My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3552: The Dark Turbulence

Magic Pro!

No one can think of how powerful the Furious Unshizun is--

Even the Chaosheng Banshee has begun to look at the time **** realm with sympathetic eyes. Others may not know it, but she definitely knows... Ye Di is not the strongest of the nine realms, nor is it the time and space years of comprehension. The best, his strongest state is when he is incarnation of "not the world-honored"!

"Emperor Ye and when he was in the Ancient Immortal Realm, it seems that they are completely different--" The Empress Maid flickered slightly, and said slowly.

The Chaosheng Banshee nodded and said, "Not long ago, Ye Di dragged her wounded body to go to the ancient immortal realm. He had some insights in Jinxian City. He has a deeper understanding of the unworldly Lord. He seems to have embarked on an extraordinary Lu, he is not the great divine way of the World-Honored One, has become an existence of super sentiment.

"Oh?" The virgin concubine was startled.

It turned out that Ye Di had never used real power! This is what surprised the Empress Maid the most!

"What happened in the gate of the starry sky just now? It can make Ye Di so angry--" Qin Qingwu couldn't help but said.

Her gaze was in the direction of the Time God Realm, and the scene condensed from the worm realm void was the Ye Emperor in the state of not being the world-honored!

That crystal red figure, that number of holes that have been blasted out of time and space, even now, have not disappeared!

Qin Qingwu is the princess of Xian Qin, the eldest sister of Qin Haiyang, herself is considered noble, but now she is looking at the crystal red back, and she has a particularly humble feeling in her heart!



"Impossible..." When I saw this scene, the most unacceptable were Yu Beast Sect and others. Among them, the feeling of killing kamikaze was particularly true!

From the time they drove the golden unicorn and began to spin against Ye Di, he didn't want to see such a scene even in his dreams!

Originally, the Killing God Wind was aimed at Killing the Ye Emperor... Then the Sect Master Yu Beast went and was left behind! Then, the lord of the insect world, Wan Tiannan was ruined, and even the eight other ancient sages who came to support him died!

These are enough to make Killing Kamikaze desperate--

Now... Now that person, killed the Time God Realm!

"What kind of existence have we offended..." Sect Master Yu Beast smiled bitterly and looked at Killing Kamikaze. He is extremely regretful now. If they don't come out, it would be great!

At this moment, Time God Realm!

The vast and boundless time **** realm was suppressed by the dragon of 100,000 earth dragons at this moment, and in the sky, the heavenly dragons exuded extremely terrifying heavenly powers all the time!

"Army of the gods, stop the demons!" Elder Taichen kept issuing orders and shouting constantly--

"No! Even the Goddess did not give such an order, you..." Yi Taihe quickly stopped in the Temple of Time.

"Yitaihe! It turned you back..." Elder Taichen controls the power of the gods, and if he doesn't come out now, when will he wait!

"In the face of the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, I haven't reached the point of using military power!" Yi Taihe said angrily.

"Because he is far more terrifying than the Heavenless Demon Ancestor!"

"It is just like this, let alone killing countless people!"

"Good, you aether river!"

Elder Taichen was so angry that he immediately disappeared into the temple in one step. He insisted on doing this, and no one could stop it!

Yitaihe's face was pale, and when he looked at other people, their faces were not much better at all! Yes, his intention naturally meant to give up the goddess of time! But then Elder Taichen will not give up!

Sure enough, outside the Temple of Time, the voice of Elder Taichen spread all over the world: "All ministries of the God Realm, now it's time for you to serve your Majesty the Goddess! Send your troops quickly and kill the lone star!"


In the golden light shining, southeast and northwest, all directions are empty, showing eight extraordinary golden armours!

These gods seem to be countless! Add up to at least 20 million! It wasn't until they appeared that the anxiety of the entire Time God Realm seemed to fade a little.

"Elder Taichen is really courageous, and now the enemy of the Time God Realm is currently using all the Divine Army, but is this too risky?" The monk of the Time God Realm said solemnly.

"If the Divine Army is damaged, it would be difficult for the other one hundred and twenty-eight Divine Realms to give up their lives to support, but since the opponent has already killed the Time Divine Realm, they can only do so when they are alive or dead."

"This man... unexpectedly possesses such a monstrous power. In the daytime, our Goddess of Time might underestimate him!"

"I heard that the soul-killing guide has a great impact on people's minds. I am afraid that it is this technique that makes this person angry. Now... if it is one-to-one, it is estimated that only the goddess of time can stop--"

"There is also the Wutian Demon Ancestor! That Wutian Demon Ancestor, who passed down the black demon's law, is indeed powerful."

"Awesome? What a shit! Now the enemy is now, aren't those black devils who extol the power of the Wutian Demon Ancestor every day, such as the evil Lonely Star is here today, where is the Wutian Demon Ancestor? Dare to come forward?"


About a quarter of an hour later, there was another breaking news from the entire Time God Realm!

In the Time God Realm, in the Tianfang City that is close to the center, the son of the city lord, gathered the powerful black magic roads, and gave the order of the godless demon ancestor to resist this lone star! For a time, the group was excited!

At this time, in the far north pole of the insect world, a middle-aged man in black was swearing by himself... He... was the one who reminded Su Jin to be careful before entering the night! He... is the Wutian Demon Ancestor who has tasted the power of "Mie Hun Yin"!

Who...who pretends to give his orders... actually made the world's black demon rush towards the "Heaven City"?

"The eight gods of the gods are on the scene, and the evils retreat!" One person walked out of the golden army of the west, wearing a king helmet and extremely sturdy armor, leading the western gods! Walk through the void!

Su Jin glanced at the golden western army--

Immediately, Su Jin pointed to the sky and snapped a sky arm outright!


With just a palm, the Western God Army of the Time God Realm did not even scream! The fragments of the void seem to contain a little incredible power of heaven, and everyone is beginning to linger in the years and become decayed! There are some gods who can't say anything! I watched my body rot into ashes!

The entire Time God Realm was silent for an instant!

At this moment, in the sky! Some dark demons, with red eyes, shouted the Wutian Demon Ancestor!

"This battle must be won! Only in this way will we have the time when the black demon can stand up! At that time, the goddess of light would not be suitable for dominating the time **** realm! Our godless ancestors, sooner or later, will sit on the throne of the time temple!" You Hei The demon screamed.

"Slaying the evil lone star, everything has the Wutian Demon Ancestor!"

"Those God Realm Divine Armies, one by one, they are as weak as the soft-footed shrimps, they don't even have a bit of combat power, we black demon, today we become king!"

"Go...destroy him--"


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