My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3528: In January, one promised.

The fairy of life, vowed to protect her Master to the death, and protect the "Yunmeng Academy".

Su Jin looked straight at the Life Fairy for a few breaths, and felt silent for a long time. Soon, he laughed wildly and sighed in sorrow!

In the past, Su Jin walked away.

But when I think about the various things in the fairy burial, how to make him feel unwilling-

"Three thousand years ago, the period of one month, I have not yet arrived, and you and I are with you in this world, and I will shut down on that day. If you leave, you only need to give a promise. If you don’t leave. From now on, strangers, mountains and rivers will never meet again."

Su Jin's hoarse voice was heard, and he walked to the'Tianguan Juepin' immediately!

Within one month, Su Jin had to wait for two people.

One is a promise, the reply of Yu Shi's concubine.

The second is that the three swords Baidi, if they come, come, if not, Su Jin will leave.

Just now, Su Jin looked at the eyes of the Yushi concubine, and he was very hostile. It was not a disguise. He felt that he might not be able to wait for a result.

The calamity of the World-Honored One faded from the darkness, and when the sky reappeared, it dissipated. Here at the top of the sky, the rare day does not fall snow.

In the evening, Su Jin was sitting at the desk at the desk, and the shining light seemed to dissipate a little chill——

A jar of warm wine was placed on Su Jin's right hand side. On the desk, the virgin concubine wiped a stack of rice paper, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, all of which were found in accordance with Su Jin's request.

"Linglong Sheji, a thousand generations have been waiting, but one time, the mountains and rivers will be silent forever." Su Jin secretly sighed that the years were wasted, then picked up the pen and slowly began to write.

What he wrote is not these sixteen characters, but the mysterious and unspeakable Buddhist scriptures. Although the ink is black, the scriptures are blooming with golden light. The virgin concubine was shocked and did not dare to disturb.

Into the night.

The heaven is absolutely top, the Buddha is prosperous, and it is like a golden mountain——

In Putuo Wonderland, there has never been a single person who dared to relax. Now that the Night Demon hasn't retreated, how can he be careless.

"Come here." Su Jin said lightly.

"What's the matter?" the maiden emperor asked.

"Through my words to the world, now the fairy will be around the corner, but it can't be boring." Su Jin began to explain.

The maiden concubine listened carefully, and finally nodded—


The virgin concubine stood in the sky in the sky with grace, and said: "If you don't give a verbal message from the Lord Yedi, when you leave in January, you will never step into the ancient immortal world! Although he is cultivated in the nine ways, But I don’t want the path of immortality to fall. From now on, all immortals in the world will gather in the Putuo Wonderland. Within this month, all immortals in the world can ask him for advice to solve the dilemma of immortality."

As soon as this sentence came out, it was shocking!

"A demon, worthy of being an expert in immortality?" Someone criticized.

"Such a terrible demon, who would dare to ask! Still solve the predicament of our ancient immortal world? Immortal, never troubled! Our ancient immortal world is the only highest immortal realm!"

"It's really presumptuous, our world has great power, kill this demon!"

"No one can kill him, Putuo Wanyuan, all the deans are united, and they may not be able to check and balance him. Previously, the twelve ancient sages were defeated by him!"

"Ask, ask? Ridiculous!"


Although there are many immortal enemies, the dark day has passed, the moon is bright and the stars are clear, and the day is like a golden mountain, the Buddha's intent is glorious, but some people hesitate and some take action.

The first one is that the one who came to Tianguan Jue Peak was not an immortal, but a novice monk. He was less than ten years old and his childishness was still underway.

"My Buddha is compassionate, dare to ask, a doubt--" The novice monk wore a very fit monk robe, his face still a little nervous.

"Just ask." Su Jin glanced at him, but felt his courage was commendable, and responded with a smile.

"A few days ago, a woman gave me a peony after praying to the Buddha. I liked it very much and planted it in the backyard. In the past few days, it has withered day by day. Master said that the reincarnation of heaven is its destiny. , You have the ability to overcome it." The novice monk was nervous and looked at Su Jindao.

"Little monk, Peony is dead when he is dead. There is no way to go back to the sky, go back—" the imperial concubine said.

Su Jin raised his hand to signal the Empress Concubine, shook his head, and said, "He is a clever ghost. Although he likes Peony, he knows the impermanence of heaven. I regret it at most. If I can't give a convincing answer, I am not qualified. Make a high profile here."

Hearing Su Jin's words, the little novice monk became even more nervous. Indeed, he was embarrassed.

Su Jin thought about it, opened the rice paper on the desk, took out one, and floated to the little novice monk, and said, "If you recite this sutra nine times to that withered peony, it will come alive."

The little novice monk was skeptical. On the piece of paper in front of him, gold Buddha characters were turned into scriptures and floated directly into his eyebrows.

When I looked again, the paper was white and there was no more writing.

The little novice thanked him again and again and left directly.

The virgin imperial concubine's pink pupils shrank slightly. Just now, Su Jin was obviously giving the other party a chance. The little novice monk's luck was really good.

"Xiao Xiao Ye Mo, his tone is not small!"

At the south of Tianguan, a sloppy middle-aged man with a thorn on his body came directly.

"Neither the fairy nor the devil, whose hands are not stained with blood." Su Jin said calmly.

"Stained with innocent blood, it is a demon! You are so hypocritical here to confuse the crowd!" The middle-aged man seemed not afraid of death, and the fierce speech made many people sweat secretly for him.

"Killing heart is a demon, evil thoughts are a demon, you are just a poor person, what right do you have to blame me?" Su Jin asked back.

poor guy--

The middle-aged man trembled fiercely, and his aura became much weaker. He stared at Su Jin, and immediately drank, the ring on his finger glowed with divine light, and then he released a divine coffin embedded with red and emeralds.

"Suitable talent, the little monk loves Peony, your Buddha's heart is big, you can save your life, this coffin, in the coffin is my beloved daughter, nineteenth birthday, half a year ago, suffering from the damage of the road, you...may be saved!" The middle-aged asked again.

"Can save...not save." Su Jin shook his head.

"If you don't save you, it's a devil! I will beg God and curse you for dying early. If you are unhappy, kill me! Life is alive and there are no relatives--" The middle-aged man cried, crying desperately, like that of a little monk He used a set of radical methods, which was useless for him.

"Six reincarnations, fate is destined, all are the rules set by God, you love your daughter's fate, God has seized it, don't blame the thief God, beg God, curse me for early death? You go -" Su Jin Said indifferently.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, and was speechless by Su Jin, and in the end he could only leave alone.

On a quiet night, no one came to ask.

Under the bright moonlight, Su Jin's face was stern, but there was a carving knife with dense scars in his hand. A section of tree roots with scars was rapidly forming in his hand——

In the cold Yuehui, Yunmeng Academy, Yushi's concubine was wearing a dress, her master, Yunmeng Guxian, was standing aside, but with an apologetic look.

"Master, do I have the seal he said in my body--" Yu Shi's concubine made several choices before asking.

Yunmeng Guxian shook his head: "No, don't you still lie to you as a teacher?"

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