My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3533: King of Heaven!

Reincarnation, Tiantu!

The pressure skyrocketed! Mountains and rivers seem to have been suppressed——

Su Jin remained motionless. He saw the pattern of clinging six-pointed stars on the "Reincarnation Sky Map", and in one of the corners, there was a half-angle of wonderful Tao Yun, and he was a little surprised——

That is the way of heaven that the Taoist of Samsara has realized!

Even if the Taoists of Samsara exist like this, can they only realize this point of heaven? Su Jin's face is cold, his eyes are cold, and he is naturally careless.

"In my sky map of reincarnation, these six-pointed star patterns correspond to the'six reincarnations' in the heavens."

The Samsara Taoist fell into a deep voice and continued: "Heaven and Humanity, Humanity, Animals, Asuras, Hungry Ghosts, Hells, Hells, Evil Ghosts, naturally cannot deal with you, but... The world is amazing, just to let you see and see!"

"Come on--" Su Jin is naturally prepared at any time. This enemy can never be described in simple and terrifying words.

The other party does not cultivate the six paths, but his own road of reincarnation has the six paths of reincarnation in the heavenly path. This kind of person really cannot be careless!

"Rotten wolf! Pixion! Tiger! Bo Yunhe!" The Taoist Samsara pointed at the void, and the'Samsara Sky Map' behind it suddenly started to spin.

Heads of extremely strange-looking animals began to turn into phantoms, rushing out!

Ten heads!

Fifty heads!

In the end, there were as many as eighty heads. As soon as this strange thing in the livestock road appeared, even Su Jin felt surprised——

"These sacred animals are invisible! In my reincarnation, you cannot be destroyed! They will eat your souls and devour your great power, they... swallow everything! But their favorite is the souls and primordial spirits, How do you deal with such a road of reincarnation!"

The reincarnation Taoist has a rare fighting spirit. In this life, he believes that his avenue is extremely powerful, and he has not lost anyone! And now, he is looking forward to it, expecting Su Jin to display the great divine way of the world-honored!

Is it not the world-zun's great, or... his road of reincarnation is even better!

"Good means." Su Jin said lightly.

The Taoist Samsara was praised, and he couldn't help feeling proud, but soon his smile froze——

Su Jin gently pointed, and a touch of Buddha's charm came out with his fingers!

He drew a golden horizontal line between the two!

Then, it seems that the Tianguan is no longer the Tianguan, but the imaginary Buddha Sea!

"The sea of ​​bitterness?" The reincarnation Taoist sighed and exclaimed, "There is a sea of ​​bitterness in the Buddha, and I turn back to the shore. My livestock reincarnates, but I want to test whether the sea of ​​bitterness is endless, and the other shore at the end of the sea of ​​bitterness, I wonder if it can be reached."

Eighty huge ghost beasts seemed to have fallen into confusion. Although Su Jin was close at hand, their figures seemed to be affected by the turbulent waves of the Buddha Sea, struggling constantly.

At that moment, the Taoists of Samsara were mixed!

I am happy to see the great methods of Buddhism and Taoism, but I am worried about... the effect he originally expected, it seems that he is not very satisfied!

"The Taoist..." Changkong Tianjun's face was gloomy. He never expected this scene. The Samsara Taoist's methods were actually solved by a magic technique?

"We underestimated him--" Qingyun Tianjun couldn't keep calm anymore, and said: "He behaves as if he is walking along the road, and he seems to be aware of it all the time, and the depth of the city does not seem to be the emperor."

"No matter how great he is, he couldn't kill me!" Changkong Tianjun glanced at him when he was dissatisfied with Qingyun Tianjun.

"That's because he didn't really move, even... he doesn't bother to waste his power to kill you, because he knows that his opponent in this battle is Taoist Samsara!" Qingyuntian Jundao.

Changkong Tianjun is not angry, but it seems that Qingyun Tianjun's words have some truth. If this is the case, then there is a big trouble——

Now, the ancient immortal world is almost desperate!

At Yunmeng Academy, tens of thousands of immortal cultivators, once they were transformed into mortals, the cultivation base was not there, the feeling was more than despair! The original immortals can fly to the sky and escape the ground, now... they seem to have their wings broken by someone, and they feel extremely tired when they move!

"Yangxianwan, Jingxian San! I... I even ate the immortal medicine that crossed the bridge between heaven and earth! Why was the cultivation base taken away!" Someone was unwilling and furious!

"Return our cultivation base to us!" Someone kept begging in despair.

"The dean! The dean, save us—"

"Cultivation base, I have become a mortal, I... I don't want to become a mortal!"

"President! Dean, give us an explanation! Why would the Samsara Taoist say that the World-Honored One cannot save the immortal? Why!!"


Although Yunmeng Guxian’s immortal powers disappeared very slowly, the tree of enlightenment was still drawing away the power from her body, and she had felt weak for more than three times!

Looking around blankly, Yunmeng Guxian could not explain, she knew it was too late to regret! She shouldn't deceive the Fairy of Life, so much so that this girl who treats her like a mother never sees her again when she leaves.

Even so, even now, the fairy of life does not plead for the entire ancient fairy world! Embarrass her!

"What should I do--" Yunmeng Guxian was completely at a loss, as if he couldn't get the forgiveness of the unworldly honored person even with death apologizing!

At this moment.

The Taoist Samsara frowned, that bitter sea, one of his avenues of reincarnation, the reincarnation of animals, has failed!

Very depressed, this is the feeling of Samsara Taoist now!

"Your performance really surprised me." The Samsara Taoist said with emotion: "But this alone is not enough. I step into the sea of ​​bitterness and I can reach the other shore with one step. Such a method has no meaning to me. ."


Su Jin put away the sufferings of Buddhism and Tao, and the Taoists of Samsara were also interested, and brought back a group of gods and animals.

"Old, I have experienced countless nights and watched the way of heaven, but it's just a corner." The Taoist Samsara thought for a while, and continued: "If you don't, you must understand the way of heaven far better than me--"

Here comes, these remarks are mostly mocking and embarrassing.

"I don't need God's way." Su Jin said coldly.

"Enlightenment is enlightenment, why not humble yourself if you don't have the World-Honored One?

The reincarnation Taoist continued: "If you don't have the world-honored, fierce and mighty power is still there, so I can show off the power of heaven, and you can show it together to let the old man have a long experience?"

"I won't." Su Jin stood with his hand in hand.

"Hahaha, how is it possible! Not supreme, I was unwilling to exist with the heavens, but now I can't feel the way of heaven? Isn't this, let the people of the world laugh?" The Samsara Taoist laughed loudly.

Tianjun Changkong and Tianjun Qingyun heard the words of the Taoist Samsara and immediately laughed out——


A touch of fluctuation that made Su Jin feel unexpected, unexpectedly appeared! That's... that's the ‘kingdom bone of heaven’ in his bone ring!

At the beginning, Su Jin felt that it could suppress the bones of the Aotian King, and even...even the Qingtianlian plant, under its majesty, was only capable of gently swaying. In the sea of ​​qi, the breath of the Qingtianlian was invisible.

However, now? The bones of the king of heaven, there is a strange appearance——

Circles of special light burst out of the bone ring! moment! That wonderful brilliance, directly selected and merged with Su Jin's right forearm bone!

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