My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3517: One knife, into the night

This carving knife seemed to have cut through the six reincarnations and suppressed the turmoil of the world!

One shot, handsome blow up the sky!

In the entire Golden Immortal City, there was silence for a short period of time, and then suddenly it boiled! Everyone just now, whether it is a person who is pursuing a retreat or a person who is asleep, seems to feel the years!

With this knife, some people are dreamlike and can blow a thousand lives!

"Just now, did I get dazzled just now? Do you have a picture in your mind, a young man holding a carving knife, making the world into the night with a knife!" A monk in the golden fairy city roared and asked.

"It also appeared in my mind! What the **** is going on, I absolutely don't know the young sculptor, but why is his scene reflected in my spiritual sea?"

"What's new! Outside the city, more than 20 strong masters of the Absolute Shame Palace died under that carving knife! In an instant, their fate!"

"Oh my God! What kind of god-level means is this! This kind of insight seems to be extremely magical, that young man is using his own insight to kill the enemy!"

"The time of the Fairy Fair is approaching! Soon, we will be in Putuo Wonderland! There are so many dragons and people, and now there are several incredible powerhouses!"

"The cut just now is so amazing, who is he?"

"I dare to swear that he is definitely a monk in other fairyland! Because in Putuo fairyland, there is absolutely no one who has cut this sword!!"

"Who, who is he..."

"Knife, can you kill with just a knife?"


Crazy, the monks in the entire Golden Fairy City are like a group of madmen gathering, shaking the sky and making people really believe that the scene just now really exists!

Outside the city--

The effect of a knife into the night is gradually fading with the disappearance of the carving knife. The warm glow of the sun shines on the faces of the sluggish Qin family three people. Even now, they still don't believe the scene just now... is true!

"The Absolute Palace, the deputy palace lord... the rest... are all sages, one cut... one cut was done." Qin Haiyang felt numb on his face, this special lady... is absolutely amazing, as amazing as that. The mysterious barrier breaker in the black cloak!

Qin Qingwu's face went from pale to fiery flushing. Although she was not injured, she directly felt like she was hit hard.

"Is it him——" Qin Qingwu said blankly.

"Yes! Brother Ye saved us! Old sister! Old sister, you still look down on him!" Qin Haiyang jumped up and down excitedly.

Although they don't want to believe it, in Qin Qingwu and Qin Shan's eyes, if Su Jin hadn't made it, they would have died!

"It's terrible, originally I thought he was ordinary and unremarkable." Qin Shan solemnly shook his head, as if he had been hit.

"I'm going back to find Brother Ye! Wow, he's so handsome, so handsome!" Qin Haiyang wanted to return to the city!

"No! Our whereabouts have been exposed! We must return to the imperial city now, right away!" Qin Shan shouted lowly.

"Brother Ye is here, who dares to hurt us! I want you back, ah, don't pull me—"

Qin Qingwu and Qin Shan drag Qin Haiyang away again!

"We will come again! But we need someone to protect——" Qin Shan cursed.

Only that Qin Qingwu, after walking for a long distance, stopped silently. Under the cyan cloak, she couldn't see her expression, but she turned around and looked at the golden fairy city in the distance, and then walked away. Up...

Royal root carving shop!

Master Huang stared at Su Jin dullly... the knife floating in his hand was still stained with blood!

"Teacher Huang, I'm sorry." Su Jin got up, "Don't open your shop, and run away overnight. This carving knife has a little bit of Dao Yun that I have realized, and its value... enough for you to worry-free forever."

After speaking, Su Jin suspended the carving knife on the table in front of Master Huang, and then left silently——

Although Su Jin didn't know who those people were, he was certainly not afraid, but since the other party dared to get involved in the blood of the emperor, he would definitely investigate to the end, and this root carving shop would surely suffer!

This is also the main reason Su Jin wants Master Huang to leave.

When he went out, Su Jin put on a black cloak, walked through the crowded streets, and finally returned to the house!

"So handsome--" The Chaosheng Banshee quickly admired Su Jin when she saw Su Jin walking.

Su Jin said lightly: "Generally, that cut is not perfect."

"The retreat Xiao Suxian was awakened. She also saw your amazing cut in her mind. How did you do it?" Chaosheng Banshee couldn't help but said.

Don't blame the Chaosong Banshee for being weird, the knife just now... seems to resonate with the world, it's too exaggerated!

"Maybe it has broken through the bottleneck in the perception of the years. I can't say how it feels, but...I can vaguely perceive my great divine way, and...I know it's very bad." Su Jin sighed. .

"If you can feel it, what are you going to do? Do you still want to break through Tianguan? Or... in the room first completely recover the wounds." Chaosheng asked.

The Great Divine Dao, the Chaosheng Banshee would not be at ease if she did not appear for a day. She knew that Su Jin was the same. The "Three Swords White Emperor" a few days ago put too much pressure on this man.

"It depends on the situation." Su Jin returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the bed. Then he considered for a moment, turned his hands and took out the "Bone of Heavenly Dao" in the bone ring.

This king bone of heaven is vaguely gray, about 30 centimeters long.

Su Jin was silent for a while, closed his eyes and separated a strand of primordial spirit, covering the heavenly king bone, but soon he found that his strand of primordial spirit had been bounced away.

Sure enough, as it said at the beginning, it will not recognize the Lord with itself!

"Now I don't need you yet. One day, even if you are numb, I will forcibly erase your spiritual consciousness and let you taste the bitter fruit."

After Su Jin finished speaking, he put away the Heavenly Dao King Bone. He originally had hope, hoping that the Heavenly Dao King Bone would recognize the Lord, and then he might be easier to restore the Great Divine Dao——

As a result, it was such a situation.

Su Jin no longer thinks about it anymore, and enters Dharma directly! Carefully perceive it, but in his eyes, there is a piece of crystal red shattered like a galaxy star city. How to recover such a great divine way!


too difficult!

Su Jin silently used the power of the Nine Paths to push the broken red crystal points, but he couldn't gather them all the time, and he was helpless——

Of course, Su Jin knew that his great divine way had not disappeared! These broken crystal red spots are evidence!


The night is coming!

The knife of the young man who carved the knife has spread all over the world, and in the entire "Putuo Wonderland", this knife is a popular topic!

Yunmeng Academy!

There are tens of thousands of students who are asking immortals! These people are all talking about the "one sword" that is like a god!

"We in Yunmeng Academy, although we have seen that scene, the scene is rather vague, but the monks in Jinxian City can see all of them clearly!" said the students in the academy.

"I asked the teacher for advice, but the teacher can't tell why!"

"Don't you know? A few teachers just went to ask Gu Xian for instructions. She is not sure, but she may have clearly seen the knife because of her cultivation level."

"Our Yunmeng Guxian, don't know what's going on? How is this possible!"

"It’s not that I don’t know, but I’m not sure, she said, it’s most likely because of my perception. Left a shocking knife!"

"Enlightenment... so powerful—"

"Yes! At that time, in Golden Immortal City, the whole city was enveloped by the breath of vicissitudes of life, which led to the scene of the young man with a knife, reflecting the spirit of all monks!"


The white bamboo, the wooden house, and the Yushi concubine were alone, standing by the bamboo forest, pacing back and forth.

Under the moonlit night, the fairy in white!

Soon, a more mature woman appeared!

"Master." The concubine Yu looked at the visitor and quickly gave a very beautiful standard ceremony.

"Why is your Dao Xin so messy?" Yunmeng Guxian slightly blamed.

"No--" Yu Shi's concubine shook her head.

"In the morning, I heard that you were looking for me." Yunmeng Guxian looked at the girl who was not a daughter but was better than her, and his voice became gentle.

"Just ask casually, nothing else." Yu Shi concubine said.

"In the last few days, Master can't accompany you..." Yunmeng Guxian said with a smile: "Don't panic, let alone go to Jinxian City."

"Ah? How does the master know my plan?" Yu Shi concubine asked in surprise.

"The mysterious trespasser is the one who cut the knife. This kind of coincidence, others will believe it, I don't believe it, Putuo Wonderland is so big, how can it be possible that two stunning Tianjiao appear in a row." Yunmeng Gu Xiandao .

"One person?" Yu Shi's concubine was dazed.


Yunmeng Guxian took a deep breath and said, "The origin of this person is absolutely terrifying. You must never go to Jinxiancheng to find him. Everything, wait until I come back."

"Where is the master going, for the Fairy Meeting?" The Yu Master nodded and asked.

"No, you can rest assured."

"What if he has passed fifty levels in the past few days, I can't see him either?"


After receiving an ambiguous response, the Yushi concubine watched Yunmeng Guxian leave. She has always been a good girl in front of Master, but... She always feels that the life technique that the young man performed last night seemed to be because of her--

Yu Shi's concubine returned to the room, and in his mind, it was the young man who carved the knife that kept appearing, as well as the amazing years of life!

"In any case, if he breaks the first fifty levels, I won't lose to him when that happens." Yushi concubine secretly made up his mind.


Moon hanging treetops.

Su Jin's back is now all sweat, and the clothes behind are all wet with sweat! After working hard for so long, he still couldn't restore the Great Divine Dao!

The originally complete Great Shinto, shaped like scattered sand! That kind of despair is extremely difficult for ordinary people to imagine!

"Take a break, in fact, this is not necessarily a good thing. You can improve your time and understanding, and you can think of ways later." The Chaosheng Banshee couldn't help saying.

Su Jin's mind thundered, opened his eyes, looked at the tidal banshee, breathing a little bit quickly: "What did you say? Say it again—"

"Rest awhile."

"Next sentence."

"It may not be a good thing!"

"Hahaha... you really helped me a lot!"

Su Jin seemed to be empowered, and his heart seemed to be suddenly bright! He finally thought of a way, and...this way is very, very crazy!

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