My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3558: Shut up the world!

Not the Galaxy!

Facing the "sacrifice" of the goddess of time, Su Jin had no choice! Moreover, thousands of ancient sages from other gods will also join in to help the goddess of time!

Without those thousands of ancient sages, Su Jin definitely cannot use his strongest power!

The eyes of the goddess of time are extremely clear, those blue eyes are like a pair of flawless sapphires, she is not afraid at this moment, anyway, she will fall, she will not have any emotions—

The huge Dao Wheel, perfused with the divine power of the Goddess of Time, every trace seemed to tell of the years of flowing light. Su Jin glanced at it casually, as if he had seen an extremely subtle ‘microcosm’.

Above that wheel, every grain of radiance seemed to contain an endless world. Su Jin had never seen such a perfect road!

"No matter any magic, any power, any great avenue, when I worship the Tao, I can’t resist it. Although you have the source of time, you have not sacrificed it at all. At that time, the power I will control is far from what you can Comparison." The Goddess of Time stared at Su Jin earnestly and said.

"That's going to require knowledge and knowledge--" Su Jin said tit-for-tat.

The Goddess of Time didn't explain either, just looked at the distant "Time God Realm"!

This is her hometown...

She was born with destiny, and she was born to be the absolute master! Now, she is no longer nostalgic, as if succumbing to her final destiny.

"Let's start--" The Goddess of Time communicated to Elder Taichen.


In the battlefield of the abyss, this endless silence seems to have more vitality! The roar, in the rotating Dao wheel, resounded far away!

Even in the distant God Realm, you can hear the deafening sound waves! And the huge Dao Wheel of the Goddess of Time seems to be swallowing all the trajectories of the years!

Su Jinjing's red pupils shrank sharply...

Time avenue, when the sacrificial path, can even the years be overwhelmed? What power is this! Even the imprint of the wheel of time evolving on the edge of the golden pupil of the years is faintly light and dark at this moment... unable to check and balance!

For a time, thousands of tyrannical auras emerged!

"it has started!"

Not only the Time God Realm, but the other 128 God Realms are also closely watching this battle!

"Our Martial God Realm, this time for the goddess, we dispatched a full 15 ancient sages! This is not the worst. I heard that Dao Qingtian, even the old guy in the secret realm who fast-forwarded in the coffin board got out. ...To completely burn the ancient sage's divine will, and to maintain a short-term peak state again—"

"Some old guys can't resist the erosion of the years. Although they have a strength, the divine body is corrupted in the years. At this time, it will shine and heat, and finally contribute to the gods!"

"Thousands of ancient sages, there has not been such a huge battle in the Time God Realm! It is a pity that after today's war, a new ruler will be born, and the Goddess of Time will become the past."

"The Avenue of Time will stay in the Time God Realm forever. As long as the Goddess of Time falls, the next time heir will appear within twenty years."

"It's a pity, how many men's dreams the Goddess of Time is, she is going to die now—"

"Look! Those ancient sages have already appeared on the battlefield of the abyss!"

As countless exclamations sounded, everyone watched intently... Watching Gu Xian appear one after another! !

Su Jin hasn't moved anything yet--

He stared at the Goddess of Time, seeing the Dao Wheel behind the Goddess of Time, Gu Xian began to walk in!

"No World Honored Night Emperor!"

An unfamiliar voice appeared in Su Jin's ear with endless indifference.

Su Jin glanced at each other. It was a woman who could exude endless flattery from her bones. She was dressed in an extremely elegant and bold blue long dress, her skin was like snow-

"I... the demon clan, the former patriarch Lan Yaoji! Also the person you want to find the most!" Lan Yaoji walked into the vast Dao wheel behind the goddess of time.

"What I'm looking for... is your whole clan——" Su Jin's voice made the Blue Demon Ji unconsciously feel a chill in her back!

"Yang Qiwu, originally a non-existent person, you are really looking for your own death if you make an excuse for it!" Lan Yaoji shouted to Su Jinjiao.

Facing Su Jin’s cold eyes, the Blue Demon Fairy seemed to be a little proud, and said indifferently: "Take what you like, with the face of the goddess, and the thaumaturgy of the demon clan, Yang Qiwu, although extremely perfect , But it is also an existence you will never get!"

"Very good... continue to say..." Su Jin stared at the Blue Demon Fairy, shaking his mind unconsciously.

This Blue Demon Fairy came from a clan of Dou Yao, and was the head of the clan before. I don't know it is because of the special bloodline. Every move of this clan makes people seem to fall into it.

Now Su Jin wants to come, and he is not surprised by the power of the Star Gate, Yang Qiwu, and even the soul-killing. If he were not in the Five Elements, not in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and not in the Three Thousand Avenue, I am afraid he would not be able to break through. Get out of the door of the starry sky!

"This battle, you will die forever, no matter how enchanting you are, you must follow the breeze, and you will endure the punishment of the years!" The Blue Demon Ji knew that there was no way to escape, but she was not afraid.

Su Jin is just indifferent and does not choose to respond——

Once upon a time, there were all kinds of things like this, how many powerful enemies, evil came from the guts, and wanted to kill him, but he is still standing now!

Standing here is the best proof! He... no need to explain!

"Guxian Guxian, I would like to dedicate everything to the Time God Realm! Kill... the devil!" At this moment, an old voice came from a distance. It was a trembling old man wearing a seven-star robe, walking to a high place. Within the condensed'Daolun' of the Avenue of Time!

"Ao Shi Tianyu, I... Hundred Valley Gods, Shen Hai Xian Zun, Shi Le Venerable, Grand Canal Ancient Sages, and other 16 ancient sages, I wish to exchange death for peace in the God Realm!"

"Executioner Yedi! The old is too late! You have caused the fall of Wan Tiannan, the lord of the insect world, and I am the ancient sage of the insect world. Today, it depends on you being deprived of everything by time!"

"Devil Kill!"

"Devil Kill!"

The huge and mighty voices gradually converged in the first class, and they were all ‘devil beheads’!

At that moment, Su Jin suddenly released an extremely terrifying aura. His voice seemed to be endless, his primordial spirit, swiftly traveling too empty, facing the time **** realm, facing one hundred twenty-eight **** realms, Roared two words: "Shut up!"

In an instant, the world shut up.

Facing the indifferent faces, including the goddess of light at that time, Su Jin was also angry in his heart!

"I ask you, I am the lone star of the evil god!" Su Jin stared at the goddess of time and asked!

"You are!" The Goddess of Time jumped, but said without hesitation.

"I'm waiting for a group of people, but I strayed into the insect world, and I have a lot of thoughts about traveling through the mountains and rivers. I...have hurt one person and one insect! But you found it!" Su Jin asked angrily.

"The calamity star is the calamity star, you can't quibble." Blue Demon Ji coldly snorted: "Today everyone in the world will kill you, this is the best proof!"

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