My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3538: The realm of ancient snakes and insects in Minglin!

"Don't panic...what big trouble can there be--" Qin Haiyang said, but saw that Qin Shan had already led the way...

Not long.

At the center of the foggau star sea, a snow-white void and sky crack lay before everyone's eyes!

In the faint sea of ​​stars, the fog is madly dissipating, and this piece of void, as if it is different from what you usually see, is known to all. After the void shatters, it will recover soon, but here the sky cracks and lightning are intertwined. , The thunder roar, obviously not a vision!

"There is power emerging from the cracked void abyss, making it impossible to heal here." The Chaosheng Banshee said.

"This road is nowhere." The maiden concubine looked at Su Jin, "Three Thousand Avenue, the original evolution was immortals. At that time, everyone cultivated immortals. The power of the connection between the sky cracks is absolutely extraordinary, and you cannot take risks. "

"Brother Ye...Would you... make a detour?" Qin Haiyang asked Su Jindao when he heard what Gu Xian Da Neng said, with a pretty face.

"If my guess is correct, it will be difficult to get around it again--" Su Jin's eyebrow lightning imprint slowly opened up, and the golden pupil of the years was superimposed on other pupil techniques, and he observed directly.

This observation does not matter-

The endless distance of the ancient immortal world seemed to be out of sight at a glance, this void and sky crack, like a galaxy, straddling the ancient immortal world, so far away, ten days and half a month could not be bypassed.

Su Jin directly manifested this scene in front of everyone...

The virgin concubine was silent--

"It's rare to encounter such a challenging thing, why don't you go in and have a look?" Su Jin asked other people's opinions.

"If the sky breaks in from here, I'm afraid it's another time and space. Brother Ye really wants to take a risk?" Qin Haiyang also came interested, his eyes gleaming.

"I use the origin to carve the divine formation here, and I can send it back at any time." The maiden concubine thought for a while, "there is no danger."

"Leave Xianjia behind, let's go in and see the situation--" Qin Haiyang said seriously.

"His Royal Highness..." Qin Shan vaguely felt an unknown aura. If these people entered this unknown time and space, these people would be in danger if they didn't care about His Highness.

Qin Qingwu came over in silence and quietly said to Su Jin in a cold voice, "Thank you."

She also put away the set of ancient sage chimes. This set of chimes was an existence that Qin Qingwu could not resist. I am afraid... probably the most precious ancient sage celestial treasure in the entire ancient immortal world.

Su Jin shook his head, Gu Xian Xianbao, he is not very interested——

Now, Su Jin’s "Eternal Life Palace" is surrounded by the River of Ten Thousand Treasures, that is the real masterpiece, and now he has three king bones!

Su Jin is a little looking forward to him now, his skull is the Aotian King Bone, and the entire right arm is the Heavenly King Bone. If his torso, body, and all have the King Bone, then he will not know how strong he should be—

It's a pity that Wang Bone is too hard to find. Even in the Supreme God's Domain, it would be difficult to see a Wang Bone for thousands of years. This kind of thing is the supreme treasure that can be encountered and cannot be sought.

"Sister, are you going too?" Qin Haiyang quickly asked when seeing her standing beside Su Jin.

"I want you to care--" Qin Qingwu responded.

"Get ready, let's cross directly and enter it." Su Jin began to spread out a circle of fairy rings, strands of fairy feathers, floating down from the imaginary fairy wings behind him.

Several people were immediately blessed by Su Jin's "Great Ascension Technique"!

"One trick forever?" Qin Qingwu said to herself silently, feeling deeply inferior.




The maiden emperor, Chaosheng Banshee, and Qin Qingwu's three elder brothers all began to turn into a beam of light, and immediately disappeared into the void and sky with Su Jin——

When the vision of the few people gradually became clear and disappeared from the state of the'Great Ascension Technique', the scene in their eyes was shocking.

Just now, when he was immersed in the Void Sky Ripples, the place he was in should be the Void Abyss, but when Su Jin saw the scene before him, he felt something was wrong.

"Here is a certain time and space, look there--" The Empress Princess was slightly surprised.

In the dim environment, in the far north deep space, a huge black mass faintly exists!

"Lightning thunder spider! This is a long-lost species, how can there be so many lightning thunder spiders!" The Chaosheng Banshee was also shocked.

Below the foot, below the endless and far, a few long rivers of gloomy light, seem to be swimming——

"That's not a river!" Qin Shan said with a green face.

"There are still four ancient Minglin snakes! No, this is not the ancient immortal world, nor the world we know!" The maiden emperor never expected this situation. The four ancient Minglin snakes, like a long river, give She is under great pressure.

The ghost snake, whose head is like the head of a unicorn, relies on devouring other creatures to increase its strength. It is the most favorite of the same kind in the recipe!

"It's not unknown!" The Chaosheng Banshee said in surprise, "If my guess is correct, here... it should be the "Insect Realm" or on the edge of the "Time Realm". The two realms are adjacent."

"Time Realm, Peak God Realm!" The Empress Maid's mind was blank. According to the reminder of the Chaosheng Banshee, she had a slight impression, but this pinnacle realm, how could it be here, in the impression, this realm I don’t even know how far it is from the Eastern Peak Divine Realm. I am afraid it’s not too much to be separated by tens of millions of peaks——

"Nothing to be surprised--" Su Jin said lightly.

"You really need to be very careful here." The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin and said slowly: "Maybe we can relax our vigilance a little bit in the insect world, but the time world is guarded by the goddess of time, and... There are many pinnacle worlds that we can't even imagine."

"I vaguely remember that in a broken star map, there seems to be an ancient world in the sky south of the time world?" The virgin concubine tried hard to recall, somewhat uncertain.

"Interesting, it's so interesting." This is the first time Qin Haiyang has walked out of the ancient immortal realm. He is terribly novel, and he continued: "Then where shall we... go now? Or, go to the lightning thunder spider to see— —"

"Can't go." The Chaosheng Banshee shook her head repeatedly, "They eat meat, if you are not afraid, go."

Even if Qin Haiyang persuaded him, he continued, "Let Brother Ye make the decision--"

"Someone is coming." Su Jin's words caused Qin Haiyang to take a few steps backwards. Here, as the Highness of the Golden Qin Immortal Kingdom, his cultivation base is the weakest, how can he not be afraid!

Then, except for Su Jin, all their complexions changed drastically, even those who were strong like the Chaosheng Banshee and the Maid Empress turned pale.

In the distance, that huge black shadow is actually a wormhole! There are countless wormholes of lightning thunder spiders! !

"Huh...I just received the news, I didn't expect someone to come—"

A young girl wearing purple, blue and red clothes appeared quietly, constantly looking at Su Jin and others, and then she pretended to be angry and asked, "You guys, what are you doing in my wormhole?"

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