My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3513: Aggressive


How does this answer——

"The sixth level, you have passed the level." The old man felt weak in his heart and announced that Su Jin had successfully passed the level. Although this person had made them very ugly, but other than that, it was really impeccable.

"How offended." Su Jin arched his hands at the old man and the tree-lined path he had walked before, even if he took his left hand and left the customs!

However, as soon as he left the customs, Su Jin urged the teleportation stone and directly teleported away, without intending to break in again.

Is this done?

Stay up late at night, break two levels in a row, and lose your time! Many people hope that Su Jin will continue to break through the barrier, and even can't wait to see him break through the fifty mark, so that I can see the fairy face of the Yushi concubine!

"Tianjiao's arrogance! It is difficult for us to understand--" Someone sighed deeply.

"I really envy him. Since the Fairy of Life decided to go through the level with him from the 51st level, she must have known his deeds, and being able to be known to him by the Fairy of Life is an achievement in itself!"

"You broke six levels at will! And kept the record of breaking the five levels. I heard that the "Yunmeng Academy" has drafted that the record of breaking the first level will be changed to him."

"I don't want anything now, I just want to see the Fairy of Life! This guy is too unbelievable—"


But at this moment, the Yushi concubine was stunned for a long time. She faced the mirror, but smiled slowly. She walked to the sky for the first time and broke a hundred barriers. She has never walked away for the second time. She is looking forward to it. The 51st level begins, which one wins!

"You and I... are all mortals." Yushi's concubine turned her head and moved the lotus step, thinking carefully, she always felt that these words were extremely comfortable--



Su Jin walked out of the teleportation formation, and then his face became cold, but he felt a murderous aura, and then he saw a dozen people coming from not far away.

"Sir, dare to ask, would you like to join our Qinglong Academy?"

The monk dressed in the costume of Qinglongyuan walked up——

Su Jin was dumb, he concealed himself with a black cloak, but he was exposed because of this. He had no chance to change when he came out of the teleportation formation. At least, the news of his stay in Jinxian City would be known to everyone tomorrow.

"I'm fake." Su Jin regained his voice.

"Don't pretend to be a fairy friend! Uploaded from Tianguan to here, the time is just right, and in the entire Putuo fairyland, including all the academies, we have our people paying attention to the teleportation array. You... are the one who broke the barrier. !" said the leader.

"Friends of the fairy, don't be angry, my Qinglong Academy, the Academy is re-ranked at the time of the Fair, our Qinglong Academy is the top of the five academies!"

A cyan light flashed out in the distance. When talking about this person, Su Jin had met him. It was Gu Yang who was arguing with Duan Fengxian in Tianguan three days ago!

"Your Qinglong Academy has a lot of power--" Su Jin said lightly.

"It's just that we work harder. Other colleges also want to win over fairy friends, including that Yunmeng Academy!" Gu Yang said again.

Su Jin glanced at Gu Yang, "What if I don't want it?"

The corner of Gu Yang's eyes flashed sharply, "I don't want to, naturally there are ways I don't want to, as long as my friend agrees to the Fairy Club, not to have any contact with any academy, my Qinglong Academy will naturally give up."

"Can't touch one person?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Yes, or... you leave here." Gu Yang pointed in another direction, "Don't show up in Putuo Wonderland!"

Under the cloak, Su Jin was expressionless, pretending to hesitate for a long time, and finally nodded.

Seeing Su Jin heading straight out of the city, Gu Yang was also a little surprised. After all, judging by the other's talent to break through, he doesn't look like such a timid person——

"Young Master, could it be a mistake?" A disciple from Qinglongyuan asked Gu Yang.

"It can't be wrong, the entire Putuo fairyland, he fits the barrier breaker--" Gu Yang was sure that the back figure who was leaving was the person who had just closed in the sky!

"Then what should we do now? Isn't he scared off by the name of our Qinglongyuan? This person, do you want to take it back?" Another Qinglongyuan disciple asked.

"Follow up!" Gu Yang had a murderous look at the corner of his eyes. "When he gets outside the city, if he doesn't know how to raise him, just get rid of it! He must not fall into the hands of other courtyards!"

Jinxiancheng, outside the city!

The moon falling to the west is getting dim and dim--

The moon is black and the wind is high!

In front of an ancient forest, a fairy river flows by, and the moon is reflected in the river, but the surrounding wind is a bit cold! Su Jin is standing by the river with his hands down!

"Friend, you think about it again. As long as you join our Qinglong Academy, I will definitely ask my ancestors to cultivate friends and become the unworldly talents of the entire Putuo Wonderland!" Gu Yang and others quietly walked out and said to Su Jin.

"I have left the city according to your request and plan to leave Putuo Wonderland. Are you Qinglong Academy going to let me go?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"It's not that we didn't let you go, but... If you join other academies, then you will be an enemy of our Qinglong Academy! At Tianguan, the strong guard at Yunmeng Academy won't you too?" Gu Yang began to argue.

"Now I'll give you a clear answer, I... don't join any college!" Su Jin said, "If you wait to find faults, don't blame me."

"You're welcome? Hehe, I... Gu Yang, the blood inheritor of the Ancient Azure Dragon! Can you still be threatened by you?" Gu Yang coldly shouted, "It seems that there is no need to keep you!"

"You toast and not eat fine wine, our Qinglong Academy is not afraid of anyone, let alone you, even Yunmeng Academy, Yuelan Academy, our Qinglong Academy will step on one side! If you don't add it now, you have nowhere to go. Go!" There was a burst of shouts from the disciple of Qinglongyuan.

"Our young master personally invited you, and you have no sincerity! You are unlucky today!"

"Go through the sky, how about you even breaking through several levels! Actual combat is far more real than bickering, our Qinglong Academy kills you, no one can guarantee!"


Qiang Qiang--

The sound of the fairy sword being unsheathed began to resound through this quiet riverside!

Not only reflecting the moon in the river, there are also some dazzling treasures, exuding fairy white brilliance!


A fairy knife, split out several ghosts, and cut it directly towards Su Jin!

"Young Master, watch me hit him!" Dong Cheng, a disciple of the inner courtyard of the Qinglong Academy, rushed to Su Jin!

A golden quaver! Appeared above Su Jin's head!

That fairy sword stopped one foot above Su Jin's head!

"Ah!" Dong Cheng roared, his face flushed, he found a very important problem, that is, no matter how hard he works, his sword will never advance!

Su Jin raised his hand and flicked the blade lightly. Dong Cheng only felt a huge force appearing. He couldn't hold the knife at all, and he was directly bounced away!

Su Jin held the fairy knife in his hand, and saw that he didn't even look at it. His hands were like rubbing paper balls, crushing the fairy knife and throwing it away.

Gu Yang's face finally became a little solemn--

"This person is a master!" Dong Cheng shouted, reminding the others.

"Go!" Gu Yang wanted to kick other people to death. The reason why he didn't make a move just now was naturally to see the depth of Su Jin's illusion and reality. As a result, he didn't see anything useful, only that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

An immortal sword with a handle, like a wandering dragon, emits immortal light, rushing towards Su Jin!

Qiang Qiang--

With more than a thousand flying swords, even Su Jin's body could not be approached, and he took the initiative to fall down, staring at others.

"Very evil, too evil." Gu Yang was trying to figure out that those fairy swords were controlled, and their strength was definitely not weak, but the mysterious breaker did not move, and more than a thousand fairy swords fell to the ground!

"Young Master, he is too weird, should we call someone?"

"Fuck you shit! He's alone, my dignified young master of Qinglongyuan, if he can't clean up even if he spreads out, he won't be laughed out of his teeth?" Gu Yang was extremely annoyed.

"The young master will be able to kill this person!" Someone knows Gu Yang's fierce character, Dang Even flattering and flattering.

There was more or less pressure in Gu Yang's heart--

However, seeing other people say so, Gu Yang was unable to say anything for the sake of face, so he immediately stood up!

"Since you are nameless, it's just right. Today, Ben Shao shot you. There is a lonely wild ghost beside the river." Gu Yang looked at Su Jin coldly, and continued: "I hope you won't be caught by me for a while. Xianfa scared to pee on pants—"

Su Jin yawned, and he didn't even feel like going through the barrier. It was such a night, he might as well go back to sleep, and listen to these people bragging.

"Then use your fairy law." Su Jin was helpless.

"This method is my bloodline immortal technique, named Qinglong Xianyi, and you are optimistic about the blue dragon flying vision I exhibit!" Gu Yang directly lowered his body, pressed his hands on the ground, swept his feet, and swept out a circle of Qinglongxian. force!

"It's true that you look like a toad now--" Su Jin said.

"Do you dare to insult my name as Young Master Qinglong!" Gu Yang hated him, and immediately after he took a pair of hands, a phantom Azure Dragon fairy shadow appeared on his body!

This is the vision created by Qinglong Xianli!

And this vision, appearing in the sky outside Jinxian City, directly aroused the suspicion of countless people!

"Qinglongyuan! Who provokes the young master of Qinglong, Gu Yang, so violent?" The monk in Golden Immortal City first noticed the movement, looked at the blue swimming dragon in the sky, paled with fright.

"Gu Yang's character is extremely violent and vicious. Once he is forced to use the Azure Dragon vision, he will inevitably become bloodthirsty and addicted, and will never die!"

"Ah! Someone reflected the scene there! The man dressed in the black cloak... is the breaker!"

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