My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3520: Night demon?

Heavenly Pass!

The extreme coldness was spreading from Yushi's concubine. She pointed at Su Jin and made her stand clear. From then on, the two have become enemies!

Su Jin looked at the snow-capped mountains, seeming to laugh at himself, the person he was looking for was now facing him!

In the world, it is really wonderful, and everything can't be as desired. As he wished, Su Jin now has a beautiful phrase in his heart——

Su Jin smiled, facing the snow-capped mountain, and the man with the sword beside him, slowly laughed at himself: "You and me, you are very emotional. There are many loves, and the heat is like fire..."

"Twist a piece of mud, twist one you, shape me, break the two of us together, and mix with water. Twist another you, then shape me. I have you in my mud, and you have me in your mud."

After hearing a few words, Master Yu's body trembled——

The slight headache made Yu Master concubine feel unsteady. She didn't know why, so she couldn't listen to such words!

"In your previous life, you must have liked to listen to such words." Su Jin said lightly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The Yushi concubine came to his senses, "I was born a member of Yunmeng Academy, and died a ghost of Yunmeng Academy! You say that you are the enemy, and we are the enemy, you... give up those unreasonable thoughts as soon as possible !"

"What if I don't?" Su Jin turned around and took a step closer to the fairy sword she was pointing at.

Yushi concubine panicked and took two steps back!

"The Immortal Dao Tianjiao in our academy, there are countless! Among them, Junior Brother Xiao Zhanyun is the best!" Yu Shi concubine turned around, dropped her sword, and said loudly in the direction of Yunmeng Academy: "Junior Brother, you are willing to be with me, Senior Sister ——"

Su Jin looked at Yushi's concubine like this, with no waves on his face, no sorrow or joy, at such an age, the temperament of a girl who loves to make a girl problem.

Yunmeng Academy!

Xiao Zhanyun's face was full of blood. He had been hospitalized for decades, and he had only seen Master Yu's concubine a few times. Now when she heard her speaking like this, he suddenly felt like he was hit by a chance!

"I..." Xiao Zhanyun was full of ecstasy, and in the enviable eyes of other students, he wanted to agree directly!

But before he finished speaking, Xiao Zhanyun only felt that his body was like a blazing fire. Around his body, the terrifying crystal red power was condensed in an instant!


Xiao Zhanyun is like a broken sandbag, directly turned into blood', directly...Dao Xiao!

Yushi concubine, stay!

"Go on, I'm waiting for someone, and I can play with you for a while." Su Jin looked at Yu Shi's concubine seriously, and smiled: "You like it."

"Baiye City, there is the enchanting Dao Zi Jian Huachong, I..." Yu Shi's concubine just wanted to finish, the fire in the direction of the'Baiye City' was soaring! !

"Buried in a city, that flourishing age of fireworks, do you feel beautiful?" When Su Jin finished speaking with the Yushi concubine, he wandered in a moment of fright. The city of Baiye stood like a soup of fire, and the flames skyrocketed!

Yushi concubine... sluggish! !

The entire Putuo Wonderland is suffocated by one person, and Su Jin seems to have unpredictable abilities!

"What the **** is the Fairy of Life doing? Now, she has killed her junior, and now she has killed another city, which is really annoying!" Someone was obviously not happy.

"Who is this mysterious power called Ye waiting for?"

"No matter who he is waiting for, he shouldn't hold his own strength and kill people at will! This is a demon way, he... is a demon!"

"Demon Moon Black Sun, because of him, he is not a demon who is a demon! Our dean, together with the Putuo Wanyuan, will sanction this demon and put down the chaos!"

"A crooked way, you want to vainly try to encroach on a fairy and forcibly occupy it? Such a demon must not stay in the world, otherwise the world will be in chaos!"

"What night emperor, it is obviously a night demon! No matter how high his spiritual talent is, it is not my immortal way, nor does it contribute to the prosperity of my immortal way. This person must be removed, and we will defend the right way to the death!"


Yu Shi's concubine gave Su Jin a fierce look, and then floated away, without nostalgia! She, together with Yunmeng Academy, resists this demon!

In fact, Su Jin had no intention of humiliating her. The reason for helping her break the barrier was just to save time. This day, because of him, no one knows, and he doesn’t know when the variables will come. .

Su Jin stood on the top of the sky with his hands under his hands, without saying a word, even if all dynasties came to slash, even if the whole world was enemies, he acted on his own, without outsiders' judgment!

The entire Tianguan began to shake, and all the charm of the immortal Dao suppressed by the ancient sage disappeared!

"Yunmeng Guxian issued a decree to remove the fierce prestige of the heavens, and look at the heroes of the world, and decapitate this demon on the top of the heavens!" The vast voice spread throughout the Putuo fairyland, even... outside Putuo fairyland The other wonderland in, also quickly learned the news!

When this remark came out, the world was in an uproar!

"Yunmeng Guxian's will! This means that Guxian also believes that the night emperor is a demon and must not stay! Everyone, this is a great opportunity to make a name in the eyes of the fairy of life!" The monk in Jinxian City said excitedly.

"Opportunity is a good opportunity! But it is extremely absurd! They Yunmeng Academy, do they expect ordinary cultivators to kill this emperor? This is undoubtedly an idiot dream! This emperor...Even Qinglong Ancient Immortal evades him, has hatred, and both Can't report to him! Can it be done by us?"

"It's not necessarily impossible! Even if you use human tactics to consume him to the end, it will be easy to cut him at the time! Everyone, who is willing to stand for the right way!"

"Now, all the powers that Yunmeng Guxian set on the Heavenly Pass are gone, everyone can reach the Heavenly Pass, and everyone has a chance to kill the Ye Emperor!"

"This night emperor is a demon, not worthy to appear in our ancient immortal world! Night demon, get out of the ancient immortal world!!"

"Night Demon! Get out of the Ancient Immortal Realm—"

The last sentence seems to converge into a long river of sounds, constantly echoing in the'Putuo Wonderland'! That voice is so loud that it makes people discolored!

The storm is getting worse!

Su Jin’s face has not changed from beginning to end—


There was a sound of swords mingling, and it rose directly into the sky! This is an immortal sword cultivator who carries a sword. He has the realm of a great sage. He has cultivated the immortal sword throughout his life. He is known as ‘Jian Chen’!

"Night Demon, the ancient immortal Qinglong dare not offend you, it doesn't mean that other strong men do not dare, I, Immortal Sword Dao, Jian Chen, you are here today!" Jian Chen shouted.

"Devil, tell me, what is a devil?" Su Jin asked while looking at Jian Chen.

"Indiscriminately, bloodthirsty is a demon, bullying the weak is a demon!" Jian Chen answered without hesitation.

Su Jin thought carefully and asked, "In your life, have you ever killed by mistake?"

"I--" Jian Chen's face was cold, "I naturally don't!"

"You answer again, hypocrisy, is it a devil?" Su Jin asked again.

"Forget it!" Jian Chen nodded.

The golden pupil of Su Jin's eyebrows gradually turned into a ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’, lightly pointed towards Jian Chen, and passed the person’s past a little bit, then, with a wave of his hand, a terrifying sight appeared!

"Your Immortal Sword Dao used to pursue power and became a demon for thousands of years. Later, after washing the devil's heart, it became the Immortal Sword Dao. During your period, you drank human blood, causing tens of thousands of dead bones, no one buried it."

As Su Jin spoke, he continued: "In your long years of practice, although you have only a short period of one thousand years of enchantment, how many women in the world have been harmed by you? You say I am a demon, you are ?"

Jian Chen, his face panicked!

"I have never done a low-level planting technique!" Jian Chen shouted at Su Jin.

"I use God's pupil to show your true spiritual experience, your past friend, is there the Liu family? The daughter of the Liu family was persecuted by you, and you have not found your creditor, and you have destroyed a city for your own selfish desires. These...compared to yours, there is no need for me to prove it." Su Jin said.

"You...shut up!" Jian Chen put his fingers together, the strength of the sword immortal soared, and the immortal strength bloomed like an iceberg!

"It's normal to become angry from embarrassment. You are righteous, and now I expose your crimes, am I considered righteous?"

"Dead! You die for me!" Jian Chen raised his two fingers, his body burst into the sky and the sword, with this sword, he wanted Su Jin to die!


Su Jin brushed his robe sleeves, Jian Chen... directly shook his body!

Jian Chen's complexion directly turned into an iron blue color, his swordsmanship sea was burning blazingly, and his great virtuous body was being ignited strangely!

what's the situation!

Burning Daxian's physical body can only be done by relying on his own realm and cultivation base! And this person... why can this person do it!

"You are... the master!" Jian Chen wanted to slash this sword desperately, but the sword light that rushed into the sky on his body could not be slashed. On the contrary, a touch of terrifying power came out inexplicably from Su Jin. !

Jian Chen... actually wanted to worship the Ye Di, so there is only one possibility, Ye Di is the master of the sword! Only in this way can he directly ignite the sea of ​​kendo! Take this to erase his kendo road!


Jian Chen was swept away by an invisible force, he vomited blood for three liters, and fled away! Don't dare to take the edge again!

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore!"

At this moment, there is a sky, rendering Foxia! The one who came... turned out to be a rare Buddhist and Taoist expert in the ancient immortal world!

Su Jin, who was originally unwavering, now has a strange look on his face——

This old monk is persuading him... to turn around?

"I, the master of the Era Magic Hall, come to kill the devil." Another voice appeared from the Buddha's sky. It was a thirty-looking man who came along with the powerful Buddhist Daoist.

Su Jin's face returned to calm, and he said lightly: "It seems that today is destined to have bones all over the sky, but unfortunately, you are just pawns, poor people being used by others."

"Once, the rampant magical way brought devastating disasters to the heavens and immortal ways! So far, the immortal way has collapsed! Now your magical way, you still want to make a comeback!" Immortal Master Ji Yuan shouted angrily.

"Who do you say is the devil--" Su Jin retorted.

"You!" Immortal Master Ji Yuan said.

"What did you fix?" Su Jin asked again.

"Naturally a fairy!" Immortal Lord Jiyuan looked at Su Jin coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin raised his left arm, palms up, and a group of pure to the ultimate immortal power emerged. He said: "You cultivate immortals, and I cultivate immortals. Why am I a demon, aren't you? "

"Don’t be arrogant! Don’t be arrogant! If you say so, I am a Buddha, why am I not a demon!" The benevolent old monk raised his head and looked at Su Jin——

The corner of Su Jin's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm. The palm of his left hand was showing pure immortality, and when his right hand was raised, a brilliant Buddha glow made the old monk stunned...

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