My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3518: Unworldly Galaxy

First of all, Su Jin knows one thing, he doesn't disdain Three Thousand Dao!

He has recently been injured by the Dao and cannot use the Great Divine Dao. He has been thinking about how to restore the original state and power of the Great Divine Dao——

But as the saying goes, if you don’t break, you don’t stand, if you don’t stand...

Three thousand lifetimes ago, the great divine way that is not the world-zun conforms to the concepts of palm sky, palm land, and palm space, but it is only a concept, that is, when Su Jin displays it, there will be three crystal red lights on the top of the head, heart, and feet! In this way, it is not too shallow.

Today, Su Jin is going to do something that even he will be desperate!

In the past, the Great Divine Dao was stuck to the world and oneself, but from now on, Su Jin wants to build a "worldless galaxy" that is not the World-Zun Great Divine Dao!

Su Jin closed his eyes decisively again-

In the body of the sky, the nine powers, slowly swimming together, in his sea of ​​qi, a green lotus swayed slightly with the tumbling sea of ​​qi, and after Su Jin's inner look, the state of the great divine path just now appeared in him again Of perception.

Those grains of crystal red are so fragile! When Su Jin wanted to gather the Great Divine Dao earlier, he found that even if the nine powers were gently used, these crystal red colors were not in a fragile state from the origin of the world-honored one!

Basically, it breaks with one touch!

Now that it is decided, Su Jin will not regret it! Even if he loses the Great Divine Dao forever, he will try!

So Su Jin now, from the previous cautiousness, turned into a crazy subversion of the past with nine powers——

In the room, the Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin with worried eyes...

In the eyes of Chaosheng Banshee, Su Jin's current state is extremely unoptimistic! His face was like white paper, and there was a lot of sweat on his face, and he couldn't help rolling off!

The Chaosheng Banshee didn't want to disturb Su Jin, but didn't worry about him, a little at a loss!

"Vitality is disappearing quickly--" The Chaosheng Banshee lifted her heart into her throat, but after a while, after several iterations, Su Jin's state stabilized in her eyes.

However, the Chaosheng Banshee didn't know that Su Jin's vitality was fading at a very terrifying speed! It's just that the blue sky lotus in his sea of ​​anger has been conveying the power of life for him, otherwise... he will definitely be unable to hold on!

"Broken! Broken again -" Su Jin cried madly in his heart!

No one can imagine this kind of pain! It's like a bone, broken into pieces over and over again in one's own body, not only the tremendous physical pain, but also the suffering from the soul! No one can bear this kind of will!

In the strange perception, Su Jin could see the vast crystal red river. He knew he was dangerous now, but... he still had to do it!

"In my life, I will not be destined or grounded. I do not believe in the destiny of destiny. This river will contain all my insights, not only years, not only time and space, not only killing thoughts, not only kindness, not only heaven..."

With Su Jin sitting cross-eyed with his eyes closed, his body...the body of the soul opened his eyes for a short while, and his body of the soul moved to the ‘unworldly Milky Way’.

"In this step, I have completely separated from the six realms, and I am like this afterglow, and I also have the posture of achieving stars." Su Jin gently suspended a crystal red power in the palm of his hand with the hands of the soul body. , A flick!

Boom boom boom~~~

The crystal red light spot that was originally darker quickly collided with other red light spots! As if a chain reaction, this crystalline red force is rolling away with an unstoppable force. Gradually, a giant crystalline red star appears to appear in the eternal galaxy!

"This is the star of the year. From now on, the sky does not hold my life!" Su Jin took another step with his Yuan Shen body and appeared elsewhere in the vast eternal Milky Way.

After a moment of silence, Su Jin turned his back to Suixing and flicked his finger again!

"This is the star of will, and I should know my will to kill the sky--"

"This star is... the new sky! From now on, my body and my soul are not in the five elements!"

"This is a Void Star! From now on, I have no fate, I take my life, and my life is mine!"


The Chaosong Banshee has been paying close attention to Su Jin. She now... has an indescribable feeling of fear. She was originally a close person, but now... Looking at Su Jin, she is actually scared?

"What happened... It seems, it seems to have changed." The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin blankly, her soul was shaken, and she almost wanted to escape her body!

Immediately afterwards, the Chaosheng Banshee reacted, her face changed slightly!

The sky outside the window has a great vision!

The Chaosheng Banshee hurriedly appeared in the yard. At that moment, she...dignified and powerful, also...stunned!

Just now, the white Shenyue turned into crystal red inexplicably, and even the smallest corners around it were filled with endless sadness!

That crystal red **** moon is extremely demon! Endless poignant beauty! The crystal red glow from it rendered the entire Putuo Wonderland!

"The demon moon has risen, the rhythm of the catastrophe is approaching..." All academies in Putuo looked at the crystal red moon in fear.

"On the eve of the Fairy Fair, there was a bad omen, and the meaning is unknown! Now the people participating in the Fairy Fair have come to Putuo Wonderland one after another. How good is this!"

"It doesn't have to be an unknown omen. It is rumored that the scarlet moon has blocked the sky for several days and the daylight is not allowed. It is considered a big omen. Now... it just appeared, it depends on the dawn of a few hours later——"

"Does our dean have any instructions?"

"No, the dean, together with the principal and deputy deans of Qinglin Academy, are going to leave for a few days. I don't know exactly what to do--"


Time, spent in the anxiety of countless people!

The Yushi concubine stayed up all night in the retreat. This was originally a morning when the morning glow was blooming, but until now, it has been delayed for a long time, and it has not yet arrived.

The said of the demon moon seems to be coming true!

For Jinxian City, it is too crowded now. The situation in the "Shenghua City" adjacent to Jinxian City is better than that of Jinxian City.

"The calamity moon is interesting, and it is really interesting--" In Shenghua City, there are several servants, following a young man on an arch bridge, admiring the crystal red blood moon!

"Master, the palace master has been away in secret for a few days. In these few days, you should go out less and be careful!" The servant behind him, with a tight face, lest something went wrong, asked quickly.

"Yes, Master, the heir of the Golden Qin Immortal Kingdom, was blocked by the Assassin Palace's assassin in Jinxian City last night and was almost cut off. You... don't listen to Palace Master's words."

"The events of the calamity moon seemed to have been foreshadowed before. My father went to meet people in secret, not telling the truth, maybe... because of this catastrophe." The youth seemed to be unhappy. He always disciplined the servants. The words of these servants made him a little annoyed.

"Our Helian family is only your bloodline, you can't afford to lose it, do you think we should go back now?"

"Well, didn't the former county lord of Shenghua City invite me Helian Longchen to go? Now go to the city lord mansion to take a look." Helian Longchen said lightly.

Right here, Helian Longchen and all the people in Shenghua City saw the blood moon begin to fall north--

"It turns out... it's just a vision, the blood moon falls, and the catastrophe is gone!" Someone was beside the arch bridge, and they were surprised.

"I haven't slept all night, and my eyes are almost blinded by the red glow, now I can finally sleep peacefully."

"It's safe, it's no big deal!"


In Yunmeng Academy.

The Yushi concubine breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out a very graceful lazy waist. She smiled slightly, put down the scroll, and walked to another room. Soon, in a warm jade pond, there was a beautiful figure with black hair hanging back— —

The moon sets, the sun rises!

This day, it is destined to not be peaceful!

The **** sun in the ancient immortal world has a diameter of at least tens of meters in visual observation. Once it rises and becomes red, it is no longer normal!


The earth trembles slightly, as if the disaster of the earth is first noticed. Objects as small as dust and as large as a basin are floating in the ancient immortal world at that moment!


People in the academy directly saw the inkstone, paper and pen, all floating on the desk!

Rumbling rumbling~~~

The roar like a tsunami resounded throughout the ancient fairy world! There are countless people watching a very terrifying round of God's Sun, turning from red to dark, on the earth, there are faintly countless crystal red auras, which are manifesting in the world in various forms!

The Chaosheng Banshee was very moved, she... she surrendered to Su Jin and chose to follow. There was nothing wrong with it! Even in such a difficult situation, he... still found a way for himself! One, a terrible thing that the World Honored has never done before!

"He... is my man--" The Chaosong Banshee was filled with great pride!

In this way, for three consecutive days, the entire ancient immortal world seemed to be demonized! The saying of the demon sky is extremely popular! Moreover, on the eve of the Fairy Fair, the ‘Putuo Wonderland’ where the Fairy Fair was held is even more terrifying, attracting countless monks!

And Su Jin has practiced for three days!

Although Su Jin didn't open his eyes, his soul body seemed to escape into nothingness, and even the Chaosheng Banshee did not perceive this step he made!

At Yunmeng Academy, no one had thought that there was a young man in front of the door of the Yu Master's concubine, transformed into a figure!

"You...who are you——" Yu Shi's concubine did not perceive the existence of human beings. She was just bored. When she walked out, she saw a figure standing, but she didn't know how long the other person had been standing!

This figure, the whole body... crystal red! Even the clothes seemed to be crystalline, an extremely terrifying majesty, directly in the heart of Yushi's concubine.

"Why don't you find me..." Su Jin's voice.

"Ah? You are... You are..." The Yushi concubine's mind was blank, she really did not expect that the catastrophe would be caused by this young man! This voice broke her record a few days ago! This voice, three days ago, defeated the ancient immortal Qinglong!

This sound...Three days ago, a knife, the sky is shocking!

"My name is... Ye." Su Jin said.

"I wanted to find you." Master Yu turned her face away, and continued: "But my master won't let me. By the way, what are you doing in our college? I don't know you."

The Yushi concubine refocused her eyes on Su Jin.

"You are willing to follow me in the lower realm." Su Jin asked in silence for a long time.


"You are the reincarnation of a friend. I came to Ancient Immortal Realm to find you."

"I don't believe it." The concubine Yu shook her head and reminded vigilantly: "You'd better go quickly, my master will work for a few days, and I will be back soon, otherwise you won't be able to go."

"It turns out that there is no problem with my perception. My great enemy has really come to the ancient immortal realm. Your master, you should see the other party. In this way, I and you Yunmeng Academy are enemies." Su Jin said hoarsely Said the voice.

The voice seemed tired.

Yu Shi's concubine didn't feel nervous, and couldn't help but said: "My master is Gu Xian, have to pass fifty levels before you can see me——"

Su Jin appeared directly in front of Yushi concubine at a speed that was invisible at all. He already warmed her waist with his hand, and pulled forward face to face, looking at Yushi concubine, and said seriously:

"Tianguan, no matter! Today, in the name of my night, I use Tianguan to declare the world!"

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