyone in the academy can see the situation when that person breaks through the barrier!

"Why is the person in black? This person really doesn't want to be famous—" Someone had already planned to win, but when he saw this, who knew who he was!

There is no name, no face, concealment... Out of sight!

"Yunmeng Guxian said he didn't cheat, so I don't believe it! This person is most likely a talent in Yunmeng Academy. Now the fairy will be around. They are naturally unwilling to be lonely at Yunmeng Academy!"

"If this person has nothing to do with Yunmeng Academy, I will remove my head! If it is not for cheating, why can he set new records in an impossible way! He does not show up, naturally, we are afraid that we will know that he is Yunmeng Someone in the college!"

"Yunmeng Academy, really did a wonderful move! When the time comes, the identity of this person will be revealed, hehe——"

"In the past three days, dozens of deans of academies went to visit Yunmeng Academy. The other party did not speak up or deny it."

"Yunmeng Guxian, do you want to lose your reputation in the late festival?"

"Is it cheating? We will know in a moment!"


At this moment, the Immortal Stone Venerable at the first pass slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone. It came to the beginning of the fifth pass, looked at the'bell ringing and carved stele', and announced: "The fourth pass is broken. Close the new record, two sticks of incense."


Two sticks of incense!

The fourth level is not easy! How can it be time for two sticks of incense! One level is more difficult than the other, this fourth level, two sticks of incense?

"Friend, at the request of Gu Xian, in the name of "Yunmeng Academy", please... leave your name on the tablet at this moment--" Xian Shizun's attitude was very humble, and he bowed to Su Jin.

"Anonymous, how do you stay?" Su Jin shook his head and deliberately said in a hoarse voice: "If you are forced by Yunmeng Academy, Tianguan, I will disdain to break through."

Xianshizun looked embarrassed--

"The entire Tianguan is covered with blue sky stones. Every move you make can be seen by outsiders. If you don't allow it, I can communicate with Gu Xian again..." Xian Shizun said.

"It doesn't matter, just watch it--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Thank you." Xianshizun stretched out his hand and said: "The fifth pass, named'Cang Bone Immortal Land', has a record of 19 days."


Su Jin didn't think much, turned his head and stepped in——

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into a circle of ripples, Su Jin felt the piercing cold wind. This kind of wind was extremely abnormal and seemed like a place of no shade.

In Su Jin's eyes, the endless white bones fluttered in the ground, and the distant sky moat was stained with white bone meal. This world is only pale!

"Interesting, I joined a very refined formation, but I am a Taoist and can perceive the life. It's a pity..." Su Jin lifted his leg and walked until he reached the sky trench that straddles the Cang Bone Immortal Land edge.

Su Jin stopped for a while, a little surprised at Yunmeng Gu Xian's power! In his eyes, the formation here is covered by the meaning of ancient sages, and there seem to be thousands of birth gates. All birth gates are very likely to be true or completely false. In time, he can only choose to break through——

Gu Xian, with Su Jin's current injury, he is naturally out of reach, and he really wants to learn about this immortal way.

How to cross such a rift valley!

Crossing is unrealistic.

Su Jin looked at a long platform of fairy crystal color in front of him, and slowly stretched out, obviously asking him to walk up to it, and immediately after the void between the rift valleys, he also began to condense the fairy stone platforms——

Rely on Meng?

Su Jin is sure that the vast majority of these numerous floating fairy spars are false!

Immediately, Su Jin made a very dumbfounded move! !

He stood on the first fairy spar for less than a minute! Immediately afterwards, he took a step to the left, directly past several imaginary fairy spars, and stood firmly in the real place!

"How does he know that the fairy spar is real?" Someone kept exclaiming in the academy, was a miracle!

"Fifth level, very sad! There are ancient sages in it, he can't cross it, even if it is a monk, it is impossible to see the reality! This guy must be blind!"

"The fifth level, a senior brother who broke the level said that in addition to luck, this level also needs to have an extremely powerful immortal foundation, such as this Tianmo canyon. To identify and analyze the true immortal stone in it, you may have to use the origin. Xian Dao, he sat cross-legged for a long time, only to find out one by one!"

"Look! He doesn't move, why doesn't he move again?"

"Look at it! Although he is wearing a cloak and cannot see his face, he is clearly listening now, and he is definitely closing his eyes now!"

"Take the test! He wants to close his eyes and pass this fairy land?"

"You can pass with your eyes closed? It hurts people, it hurts too much—"


Someone still guessed Su Jin's way, and this way is not time-consuming!

The heartbeat that Yushi concubine saw was accelerating. She was so wise that she could only rely on sentiment to the past, but she had never thought of Su Jin's method!

"It turns out that the imaginary fairy spar is the biggest flaw——" Yushi's concubine was upset, obviously unhappy, and said to herself: "Is it so simple to distinguish the real fairy spar by wind? what!"

That's right!

It is the wind!

As long as the surrounding wind blows over the imaginary fairy spar, those fairy spar platforms can't be true! And relying on listening, coupled with the air current generated by the collision of the wind against the solid, Su Jin can easily find the real fairy spar!

One step, another jump--

Su Jin found 87 stepping stones around! Nowhere! In the end, his unrestrained figure stood directly opposite the sky, shocking countless people!

Passing this sky moat is an extremely important difficulty in the fifth stage! There are only half of the remaining difficulties, not even as dangerous as the third level——

But everyone didn't know that Yunmeng Guxian was also speechless. She did not expect that she would use her Guxian's means to cover up everything and form such a nightmare-like sky moat, which was easily broken by the other party!

The fifth level, Banzhuxiang——

Half a stick of incense! The original record-breaking nineteen days, you turned it into a half-scented incense?

Before the fourth level, it took two sticks of incense time. This person... is absolutely amazing!

Xianshizun slowly crawled out of the ground, looking at Su Jin's back, speechless.

"It's boring, I suggest increasing the difficulty." Su Jin said with a negative hand: "Tianguan, it's an exaggeration. It's better to go back to rest, and see you if you are lucky."

Xianshi Zun:...

"Please wait!" Xianshizun hurriedly made a ring, not wanting Su Jin to give up.

After half an hour, Xianshi Zun suddenly shocked!

"Receive the news, if the fairy friend passed the first fifty levels, at the fifty-first level, our life fairy will be with you, breaking the sky!"

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