My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3523: Ancient gods, concubine Virgo

Absolutely, the sky is off!

The ancient path and the starry sky, the dark day has no light.

The thunderstorm that shouldn't have stopped, suddenly rest!

Su Jin seemed to see the beginning of the galaxy, a series of stars, rolling and colliding together, the visions exhibited by people here are rare!

Soon, the stars seemed to be connected by a star shuttle with tail light, connecting countless stars into the shape of a female piano constellation.



Thousands of stars, like meteors, are falling one after another, and the entire Putuo Wonderland is being shaken by the mighty divine might. There will be no way to return to the sky, and no way to go to the earth! Avenue, still!

Swish, the north is empty, the stars condensed, and gradually...a dozen people manifested from it, and each of these dozen people is extremely strong! Strong outrageous!

"Ah! Guxian Yunmeng of the dignified Putuo fairyland... actually stood at the back! Who are these people? In the entire ancient immortal world, I am afraid that there is no one who can match these people!" The panicked voice continued. Permeated the Putuo Wonderland.

"The galaxy in the sky, outlines a female piano constellation, and then our avenue of heaven and earth is locked? The avenue is still, I... I can't even feel a trace of strength."

"They came to kill the Night Demon! Now that the main road is still, is he still arrogant!"

"If it weren't for the night demon to appear in our Putuo fairyland, I am afraid that Yunmeng ancient sage... would not be qualified to be behind those twelve people. These people are definitely not from my ancient immortal realm! They should be strong outsiders!"

"Emperor... is the one who should kneel down, beg for forgiveness, and confess to Putuo Wonderland, and even the entire ancient immortal world on the top of the heaven!"



Everyone felt that the savior was coming--

Especially the people of Yunmeng Academy, now that they see the dean standing with the strong, they immediately feel a kind of supreme pride and pride!

"No World Honored One, can you expect that you will be in Putuo Wonderland today?"

At the center of the twelve people, a woman in butterfly clothes standing on the godly piano was looking at Su Jin and said. Her posture is not only prosperous, her face is not only beautiful, but also an indescribable high-ranking temperament!

Su Jin looked at it one by one, and finally looked at the Dieyi woman, and said lightly: "Your master, did not come to this ancient immortal world."

It's a pity that the Three Swords Baidi was not there, otherwise it would not be led by a woman. At that time, in the Peerless Immortal Burial, he had heard the voice of the Three Swords Baidi from the hand of God.

"What is the status of the emperor? You deserve to let him come in person?" The Dieyi woman said coldly: "We are the twelve stars under the emperor's seat. We are ordered to come today to install your eight corpses into the demon building and bring Go back to the emperor!"

Eight yuan-

The meaning of a big deal.

Su Jin has heard too many bluffs, so he listened to it as a joke, and immediately he didn’t say much. He pointed directly to the three sword mountains and said calmly: "You will be like him, full of Confidence comes. In the end, Shirayuki hides herself, and eternity disappears here—"



"You know who you are talking to!"

"She's an imperial concubine, you really do not live or die!"


Except for the butterfly-clothed woman, the other eleven people were all attacking Su Jin, but only Yunmeng Guxian did not dare to interject and knew he was not qualified.

But Yunmeng Guxian also felt that Su Jin was too rampant!

"Zhao Zao!" Su Jin stood upright, his power leaked directly and burst out!


The twelve ancient gods are now stunned by Su Jin's soft drink!

Yunmeng Academy! When Shizun Yu saw Master Yunmeng Gu Xian, she was relieved a lot. However, what is the origin of the emperor of the night, what seems to be... not the world? But would that not be enough for the twelve ancient gods to come?

"In the face of twelve ancient sages, no... plus our dean Yunmeng Guxian, there are 13 of them! He can be so calm, even... still wanting to fool each other!"

"I hope these ancient sages will be able to cure this arrogant night emperor!"

"We Yunmeng Guxian, when have we suffered this kind of anger? We even wanted to be drunk by one person, and still dare not speak aloud when we are still content with others?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Don't be your head? You dare to say this in the academy! But now, everyone should rest assured, I can't feel my immortal way anymore. It should be the effect caused by the stillness of the avenue. ...Isn't it different from us now?"

"Yeah! It's no different. In the end, I will be taken away by the stars and taken away by the stars!"


It can be said that the appearance of the twelve ancient sages caused a great sensation in the entire Putuo fairyland and even the entire ancient fairyland!

Among the twelve ancient gods, the middle-aged room Mars, stared at Su Jin fiercely. The two clusters of sparks seemed to condense in the pupils, and said to Su Jin: "You dare to scold our imperial concubine, now, It's not just a big deal for you, but a big deal for you!"

"Your emperor didn't dare to come, but sent twelve dogs to bite me?" Su Jin asked quietly.

"You are bold! call the imperial concubine..." Ji Mercury felt that this person was really crazy, or desperate.

Sure enough, the woman with Dieyi on the piano has beautiful eyes with anger! She, one of the imperial concubines, Virgo Constellation, which is the main Virgo constellation, was scolded as a dog by this person!

Damn it, **** it!

"Now that the avenue is stopped by the stars and stars like me, you can still talk freely. Although your heart is extremely flustered, it is not easy to show such calmness." The butterfly girl looked at Su Jin coldly. Said.

"Emperor Concubine! I'm too little star, please fight!" An old man with star symbols everywhere in his white robe, arched his hands directly at the butterfly clothes lady, and said.

"Go--" Lady Dieyi said lightly.

Tai Wei Xing Su raised his head. He looks old, but in fact he is very energetic and full of vitality. This is the advantage of being one of the twelve stars!

"No World Honored, what you do outside the realm is infuriating between humans and gods! Today, I am too small star, cut your evil body, to show the right way in the world!" Tai Wei Xing Su stroked his long white beard and said with gleaming eyes.

With that said, Tai Wei Xing Su made a posture like raising the sky, holding his hands up!

Wonderful star symbols floated out of his palm instantly!

Su Jin's face was calm, watching Taiwei Xingsu's hands facing upwards, the star symbols floating on those palms, as if they turned into muddy and muddy sounds of heaven, resounding above the sky!

"This technique is Gou Ming Yuan Suppressing Technique, which can suppress your Dao Sea, your primordial spirit, your Dao soul, and your Dao power with the power of the sky and the stars. All of you will be suppressed by me." Taiwei Xing Su suddenly exploded. drink!

In the sky, each star symbol turned into a series of star slips. It was a peculiar weapon that was only a few feet long. Among them, the star pattern was too small and turned into a gorgeous blue line, very clear!

These stars suddenly fell like rain!

"Fate! The **** of peace! The spirit of blood and energy, there are all kinds of secrets, my palm!" Tai Wei Xing Su pointed to Su Jin, and shouted loudly again.

Su Jin's figure did not move, his expression seemed to change slightly, he shook his body slightly, to outsiders, it seemed that he had fallen into a quagmire, and there was no other big movement.

It's done!

Taiwei Xingsu's face was triumphant, and the others were also relaxed--

People from outside the world say that this is not powerful, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

Amidst the admiration of other stars, Taiwei Constellation stepped to the top of the sky!

Bang, bang, bang--

It was as if the beating sound of the heart of heaven and earth suddenly appeared in everyone's heart. Tai Wei Xing Su realized that it was not good, he was too aggressive, so he walked to the sky, at this distance, unexpectedly... directly into the trap!

high altitude! A giant star stepping on the sky, directly condensing from the years, it is surrounded by a slight grayish white light, that is the years of Su Jin's feeling!

Fast, too fast!

Even if it is too small, at the moment when he realizes that it is not good, the star giant's terrifying step directly slams on him!

Boom boom boom!

Tianguan Jue Peak was directly trampled and collapsed for kilometers! There are countless mountains that resemble horizontal dragons all around, in the remaining prestige under this foot, it seems to be swaying, that circle of vigor, sweeping across all directions!

Su Jin appeared on the shoulders of the star giant, and when the other eleven ancient gods and stars saw him, all their shock was written on their faces!

"What's going on?" Empress Maid was surprised in her beautiful face like a flower.

"First, the main road is still, and then "Gou Ming Zhen Yuan" is too slight, but these... seem to be completely useless to him! It's incredible, it's really incredible!" You Xingsu said in shock.

"Masters..." Yunmeng Guxian, who has been afraid to speak, now finally has the opportunity to speak. She has always been the body of the Immortal School of Literature, and may not be as strong as these ancient sages, but... the knowledge in the book is definitely better than There are so many of them!

"Speak." The Empress Maid turned her face slightly.

"The avenue is still, and the reason why the Fengmingzhengren has no effect should be a reason."

Yunmeng Guxian continued to say something that made Tianxia Xianxiu stunned: "The body of the night emperor should be free from the six reincarnations and not in the five elements."

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