My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3532: Wash the muddy dust and change the sky!

Strong wind, get up!

The entire Putuo Wonderland, under a tremor, began to blow up extremely strange scarlet rays of light, those rays of light, like needles!

In the bright red dimness, it seemed as if an extremely cruel beast was dormant, and it was spreading out its most majestic power, that power, shocking the sky!

"Friends of Daoist! Why don't you use this contest to turn this place into a forum for discussion between you and me!" The Taoist Samsara obviously became cautious. He and the World-Honored Daoist, no matter what the outcome, is worth it.

Su Jin...difficult to respond!

"You fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths, who practiced Buddhism concurrently, took a shortcut! But as far as I know, the Buddha's grace is majestic and has always been compassionate. are going to kill the precepts -" Samsara Taoist again Tao.

"Compassion... It is the pitiful person who is compassionate and compassionate... not the wicked person!" The killing intent emanating from Su Jin's body is limitless!

"Yes, yes, this answer satisfies me--" Samsara Taoist praised again and again, he was paying close attention to Su Jin, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

If the reincarnation Taoist felt that Su Jin was not too strong before, this person now seems to have the taste of the past, not the taste of World Honored...!

Su Jin now has endless anger and endless hatred!

The fairy king of life was considered a poor man back then, so he set a period of next month on this day!

He holds the Immortal Dao, does not want the immortal Dao to be dusted, regardless of the previous suspicions, he wants to point out a broad road to the world's immortals, hoping that the ancient immortal world will wake up in time and move toward the light.

But things are counterproductive!

It is impossible for Su Jin not to be angry.

Ancient heroes, one side dominates the hero, one country dominates the king! One world dominates... God! The one that the heavens dominate is God.

Compassion, compassion, can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep! This sad world needs a river of blood to wake up!

Yunmeng Academy!

Yunmeng Guxian!

She found out that she was wrong, so wrong! It is not wrong to offend not the World-Honored, but it is a big mistake to misestimate the power of the World-Honored! Now that person stands in the void, the heavens and the earth change! Even if it was her, Yunmeng Guxian, looking at her, her spine was chilly!

"Dean, Dean!"

Yunmeng Guxian heard someone call her again. In a daze, she looked back and looked around. With pale expressions, there was a thought in her heart that made her feel ridiculous—

Is this result destined...Today, Yunmeng Academy will become the center of the ups and downs of the sea of ​​corpses... Suddenly, Yunmeng Guxian was frightened three steps by his terrifying thoughts!


There was not a trace of fluctuation on Su Jin's face, he gently brushed his hand, and in the mountains above the top of the sky, a ‘Life Stele’ dropped down!

This is not the point! The tree of enlightenment on the key creature monument suddenly skyrocketed——

"Stupid immortal ignorant, since Immortal Dao is so disappointing, then, wash the muddy dust and change to a new sky!" Su Jin felt an endless rumbling in his throat, and the voice was hoarse when it spread.

Wash the dirty dust!

Change... New Heaven!

The recent Yunmeng Academy is shocked!

Thousands of immortals in the world are already desperate after seeing the Dao scars emanating from that ‘tree of enlightenment’!

"Yunmeng Guxian, this scene is silent, **** fairyland, I hope you can like it--" Su Jin is not afraid of the reincarnation Taoist, the sky, the Qingyun Tianjun, in front of the three people, suddenly will'scape the sky. 'The Dao marks are scattered all over the world!

"Stop! Stop!" Yunmeng Guxian suddenly went crazy, knowing that Su Jin was destroying the ancient fairy world! Hastily shouted with regret!

It's not just her!

The monks in the entire Yunmeng Academy felt that the immortal Dao in their bodies began to break apart! This is not the kind of road destruction that was injured, but the immortal Dao on them, plundered by the original fairy tree of Su Jin!

"The world is ignorant, there is no ancient immortal in the world!" Su Jin's voice seemed to appear in everyone's ears.

The world knows.

"Brother Ye, think of me as His Royal Highness Xianqin, and bless me on Xianqin Avenue! I, Qin Haiyang...Thanks in advance!" Qin Haiyang lost his usual disrespect, he was terrified, and told Su Jin. With a sound, he wanted to kneel, but he seemed to be supported by a burst of invisible power, unable to kneel.

Qin Qingwu's complexion was bloodless. She watched passers-by fall down. In an instant, many people seemed to be much older--

There will be no more heavens in this world, and no immortals ever since?

"Sister, how do you feel... feel..." Qin Haiyang even asked Qin Qingwu in a trembling voice.

"My immortal way is still..." Qin Qingwu suddenly sober, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye heard what I said--" Qin Haiyang was extremely surprised.

Countless people screamed.

Not hurt.

It's the loss of the self-immortal way. It is no longer a fairy, but a fan! Some people, who are no longer youthful, cried and cried, looking at the old faces in the mirror, but they seemed to have changed.

You are not heartbroken, you will be slandered in the future! After all, this is still a strong world! Need an awe!

Beside Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun, the Yushi concubine was also a little sluggish. She had never seen such a powerful method, a tree, a person, and a new sky!

"You can't save the immortals--" The words of Taoist Samsara made Yu Shi's concubine even more surprised.

"I have a skill, I have the confidence to take the three swords of your emperor, and you, if you don't retreat today, you will be like them, and you will die." Su Jin pointed to the body of Yan Shen before, and the three sword mountains are still suppressing. , Even the corpse, he couldn't let the Geshi Yanshen turn over.

The reincarnation Taoist's eyes shined, "What technique?"

"The road I dared not take." Su Jin squinted and looked at the Samsara Taoist: "Life Fairy, from this moment on, no one can take her away!"

"That's good to ask for advice and advice -" Samsara Taoist geared his hands, then he turned his face and said lightly: "If I lose in this battle, this woman will return to him."

"Taoren! This is the will of the emperor!" As soon as Changkong Tianjun's voice fell, the whole person directly felt a special chill, and the whole body was cold!

"The Taoist can naturally win--" Qingyun Tianjun said coldly: "If even he can't, we can't go."

This is already an offense.

Just now Qingyun Tianjun personally went to Yunmeng Academy to take away Master Yu's concubine. He has already committed Su Jin's taboo. In fact, he is most worried about himself now!

Under the gaze of the Taoist Samsara suddenly turning into a cold, Changkong Tianjun could only arch his hands in anguish, and the two... took the Yushi concubine together and backed away!

Taoist Samsara nodded to Su Jin-

The vigorous and powerful force of the ancient sage burst out of him! The Samsara Taoist played a series of sacred tactics with both hands, and finally with a pair of fists, behind him suddenly opened a glorious ‘Sky Picture’!

This picture is the road of reincarnation for the Taoist Samsara, and it is also the biggest support he has condensed throughout his life! This picture seems to have endless insights, the prosperous Wenluo, flawless, and delicate everywhere, making people feel extremely grand and profound!

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