My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3512: The world is shocked!

Start from the fifty-first level! The fairy of life will appear!

The general news burst into a sensation in the'Putuo Wonderland'! Wanjia Academy!

"Such a arrogant, in the sky, like walking on the ground! The life fairy, who has not been born for a long time, actually has a sense of victory and defeat, and must be higher and lower in the next fifty stages." Some people in the golden fairy city were amazed.

In Jinxian City, this mysterious barrier breaker has recently become a popular topic. Wherever you gather, there is always news about this person.

"One hundred days pass, the next fifty passes, no one has ever broken the record held by a fairy of life, but I believe this person can—"

"He used the method of listening to the wind to argue the truth, and I was surprised to see it, but is it really that easy to judge?"

"Listen, is this still human? The sky pass is so difficult, I still recommend increasing the difficulty!"

"The Life Fairy is the dream goddess of countless cultivators. I really hope that he will soon break the first fifty levels, so that we can see the god-level fairy face of the Life Fairy!"


However, Su Jin didn't really want to do this——

It has been more than three days since he came to the ancient immortal realm. Although he has the confidence to break through the barriers, he has only broken through the five barriers. It still takes time after all.

However, the purpose of Su Jin's trip is naturally the fairy of life. It is worth it to be tired...

"Go on." Su Jin said to the Immortal Stone.

"The sixth level! The sixth level... the test is understanding and xinxing. This level is called: What is Tao. This level is also the only level that a number of teachers can do. The record holder is Qinglong Academy. The first daughter, Tang Qinghuan." Xianshi Zun said.

Su Jin nodded and entered the sixth level!

This sixth level was extremely special. The scene that appeared in Su Jin's vision was a tree-lined trail. Although I knew it was an illusion, it was extremely real and couldn't tell the truth from the false.

There are sparse old trees on both sides of the tree-lined trail. This is not like the dark night outside, but the illusion of sunny summer. On this trail, Su Jin directly saw a middle-aged man in a cool stall under a tree——

Su Jin walked over.

"It is rumored that the fairy friend has repeatedly broken records. I am the first test teacher in this level, named Mou Bucai." said Su Jin, who was looking at the black cloak in the middle age.

"Please write a question." Su Jin said lightly.

"Speak the fairy you understand." Moubucai asked.

"You and I are all mortals, living in the world of immortals, who is immortal? Neither." Su Jin raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically.


He took a sigh of relief when he didn't have a chance. He always wanted to refute this arrogant young man. After all, now in the prosperous age of immortality, there are immortals everywhere, this mysterious young man actually said that they are all mortals, not immortals!

"Is there something wrong with this statement?" Cao couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? Everyone is a cultivator of immortals, people cultivating immortals, not immortals have been cultivating immortals from the beginning."

"If you are not talented, ask quickly! He has passed--" There was a fishing man beside the trail in the distance, and couldn't help but urge.

"Friend Fairy, how old are you? I'm the untalented teacher of Yunmeng Academy, and my little girl, who is in her spouse year, you...Don't leave, you think about it..." Mebuca saw Su Jin turned around directly Just go, and quickly stretch out your hands to make this marriage possible!

Ahhhh, let's go! If you are not talented, just stamp your feet ah straight!

Su Jin walked to the fishing man on the edge of the trail and saw him holding a fishing rod. This was an extremely real illusion, but there could be no live fish, but he saw him wearing bait carefully and throwing it into the pond beside the road— —

Just with such a character, it is enough to see how firm Dao Xin is!

"I come from Galaxy Academy, majoring in Dahe Xianyi, call me the fishing man."

"Please write a question." Su Jin nodded.

"Three Thousand Avenues, Dao Heart is the foundation, how is your Dao Heart?" The Fishing Weng looked at Su Jin and asked.

All the people in the academy and Xiancheng who were concerned about this battle directly felt the angler's making things difficult. This outspoken questioning of his Taoism obviously meant to admonish the previous Su Jin's arrogance.

Su Jin gave everyone the unexpected answer: "Better than you—"

Better than you! The words are conclusive and righteous!

"That's... but one of the five great academies, the teacher of Galaxy Academy!" Someone blushed, obviously frightened by Su Jin's arrogant words.

"If it hadn't been for him to repeatedly break the record of heaven, I couldn't help but want to spray him, what kind of person is this! What kind of cultivation is the teacher, what strength, and even can feel the way of heaven, this guy actually said that his heart is stronger than him!"

"I originally thought he would tell a lot of truth, but who knew he would be so blunt. Look at that fishing man, his face is dark--"

"Offending the teacher, he didn't think about this level. It's really arrogant! He is a junior, compared with Da Neng Dao Xin, the river that people walked is longer than the road you have crossed! I really don't know what it is!"


Mou Bucai licked his face and walked in quietly. When he saw the black face of Fishing Weng, he wanted to laugh!

"Junior should know Qian, the road is endless, the more determined the Dao heart, the more long-term you can go, and you can't be exaggerated!" The angler looked at Su Jin seriously and said.

"Since you don't believe me, you can tell by a try." Su Jin stretched out his hand, "Can you lend me the fishing rod?"

The fishing man nodded, raised his hand and handed the fishing rod to Su Jin's hand——

I saw Su Jin flicking the fishing rod, and directly bounced off the bait on the hook, straightened the hook, and threw the rod again immediately!

Su Jin kept holding his hand behind him, holding the fishing rod in his hand all the time, the fish hook that was as straight as a needle was actually suspended by him one foot on the surface of the water, not falling into the water.

The fishing man was horrified--

After taking a glance at Su Jin, then looking at the water, the surrounding immortals seemed to be transformed into endless stars in the eyes of the fishing man, and the place where they stood seemed to be in a galaxy!

With a slight shock, the fishing man seemed to wake up, watching a carp with a white flower on his head jump out of the water in the pool, biting the hook, and being caught by Su Jin.

"Teached." Diaoyu Weng was ashamed.

Fishing with bait in the illusion is exaggerated. As a result, this young man taught him more profound truths. The fishing man is really ashamed!

Su Jin was not arrogant or impatient, returned the fishing rod, turned and walked into the distance——

"Slap in the face, old guy." Mou Bucai whispered to the angler.

"Fish jumped over the dragon gate, this son must be extraordinary in the future." The fishing man glanced at the wise man, "I feel better than your shameless act of letting him be a son-in-law."

Su Jin walked into a flower room. It was a small garden by the side of the road. There was a small bamboo pavilion next to it. In it, there were book readers. This teacher is a well-read female sister!

"The first two old things were humiliated by you, and they are still a girl. You have to be polite. By the way, I come from Xiushui College--" the female teacher said.

"Question." Su Jin said.

"How is your knowledge? Do you usually read books?" the female teacher asked.

"I only read the scriptures, I don't read books from all over the world, besides, everyone is the same." Su Jin said.

"If you don't read a book, how can you say that everyone is the same?"

"Tianxiashu, how much did the teacher read?" Su Jin asked back.

"This... I've spent my entire life, and it's hard to read it all--"

"Coincidentally, so am I."

Su Jin left after speaking.

Under the dumbness of the female teacher, looking at the man's back, her face was hot, she was absolutely defensive, and she reminded the other party, but she was still humiliated! Really embarrassed.

Surprised! The world is shocked! !

At the beginning of the sixth level, the three college teachers were shown with blood on their faces!

"Oh, smart people are different. These powerful academies will be taught one by one--" Someone was deeply shocked and felt Su Jin's extraordinary wisdom. This kind of IQ can be called heaven-defying! !

"It's nothing more than a quibble, but I can't react! You know he is quibbling, but you can't refute it! Especially the sentence, you and I are mortals! It's really..."

"The Diaoyu Weng is the deputy dean of Galaxy Academy. He actually said he was taught? What's this all about, an old senior, he doesn't hesitate to enlighten me?"

"I feel a crisis, in case he really makes it to the fiftieth level, the next fifty levels, our life fairy rain teacher concubine, I am afraid that the record will not be guaranteed!"

"Our college is investigating his news, and it turns out that all the people who were found were pretending to be paralyzed. He is now in a black cloak, and tomorrow will be everywhere—"

"Qinglongyuan, I have arrested more than 20 people. They are all called this mysterious passer. Our dean is almost mad!!"


One college teacher after another was ashamed one after another. Su Jin didn't spend much time before he saw the end of the pass. Not far away, he will be the last test teacher among the nine teachers in this pass!

"I come from Yunmeng Academy and I am in charge of the library." The old man with white beard and hair seemed to have an indescribable sense of wisdom in his eyes.

"Excuse me." Su Jin nodded.

"You have humiliated the academy teachers in the fairyland one after another, then I will ask you, where is the origin of the three thousand worlds and the three thousand avenues? Was it the three thousand worlds that came out of the three thousand avenues, or the three thousand avenues that evolved into three? Thousand Worlds?" The old man stared at Su Jin and asked.

Su Jin didn't even think about it, and said, "The chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken, dare to ask the predecessor whether the chicken or the egg came first?"

" are wrong!" The old man was almost vomiting blood!

Su Jin immediately gave his hand, "Senior’s question, I don’t know. But since Senior asked, I must know the answer, please tell me—"

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