My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3524: Wanbao River

Not in the six realms, not in reincarnation, not in the five elements!

When Yunmeng Guxian said that, even she herself felt terrified, is there really anyone in the world who has achieved such a level of Taoism? If this is not the case, why the avenue is still, the deity of life, and the emperor can't be controlled.

Yunmeng Academy, Yu Shi's concubine is in a daze——

Facing the twelve stars, and his own master Yunmeng Guxian, the emperor of the night... can still stroll in the courtyard, the clouds are light and breezy, and just now, that too small star is still there.' Star Giant's feet, can't turn over?

What kind of spirit and power is this!

"Is it not in the Five Elements? I will know when I try it!" Muromassu directly arched his hand to the Empress Virgo, and stepped out of the team without waiting for her to agree.

Room Mars, the main fire!

A large group of mysterious sparks instantly envelops the room Mars. The surrounding clouds and air are all soaring with terrible temperature!

The flames began to rise in the void!

"Xing Yuan Yuan Huo!" The fire pattern arranged by the room Mars Su suddenly encircled the star giants in the sky!


A circle of Vulcan Dao on Su Jin's body, instead of being restricted by the ‘stay of the Dao’, it is now even higher!

"Good evildoer!" There was a tremor in the heart of Shimo Marsuo. He took a sudden step back and felt the suppression of his mind. That was... that was the power of the Vulcan that even he would be afraid of by three points. Among them, the inheritance of Sui. Yun was perceived by him, so he did not dare to attack.

"Why don't you do it." The Empress Maid glanced at him coldly.

"His concubine! He has the heritage of the ancient sage, I...I'm not as good as the supreme sage, attacking, I am afraid that the meteorite source fire will be devoured." Shiomasushi explained.

"A bunch of useless things--" the maiden concubine was furious, "Go away!"

After all, it's not all fear of the Lord! This person is not the world-honored person, the fierce and mighty man has become, just too little star, still can't turn over, was suppressed under the feet of the star giant, and stepped hard.

"The imperial concubine must be able to catch it!" The other stars said quickly.

"Yeah, if the emperor doesn't make a move, I will wait for the ten people to join together, and I will be able to take down this world-zun Yedi. After all, he has already suffered an incurable wound outside the world."

"Yes! A few days ago, he almost fell from his injuries, so the imperial concubine raised his hand and killed him—"


For every ancient **** star, for the immortals of Putuo Wonderland, it will challenge the nerves of every immortal...this...this is not the world's emperor, it is still a wound!

Dao hurt, or Dao hurt!

With such a serious injury, he repeatedly broke the Tianguan record and forced the Qinglong Ancient Immortal to retreat, causing the Qinglong Academy to have a big grudge against him! Then again... cut out that extremely stunning time?

Now, the immortal lord of Daxian Era, one fell, and two Yanshen couples of the ancient sages of the early advancement, died once, and they are still standing without the emperor of the world!

"Dao is hurt, why can he suppress an ancient sage!" Someone is incredible, almost scared to death, what the **** is this!

"He is from our Golden Immortal City, showing the situation, if it were not for the devil, our Golden Immortal City would probably be recorded in the annals of history, and its name will last forever!"

"The ancient immortal realm is too big, the highest immortal realm, it has already been well-known. The immortal Dao is weak, like a leftover pearl covered in dust. It needs a person to wipe it to see the real light. Unfortunately, he is a demon, not a fairy!

"Is the maiden concubine going to take action? If she, the leader of the team, fails to succeed... the consequences are unimaginable! And that Yunmeng Guxian will bring disaster to her Yunmeng Academy!"


The virgin imperial concubine, arms stretched out, prosperous like her, and her sleeves are as beautiful as butterflies with spreading wings——

The star giant is too big, many people look up from the academy, only to see Su Jin is like a dust, exuding the power of the **** of fire, and the maiden concubine is beautiful and unparalleled.

Her beauty even made many people like it more, even if it was compared to the Yushi concubine, her charm, face, and posture were not too much! The key kind of superior temperament seems to be poisonous, knowing that there is a thorn in it, mortals even want to pick it up.

Stepping on the gods, the Empress Maid is in a parallel with Su Jin, kilometers away!

The sheer size of the star giants surprised the virgin concubine, but... she didn't care, because she knew she would win!

"I admit that if you continue to grow up, even if you are an emperor, I am afraid you will be jealous of three points, but it is a pity that your life will always be fixed today." The maiden emperor said lightly.

"The means I prepared for Sandao Baidi to deal with you young children is a bit wasteful. You are a female prostitute, I don't take it lightly, but if you want to kill me here, it is not enough." Su Jin responded truthfully and shook his head.


The most terrifying thing about Su Jin right now is not the power of the nine realms, nor is he stepping into reincarnation, not in the five elements, he is the most terrifying, and he is the most confident, it is the unworldly Milky Way!

This woman is not qualified enough for him to use the power of the world-honored!

"You have a big tone. I don't know if you can maintain such an arrogant posture for a while, because I will take your life!" The imperial concubine of the virgin yelled, the strength of the virgin piano stars burst out, and she was vaguely caught A huge imaginary piano shadow is wrapped in it!

The shadow of the piano enclosing the imperial concubine of the maiden made a loud voice! Countless people have seen that terrible scene, string by string, constantly pulling out exaggerated amplitude, popping out the sound of dying stars!

Su Jin stood on the shoulders of the star giant, his three pupils gushing out of gray and blue, and his body was transformed into a void. After passing through the absence of the five elements and reincarnation, his "wordless heaven secret" has also made a great breakthrough recently!

"The second kind! The second kind of secret!" Frantically, countless immortals began to shout, freaking out to death!

"How is it possible! He already has a secret secret, how could he have a second secret secret! And it is still such a terrible wordless secret secret!"

"In the state of the Wordless Heaven Secret, he will be invincible for a short time! Although the Empress Maid is strong, her piano sound may not be traceable to the place where the Emperor Ye Di was, that is to say, least currently cannot kill him!"

"Zhetian Mi and Wordless Tian Mi, set in one person, it's horrible! It's horrible!"

"The Empress Maid was obviously in a daze, and she didn't expect Su Jin to have a wordless secret!"


That's right, the Empress Maid has superb confidence in herself, and her power is the strongest among the twelve stars! If all the means are used, even if the other eleven stars are added together, it is not as good as her!

The results of it? Now the huge power has been completely avoided by the wordless Tian Mi, and the majestic Virgo Qin Tianyin is completely wasted, and it will not pose the slightest threat to Su Jin!

"Do you think that I can't help you if you have a'Wordless Secret'?" The Empress Maid shouted to Su Jinjiao with a very beautiful magnetic voice.

"You only have one way, back to where I really am." Su Jin reminded the other party.

"Haha! You really make me angry." The virgin concubine raised her snow-white wrist, with her extremely beautiful crystal onion and jade finger, and pointed at the sky, and then shouted with the mighty power of the superior: "The River of Ten Thousand Treasures, open!"

Except for the "Taiwei Stars" suppressed by the star giants, the other ten stars were all shocked!

"Imperial Concubine, used her strongest means! Wanbao River, Wanbao River!" The ancient sages were overjoyed. Even if it was them, they rarely saw this'Wanbao River', and there were four of them. Even just listen to the name, no power is seen.

Su Jin frowned slightly-

It seems that the imperial concubine has chosen to trace it back. The power of this river of ten thousand treasures does not seem to be illusory. The flashing light in it is a very terrifying ancient sage treasure!

This Wanbao River is almost invincible!


The wordless sky secret in Su Jin's three pupils, the secret light is even more, the whole person in this state, unexpectedly disappeared on the shoulders of the star giant!

"Where to run!" The maiden imperial concubine jumped up. She was bathed in the mighty power of the "River of Ten Thousand Treasures", and then she drove the "River of Ten Thousand Treasures" directly into the sky above the shoulders of the giant stars!

Trace back!

The river of Wanbao, Baoxia is endless! Under the afterglow of Baoguang, she disappeared directly and rushed into the endless time and space. She wanted to find Su Jin's true body, completely dismantled him, and brought him to the emperor to return to life!

Half a moment.

A moment.

A stick of incense——

The virgin concubine became more and more frightened. With the help of the power of the "Treasure River", she gained supreme power. Such a speed naturally does not weaken anyone, but she can only see Su Jin's figure, as if she is always the same The distance, I don’t know how far to fall!

The murderous intent in Su Jin's eyes is getting more and more prosperous. This woman seems to have to kill him. His secret has always been time limited. If this continues, she will be chased by her sooner or later!

However, he has never heard of the power of the Wanbao River! He knew it was difficult to contend just by feeling the momentum above!

"It's really looking for death." Su Jin stopped the mystery of the wordless sky secret, and no longer fell deeply into time and space. In countless dark time and space, the prosperous brilliance of the river of ten thousand treasures was near!

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