My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3535: Not the world-zun, there is a world-famous posture!

"With your words, I just understood the way of heaven for a while, and it's enough to deal with your'all-phase immortal way' like this."

Su Jin responded.

Comprehend the way of heaven for a moment! The watery eyes of the Taoist Samsara suddenly solidified, and he really didn't know where Su Jin's confidence came from.

Comprehending the way of heaven is not like playing around like a child's family, how profound is the way of heaven! There are some ancient sages who don’t have a trace in their life--

The Taoist Samsara just wanted to attack and taunt Su Jin, and then his old face... changed and changed!

The entire Putuo fairyland, and even the entire ancient fairyland, at that moment, the world was suffocated!

Qingyun Tianjun, Changkong Tianjun, and even Yushi's concubine under the protection of the two, all felt unpredictable power! That feeling is very weak, like a mortal, facing the feeling of a beast when it comes out of its cage!

"You--" Taoist Samsara took an incredible step backwards. He pointed at Su Jin, his fingers trembled, speechless!

Now, the virgin concubine also feels something is wrong!

Su Jin's temperament is extremely ethereal, like a natural god, Lin Fan!

"Do you accept the way of reincarnation in the way of reincarnation, is your reincarnation avenue governs the way of heaven, or does it govern you?" Su Jin asked.

"Of course, it's the reincarnation of the gods!" Taoist Samsara responded with a solemn expression without even thinking about it.

"I'm different." Su Jin's expression was extremely cold, "I care about the way of heaven. The way of heaven has enslaved your avenue and enslaved you. You want to use this to gain more powerful strength, as everyone knows, it is a big mistake."

This is tantamount to a heavy speech!

This person understands the way of heaven, but the purpose is to control the sky!

"Great rebellion!" Samsara Dao's popularity trembled, "I feel the aura of heaven in you, but you don't know that heaven is ruthless and embraces heaven in the body, and will be destroyed by heaven at any time, unable to control yourself! Except God, no one can control it! God!"


The words of the Taoist Samsara made the virgin concubine, Chaosheng Banshee, and even Yunmeng Guxian all stunned——

In Su Jin's body, there is a way of heaven! This person is really crazy, the ruthless way of heaven, in the heavens, no one can control, this is tantamount to pushing himself on the path of absolute!

Chi Chi -

The beautiful pupils of the Yushi concubine shrank slightly, only to see Su Jin stretch out his right hand...

That right hand is more than vast!

Su Jin's palm pattern seemed to burst with infinite lightning, the sky and the earth were surging together, his face was like a ruthless god, a twist of his fingers, a small dust, unexpectedly glowed with a light that was stronger than the blazing sun!

His feet are based on the void, the mountains and rivers of the sky are like a dragon.

His sword, the sword that still protects the corpse of Yan God, trembled and whispered, as if the supreme sword aura was rising, and the sword aura would dissipate without anger, killing thoughts, shocking the sky!

"This is... what kind of heaven is this——" Samsara Taoist has never heard of it, has never seen it, he feels very absurd, ridiculous!

The Taoist Samsara’s "The Immortal Way of All Phases" seems to be facing a peerless evil, even... was it suppressed? Although it can still protect him, but the ultimate move, compared with the other party, seems difficult to be elegant!

A particle of dust also has a dazzling moment. When the heavens were formed, there were no faculties, no eternity, but the heavens already existed, and every particle of these twinkling dust had the appearance of stars.

Su Jin closed his eyes and realized in detail——

"When you are born, you will be disturbed by life, and you can't get away with it."

"I am not the world-honored person, I should have held the Dao of Heaven!" Su Jin opened his eyes abruptly and said thunderously, "It is strong, I want to be stronger! I have the Dao in my palm.

"Your immortal heavenly path, is it really immortal?" Su Jin looked at the Taoist Samsara coldly, "Can you figure it out clearly? I will destroy all the heavenly paths of you, and break your original reincarnation, you dare to pick me up Can't remember the power of the world?"


No one!

The Taoist Samsara's face was blushing constantly, staring at Su Jin, "Madman! You are simply a madman! I...I'll go--"

"No! Dao people can't!" Changkong Tianjun quickly said: "It's just a sense of heaven, how strong it can be! If you go, you will be defeated. What the female emperor wants must not be returned to him!"

"Life Fairy, you can't make ——" Qingyun Tianjun also shook his head, "Otherwise, the guilt of the emperor, even if it is a Taoist, will be difficult to bear."

The reincarnation Taoist glanced at the two Qingyun Tianjun, and said angrily: "Not the world is already a climate, has risen among the gods, and it is unstoppable. If you don't hand over this woman, I won't do it. You can kill it yourself— —"

"That's what I meant!" Qingyun Tianjun did not believe that he and Changkong Tianjun would not be able to fight together!

"The Taoist is old, and he no longer has the courage!" Changkong Tianjun said proudly: "Qingyun Tianjun, you and I will take action together. This matter must be explained to the emperor."

"Yeah." Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun walked out together.

Su Jin's face was without sorrow or joy, and gently patted the mountain and earth with his right arm--

The earth surging up quickly, the hand of the mountain transforms the earth, the torso of the extremely strange **** and man in the earth, the entire Putuo fairyland, as if it turned into the **** man when the fairyland first opened and created the highest fairyland!

Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun have extremely solemn faces!


In the distant ancient immortal realm, a round of ‘demon moon’ and a round of dark sun seemed to have turned into the eyes of gods and men. The hands on the earth were infinite in mysticism. With a light shake, the avenues stopped in its hands! !

"What kind of heaven is this!" Qingyun Tianjun was shocked, and his heart was upset!

"It's completely different from before..." Changkong Tianjun had a dark face. He was previously beheaded by Su Jin, but because of his own way of heaven, Su Jin could not completely kill him at the time, but now... everything has changed. !

Even though the Taoist Samsara retreated from the battlefield, they were still shocked!

In his eyes, the ancient immortal world seemed to have turned into a huge and unmatched god-man, the infinite mountain range is the muscle of the god-man, the sun and the moon are the eyes, looking north, far away, the territory is swelling, those are the legs of the god-man!




In the midst of the surging wind, drifting and heavy rain, it is the tears of gods and men——

That which is full of calamity and lightning... is the divine will of the gods! !

"Ancient sage body, burn!" Qingyun Tianjun gave up his life, and immediately shook his body, from top to left shoulder, down to left leg, dying!

The raging fire, burning the body of the ancient sage, the force that stuns the world, like a vast galaxy, appears on the top of the sky!

"For the emperor!" The flames under Changkong Tianjun's feet were fierce, and he was more ruthless than Qingyun Tianjun. This time, even if he did not die, he would suffer endless pain!


Under Su Jin’s transcendent heavenly path, two earth arms, profound and mysterious, suppress ten thousand ways, suppress time and space, suppress all accidents, Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun roar, erupting endless ancient sage divine light, but still fall on In the hearts of those two earth hands--

The Chaosheng Banshee, including the awakened Xiao Suxian, after seeing this scene, there is a feeling of crying and crying——

Now the world-honored person truly has the ability to challenge the powers of the heavens!

Now the world-zun has a world-famous posture!

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