My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3551: Magic Pro!

The door of the starry sky, at the moment it was crushed, was deep in a temple in the Time God Realm, exclaiming again and again!

"What! How could it be possible!" The Lan Yaoji instantly lost her color! This situation has never happened before!

"No one has ever been able to turn back from the gate of the starry sky! No one has ever broken the formation of the'Missing Soul Yin'!" Another demon girl also paled.

On the Avenue of Stars under which they sat cross-legged, the formations dissipated in an instant, and the areas that shone like stars dimmed directly!

The goddess of time frowned, speechless for a long time!

"Which link went wrong? All of this was happening perfectly, and only a little bit before the rhyme of Mie Hun Yin will be spilled! His soul cannot exist under the power of Mie Hun Yin!" Blue Monster Ji stared at the other enchantresses carefully, and found that they all had numb faces--

"He hides his strength..." The Goddess of Time said with difficulty.

"Huh?" The Blue Demon Ji stared at the goddess of time blankly...

Hidden strength?

Half a day ago, that night emperor and the goddess had a battle in the air. At that time, the two had a victory of five to five, but now the goddess of time said that the other party had hidden strength!

The goddess of time seems to be stuck in her heart. She doesn't know what consequences this will cause, but she just feels that anyone who is teased like this will probably be angry.

"He's here." The Goddess of Time stood up, "Send my order, use all my strength, and stop him!"

Blue Demon Fairy also got up, bowed quickly and said, "Yes..."

"You confuse the demon clan, just wait here and can't go out... Yang Qiwu doesn't exist originally, he... I'm afraid he will make things difficult!" The goddess of time began to panic and disappeared on the Avenue of Stars. .

In the entire Time God Realm, the moment the goddess of time gave the order, the grass and trees were all soldiers!

At the top of the Temple of the Goddess of Time, the Goddess appeared! She sits in person!

What happened next can be seen by most people, even if it is the goddess of time, it feels a great crisis!

The worm world, the void of the beast temple——

With the return of Su Jin Yuan Divine Body to his deity, his body is filled with endless killing intent! The anger seems to be soaring one after another!

"What's the situation? Ye Di... Ye Di actually used the power of the world-honored!" The Chaosheng Banshee was almost scared to death, and she hurriedly covered her small mouth and exclaimed.

The virgin concubine was surprised: "This kind of breath..."

This kind of breath, the Empress Virgo can no longer be described as afraid! What Su Jin had said before on "Tianguan Jue Dian" appeared in her mind now!

Ye Di... personally said that he would fight the emperor! Not to mention the unbelief of the maiden emperor, even before this moment, she thought that Su Jin was not the emperor's opponent!

But now!

In the present situation, this breath made the Empress Concubine's face pale as paper!

It turned out that Su Jin hidden his strength when fighting her twelve ancient gods!

It turned out that Su Jin was also hiding his strength when fighting Zhangkong and Qingyun!

Even when the Taoist Samsara at that time conceded defeat, I'm afraid I didn't see the true power of Su Jin!


Su Jin's binoculars, vertical eyes, all crystal red! The vertical eyes swallowed the red sky, and the whole person directly turned into a flash of crystal red divine light, rushing to the time **** realm!

Although the Worm World is adjacent to the Time God World, there is a lot of time and emptiness in between! I don’t know how many layers there are! And the direction Su Jin went was exactly the direction that the goddess of time condensed giant hand probed half a day ago!


The boundary wall of the worm world was directly crushed by a huge hole! Around the huge circular hole, there seemed to be lava-like crystal red heat, making the sky unable to close!



Layers of space barriers were knocked out of terrifying caves. At this speed, even any mighty power in the Time God Realm, all the powerhouses of one hundred and twenty-eight God Realms, have never seen it!

"He... he rushed towards our Time God Realm!" A monk from the Time God Realm said nervously! That night emperor had not yet appeared, and the huge coercion had already made this monk of the Supreme Time God Realm breathless!

"You are familiar with the door of the starry sky before..." Someone said in amazement.

"It is the talent of the demon clan to destroy the soul! They deceive the demon, they are the confidants of our goddess! When dealing with the godless demon ancestors, this technique made great contributions!"

"I heard that the Wutian Demon Ancestor suffered heavy damage and almost died when he was subjected to the'Exiting Soul Attendance' back then! Why didn't this person be killed by the Extinguishing Soul!"

"That's because the lone evil star is stronger than the Wutian Demon Ancestor! Now, the goddess of time has to pay for what she has done! She shouldn't be absolutely wrong, shouldn't let those confusing demons use this technique to provoke Angry catastrophe!"

"He is still intact when he has endured the'Miehunying'! He is the first person to be able to get out of the'Miehunying' safely! This is a problem! Our Time God Realm, how should we contend with this demon god!"


Temple of Time, the top!

Under the night sky, the wind is crying like a ghost!

The goddess of time held the magic staff, her face was solemn, in her eyes, Su Jin's face was shattered by how many layers of void barriers, her speed increased instead of decreasing!

Ten breaths-

Fifty breaths!

Outside the Time God Realm, five ancient sages, with their determination to defend the God Realm to the death, watched the crystal red figure appear directly——

"Who is coming! Stop..." An ancient sage suddenly burst into words, and the five ancient sages, including him, only felt the red light flashing in their eyes...

Then... the five people were crushed directly by that mighty power!

The Time God Realm was quiet in an instant... Many people felt the muscles on their faces twitch, staring blankly at the scene that the Sha Lone Star did that day.


The five ancient sages were crushed and killed without even seeing the figures when they were nearby! What kind of power is this! They really felt an incomparable despair!


The moment when Su Jin set foot on the Time God Realm!

Time God Realm, swinging godly! The divine dragons that appealed to the vicissitudes of time began to emerge from the earth. These divine dragons, every dragon, every scale, are like a lake!

Ten heads!

A thousand heads!

Ten thousand heads!

In the end, a hundred thousand dragons of the earth swept the dusty sky!

This piece of starry sky of Time God Realm! When Su Jin raised his right arm and pointed at the starry sky, the world suffocated!

In the starry sky, many dragons of the heavens, from the magnificent starry sky, turned out one by one, the kind of majestic majesty, it was shocking to speak!

"Heaven!" The Goddess of Time was so shocked that her mind was completely blank!

Once upon a time, arrogance was like a demon ancestor without the sky, and it could not be one-thousandth of the Yedi! The goddess of time clenched her silver teeth and stared at the crystal red figure tightly!

he came--

Don't see him move! The figure seems to be a world in a flash! That kind of strength makes the scalp numb!

Magic... Pro!

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