My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3537: Haze Xinghai

Immediately, Yunmeng Guxian bowed down to Xiao Suxian——

"Senior, please get up soon." Xiao Suxian said quickly.

"When the emperor's affairs are over, I will come to the ancient immortal realm. At that time, I will see the birth of the Wangting Immortal Palace. Can you build an immortal palace for her with the power of the world?" Su Jin asked Yunmeng Gu Xian.

"Yes." Yunmeng Guxian is weak.

"speak louder!"


"What are you scolding her for--" Xiao Suxian blamed Su Jin for the first time, and she quickly helped Yunmeng Guxian up.

Why scold her?

Worry! If it weren't for Xiao Suxian's consideration, or even the life fairy, this Yunmeng Guxian would have died many times!

Su Jin confessed a few more words, even if he returned to the "Tianguan Jue Peak"! Together with Qin Haiyang, the virgin concubine and Chaosheng Banshee, head to the south and go to the next heaven!

During this period, there have been a pair of water-cut autumn eyes that look like a city, staring at Su Jin's back until he leaves--

Not the world-honored one, strip the immortal way, and condemn the world immortal. He showed his might, fought again and again, and descended to heaven. In a person's heart, the heartstrings that had not fluctuated for a long time seemed to fluctuate. She is the rain concubine.

There seems to be no more nostalgia in the long-stay residence, Yu Shi's concubine lightly showed a shallow smile. These three days, even the usual negligible time, will become very long for her...


A golden fairy driving, breaking through the sky--

"Two ancient sages, this time we are going to the'Golden Qin Xian Country', which is the home of the villain. The Jin Qin Xian Country is in the'Liluan Wonderland'." Qin Haiyang introduced, "This trip is no accident. It takes about five Time."

Five hours?

so far--

Even Su Jin was curious, the Empress Maid and Chaosheng Banshee also nodded.

"You are worthy of being a brother to your grandfather, so naturally you don't have to be so polite." The Chaosheng Banshee said.

The white fairy mist kept facing each other, Qin Haiyang was embarrassed. If he had known that the Ye Di was so powerful before, he would naturally not get along with him in a foolish manner. Now the strength is placed here, and the distance seems to have arisen.

"It's really not necessary." Su Jin smiled.

"Well then--" Qin Haiyang rolled his eyes lightly, took a step directly, and smiled: "Old sister, Brother Ye is here, don't you go and change your clothes?"

Qin Qingwu is still in the same outfit, especially with the cloak covering his face, unchanged.

"I don't." Qin Qingwu responded.

"Incomprehensible style, really incomprehensible style...Haha—" Qin Haiyang said in embarrassment, "After a while, we will get home, my little brother will help Brother Ye to clean up the dust! We are the only one in the ancient fairy world, a country. The existence of a fairyland—"

A fairyland of Jinqin and Qin actually occupies a fairyland!

We must know that Putuo fairyland has vast land and rich resources, there are thousands of fairy courtyards, and the city is no less than a thousand. The status of this Qin family seems to be exceptional in the ancient fairy world.

Qin Qingwu silently walked to the extreme edge. This time, inviting the world-zun Yedi to go back. In fact, the risk is extremely high...

This is not the world-honored person. Although the strength is super strong, the enemy is also an existence that the "Golden Qin Immortal Kingdom" cannot provoke——

Besides, the younger brother Qin Haiyang randomly spotted mandarin ducks, and from her eyes, naturally knew that Su Jin had a very high vision.

Not to mention the famous Yushi concubines all over the world, even the Chaosong banshee and the maiden imperial concubine on the sidelines, to outsiders, are all women like the allure, how can she compare.

and also……

The Chaosheng Banshee and Maid Emperor wore very bold outfits. Qin Haiyang asked her to change her clothes. She didn't know the meaning, embarrassed, unwilling, and could not wear them.

About an hour.

Qin Shan arched his hands to Su Jin and the others, and looked at Qin Haiyang: "It may take a detour ahead. The emperor used a shocking method to startled the misty sea of ​​stars. The prohibition of this Jedi has also been destroyed. I am afraid the road will be unsafe."

"Hey, there are two Guxian sisters here, and Brother Ye is here, how can there be any unsafe places?" Qin Haiyang shook his head.

"Then...that's not going around?" Qin Shan hesitated a little.

"No." Su Jin nodded.

"Okay." Qin Shan turned and continued to command——

Soon, this golden fairy driver propped up a circle of white enchantments and drove into the darkness.

Qin Haiyang originally wanted to set up a table of good wine, but Su Jin said that it didn't need to be so formal. He could just lean on the railing and enjoy the scenery and just grab a pot of wine.

"Brother Ye, I heard people say that you are outside the world, where are you from?" Qin Haiyang grabbed a jug of strong wine that Su Jin gave him. He had never drunk this wine before, and it was so spicy. My throat and tears were choking.

"Unknown Time and Space--" Su Jin thought about it carefully, and didn't know how to answer him, simply nodded directly.

"Supreme God's Realm!" Qin Haiyang heard this realm, his eyes beaming.

"It's the Supreme God Realm." The Chaosheng Banshee stretched her lazy waist, and then said: "It's not the world-honored but one after another that destroyed a lot of the highest lands before rushing to this ancient immortal realm. Who knows that you people are like this? Don't know how to promote."

"It's a pity that I have a position, brother, otherwise I would like to walk with Brother Ye in a few days to go to the Eastern Peak Divine Realm--" Qin Haiyang knew this was an extravagant hope and regretted it.

Outside the snow-white immortal enchantment, in the gloomy obscurity, there are vaguely many mysterious existences, flying into the sky, or a group, or three or two.

Su Jin glanced casually--

"Those are fog monsters." Qin Haiyang said quickly, "It's not a climate."

"This place has not been moved for millions of years, and the great power of the ancient immortal world is also very taboo about this place. We should take a detour. I am afraid that the fairy has been awakened earlier." Qin Qingwu said.

"It's really interesting..." Su Jin nodded. He didn't look at the fog demon just now, but found something special.

Immediately, Su Jin raised his hand and gently scratched——

An inexplicable rumble appeared in the distance! Su Jin's palm seemed to have penetrated time and space, and directly grabbed an unsightly hill.

This is no more than a few meters high rocky mountain with a few dark red finger marks on it, and the surface of the rock has faint artifacts embedded in it.

"The breath of the prehistoric immortality?" After Qin Haiyang felt it carefully, he was surprised.

"A good fairy treasure, the background is completely different from the current immortal and the current divine way." The Chaosheng female demon was slightly surprised.

"Among them is a complete set of nine chimes. You can't leave empty-handed when you go to Jinqin Immortal Kingdom on this trip, so let's give it to your sister--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Brother Ye is really fat and water does not flow into the field of outsiders, eldest sister... eldest sister, do you want?" Qin Haiyang couldn't help looking at Qin Qingwu's back and hurriedly shouted.

"No, you keep it--" Qin Qingwu wanted to go back to the room to rest, as if she didn't have the place to speak.

"If I see it right, this clock should come from a dead ancient sage."

Su Jin's voice shocked Qin Qingwu's body and stopped suddenly...

Before Qin Qingwu could react, Qin Shan walked over in panic!

"Big trouble!" Qin Shan couldn't hide his fear when he said it!

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