My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3531: Finally angry

Su Jin's kendo attainments are more than shocking!

Changkong Tianjun can only be forced to defend, looking for opportunities, but! Now in his eyes, there are at least tens of thousands of sword shadows, and every sword that the world-zun Yedi makes, it seems to be between the real and the virtual!

true and false?

Zhangkong Tianjun saw a man holding a sword in his hand, his face grimly, and he came in lightly. This sword, the sword rose and the sword fell, he tried his best to guard, but it was still empty.

"Thinking about mystery! You dare to cut this sword head-on!" Changkong Tianjun's voice just fell, only feeling a cold front at the back of his head.


Changkong Tianjun stared at his eyes with anger, he watched a sword cut at the center of his eyebrows! That kendo splendor, extremely magnificent, pressure, suddenly!

And at the same time, the sword behind him is brilliant at the neck, and the power seems to be a raging river. is it possible!

In front of Changkong Tianjun, that sword, the tip of the sword pierced the center of his eyebrows, fortunately his supernatural power, but he was shocked now that the sword behind him, and the sword at the center of his eyebrows, seemed to be the real Night Emperor!

This is incredible-

"Useless! Useless!" Changkong Tianjun was like a divine treasure, and his defense was invincible. He then roared: "No matter how many swords you cut me, I will be unscathed!"

This battle can be described as wonderful!

Many people have gained knowledge. You know, Su Jin just used the sword to kill the **** of Yan not long ago, and now the strength of Tianjun in the sky makes people have to be shocked. Such a sharp sword can not hurt him?

The maiden emperor really felt the horror of Su Jin-

A few days ago, Su Jin was not so strong! At this time, time and space swordsmanship, combined with years of insight, is enough to threaten the sky king!

"Really?" Su Jinfa said.

"My ancient sage body has added a trace of enlightened heavenly power, you can't kill me!" Changkong Tianjun's tone is still very loud, but he can also hear his solemnity.


Heavenly Monarch in the sky can actually comprehend the way of heaven and gain a ray of power of heaven!

Yunmeng Academy.

The immortal cultivators are all excited!

"Guxian who can comprehend the way of heaven and gain the power of the way of heaven, even our dean, Yunmeng Guxian! Can't do it! Even if the night emperor is extraordinary in kendo, he will disappear after today." You Xiuxian The student was completely relieved of Changkong Tianjun, looking at that Yedi with a gloating expression.

"The gap is too big. Although the swordsmanship of the Emperor Yedi is wonderful, no matter how he slashes, he can't hurt the opponent. This is an absolute crush. As long as the effect of his Heavenly Secret disappears later, it will be him. When it falls!"

"Look at him, when he played with a sword, he was as funny as a monkey show—"

"Shhh, keep your voice down! Master Dean is here."

The cultivators of the entire Yunmeng Academy all saw Yunmeng Guxian approaching, followed by the expressionless Life Fairy... and... there is one more person!

This person is Qingyun Tianjun!

Yunmeng Guxian's face was red, she seemed very comfortable, looking at the tens of thousands of immortal students, and said: "Today, I want to announce a major event. From now on, the fairy of life will accept the emperor's title and become the emperor. Yunmeng Academy will be blessed by the emperor..."

As soon as this remark came out, all the cultivators were ecstatic! What does this mean? This means that Yunmeng Academy will become the most detached academy in the entire Putuo Wonderland, and even the entire ancient fairy world!

Moreover, for the students of their college, this sentence is very important, and it means that there are countless resources for them to practice!

"Great dean! Now senior sister is going to say goodbye to us?" Someone dared and asked excitedly.

"Yes, she is leaving." Yunmeng Guxian nodded.

"Heavenly slain Ye Demon, don't Senior Sister look at how the Ye Di died? Wait until he disappears before leaving—"

"This Qingyun Tianjun, at first glance, is the power of the heavens, and his position is supernatural. Our academy can even befriend such a power."


Even if Qingyun Tianjun stood in a high position and heard these reverent words, he could not help but float for a while. He opened his mouth and said: "The ancient immortal realm, the only supreme immortal realm, this time against the night demons, Yunmeng Academy is the first contributor. In the future, I will definitely talk about it in front of the emperor."

"Lord Tianjun, the night demon is the public enemy of all immortal cultivators. We in Yunmeng College, of course, must rise up to resist! The so-called demon is one foot high, and the evil can never defeat justice!"

"Sister, we can't bear you—"

"Why does it seem that Senior Sister is a little unhappy..."


The Yushi concubine didn't say a word of goodbye. Qingyun Tianjun then arched her hand and said: "The Taoist is still waiting, the emperor can see the fall of Yedi——"

"Senior concubine, hurry up with Tianjun. If you feel homesick in the future, come back and have a look..." Yunmeng Guxian smiled and looked at Concubine Yu.

Turning around silently, Master Yu's concubine didn't care, even if it was... Yunmeng Guxian.

Soon, not far behind the Taoist Samsara, Qingyun Tianjun and Yushi's concubine had arrived.

"Wonderful, this sword is really subtle." The Taoist Samsara screamed, even with his eyesight, he was a little dazzled.

Su Jin's aura suddenly stagnated, and the tens of thousands of sword shadows were united in a moment!


Heavenly King in the sky let out a miserable cry, and the entire head of Heavenly King was lifted by Su Jin's real body, and the sword was instantly cut down!

"You dare to cut me, you unexpectedly..." Changkong Tianjun's headless body disappeared in an instant, appeared in front of the head, and grabbed his head, but judging from his flustered performance, the head was not straightened. , When it grows well, it is a bit skewed!

Su Jin's sharpness seemed to flicker from the corner of his eyes--

He saw Yu Shi's concubine.

after all.

Is it still the enemy?

"The answer you want doesn't need one month, I won't talk to you." Yu Shi concubine looked at Su Jin, "You go..."

"His concubine, he is the one ordered to be killed by the emperor and can't leave." Qingyun Tianjun corrected the'error' of the Yushi concubine, and said quickly.

"Zhangkong is back." Samsara Taoist smiled and waved his hand, "He, let me solve it--"

Changkong Tianjun was seriously injured, how could he expect that even if it was him, he would not be Su Jin's opponent! This sword hurt him too much!

Su Jin felt that his whole body was shaking, trembling angrily...

"Yunmeng Academy... Yunmeng Guxian! Samsara Taoist... Qingyun Tianjun!" Su Jin's mind seemed to turn into a **** color. The effect of his three magical secrets has not disappeared, but at this moment, it has been completely destroyed. One color occupies!

Crystal Red——

Extremely terrifying crystal red!

"Huh?" Samsara Taoist's old face pulled, his complexion dignified.

Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun were all shocked, even if it was them, the mind of Tianjun seemed to be suppressed by a dormant terrifying heavenly might!

The Chaosheng Banshee far away in Jinxian City, at this moment, also felt Su Jin's anger...

This situation, I am afraid, will be difficult to deal with!

Without the anger of the world-zun, Putuo Wonderland...becomes...become a purgatory on earth!

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