My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3527: One sword, one country

The dark day never retreats!

Putuo Wonderland, the Yunmeng Academy closest to Tianguan Jue Peak, now feels extraordinary vibrations, and the whole Tianguan is shaking!

The other eleven ancient sages who were waiting on the top of the sky, all looked to one side! And the ‘Yunmeng Ancient Sage’ who had returned to Yunmeng Academy was also instantly pale!

I'm back, not World Zun Ye Di, bring back with... the Empress?

This shocking news seems to have made a great joke for the entire ancient immortal world! When he saw the imperial concubine, Yunmeng Guxian was directly stupid in the academy——

Yushi concubine, also stunned!

Eleven ancient sages, their faces changed color!

After the almost suffocating silence, the endless hustle and bustle resounded throughout the entire ‘Putuo Wonderland’!

"The imperial concubine, the ‘River of Ten Thousand Treasure’ was launched five days ago. She wanted to use the power of the supreme treasure river to kill the World-Honored one. As a result...why did she fail to get rid of it! This...what is the situation!

In Yunmeng Academy, it was like a frying pan, all of them did not believe it.

"The pupils of the Empress Maid turned pink. Although they are also beautiful, it seems that there was a problem when they failed to kill the World-Venerable!"

"The head of the twelve constellations unexpectedly came side by side with the night emperor! In that time and space, what happened? Didn't the lady emperor kill the night demon?"

"The River of Ten Thousand Treasures can't kill the Night Demon? What kind of magical existence is this! Not only did he not die, he also captured the Maid Emperor!"

"The Empress Maid has no expression on her face, and she feels as if she has changed herself! It won't be controlled by him! You look carefully, Ye Di's temperament seems extremely majestic! He seems to be more confident than he was five days ago!"

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

Even the remaining eleven ancient gods and stars are at a loss at this moment!

Taiyi, Taiwei and other astrological powers naturally discovered the strangeness of the virgin concubine!

"My concubine! Do you...Do you still know me?" Taiyi Astrology directly asked loudly.

The maiden emperor stared at it and said lightly: "No need to say more, from today onwards, the emperor has nothing to do with me. The name of my emperor is the emperor of the emperor, and the emperor...I'm the other way around!"

Clean and neat! Not at all muddled!

That's it!

The remaining eleven ancient gods, astrology, directly understood that this maid did not look like she lost her mind and was under control. This is the opposite!

Su Jin was extremely satisfied with her answer. Originally, he wanted to communicate with this woman, let her return first, and then give the eleven people a shame, but after thinking about it, let it go, but he didn't expect this. The woman is so decisive.

"Your emperor is old and can't lift the sword." Su Jin calmly walked up to the sky, "Now, I will send you on the road first. When the time comes, I will ask Yunmeng Guxian again, and she will not regret it. "

"Fine! The imperial concubine has turned upside down, let's make a move together to make this pair..."

Before the dogs and men could say anything, the face of Muromassu was directly affected! Su Jin appeared directly with a speed like a ghost, kicking on his face!


"Our eleven stars, combine the starry sky star power array, refine and kill this person!" Taiyi star suddenly burst out, and the eleven stars returned directly!

Unexpectedly, it slowly gathered at high altitude, and the stars in the sky began to bless the body of the eleven stars, and each star began to move around, sealing all directions!

"This concubine, we have to take it away, otherwise the emperor is furious, and no one can afford it! Everyone, do your best! Be careful of this concubine's ‘River of Treasures’!" The stars reminded.

The virgin concubine felt very plain, but she felt a little bit happy when she heard the words, she said directly: "The River of Ten Thousand Treasures is already under the control of the Ye Emperor. After I use it, I can't kill him."


Among the eleven stars, someone suddenly turned black--

There is no way to kill the World Lord Night Emperor in the Wanbao River! Isn't he hurt by the Tao? Why is this not enough!

Su Jin stands on the top of the sky! Like five days ago, but the strength is different from that day!

Shiyu God Furnace tempered his sword body, and the time and space, time, and even a little bit of heaven in it were all realized by him. In the past five days, the Maid Emperor has transformed, and he... also gained a lot!


An extremely long-term sword sound was emitted from Su Jin's body!

On the mountain range between the sky and the earth, a sword with a handle, quickly condensed into a magic sword!

"This sword is the sword of the earth." Su Jin said calmly.

Fluctuations, extremely strong fluctuations, rolling rivers appearing from a distance!

"The water of the big river comes up from the sky, this sword should be a big river sword!"

Bright as a mirror, muddy as earth, plus a void sword intent cruising out of the void, Su Jin seemed to be concealed by flashing sword marks!

Many people rubbed their eyes in horror--

In the land of Putuo Wonderland, countless sword marks broke out of the ground, and gradually began to gather in the direction of one person!

Su Jin held the Earth Sword Mark in one hand, Dahe Sword Intent in the other, and raised his hands above his head!

Converge! Countless sword lights are gathering frantically on Su Jin's raised hands!

Throughout Putuo Wonderland, the sound of swords pervades! Like a sword country!

As more and more sword marks gathered, on the top of Su Jin's head, a sword hilt, a sword body, and then, a huge sword body like a sword facing the sky, has taken shape!

No one can describe the style of this sword!

"Not good!" Taiyi Constellation exaggerated loudly.

"Be careful!"

"How could this Yedi's swordsmanship be so powerful! Our starry sky and strong formation can block this sword?"

"If you can't stop it, you must stop! he is so strong! Let's do our best, as long as the starry sky is not broken, we still have a great chance!"

"Block! Block! Ah... it's going to be cut off!"


Heavenly Pass! The lines of the circle of stars are extremely dazzling, and the majestic star power in it makes it difficult to look directly at it, but these restrictions seem to be unable to restrict the sword **** above Jue Dian!

This sword was finally cut down!

It was like a sword that was as high as the sky. When it was cut down, the void was cut open by a river of heaven. Everywhere it passed, except for Sword Dao, any Dao Yun would be shattered and scattered!


A voice that is enough to make people deaf, resounding in the ‘Starry Sky Sustaining Force Array’!

The constellation of the starry sky began directly from the place of the Taiwei star, and a terrible crack appeared, and then the entire constellation was directly cut to pieces! !


The eleven stars, from all directions on the top of the sky, were all stunned, all vomiting blood, and even the weakest star, too, was crushed by the terrible kendo remaining power on half of his shoulder!

"Go! No matter how hard we are, we are his opponent!" Muromassu was almost shocked! If the'Starry Sky Sustaining Force Array' is not smashed, even if the night Emperor is evil, they will not be afraid. The room Mars will refine the night Emperor to death, but... but now they can't perform according to their expectations. !

The current eleven stars think about how to survive!

"Go? Where to go?"

Su Jin's body shook and raised a Buddha's hand. The Buddha's palm seemed to instantly transform into a 10,000-mile radius, covering the void, and directly holding the Taiwei and Taiyi stars in his hand!

"Do you dare to kill the ancient gods? You try to kill one! Our emperor...has supreme status, you... ah -" Before the distant room Mars is finished, Tai Wei Xing Shu and Tai Yi Xing Subian screamed.

Although this grip did not squeeze the opponent to death, it also made the opponent extremely uncomfortable, especially Taiwei Xingsu, who was extremely injured!

"Damn it! The'Starry Sky Sustaining Force Array' just consumed a lot of our energy!"

"He is still not strong enough! Otherwise, this blow will kill the two stars, Taiwei and Taiyi!"

"This person can't take our emperor's three swords, and let him smile for a while! Let's go quickly, Taiyi star and Taiwei star, can you come out?"


When the Buddha's palm was released, Taiwei Star and Taiyi Star had not come and were ecstatic, they were directly swallowed by the infinite sword marks, and the void where the two were in collapsed, as if by an inexplicable one. Big mouth, just swallow it!

Dead, so two constellations died!

The other nine stars, no longer dared to shout, all scattered, and fled directly in other directions——




Nine screams in a row appeared from the profound void, these nine swords made Su Jin frown slightly.

"Also clever, knows to run in different directions." Su Jin said lightly.

"If the emperor used it, including me, the twelve stars, he wouldn't even be able to escape with a single knife." The maiden emperor looked at Su Jin and said calmly.

"How do you know they can live?" Su Jin glanced at the Empress Maid.

"Don't... can't live?" The maiden emperor paused, still not believing.

"One person with one sword, all injured, there is a curse on my sword, they will mourn to death in pain, and die forever." Su Jin said.

The virgin concubine's heart shuddered--

Su Jin loves to look at this face, and under careful scrutiny, even in the subtleties, it seems that there is supreme beauty, just like looking at the Yushi concubine.

"Soon, I will face your emperor. I don't know if you will help me or him?" Su Jin suddenly smiled and asked.

The maiden concubine frowned, "You still don't believe me... If you don't believe it, just cut it off."

As soon as the voice fell, the empress virgin closed her eyes, and the jade neck like snow rose slightly.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head. He didn't answer or do anything. He... just wake up.

Then, Su Jin turned around and faced the direction of Yunmeng Academy——

With this look, the immortal Xiu of Yunmeng Academy was all very tight!

Just now Su Jin said that after solving the eleven stars, he would look for Yunmeng Guxian to settle the account! He will target "Yunmeng Academy"!

Yunmeng Guxian's face is pale now, she knows what she has done! Bringing the twelve ancient gods and stars to be the leader is a great sin for her now!

"If you plan to attack my master, you can fight with me first--" The person who spoke was actually the life fairy rain master concubine!

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