My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3514: Blue Dragon Fury

Those who broke the barrier, appeared outside the sky barrier! And there was a conflict with the people in Qinglongyuan!

Shocked the world

The entire Putuo fairyland seemed to be boiling. This Qinglongyuan was no small thing, and everyone who knew the young master of Qinglong Gu Yang knew that his behavior was extremely domineering.

This matter must be forced to join the "Qinglongyuan" to no avail, leading to conflict!

Long Xiao, bursts!

"The blood anomaly of Young Master Qinglong is unique in the entire'Putuo Wonderland'! His ancestor, Qinglong Ancient Immortal, has a cultivation level that is slightly inferior to that of the ancient sage!" Even the people at Yunmeng Academy were shocked. .

"Provoke Qinglongyuan? Even if Qinglongyuan is noble, he can't provoke him. It seems that Gu Yang is really angry. This is the rhythm of vowing to kill this person!"

"From the perspective of his performance, he is definitely a young immortal cultivator of enchanting rank. He just doesn't know how the actual combat is. If I change to him, I might as well join the Qinglongyuan and be served by delicious and delicious food. There are plenty of supreme fairy scrolls to study—"

"Unfortunately, once the Azure Dragon vision came out, there was a good show this time!"


Yunmeng Academy is amazed!

Yu Shi's concubine was in the room, preparing to undress and rest. She pointed out that she had just put on her belt and showed her beautiful figure. As a result, she immediately received news that the breaker appeared outside the Tianguan!

Her autumn-shui-cut eyes moved slightly, even though the corner of her mouth was smiling, she finally walked out the door...

Outside Jinxian City! In the sky, the Azure Dragon's vision even caused the appearance of Kugunxian Thunder!

"If you meet me, you are bad luck!" Gu Yang has this surging green dragon immortal power all over his body. As soon as his voice fell, a looming green dragon appeared outside his body. The next moment, the huge pressure on others, Start to crush the audience!

Su Jin's body didn't even move, always standing by the river——

He really didn't know who gave this Young Master Qinglong the courage.

Young Master Qinglong, Gu Yang, had the strength that he hadn't even reached the ‘Xian’, but he was equipped.

A total of two thousand three hundred immortal thunders smashed into the woods on the river bank! The ancient trees were turned into ashes by electricity——

The blue dragon vision in the sky has already begun to vomit immortal thunder, and the entire dragon body has begun to be intertwined with terrible electric lights!

"Is it that way?" Su Jin asked calmly.

After speaking, Su Jin gently raised his hand, a giant hand condensed by pure and immortal power, directly pressed towards the blue dragon vision!


The Qinglong in the sky, not retreating but advancing, wants to tear Su Jin's condensed fairy hand!


The Azure Dragon vision was swept away by that hand! Shoot directly to the dead, and disappear without showing any power!

"Not good!" Gu Yang exclaimed.

The Azure Dragon vision was swept into nothingness, which actually did not have much impact on him, but from this we can see how powerful Su Jin is!

Qiang Qiang--

The fairy swords that had originally fallen on the ground were buzzing and trembling, and each flew up. Upon closer inspection, those fairy swords seemed to contain a very special charm of kendo!

Gu Yang and the other Qinglongyuan disciples just felt that the air instantly solidified. In their vision, the flow of time seemed to pass very slowly, and the speed of those fairy swords seemed to them to be very slow!

But that's it...

In a flash! Gu Yang, including all the Qinglongyuan disciples, was directly attacked by those more than one thousand handles!

"The ancestor, save me!" Gu Yang made a sound with a huge immortal power. He can only do this to call the ancestor! But once he finished speaking these four words, the whole world seemed to freeze--

Those more than a thousand fairy swords shattered the void, together with Gu Yang, were swallowed by the void storm!


With a vigorous burst, the entire "Golden City" seemed to tremble!

In the deep space north of Jinxian City, a cyan dragon claw that seemed to be able to smash a big city came in! The dragon claws and dragon arms are all covered with extremely bright blue dragon scales! Just relying on this dragon arm, you know its prominent identity!

Green Dragon Ancient Immortal!

"Old dragon, I'm angry!" Countless people suffocated for it, that Azure Dragon Ancient Immortal, still has Azure Dragon blood flowing in his body, that is real dragon blood!

Although the descendants passed on from generation to generation, his descendants have never obtained the blood of the Azure Dragon. Gu Yang still had a chance! Because Gu Yang is able to develop the Azure Dragon vision, there is a great opportunity in the future to awaken a trace of the Azure Dragon blood!

Now, Qinglong Guxian's wish has been shattered!

Qinglong is angry, the anger that extinguishes the sky! Who can bear it!

"He is in danger."

In the void a few miles away from Su Jin, the Yushi concubine sat on a cloud side by side, dragging her pink cheeks, shocked by the anger of the ancient immortal Qinglong, at the same time she couldn't help but look at the black cloak. 'S youth--

"The entire Putuo Wonderland, there are only a handful of people who can take over and stop the Qinglong Ancient Immortal! This is the capital of the Qinglong Academy! It is also the backing of the Ancient Sun!" There are still many monks standing outside the Golden Immortal City.

"The old dragon is angry. This person... no matter how talented or enchanting, he will be annihilated in Dragon's Fury. No one... can save him!"

"It's not good to provoke the young master Qinglong, and cut people off! This ancient immortal Qinglong has been carefully trained since the birth of the young master Qinglong, but now it is not good. Once he was killed, let this old dragon There is no hope!"

"This man is finished. I really don't know what he was going crazy. Even Young Master Qinglong dared to kill him? Not to mention him, even if it was Yunmeng Guxian who killed Gu Yang, this old dragon dared to follow Yunmeng Guxian. Desperately!"

"Gu Yang, it's the Nilin of the ancient immortal Qinglong, he made a big mistake!"

"You see that he doesn't move. Obviously, he was frightened and stupid by the fierce threat of Ancient Azure Dragon. Maybe he didn't expect this to happen, but now, it's too late to regret!"


Is Su Jin scared?

Naturally not!

Along the way, he has never seen anything!

Su Jin just opened the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ in his ‘cloak’. The reason for his surprise was naturally that he found a woman in a fairy attire sitting on the cloud.

Could it be that she is the concubine of the life fairy rain teacher?

Yes! In the entire Putuo Wonderland, I am afraid that there is no second person with such a beautiful appearance. Moreover, the life avenue on her body is extremely fierce. Under Su Jin's perception, his heartbeat starts to speed up wildly!

Just now, Su Jin just paid attention to a few breaths and was in a daze for a while.

But the next second! Su Jin stretched out his hand and patted the void lightly——


The deafening sound resounded in the azure brilliance! The sky and the earth were rendered blue under the azure blue brilliance on the night when the moon was black and the wind was high!

"Tian Mi! You...who are you!" In the distance of that blue dragon claw, there was a hand covering the sky, slowly suppressing it towards him!

The azure blue hand that covers the sky seems to have emptied the air and shattered the void. All the voids passed by are sky cracks that cannot be healed in a short time! !

The ancient celestial immortal descended as a huge celestial dragon! The dragon head can reach a city, the huge and unparalleled dragon body, the blue cold light blooms on every terrible scale!

Lombok, don't be angry! When angry, it seems to have a killing effect!

too frightening--

However, even if it was the Ancient Azure Dragon, he did not dare to underestimate it under the ‘Secret of the Sky’. He activated the Azure Dragon’s power throughout his body, and even the Azure Dragon’s bloodline was fully activated by him! Finally... he was forced back a thousand miles! With two arms of the Azure Dragon, it was able to block the hand that covered the sky!

The world, be quiet!

Countless people stared blankly...Looking at the quiet little river, the majestic and mysterious young man——

This mysterious trespasser has a ‘Secret of the Sky’! That's all! The reason why Tian Mi is powerful depends on who uses it, but... But what kind of enchanting strength is this, just using the hand of covering the sky, to force that Azure Dragon Ancient Immortal thousands of miles away?

"Kill, then kill, so, you Qinglong Academy, do you want me to join?" Su Jin said lightly.

"Your Excellency, why don't you give me that Yang'er a chance! If it's a misunderstanding, it's okay... it can be discussed!" Qinglong Ancient Immortal was distraught, but did not lose his reason, and asked angrily.

"This king gave him a chance, and clearly stated that he would not join the Qinglongyuan, but he was murderous, blame it, you Qinglongyuan didn't teach him to be a good person—"

When Su Jin spoke, stepped into the void! Directly facing the ancient immortal Qinglong, he said: "If you continue to be aggressive, then call everyone in the Qinglong Academy, including you, I have cut them all, it will save a lot of trouble."


This seems to be the most arrogant declaration of the ancient immortal world in this century!

"No need for someone else to take action! I... I want to see, besides Tian Secret, what kind of skills do you have!" Qinglong Guxian just took a blow from the hand that covers the sky. Any injury, dang even anger.

"Okay." Su Jin nodded.

Since the ancient immortal Qinglong suffered a small loss, now seeing this mysterious barrier breaker, he has begun to be cautious. The key is that this person has become famous in Putuo Wonderland these few days, not only mysterious, but also unimaginable. The enchanting wisdom!

Qinglong Guxian didn't believe that he would lose. When he thought of Gu Yang being cut, the pain in his heart could not be covered. Then, he said angrily:

"This blow is called "Blue Dragon Roaring Sky"!"

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