My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3521: Ge Shi Yan Shen

The old monk, his expression is unbelievable——

There are a lot of immortal and Buddha fellow practitioners in the world, but how can such a superb cultivation of Buddhism be a demon, is impossible to enter the Buddhist school! !

"Illusion! It's not small for you to hide your magic skills!" The old monk stepped back as if he had stepped on a knife, and accused Su Jin of getting up and quickly denying him.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "It really gives you a face."

Then, Su Jin's hands slowly joined together!

At the moment of fusion, Su Jin's whole body instantly turned into a golden body of King Buddha! Behind his head, a circle of Buddha wheels seemed to reflect outside the ancient immortal world, and even outside the ancient immortal world, it would stretch for billions of miles!

"Om, well, ne, ba, mi, hum..."

"Om, well, ne, ba, mi, hum..."


Hundreds of thousands of Buddha songs resounded in every corner of the Putuo Wonderland. Thousands of Buddha lights rose up into the sky. In those Buddha lights, the scriptures seemed like strands, and there were countless Buddha shadows that came out of nothingness. The Taoist, holding a book of scriptures in his hand, under the Brahma sang, it seems to turn the entire Putuo fairyland into a pure land of Buddha!

The old monk shivered--

Shaking constantly.

The old monk denied Su Jin just now, and now he is self-defeating! The world also knows his hypocrisy. It can be said that the fame of the evening festival is not guaranteed!

The key is that the old monk was not shocked by the visions of the billions of Buddhas and Taoism——

But Su Jin turned out to be a rare'golden body power' in Buddhism and Taoism. This kind of Buddha and Taoism that builds a golden body is respected everywhere!

And the old monk himself did not have a golden body, it is conceivable that this is an annoying thing to him!

"Puff..." The old monk didn't know if it was anxious, or something else. He suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood. He... really shouldn't be out!

"Buddha Dezhen!" Immortal Master Ji Yuan was startled.

"I... I was wrong..." The old monk seemed to have lost his fighting spirit. He had eyes and no beads, did not know the true Buddha, and even... was ashamed of what he had cultivated!

"Go--" Su Jin whispered to the true Buddha Lord Nade. Then, he used his golden hands to change his hand skills again and again, and soon... a kind of difficult secret, in Su Jin's Aquarius Handprint 'The way, shock appeared!

The immortal master of the era has changed!

The old monk kowtowed his head in nine steps and repented and left. If he can save his life, he still depends on Su Jin's charity! !

"You said that I am a demon, I use Buddhist teachings to suppress you... What do you say?" Su Jin's current perception is beyond any time before.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Immortal Master Jiyuan spreads his hands like a big Peng spreading his wings. Around him, layers of secret light from the Immortal Dao began to condense into a chain of Immortal Dao chains, which instantly blocked all directions, and he wanted to capture Su Jin. !


Su Jin’s gold body was flashy with a circle of fairy rings, the fairy ring skyrocketed to the sky, and it went straight to all directions! The immortal master's chain of infinite immortality was all shattered in an instant and turned into smash!

However, over the top of Immortal Lord Jiyuan's head, a golden Buddha palm that could not be hidden was pressing toward the top of his head!


The immortal Lord Jiyuan moved thousands of miles, but he seemed to be locked in by the "Aquarius Handprint". He just appeared thousands of miles away, and the Buddha's palm formed by the Aquarius Handprint directly slapped him into ashes! Nothing!


Immortal Lord Jiyuan, the way is gone!

Yunmeng Academy, both the immortal students and the teachers of the academy, all looked dumbfounded!

"This is the heaven, the first great sage to fall!" The person at Yunmeng Academy said in shock.

"The great sage of immortality, one fell! Still the master of that era phantom hall! Just one palm, one palm—"

"The two ways of immortality and Buddha have been recognized by Buddhism and Taoism. How can this kind of people be demons! Moreover, just now the old bald donkey knew that his hypocrisy had been exposed, and he was already deeply repenting and he did not want to take this muddy water again. Up!"

"Don't be afraid! In our college, there are many strong people! Our teacher, any one who walks out, can easily crush him!" Someone shouted in the academy.

The teachers in those colleges darkened their eyes and lowered their heads--

Except for a limited number of them, none of them can match that Era Immortal Lord, let alone Su Jin's opponent! In their opinion, only Yunmeng Guxian returned to kill Su Jin!

"Our teacher, should have taken the lead! Come! Let's go to a joint petition, let all the uncles and uncles go to cast down the demons!"

"Yes! Revenge for brother! Brother, you can't die in vain!"

The students of Yunmeng Academy all started to take action, looking for uncles and uncles everywhere, but at this moment did they discover that none of them was there?

Too cruel

Putuo Wonderland, I don’t know how much they are criticizing Su Jin’s harshness. They seem to be standing at the highest point of morality.

After the Lord of Era fell, it took a full quarter of an hour for Su Jin to wait for anyone to come!

However, Su Jin was not in a hurry. He faded his golden body, took out a jug of old wine, controlled the heat with his palm, and sat down on the top of the sky. The snow, still falling, fell in the wine jar without adding any taste. child.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Su Jin's eyes were slightly condensed, and he always wanted to get a verification, that is, now... compared to Gu Xian, is it worse or not?

There is no doubt that he is not the Emperor Yedi, but on the Great Divine Path, he has walked a path that even his previous life would not dare to take. This path needs to be tested by actual combat!

At the top of Tianguan, to the west!

At this moment, a piece of snow-white fairy blossoms, like a waterfall, fell from nine days. Judging from the aura of this person, Guxian's spirit is high, and there is no doubt that Guxian is here!

The coming, the horrible aura was released, and it was once utterly disgusting!

The concubine Yu, who was standing outside her room, was also watching this battle. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she only hoped that her master "Yunmeng Ancient Xian" would return, and then she would remove the devil and guard the way--

"Which ancient sage is this?" Yu Shi's concubine's nervousness is slightly reduced. After all, now that an ancient sage walks out, the emperor of the night will not be so arrogant.


The wine in the wine jar still has the remaining temperature! Su Jin grabbed the wine jar and drank for a while, the liquor overflowed and flowed into the collar, but it was full of heroism! Today, at the top of the sky, fighting against the masters of the ancient immortal world, I must be very happy!

"My husband and I, it's been a long time since we were born, and never thought that the magic way will reignite, huh? are young."

In the west, on the waterfall where Xianhua condenses, it is a middle-aged couple with gray temples. This appearance is actually two ancient sages of immortality, which inspires countless people!

Jinxiancheng, Shenghuacheng, cheers!

"This couple, are they the two used to be..." There was a monk from Jinxiancheng who kept shouting, he was not sure!

"That's right! The middle-aged man is the God of Geishi Yan, and the woman is the mysterious existence of Guyou Palace. These two people became Taoists since the great sage. They never thought that this birth would make Gu Xian successful!"

"Gai Shi Yan Shen and Gu Huaxian, when they joined forces at the beginning, there were few enemies! Unexpectedly, they came out now and become the Gu Xian couple!"

"Devil guards, they are born, and Guyou Palace will also emerge from the world. As long as they cut the night emperor at the'Tianguan', they will have supreme merit!"

"Finally there is hope, I really thought that no one can cure this Ye Di, now that Gu Xian has stepped forward, and the two ancient Xians who have worked together to cooperate!"

"Let the night emperor drop down, let him kneel down, and confess his mistakes to the immortal world!"

"Gai Shi Yan Shen! Ge Shi Yan Shen!"


The **** Geshiyan and Gu Huaxian couldn't help but smile when they heard the shouts of the world. Unexpectedly, the world still remembers them!

Before the Heavenly Pass--

Su Jin casually threw the empty wine jar into the snow, then wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth with his robe sleeves, and said lightly: "Go ahead."

"You kid, so anxious to die?" Gai Shiyan snorted coldly.

"Guxian, there are also highs and lows. You are the first to peek into the courtyard, and your eyes are shallow, how should I explain to you?" Su Jin calmly looked at Ge Shiyan Shendao.

"Your tone is not small." Gu Huaxian looked at Su Jin with some surprise, she could not see through the young man.

"I don't know if the tone is big or not, but now I don't have a right opponent. only deserve to practice your hands with me. In the end, the immortal couple disappears in this mountain range." Su Jin pointed to the Quartet Mountain, and said lightly.

So crazy!

"Don't think that if you cut a great sage, you will be invincible! Although the great sage and the ancient sage are only one step away, it is difficult to achieve an ancient sage among the trillions of creatures! Our realm, you It's hard to reach forever!" Ge Shi Yan Shen Quan is bragging about Su Jin, and doesn't care at all!

"Then shoot." Su Jin lazily explained to the other party.

"Let me see, what are you capable of, dare to speak such rants to our couple!"

Gai Shiyan and Gu Huaxian shook their bodies, and the whole person seemed to be twisted in the void! Immediately afterwards, the strange beast hissed, the blue light burst out, Gu Xian...showed his power!

In the sky above Tianguan, the **** of the earth, Yan Shen, turned into a deity! He is the achievement of the demon immortal, and now...has transformed into his body!

Many people looked up to the sky in amazement and called it big!

The **** Gai Shiyan turned into a jade-blue bird python, this kind of beast will devour the same kind from the very beginning, and a clan can only become a king in the end!

On the other side, the Gu Huaxian in the dark changed his body, and also turned into his own real body! Her real body is Jiubao Narcissus!

"The legend is true!" Someone became excited, "When the God of Geishi was born, he kept guarding the rare and miraculous medicine until he got a great opportunity, and both turned into the powerless!"

"Looking at what that kid can do, he actually said that this Guxian couple is only worthy of him to practice hands? This bird python and Jiubao Narcissus have blessings and cooperate with each other. They are truly invincible!"

"Too shocking, the ferociousness of the bird python, the soft beauty of the narcissus, it is a perfect match—"


Su Jin tried to be more serious, but actually didn't care at all in his heart. He smelled a piece of Nine Treasure Narcissus and knew it was poisonous, but what kind of existence his candle dragon magical medicine was? He smelled this poisonous scent. Do not faint!

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