My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3536: Tianjundaoxiao

At this moment, everyone felt frightened and panicked!

If someone is in the sky, overlooking this ancient immortal realm, they will see a huge humanoid god-man who seems to be boundless, horizontally in the starry sky!

Those forests are the hairs of the gods, the mountains and rivers are the muscles of the gods, and those fairy paths seem to be the veins of the gods' breathing in the years!

That sky king.

That Qingyun Tianjun is just a drop in the ocean, even if it burns the ancient sage's body, it is just a drop of dust, and it cannot be separated from the control of the hand of the earth!

"It's impossible! I don't believe it!" Changkong Tianjun is struggling like crazy! But no matter how he tried his best, how to use magic to kill, this palm, like that unpredictable heaven, has no shore!

"There must be a chance, there must be another!" Qingyun Tianjun was also full of despair. At that moment, he seemed to understand why the Taoist Samsara would retreat!

Who would dare to think that the vastness of heaven is the first! This level of heaven has surpassed the Taoist of Samsara. Even the Taoist, I am afraid that it cannot be compared with the **** who created the ancient immortal realm. It will be like a weak chicken, pinched and controlled!

The storm continues--

Are there people going forward, the depths of the heavens, it is unimaginable, who will follow the trend, who will go up against the trend?

Su Jin's long black hair was flying in the violent wind, and he just silently put his hands behind him.

"No World Honor! Monarch, Monarch will not let you go!" Changkong Tianjun found that he was getting weaker and weaker. The **** and man transformed into the ancient immortal world seemed to represent the power of immortality!

Sin is not weak at all.

It’s just that the Pearl is covered in dust, and one person is needed to let this Dao shine again in the world——

Struggling and struggling to the point of despair, Su Jin seemed to have foreseen the result and stopped responding to the other party's harsh words.


The two hands of the earth, shook hands together, Qingyun Tianjun and Changkong Tianjun, and howled miserably at the same time, their bodies seemed to have turned into a dazzling scorching sun, even if... In the hands of the earth, it is just like a stone thrown into the calm lake, disappearing silently.

Qingyun Tianjun, disappear!

Heavenly Lord of the sky, disappear!

Samsara Taoist, give up!

"This blow, Tiandao, is it really something you just realized just now?" Samsara Taoist didn't feel a pity for the fall of those two heavenly monarchs, but instead looked at Su Jin and asked this sentence.

"Go back and tell you the emperor, I will wait for him in the Eastern Peak Divine Realm--" Su Jin didn't want to explain.

"You are showing your power in the ancient immortal world today. I am afraid that it will not only be the emperor who will face you. Although the emperor is invincible, I don't think you are better than him."

The Taoist Samsara thought for a while, and seemed to have thought about it, but he didn't say everything, and then he handed over: "Farewell! When you see you again, it will be your life and death, the endless battle."

Thousand beams of light exploded on the "Samsara Sky Map" behind the Taoist Samsara. He took a deep look at Yu Shi's concubine, and walked into his sky map as the last step. When the void trembled, there was no more figure.

Yunmeng Guxian, extremely lonely!

"She treats me as her own, don't embarrass her." Yu Shi concubine walked towards Su Jin.

"I'll give you three days. After three days, follow me in the lower realm and bid farewell to this place." Su Jin stretched out his hand and touched her spongy face and skin. Then, the vision of the earth **** and man disappeared, and the enlightenment tree on the monument of life, He put it away and returned to the top of Tianguan, before the case table.

Later, someone stepped on the fairy sky and went straight to the sky--

"Brother Ye..." Qin Haiyang bent and clasped his fists at Su Jin. He arrived alone, and when he came, he was a little nervous.

"You and my brother, why do you need to do this, sit down." Su Jin extended his hand and invited.

Around the table, the two sat opposite each other.

"Since the immortal is old, it needs to be revived. It is better to suffer such a long pain than a short one. Brother Ye did a good deed for the ancient immortal realm." Qin Haiyang admired extremely.

"In the future, the descendants of the ancient immortals will enjoy the blessings of the immortal spirits of the new age." Su Jin said in a deep voice, "The tree of enlightenment is the origin of my immortal way. And not long ago."

Qin Haiyang's expression was overjoyed, he was ashamed when he watched Su Jin pouring a glass of wine for him, and quickly said, "I just heard Brother Ye say that I can only stay here for three days?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"Sitting like this is too boring, how about a visit to my Xianqin?"

Qin Haiyang invited him, and then he couldn't help but said: "I knew that Brother Ye loves carving earlier, and I specially ordered someone to go to the country of Immortal to be a master of this Dao.

Su Jin thought for a while and nodded: "Let's go, three days later, I will pick up the life fairy from the lower realm."

Summon the Chaosheng Banshee and the Empress Maid.

"I want to go too--" Xiao Suxian walked to Su Jin's side and said, looking at him.

"You have important things to do. A few days ago, I planted immortal patterns for you that night in order to prepare for the future." Su Jin looked at Xiao Suxian and said lightly: "In the future, you will be the lord of the ancient immortals. In this world, I will build a royal palace for you, how can you travel with me?"

Xiao Suxian:...

Although she knew that the daughters of the ancient immortal country had always wanted to ascend to the ancient immortal realm, she felt that she hadn't been treated specially since she came here, but Su Jin's remarks were too unexpected for her.

Lord of the Ancient Immortals! Xiao Suxian admitted that she was tempted, but she was still a little unwilling. When she was about to speak, she saw Su Jin's cold eyes. She... flinched and nodded.

"Old Immortal Lord!" Qin Haiyang saluted Xiao Suxian.

"You're polite--" Xiao Suxian replied casually with serious thoughts.

Su Jin got up, took Xiao Suxian, and walked to Yunmeng Academy in one step!

"Yunmeng Guxian, although you have a serious sin, it is hard to forgive, but the ancient immortal realm is rare in the realm of the ancient sage. This woman is a new immortal lord. If you assist by the side, I will not strip you of suffering. Immortal Tao." Su Jin looked at Yunmeng Guxian with cold eyes.

This is... a meritorious service!

"What if I don't--" Yunmeng Guxian confronted Su Jin with a sense of life and death.

"If you don't, life and death cannot be controlled by you, by me!" Su Jin snorted coldly.

Yunmeng Guxian was suffocated. Before, Putuo had no immortals! She only felt that when her Immortal Dao was about to be deprived, that kind of power came to an abrupt end in her body. She thought it was because of her strong cultivation base.

It now appears that Su Jin deliberately did it!

Yunmeng Guxian felt a special sensation from the neck to the right cheek, which seemed to be itchy but not itchy. She was shocked, and a slave mark appeared directly!

"You--" Yunmeng Guxian seemed to lose his energy for a moment, closed his eyes, and slowly said: "I am assisting the new immortal master..."

Su Jin handed Xiao Suxian to the other party, and then sneered: "This slave mark is not my enslavement. This is the original slave mark of the new immortal lord. She is in charge of your life and death!"

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