My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3557: Festival road

The Goddess of Time has finally chosen the battlefield of the "Sacrifice Dao"!

Here, it should be far enough!

As long as the elder Taichen gathers the ancient sages, no matter how many ancient sages will be there, she will have the confidence to use the power of sacrifice to kill the emperor!

"Don't run away?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"I admit that you are the strongest opponent I have encountered since inheriting the entire Time God Realm, but I am not afraid of you!" The Time Goddess said to Su Jin.

"You want to wait for the one hundred and twenty-eight gods to come, bless your power, burn the ancient sage's avenue, and even abandon the ancient sage's body and burn with me." Su Jin's knowledge immediately broke the other's mind. .

"So what! People will be there soon, if you can't cut me within a quarter of an hour, I can take you on the road!" said the goddess of time.

"How can I wait for you for a quarter of an hour?" Su Jin was really smirked by the other party.

The nerves of the goddess of time were originally tense, and suddenly a little loosened, this person...why is so confident!

Sure enough, the goddess of time saw that Su Jin didn't have the slightest desire to do it!

It's really looking for death... The Goddess of Time has this thought silently in her heart——

And at this moment, in the Time God Realm!

The cheering scenes that make people cry, more than one city!

"Martial God Realm, fifteen ancient sages, eight hundred great sages! Be here!"

"A great way to the sky, thirty-nine ancient sages, two thousand great sages, come here!"

"Ancient Asura God Realm! Thirteen ancient Asuras, 875 great sages, come here!"

"Fengu, three ancient sages! Sixteen great sages!"

"Twenty-seven ancient sages in the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm, have come to the God Realm!"


Pieces of shining void, the ancient sages are constantly coming! Among them are the domain masters and the leaders of powerful sects, but no matter which domain, we must help the goddess of time this time! !

"Elder Taichen, your complexion seems to be better..." Yi Taihe asked Elder Taichen with a sneer. He saw that Elder Taichen's face was flushed, but it didn't look like an injury.

"With so many Guxians joining, it is bound to be able to kill the lone star of the evil spirit! I am naturally a little excited--" Elder Taichen calmed down his excitement slightly.

"Elder Taichen, your face is so red..." Someone else looked at Elder Taichen.

"You're welcome!" Elder Taichen responded indifferently.

Yi Taihe snorted, and said, "Are you sure it's not a return?"

After speaking, Aether River walked aside.

"Yitaihe! What the **** do you mean!" Elder Taichen wanted to vomit blood angrily, but at the moment of the enemy, it would be difficult for him to quarrel with him again.

In the history of "Time God Realm", there has never been such a grand scene!

The Goddess of Time has naturally seen it, and in the distant God Realm of Time, there are pieces of ancient sages shining in it!

Shanda, unprecedented in history, is the best interpretation of the current Time God Realm!

"The strong resistance to demons! It will definitely go down in the annals of history! These ancient sages will become a generation of legends, circulating in the Time God Realm and other 128 God Realms!" A monk in the Time God Realm said excitedly.

"The lone star of the gods appears, hundreds of gods are gathered in the time **** realm! You are the heroes when the lone star of the gods is destroyed! God, I really didn't expect to see such a feat in my lifetime!"

"In a short period of time, more than a hundred ancient sages have been on the scene! Are there any more... one hundred and twenty-eight ancient sages of the gods, how many will come—"

"The Goddess of Time opened up a decisive battlefield in the Void Abyss! Your Majesty the Goddess is really great, she...she is afraid of spreading to the realm of our Time God Realm!"

"Enough is enough! Even if it is more than a hundred ancient sages, plus the powerhouses of our Time God Realm, it is enough! It is not a problem to kill a small lone star of the gods!"

"These lineups are too strong—"

"That's a strong man in the realm of all things! They... are here too! This God Realm, out of a hundred and twenty-eight God Realms, can firmly rank in the top 15!"

"The goddess will win!"

It's bustling and bustling outside, and deep in the Temple of Time...

Confused, they are worrying!

"The goddess is going to give up her life. She should be launching a sacrificial offering like this, and I will also be on the road... Unfortunately, we have brought disaster to the Time God Realm." Lan Yaoji sighed terribly, the charm in her bones, In the sigh, it also involuntarily exudes——

"Sister! can't go..." Demon Ji said in a panic.

"There is a certain possibility, I can still survive... Her Majesty the goddess's favor for the demon clan, everyone sees it, even if she is fighting alone now and committing danger, she must hide me in the temple. Next, how can I dare to steal a life!"

The Blue Demon Fairy's eyes were determined, and she continued: "From now on, I will give you the position of the head of the demon clan... Qingxian Demon Fairy..."

As the only two ancient sages in the clan, Blue Demon Ji walked forward, and the position of patriarch would naturally be passed on to another ancient sage--

"Sacrifice Dao, Sister, what is Sacrifice Dao."

"For ordinary monks, it is the burning avenue, but for the goddess, it is different."

Blue Demon Fairy brushed her long skirt sleeves, and said lightly: "The only owner of the Time Avenue in the Time God Realm, her avenue has the power to destroy the world, and all the Dao Burners of the Time God Realm in the past are called'Sacrifice Dao.' '."

"Sacrifice Dao, invincible." Qingxian Demon Fairy looked at the other demon fairies and said: "When the Sacrifice Dao is launched, the world will drop the'Foot the World Song'. With this blow, let alone a lone star of the gods, even if Ten lone stars of the evil spirits cannot survive either."

"Hmm -" Blue Demon Ji nodded.

Time, bit by bit, passed quickly--

The Goddess of Time looked at Su Jin, and the other person was also staring at her...

Could it be that the emperor of the night is really not afraid of everything? !

The Goddess of Time was waiting for news, and soon she received news...

There are one hundred and twenty-eight gods, except for more than 30 of them who have not yet arrived, the ancient sages of the time gods have already broken a thousand!

it's time!

The Goddess of Time closed her eyes and stabilized her mind. No matter who knew she was about to fall, there would be a situation of instability in Taoism... She, too!

The brilliance of holiness exploded on the goddess of time as she slowly waved her scepter! Her scepter of time was firmly set in the abyss by her. After a period of trembling and shaking in the void, a circle of time and space cracks appeared under the scepter of light!

The Goddess of Time took a few steps, and at each step, a grayish icy blue color would breed under her feet. Behind her, a Dao wheel that seemed infinitely high began to condense!

Ding Ding——

In the quiet abyss, drops of divine blood flowed down from the hands of the goddess of time, and her Dao Chakra instantly became hot!

"This technique, sacrificial way." The goddess of time looked at Su Jin calmly, she really wanted to know, after her death, the emperor of the night... would she die with her as she thought.

Su Jin condensed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "This technique is not the Milky Way."

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