My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3559: Earth temple

it is good!

it is good!

it is good!

If you want to add a crime, there is no reason to worry!

Su Jin guessed that the lone star of the evil god, born out of nothing, was actually the matter of the black demon without the demon ancestor, and the people in the world were panicking, and there were people in the world continuously declaring the demon. This goddess of time used this to calm the world.

In other words, Su Jin and his party appeared in the world of insects, it was unlucky!

"I'm waiting for you thousands of ancient sages to come together." Su Jin chose not to ask any more, because he knew that a mouth could not be worth the slander of countless creatures!

Thousands of ancient sages!

Why does it take a long time to set off into the "Dao Wheel" formed by the condensing of the Great Thieves? Now, almost everyone has arrived. These people are like bugs stuck on spider webs. Every face is abhorrent!

"These people are really damn!" Qin Haiyang and others in the insect world wanted to jump angrily.

"Only we know our innocence -" Qin Qingwu also sighed lightly.

"I believe you." The Saintess of Ten Thousand Worm Caves squeaked, speaking in a crisp voice.

Everyone felt warm.

She just told the truth.

Even some of the Sect Masters who are still being arrested are still a little uneasy. They are very complicated, including Killing Kamikaze.

Killing Kamikaze feels that no matter whether the world-zun is alive or dead, their situation seems not so much better...because there are two women Guxian who are watching them now.

Once the world-zun fell away, would these two ancient sages kill their Royal Beast Sect to vent their anger?

It is very likely...

"The way of worshipping the goddess of light at that time was very unusual." The Empress Maid said with a solemn expression.

"Although she is a sacrificial Taoist, she sacrifices her own Time Avenue. Once she dies, someone should inherit the Time Avenue again and continue to rule the Time God Realm." Chaosheng Banshee said hesitantly.

"Hey, curiosity kills people, we just wanted to come in and have a look, who knew that a lone star of the gods came out..." Qin Haiyang's face turned black, and he hurriedly directed at the Empress and Chaosheng Banshee Said: "Two sister-in-laws, do you think Brother Ye can win?"

"It's hard to say, if you don't have those thousands of ancient sages, you should be able to win easily..." The maiden emperor hesitated.

"Well, with the blessings of thousands of ancient sages, the power of the goddess of time will be unimaginable." The Chaosheng Banshee took a deep breath: "The non-worldly galaxy, which has never appeared, has never been seen by anyone. Over..."

"Is there really no chance?" Qin Qingwu didn't want Su Jin to fall, her heart was tumbling all the time, a little irritable.

"It's not that there is no chance, eldest sister, look... You see how confident my brother-in-law is, and I have to wait for those thousands of ancient sages to bless the goddess of time..." Qin Haiyang looked at the eldest sister Qin Qingwu.


Qin Qingwu's handsome face in the cloak, stunned, like a ripe apple——

At this moment, no matter whether it is Qin Haiyang or Time God Realm, everyone is very worried! This battle is a matter of life and death for everyone!

On the bright side, the goddess of time has an absolute advantage!

But that Yedi’s self-confidence has inspired countless lives to be incomprehensible and fearful...

The goddess of time waited about twenty breaths or so...until no Guxian appeared!

Closing her eyes slightly, the Goddess of Time suppressed her mind and walked silently to the erected "Scepter of Time"——

"Bless me." The Goddess of Time gave an order, and seemed to be the last time she gave orders.


The gods of the ancient sages burned on every ancient sage! This Dao Wheel, one thousand and eighty-two ancient sages, suddenly their bodies are as bright as stars! Brilliant!

The Avenue of Time, began to operate unprecedentedly! The power on the Dao Wheel, even if it is hundreds of billions of miles away, can make people feel a panic-like throbbing!

The goddess of time, crowned one hundred and twenty gods, and even the most beautiful face in the gods of time, is incomparable at this moment! She lowered her body, slowly cushioning the worship of the "Scepter of Time"——



A murmur of divine words, as if in the netherworld, from nothing, from weak to strong, that divine word began to resound like a song, resounding through the time **** realm and one hundred twenty-eight **** realms! !

"Fu Shi Qu! Your Majesty Goddess, we love you!"

There was a time when the monks of the God Realm admired the goddess how many times, but now the goddess is about to die, which is regrettable, but also caused tears of most people——

"The Avenue of Time, when the Taoist sacrifices, it will really drop the Fushiqu. If this Taoist sacrifices, the world is peaceful, and any evil spirits will be wiped out by the power of the Taoist. What a pity, our Goddess of Time!"

"Thousands of ancient sages, most of them will not die, they are just blessing the goddess to achieve the greatest degree of power in the sacrificial way, they... completely survive, but the goddess, sacrifice too much."

"The Fu Shi Qu... is really Fu Shi Qu, the goddess of time launched a sacrifice without hesitation, sincerely for the sake of the world!"

"She will die with the World-Honored One, it's cheap for the demon——"


Singing forever! Su Jin's face is extremely cold now——

Su Jin's body, whether it is a golden robe, any of the details of his clothes, the ends of his hair, and his eyebrows, are all puffing out a crystal red light! !

His aura, in the eyes of outsiders, is rapidly rising to an incredible degree!

The place where he is standing is like a blazing sun, and the light is incredible!

The goddess of time concentrated on the path, crawling in front of the ‘scepter of time’. At that time, on the scepter of light, various scenes of the woman’s past were vaguely transformed, including merits, including sins, and even recorded one by one!

Blue Demon Ji was sad. She looked at the illusion of the time scepter and knew that this was the end of the life of the time goddess.

"Let's go on the road together--" the voice of the goddess of time said to Su Jin.

"There is always someone to accept punishment. You assume that the sacrificial way can kill me, plus these ancient sages can kill me, in fact, I am not afraid of anything, even if God is standing in front of me now, I have the belief in killing!"

Su Jin responded forcefully, attracting a moment of silence from the Goddess of Time——

"Did you know...Time originates from the earth and all things, in an eternal lonely place. There is no living thing, and naturally there is no time. My scepter can exert the strongest power of my worship." Said the goddess.

In the sad expression of Blue Demon Ji, she was gradually shocked, could it be...that legend is true...

Gradually, the abyss trembles and shakes! Those broken and unhealable abysses and time-space boundaries are beginning to die out due to the appearance of a phantom.

"The earth nurtures life and all things are born. It is an honor. No one has been able to summon the ‘Temple of the Earth’ through the ‘Scepter of Time’ through the ‘Scepter of Time’. I did it--" Goddess of Time laughed.

Temple of the Earth!

Su Jin is not afraid!

That phantom seemed to exist anywhere, and Su Jin seemed to be standing in the condensed Earth Temple, but he was aloof, not on Three Thousand Avenue, and he didn't feel any threat at the moment!

"How does this hall compare with my longevity hall!" Su Jin pointed away!

The "Eternal Life Palace" surrounded by thousands of bright rays, appeared in the sluggish eyes of the goddess of time!

Wan Baohe! It is only worthy of being a decoration of the Palace of Longevity!

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