My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3526: Boil sword and burn qin

The condition of the virgin concubine made Su Jin immediately aware of the badness——

Although the pill is already established, years can destroy everything. Once this pill is scattered, in addition to the unbearable heat in the entire "Shiyu God Furnace", there is also an atmosphere that makes people happy!

Su Jin shielded his breath, and the ‘golden pupils of the years’ between his eyebrows were superimposed on the ‘Maha’s Prison Eye’, and he looked directly on the ‘Pill Aperture’, and the unpredictable power of anti-virtuality appeared directly.

Vaguely, it seemed that an extremely simple Danzu appeared in Su Jin's vision——

"There is the Changle Palace in the world, the world of bliss in the Buddha, the realm of mundaneity, and the Happy Tower is countless. I, Yuwen Danzu, asked myself the Pill Dao Wushuang. This'Tianle Pill' has been obtained for a long time, but it has never been refined. Ever."

After a pause, the figure began to place medicinal materials, and continued: "Take the blood red sac of Atami Chilong, take the **** treasure of the nine-day red-winged phoenix, take the three-legged root of the nightmare vine..."


Su Jin felt the trouble immediately!

Even if the five senses were shielded, the breath was held, and the inner organs were closed, Su Jin was still affected when the surrounding pink brilliance fell on his body!


A nine-day sword crowing appeared from Su Jin!

Sword Dao is strong, Su Jin is still able to resist, but... after a few breaths, he feels that his eyes have changed color, just like the queen concubine!

"You...what did you do--" The queen concubine felt like the sky was spinning, as if she was drunk, but after a while of dizziness, she seemed to have entered a dreamlike scene.

Su Jin cursed secretly, this scene naturally he hadn't expected.

Just now he did intend to let the Maid Emperor concubine collect the pill, and he planned to use the Sutra to grab it. If it was a poison pill, he would not be affected because of the candle dragon road, but he would never expect... It turned out to be this kind of Dan!

"The Shiyu God Furnace belongs to you, and it's the pill you collected. Now I blame you for hurting you?" Su Jin's sanity is disappearing——


Su Jin's body suddenly turned into a sword embryo with an open front, and directly turned into a sword light, rushing to the center of the Shiyu God Furnace, and also the hottest place!

The sword embryo he turned into stood the sword in the center of the strange heat. The kind of heat is definitely not burning! If it weren't for the sword body, if Su Jin walked with a golden body, it would have already begun to melt.

The hot pain made Su Jin awake a lot, and the mysterious brilliance around him, I don't know how many colors, are quickly converging.

test! Su Jin felt that he was really confused, this Shiyu God Furnace, could it be that under his own misfortune, the whole thing was running?

Su Jin felt uncomfortable directly, and the sound of the sky was panicking around him, and it was spreading from the rhyme on the wall of the furnace. He separated a strand of Yuanshen and saw around the body of the sword embryo, and a colorful and gorgeous pill began to flow. Come on--


three times!

In the end, the heat was ten times higher than the previous height, so that Su Jin could only expand the Vulcan Dao, let the Vulcan halo circle on the sword body, but even so, he was in torment all the time.

The key woman--

What's the matter with that woman!

Su Jin was utterly stunned. The concubine Virgo was in a very bad state. She came along like a ghost. Where is the snake-hearted and beautiful Virgo star?


The sword screamed, and when the queen concubine staggered, her entire eyes glowed pink, and she came! She swallowed, and without fear of Vulcan's halo, she hugged Su Jin's sword embryo!


The sound of the piano is melodious! One after another, the notes floated out of the Empress Maid, and her whole body was vaguely transformed into a beautiful imaginary ‘guqin’, drops of sweat continued to roll off her neck——

This madness of the sword screaming constantly echoes. When the sound of the piano is fused with the sound of the sword, the two sounds seem to be incomparably close together. The entire "Shiyu God Furnace" is roaring, as if the raging waves are trembling!

Pieces by pieces accumulated eternal medicinal power, as if they were stimulated in the extremely hot furnace bottom, Su Jin's sword body seemed to be being tempered! There is more and more liquid medicine around, and it's almost gone beyond the hilt!


The piano shadow on the Empress Maid seemed to be tempered by the "Shiyu God Furnace", and began to burn virtual fire!

Although the sword embryo that Su Jin transformed into was being tempered, his soul could not be controlled directly, centered on the sword body, quickly emitting a circle of soul light!

The light of this primordial spirit swept directly over thousands of notes, constantly demanding that kind of star power!

Wonderful movement, cooking swords and burning piano!

Su Jin doesn’t know how happy the longevity is, but now he seems to be immersed in a nightmare. He seems to have completely lost his mind, and the soul is completely sinking, and all the notes that are constantly being born are occupied.

The collision of the sword body and the piano rhyme can also produce such a strong feeling! Are those notes the primordial goddess of the Empress Virgo?

No one knows what happened in the Shiyu God Furnace.

And on the'Treasure River', the'Eternal Life Palace' that Su Jin perceived not long ago appeared strangely. In the dark time and space reflected by this infinite treasure light, the Eternal Life Palace exudes a faint golden halo. , Put the'River of Wanbao' in the halo.

In a blink of an eye, five days have passed!

At the top of the heaven, the star giants have disappeared, but...but the maiden emperor has not returned!

"The river of Wanbao is invincible, and the emperor will be fine. On the contrary... the star giant was transformed by the power of the emperor. It disappeared yesterday, probably because of the fall of the emperor!" The ancient gods became more and more anxious, but Other stars continue to speak for comfort.

"It's been five days, so should I be back now?"

"Not necessarily, the wordless Tianmi is too mysterious, I don't know how many layers of time and space have fallen deeply, and the return of the concubine, I am afraid it will take a long time!"

"Taiyi Constellation, you count it--" Youxing Constellation couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, the emperor's concubine is fine. Looking at the virgin piano in the sky, not only is it fine, I am afraid that she has also gained great benefits from the world-honored person!"

"It seems that the World Venerable will not be cut off, and the World Venerable has the secret of the sky, and I even heard that I have the eternal magic! This time, the Emperor Consort has made a lot of money."

"Yeah, the emperor has the ability to capture the sky secret, but she will never leave the sky secret to herself, but will give it to the emperor. After all, you know, the emperor once understood the way of heaven, and the body has a great problem—— "

"It is really good to use the secrets of heaven to understand the way of heaven. Among the three thousand imperial concubines of the emperor, the imperial concubine of the virgin won the concubine ten years ago and was named the imperial concubine. The emperor specially rewarded the Wanbao River, but she had not come and summoned her. once……"

"It's the fifth day, the Empress Maid needs to use this technique'No Word Heaven's Secret' to let the emperor notice her! This is also the reason she took the initiative to come here!"

"The that fairy burial, haven't he escaped yet——"

"The emperor's slashing of thousands of methods has been traced back to the fairy burial, but it is empty and turned into a Jedi. But he can definitely cut through time and space and get out of there!"


Five days!

Saying short is not short, saying long is not long, but people are anxious!

Around the magnificent ‘Eternal Life Hall’, a ‘Shiyu God Furnace’ finally stopped trembling, and the pill orifice outside the furnace cover burst out with an exquisite magical light! The sound of the sword ming qin, with the divine light of the sky, endless!

The furnace lid was lifted, and a sword embryo rose directly into the sky amid the powerful roar, and finally turned into a figure——

Many times, a maid, who was elegant in appearance and changed into a plain white long dress, walked out of the'Shiyu God Furnace'. The pink in her eyes did not fade. On the contrary, she added a touch of beauty to her temperament.

Su Jin stood in the air, turned his face slightly, and said lightly: "Who is the hunter, who... is the prey again? Your emperor is old and no longer belongs to this era——"

The Empress was silent, she didn't know why the color of her eyes didn't fade, but now... she was in a very sober state.

She was silent not because she was dumb, but because she didn't want to talk!

Su Jin slowly turned around, gently shaking away a sword mark, and the sword sound was clear!

But the royal concubine's body trembled, and the piano rhyme on her body seemed to be in harmony with Su Jin's kendo, which made her extremely embarrassed and pressed her lips——

Su Jin stepped forward, and gradually approached the Empress...

The maiden concubine knows that she is an enemy, but in the Shiyu God Furnace, she and Su Jin’s swordsmanship seem to have an unbreakable connection, and it seems... it seems that Su Jin is the main one, as long as the sword sound deliberately targets her , She couldn't help but choose to surrender!

Su Jin walked to the maiden concubine, stretched out her hand, straightened out the messy strands of blue silk in front of her ears, and slowly said: "Boil sword and burn qin, this should be an extremely powerful magical technique. Significance."

"The emperor won't let us live--" The maiden emperor felt desperate when she thought of the power of Sandao Baidi!

"Soon, I and him...only one can live, and you...nothing, you haven't gotten the secret from me, you haven't been able to kill me, I will protect you from now on and follow me."

After speaking, Su Jin turned around.

At this moment, even the maiden concubine is a little unimaginable. Five days ago, she was still an unending enemy. Five days later, it will be like this—

So ridiculous.

The pill, the imperial concubine of the maiden could not tell whether it was a harm or a joke from the heavens, and she was also changed by the five-day experience, as if... she could only obey him.

"The other eleven stars need to be resolved." The Empress Maid said coldly.

Ruthless, she is still so ruthless, her temperament is still not removed, she is still the temperament of a superior.

As soon as Su Jin heard it, she knew the position she chose. In fact, this was beyond her control. Even if she was unwilling, she could only surrender to him wholeheartedly. There was no second choice!

"Eleven stars, I will cut it off." Su Jin scattered the "Eternal Life Palace", and the Wanbao River disappeared as a result. The two were directly wrapped in a gray-blue sky secret mood and disappeared directly in place.

Putuo Wonderland, this day is destined to be a day in the annals of history!

No one, come back! Empress Maid, come back!

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