My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3530: Kendo vs Sky King

The zhengzheng sword sound is wrapped around the body of the night emperor.

Endless swords, breaking through the sky!

The virgin concubine's firm Dao heart was instantly shattered. She only felt that her piano heart was out of control. This was definitely related to her previous experience in the "Shiyu God Furnace".

Su Jin, Zhan Changkong Tianjun!

This battle has attracted much attention! Su Jin is the least favored party, and now there is no one who wants him to die most than Yunmeng Guxian.

"Although I don't know where your courage comes from, but you are not the Great Dao of the World-Honored One. It is absolutely impossible to use the power of the Great Divine Dao to kill me, and your kendo is even more humble in front of my Dao. "Changkong Tianjun exploded with fierce power, and the void behind him was directly shattered, showing scenes of strange visions.

His vision is actually a road of dense white bones surrounded by black energy, in which dry bones are like forests, and the fierce aura is enough to shock all creatures!

Su Jin's right arm, a three-foot war sword, condensed from time and space and time!

Seeing that Su Jin did not respond, Changkong Tianjun made a sullen face. In his vision of the Great Dao, the white bones standing like a forest were all hissing up to the sky!

"My corpse yin claw, I have smashed the avenues of unknown people. It is fierce and divine, and it will make you worse than death! Manic, fearful, and will accompany you for nine lives and ninth lives, even if it is reincarnation, it will not be cleaned! Zhangkong Tianjun screamed, and a huge bone claw condensed from nothingness, smashed through the sky, and directly grabbed the sword-inspiring Su Jin!


It was just a moment, Su Jin followed the kendo to realize, and lightly cut——

"Huh? Blocked?" Changkong Tianjun was a little surprised.

Su Jin's sword does not have any fancy feeling, but the artistic conception surrounding him is brilliant. In the eyes of others, he seems to be bad, but it happened to block the boneless claws!

A three-foot sword, like a toothpick, was facing an almost violent storm-like momentum. It can be said that this sword has moved everyone.

"If you have no other means, you are ready to die--" Su Jin said flatly.

Tianjun Changkong sank his face and sneered: "I belittle you, then you can see how this technique is! The reincarnated bones, the reincarnation of the Tao, are of the same origin with me! They all enter the avenue of my four gods!"

In that white bone forest, every skeleton screamed, although it was a vision of the great road, it seemed that there was a real horror scene.

Every skeleton, all alive... fleshy bones! Every skeleton is rapidly growing skin, and the hair and body are even beginning to fill up!


The auras of different avenues are dizzying to see. These fleshy existences, although they are different daos, are mixed with the rules of the avenue of the sky and heaven!

Changkong Tianjun's whole person now seems to be beaten with chicken blood, the power in the body even exploded to overflow outside the body! He was so excited, every time he reached this state, he even felt like he was king over the world, as if he was looking down on sentient beings and ants!

Su Jin’s eyebrows were "golden pupils of the years", and he quickly superimposed several pupil techniques. In his opinion, the method of Heavenly King in the sky hurts heaven and harmony!

Those who have the flesh and bones should be the incense followers of Tianjun Changkong, at least when they are alive! These poor people who have dedicated all of them will be sacrificed by Changkong Tianjun even to death, and their souls will all be possessed by him!

A touch of gray blue, azure blue, and Su Jin's three pupils even melted into a touch of blood!

"Tian Mi!" Changkong Tianjun's complacent expression stopped abruptly, and he began to look at Su Jin in horror.

The maiden emperor was also shocked-

Su Jin has a secret secret, the imperial concubine is aware of it, but at this moment...the secret secret revealed by Su Jin is not one! But... three kinds!

"Zhangkong Tianjun! If it is not feasible, I will join hands with you." Qingyun Tianjun said quickly.

"Damn damn! Not one kind of secret, but three! This gray-blue secret is the'no word secret', the blue infinite secret is the secret to cover the sky! That blood...color..."

Tianjun Changkong changed his face in an instant, and said in amazement: "Dou Zi Tian Mi!"

Su Jin stood in the void, still alone, with a war sword, but his current aura was very different from when he was just now!

Douzi Tianmi is frantically increasing his strength and even his perception. Judging from his lingering years and unpredictable time and space, his current momentum seems to be a different person!

"The three kinds of secrets are of the same origin! The three secrets are used at the same time, and the effect is far better than the effect of a single secret blessing! This night emperor... really enchanting!" Qingyun Tianjun saw Changkong Tianjun not respond He quickly reminded again.

"I can do it myself!" Changkong Tianjun gritted his teeth, intending not to retreat.

"Dao Master, entrusted by the emperor, be sure to remember." Qingyun Tianjun looked at the Taoist Samsara and whispered.

The Taoist Samsara was also a little surprised that Su Jin had three kinds of secrets. He nodded, not knowing what Qingyun Tianjun was explaining--

"I'll do it right now." Qingyun Tianjun disappeared with a smile on his mouth.

Su Jin looked at Tianjun in the sky.

Slanting a sword, the sword points to the void——

One sword, wind and cloud gathering!

In the direction of that sword, a round of scarlet demon moon began to turn into blood-like bright red, murderous, as if filling the void around Su Jin!

Behind Su Jin, there were two thin red blood wings whose vibration frequency was unknown, but with the naked eye, it seemed that the blood wings were not trembling!

Killing God! Su Jin's time and space in these years has finally merged with unpredictable murderous intent, that kind of murderous intent is rare in the world! It's like a raging sea, and everything will be blocked!

The murderous intent of the virgin concubine being exuded by Su Jin directly forced her out of the sky! She is a little unbelievable, this person is simply supernatural!

This sword, the situation is moving!

With this sword, Yao Yuexian!

Su Jin just thought, the giant white bone claw above was torn apart by sword intent!

Changkong Tianjun shook slightly, he... actually took a half step back! Was he shocked by the World Lord Ye Di?

Can't tolerate, can't forgive!

Changkong Tianjun yelled, his hands were thrown, the gods wailed, and the world seemed to bear his anger and turned into a dead boneland!

Qiang Qiang--

Zhangkong Tianjun was shocked, Su Jin was no longer in his field of vision, was the sword light just called Jianguang? With just one sword, his vision of the Great Dao was shattered!



Changkong Tianjun couldn't catch Su Jin's figure at all. He simply closed his eyes and used the inspiration of the original **** to know Su Jin's location, but even though he saw it, he saw the infinite Su Jin shadow!

Crisscross, sword shadows, flying up and down, as if everywhere!

"Good coming!" Changkong Tianjun roared, full of ancient sage's will, burning, his avenue rules, suddenly turning, infinite brilliance, soaring into the sky!

Ok? Changkong Tianjun only felt a chill in his back. He just saw Su Jin made a sword, but this sword, which seemed real, was actually empty!

Changkong Tianjun hated this feeling extremely, he felt that no matter what, he seemed to be unable to avoid this terrible sword! !

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