Su Jin couldn’t bear to look straight at Qin Haiyang’s funny comparison——

"Is that why you appeared in Jinxian City?" Su Jin asked.

"Of course! The young strong man who can rival the ancient sages is a role model for my generation! Now many people are looking for it, if you meet him, you say yes." Qin Haiyang said.


The record-breaker has not only set off a fashion trend, but his news in Jinxian City has also kept the city more crowded!

"Why didn't you say goodbye that day?" Qin Qingwu looked at the'Root Carving Shop', under the cyan cloak, she couldn't help but refocus her eyes on Su Jin.

"Yeah, brother Ye, you are too uninteresting. If you agree to break through the barriers together." Qin Haiyang also filled with righteous indignation.

"Because I have to work, learn art--" Su Jin nodded, pretending to be helpless.

Under the cyan cloak, Qin Qingwu couldn't help but feel a little bit more contemptuous in her eyes. If it hadn't happened to look like him just now, she would never come to him at the request of her brother.

And, after seeing this working environment, apprentice?

As a result, Qin Qingwu didn't want to see this person again.

"Ocean, Brother Ye works here and subsidizes the family. It's hard work, so let's not disturb him." Qin Shan said suddenly.

"You are almost exhausted from walking. If you go shopping, go, I'll be here with Brother Ye to see how this root was carved--" Qin Haiyang couldn't hear what Qin Shan meant, and quickly waved his hand. Tao.

"Qin Haiyang!" Qin Qingwu was obviously annoyed.

"I usually learn art from my master here. If you are free, it won't be too late to come to me—" Su Jin said.

"Then, that's okay, I'll come to you in the afternoon, do you want me to find a channel to get you some black clothes, cloaks or something?" Qin Haiyang asked.

"No, I have." Su Jin said strangely.

"I'll take the test! Where did you buy the cloak? What color?" Qin Haiyang widened his eyes.

Finally, under the drag of Qin Shan and Qin Qingwu, Qin Haiyang was unwilling to live or die, but was still dragged out of the door.

Su Jin still heard some discordant words--

"He's an apprentice, just an ordinary immortal, why are you walking so close to him? Have you forgotten your identity?!" Qin Qingwu said.

"He holds his identity, he is in our house... he is not even qualified to be a subordinate." Qin Shan also couldn't suppress his anger, and said to the rascal Qin Haiyang.

"Brother Ye and I have the same smell! I...I want to befriend him! Don't bully me, you want to control me everywhere!" Qin Haiyang yelled.

Seeing people walking away, Su Jin finally smiled and shook his head slowly, not angry.

"Brother Ye, these three people are not easy--" Master Huang said in a low voice when the people walked away.

"Must go out of the royal family." Su Jin nodded.

"Ah? You can see it too, how did you see it?" Master Huang was a little surprised.

"Sculpture is not only ingenuity, but also requires a pair of subtle observation methods. Just now, Qin Qingwu, wearing a Pei on his waist, and wearing dragons and phoenix dances, are embodied by the imperial emperor's spirit." Su Jin laughed.

Master Huang pointed his finger at Su Jin and said, "You have eyesight! You are an apprentice with me, you are a little awkward--"

"Thanks for the praise. Yesterday, I yearned for Teacher Huang's art of carving and embossing. I hope I can learn it soon." Su Jin laughed.

Soon, in a corner of the Royal Root Carving Shop, there will be an art scholar.

In a world without controversy, just like ordinary, Su Jin likes this feeling...

When carving, Su Jin occasionally looked out the window, people came and went, and people came in from time to time in the "Royal Root Carving Shop", but very few sold, mostly for appreciation.

Today Su Jin plans to complete his first root carving work. In front of him is a section of the roots of the green blood tree.

Su Jin wants to carve eight dragons on the roots of this green blood tree!

Before he knew it, Su Jin began to compile, Master Huang looked at him from a distance, and finally rubbed his eyes, as if there was an extremely vicissitudes of life that enveloped this young scholar!

Maybe it’s dazzling. Master Huang finally sat at the counter, constantly picking up guests, sending away a guest, a remote shop, he could not even hire his own hands, if Su Jin Xueyi didn’t need any fairy crystals, he might not be able to keep him there. this--

When the wind passed, and most of the day passed, Su Jin suddenly became sober.

"Papa!" The applause is endless!

Su Jin glanced at the person next to him, shook his head and smiled: "How long have you been here?"

Qin Haiyang coughed lightly, and said solemnly: "Half a stick of incense, it's not easy to bother seeing you being so serious."

"Where is your eldest sister?" Su Jin asked.

"Don't mention her, Brother Ye, what use is it for you to learn this, so... Let's pick a good time tonight and put the incense to worship!" Qin Haiyang said seriously.

Su Jin slowly shook his head and said with a smile: "If you don't underestimate me, it's enough. Why do you need those doorways on the table? Moreover, your elder sister will not allow it."

"Oh, let me tell you, sooner or later she will be pitted by my brother!" Qin Haiyang hummed.

"Oh?" Su Jin puzzled.

"Let me tell you, if I the owner of the Patriarch! Look at your expression, it seems that you don't believe me, I am the best candidate for the Patriarch!" Qin Haiyang said.

"and then?"

"Our family is a bit special and I can't explain the situation to you! Anyway, my old sister, I have the right to call the shots in the future! In this way, you have stayed with me for more time recently and behaved in front of the old sister. In the future, I will make her betrothed. Here you are! In that way, we will become a family." Qin Haiyang said.

Su Jin looked at him with a serious look, it seemed that he was not joking--

"Forget it." Su Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Don't forget, my old sister has a bad temper and has a high-sightedness, but she doesn't look like me. I am afraid that it is not much worse than the life fairy!" Qin Haiyang said.

"Look at me like this... can you match your sister?" Su Jin patted the dust on his body, deliberately joking.

"To learn art now, you can only be an apprentice for a lifetime." Qin Haiyang became unhappy.

"Guguan, hey, invite you in." Master Huang hurriedly invited a group of people dressed in Tsing Yi to come in. These people are immortal cultivators from the academy.

Qin Haiyang stretched his head and saw seven or eight extremely beautiful female cultivators among the twelve. His eyes almost ran away from those girls.

"Boss, we belong to Huaixian Academy. Can this work be sold?"

A seemingly well-behaved girl, her lips moved slightly, pointing to the ‘wooden sculpture’ in front of Su Jin and asking.

Master Huang's face turned ashamed, and he was about to refuse. After all, the next day Su Jin came to study art, he didn't teach anything, so it was sold. It was not suitable.

"Sell." Su Jin said seriously.

Soon, Su Jin gently brushed his hand, and immortal light burst out on this newly completed work!

Master Huang looked intently, his face changed drastically. He only saw that the root sculpture carved from the roots of the green blood tree, under the light of the fairy light, seemed to be turned alive!

Not to mention the lifelikeness, the key... It seems that there is still some kind of wonderful Taoist rhyme. Although from the current vision of Master Huang, there is no magic, but... extraordinary!

"I don't have much money—" The girl panicked, "But I really like this one."

"How much do you pay?" Su Jin asked.

"It seems I can't afford it." The girl said embarrassedly, "I only have five fairy crystals."

"One, you take it away." Su Jin said slowly.

The other eleven people in Huaixian Academy were all startled, and they were very envious in their hearts--

"Thank you." The girl blushed and quickly handed Su Jin a fairy crystal.

"Leave it to the boss." Su Jin got up, said hello to Master Huang, and then walked out with Qin Haiyang.

Qin Haiyang hid his face, shouting at the loss, and said, "It's okay to sell it to me, Brother Ye's craftsmanship is more than one crystal! More than a hundred!"

"She likes it, and it's free." Su Jin said as he walked down the street.

"Yes, after all, you are someone who really likes your work, Brother Buzhu, are you free tonight?" Qin Haiyang said quickly.

"what's up?"

"At night, in the middle of the night, let's break through the sky together! Now many people say that the mysterious breaker will go through the night! Everyone is waiting for him to break through the 50th level. If we are together in the sky at night It is also a great honor to close it." Qin Haiyang said.

Su Jin's face was dumbfounded, and he shook his head and said, "At time--"

"Hey, then forget it." Qin Haiyang was a little pity.

"I said you are going home, don't you always stare at other women practicing?" Su Jin couldn't help but said in the end, this Qin Haiyang was too shameless.

Not only shameless, Qin Haiyang, who wore a green cloak, shrank and stared in confusion, which also caused his rate of turning around to skyrocket, and there were all ridicules——

"Brother Ye, you don't know anything! It's my family's reason. The maids in the house are all dressed up in the same way, and I feel sick." Qin Haiyang sighed.

"I'll be back in the store in a while, if you are fine, don't worry about your eldest sister." Su Jin said.

"Then when will you be free? Go through the barrier together tomorrow?" Qin Haiyang asked.

"Good." Su Jin nodded.

"That `s a deal!"


Seeing Qin Haiyang's back after saying goodbye to him, Su Jin was... inexplicably relieved? That green cloak, too spicy eyes——

About two hours, the setting sun!

At the Royal Root Carving Shop, Su Jin is also very dedicated to carving...

Outside the Golden Fairy City, the golden glow spreads all over the city!

Qin Haiyang walked outside with his eldest sister Qin Qingwu and Qin Shan, and it was not far to walk towards that pass. This was Qin Haiyang’s suggestion, otherwise... when he went to pass the pass, he was also abusive, and he still remembers the pain of passing the pass. Still new!

"It's fine weather, Brother Ye won't come out, it's so horrible--" Qin Haiyang sighed in the breeze.

"Why always mention him?" Qin Qingwu asked.

"I'm telling you that I'm already a friend of Brother Ye's eight worshippers! In the future, when I ascend the throne and become the emperor, I will marry my eldest sister to him!" Qin Haiyang said haha, saying something that changed Qin Qingwu's color.

"You--" Qin Qingwu's eyes widened, "He is not worthy!"

Qin Haiyang looked at forty-five degrees, but did not refute it!

Qin Shan has been paying attention to the surrounding situation, then... his eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "Who! Come out!"

Qin Qingwu and Qin Haiyang were also shocked, feeling the murderous aura outside the city! The three of her siblings have already left the city, and they must have come prepared with such killing intent!

"People from Absolute Absolute Palace? It's really you--" Qin Shan burst out and saw that on the ground not far away, there were faintly more than 20 immortal masters, dressed in masked black clothes, appearing.

"Unexpectedly, there will be three in one catch. Your emperor didn't even follow him. So, just get rid of the roots and destroy your thoughts!" The black-clothed and masked old man headed directly raised his hand and pointed his finger to bring out the situation!

The sky was full of sunshine, and suddenly the wind and clouds gathered and dimmed!

In the Royal Root Carving Shop, the seal carving on Su Jin's hand paused gently, and immediately, he continued to lower his head to seal the carving, but...the carving knife in his hand suddenly disappeared!


The world is dim! Countless people have felt the circulation of the breath of time, and the whole city seems to be filled with a sad mood of vicissitudes of life!

At this moment, countless people seemed to blink in their eyes, as if to...see a scene of a young man who was compiling.

Turn around!

Outside the city, more than two dozen screams appeared!

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