My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3515: lead the trend!

Qinglong, Xiaotian cut!

The ancient celestial immortal under the rendering of the great sage's light, the dragon body is mighty, I saw him raise the dragon head, swing the giant dragon body, and soar into the sky! His great sage divine intent is burning crazily, and an extremely dazzling arc of divine flame is spreading crazily on his dragon!


From high above, the ancient immortal Qinglong is like a huge wheel, spinning wildly, tearing the void! His speed has reached the limit, almost instantly, the attack has arrived!

Su Jin raised his arms slightly and clenched his hands into claws. He began to shock the world in a way that ordinary people could not imagine! He...he turned into a dragon and left! !

Dragon, or golden holy dragon!

The golden dragon body, which is bigger than the ancient celestial celestial immortal, has every scale like a lake. Who could have imagined that this mysterious young man who has repeatedly broken records would turn into a supreme golden dragon. Who would have thought that this one just now The mysterious monk on the bank of the tree-lined river can actually wrestle with the ancient immortal Qinglong!

"God--" In the Golden Fairy City, it was boiling.

"Is this guy still a human being, the ancient immortal Qinglong, the dignified great sage, he seems to be inferior to him! No wonder he is not afraid of the Qinglongyuan, with this strength, except for a limited number of people, he will be inferior to anyone!"

"I can't say that, the heavens are boundless, how vast, and there are always capable people. And this time, I heard that there will be many undefeated ancient sages coming."

"Could this person come from another wonderland?"


At this time, more surprised than anyone else, only Qinglong Guxian!

Now Qinglong Ancient Immortal's "Blue Dragon Howling Sky Slash" has been used, it is difficult to take it back!

It can be said that the ancient immortal Qinglong was almost fighting the supreme Longwei to slash this blow!

The golden sacred dragon transformed by Su Jin drags three temples with one claw and the demon tower with one claw. His six-fingered dragon claws press directly towards the wheel blade made by the ancient immortal Qinglong——




A sour sound appeared, and the fierce collision seemed to have collided with a fire tree silver flower!


The Azure Dragon Ancient Immortal couldn't make an inch anymore, even with his level of existence, in front of the vast golden dragon body, he couldn't shake a single bit. This golden sacred dragon surprised him too much!

Immediately afterwards, pieces of blue dragon scales were scraped out like leaves! Qinglong Guxian immediately had a sharp pain that went deep into his bones! He cannot say that this kind of contest is unfair, after all, he is avenging the blood of future generations!

Although, the coercion of the Golden Sacred Dragon, for him, is the level of crushing——

The dragon was in pain, and while roaring, the entire Golden Immortal City was shaking violently. No one had expected that the ancient immortal Qinglong would be so unhelpful. The mysterious young man just passively took over the'Blue Dragon Howling Slash', but he was severely beaten. Suppressed!

Qiang Qiang!

Around the vast golden dragon, the void began to condense the shadows of the divine sword, and the places where the dragon scales were uncovered suddenly became weak places!

Each of those swords seemed to contain extremely profound time and space, and each sword seemed to carry the profound sword rhyme that the sword **** understood!


The ancient immortal Qinglong swayed the huge real body of the Qinglong dragon. The blood on his body seemed to crack a mountain crevice, and it looked like a slotted river. It only took less than three breaths, and the blood was flowing! The terrible scene, in such a weird night, seemed to add a little bit of horror and horror!

"Missing me, the ancient fairy of Qinglong, there are many achievements, and there are few defeats!" The voice of ancient fairy of Qinglong gradually weakened, and the blood gushing from his dragon's body seemed to ignite spontaneously, and the flames of the great sage began to rise!

With this power, Qinglong Guxian retreated two thousand miles away! Although for his huge dragon body, this distance is nothing--

"Burning the body of the great sage?" Su Jin dissipated the golden sacred dragon body, looked at the ancient celestial dragon with a calm gaze, and said calmly: "It is only the great sage, I haven't cut it before, you are not enough to burn the blood of the great sage , Need to burn the entire body of the great sage."


Not only Qinglong Guxian is gasping!

"Although you are wearing a black cloak, you are not too old, why do you want to provoke me completely!" Ancient Immortal Qinglong didn't believe Su Jin's words. After all, burning a virtuous body would be tantamount to dying and fighting. , And he didn't think Su Jin could take it.

"Daxian, I really don't look down on this king, Guxian and Laozi have been killed--" Su Jin said indifferently.

The ancient immortal Qinglong was shocked!

And almost everyone who followed this battle was frightened by Su Jin's indifferent words!

"This son has an unimaginable confidence! He took the initiative to let the Azure Dragon Ancient Immortal burn the great sage body, surely there is a means to deal with it! And... he said that he killed Gu Xian, this is a big talk, Gu Xian is here This world is truly invincible!"

"He is a little capable, although he is a bit mad, but after all, we haven't seen him kill Gu Xian with our own eyes! Now, he might use bragging to scare away the Qinglong Guxian!"

"The ancient Qinglong immortal who burns the spirit and blood of the great sage can withstand the ancient sage for a quarter of an hour. If the ancient sage burns the great sage's body, the ancient sage... also has to avoid his edge for a short time!"

"The bragging isn't like that... Now if Yunmeng Gu Xian is here, and hearing him say that he can kill Gu Xian, I'm afraid he will be slapped to death with a slap!"


Qinglong Guxian, what Su Jin said now, completely regarded as a boast!

Killing Gu Xian, with this person's age and strength, simply can't do it!

at this time! The scene that quieted countless people appeared!

In Jinxian City, an extremely clear voice came out!

"Master, it's late at night, come back soon—"

The sound comes from the tide sound banshee! !

Guxian Qinglong shook his heart, his Qinglong body quickly turned into an old man!

"Guxian!" Qinglong Guxian's eyes widened, shocked! !

The key is that what the Chaosheng Banshee said made the face of Qinglong Ancient Immortal even more black, an ancient sage, how willingly, to recognize the Lord to one person! This mysterious young man is the master of the ancient sage!

The current strength of the Chaosheng Banshee can be said... even if it is compared with the mighty ancient sages at that time, it is not a problem. She relies on Yin and Yang every day, and cultivates at the same time as Su Jin.

Almost every day, the strength of the Chaosheng Banshee is soaring——

"Are you still fighting?" Su Jin looked at the ancient immortal Qinglong, "If you don't fight, no one in Qinglongyuan will appear in front of this king."

No one can imagine the bitterness of Qinglong Ancient Immortal!

The master of an ancient sage, one can imagine, the young man's words just did not brag! And even if the ancient immortal Qinglong fights the last resort, he may not be able to fight this person!

Even if there is endless hatred, this battle... can only go down the steps given by the opponent! After all, that ancient sage alone can destroy the Qinglongyuan!

"I'm defeated--" Ancient Immortal Qinglong said with difficulty, turned around... and left!

Knowing that they are invincible, even if they have blood feuds, they can't repay them!

Su Jin put his hand behind him, then turned around and looked at the cloud, wisps of tender green light appeared on his palm.


Su Jin turned into a starlight and disappeared out of thin air!

On the cloud, the Yushi concubine was dumbfounded, her life avenue, just touched, the air in her body, the life force seemed to be violently churning!

Yushi concubine didn't know what was going on, she just felt that the mysterious person was so strange, and...the strength was unfathomable!

Now, Yushi concubine is under great pressure! She can agree to break through with this person when the fifty-first pass of the sky pass! When the time comes, can you compare to him?

With a complicated mood, Master Yu walked towards the "Yunmeng Academy"!

"Senior Sister, haven't you rested at this late hour?" A male disciple who was visiting the academy, after seeing the Yu Master concubine, his eyes flashed, and he suppressed his excitement and quickly asked.

"Have you seen Master?" Yu Shi concubine asked casually, without stopping.



Concubine Yu looked at the cold academy, and she always felt a certain familiarity in her mind, but she couldn't say why, so she could only return to the wooden house and return to her place of retreat——



Su Jin appeared in the courtyard of the mansion. In the past few days, Xiao Suxian Yin and Yang Kaitai had already broken through the gap and chose to retreat in his own room. He did not bother him.

"I always have a bad feeling." After Su Jin came back, he looked at the Chaosheng Banshee wearing a very special dress, but he was not in the mood, and said to the Chaosheng Banshee.

"Are you worried about the Sandao Baidi?" The Chaosheng Banshee walked to Su Jin and hugged him by the arm. The smell on her body made Su Jin slightly shocked.

"When we come to this ancient immortal world, San Dao Baidi will definitely get news. It's only a matter of time before we meet him--" Su Jin said with a calm face, "I have a problem with the Great Divine Dao, and I don't know how to recover."

"It's really a trouble, and the three swords Baidi, not only the most likely to appear in the ancient immortal world, but may even appear in different time and space."

"Appearing in a different time and space, I am not too worried. The senior old stone man is most likely the bronze emperor who opened an era. With him, the three-sword white emperor may not be able to help him." Su Jin said.

"You too underestimate the Three Swords White Emperor. This is a legendary existence. He only made three swords against the enemy, killing all the disobedient people."

The Chaosheng Banshee thought for a while, and then said: "Even if the Life Immortal King has not reincarnated, it is impossible for the Life Immortal King in its heyday to take his third sword."

"so smart?"

"Of course." The Chaosheng Banshee blinked her eyes and said in a strange tone: "But I will definitely not be as good as you in the future—"

"Now?" Su Jin put his hand on her thin waist.

The Chaosheng Banshee immediately exclaimed, and continued: "You are still the best!"

In the black night, among the countless monks who are difficult to dream, the sky is quiet...

Last night was the most glorious day in the history of Jinxiancheng!

The ancient immortal Qinglong, a mysterious existence that could not help but live somewhere in the city of Jinxian! When Su Jin, dressed in a golden robe, walked out of the house comfortably and opened the door, the sight of the street made him dumbfounded.

Not to mention this remote street, even the main streets of Golden Immortal City, are all monks in black cloaks! Maybe... this is cooler?

Yesterday, the reason Su Jin broke through at night was not because he was in a gentle town and didn't want to go, but because he found a good place!

Soon, a shop plaque named "Royal Root Carving" appeared in Su Jin's eyes.

"Brother Ye, came so early."

The owner is a thin old man, known as Master Huang. Yesterday, when Su Jin claimed to come to learn art, he kept persuading the young people to not be able to endure the suffering. As a result, Su Jin’s techniques are skillful. Only then did I realize that this young man really wanted to learn art and he also had talent!

Su Jin nodded, and just wanted to speak, there was a hasty step outside the door.

"It's really you! Sister! I said it's Brother Ye--" Qin Haiyang turned out to speak!

Qin Shan and Qin Qingwu are here too!

"Why are you here?" Su Jin turned around and asked curiously, but this Qin Haiyang's clothes, green cloak! It feels similar to the old mother working in Shimoda.

"Do you know that the mysterious barrier breaker is in Jinxian City?" Qin Haiyang asked excitedly.

"I know--" Su Jin nodded seriously.

"Have you seen me dressed up? Handsome or handsome. This is the trend of fashion, the trend in the future!" Qin Haiyang pointed to the green cloak on top of his head and said with regret: "Unfortunately the black cloak is sold out... "

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