My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3560: Eternal dark moment

The river of ten thousand treasures floating around the Hall of Eternal Life is so beautiful that no one can imagine that there is even a legendary temple in this unworldly body!

Hall of Longevity vs Temple of Earth!

The Goddess of Time woke up from the sluggishness, feeling a little at a loss. She thought that after summoning the'Temple of Earth', the Ye Emperor would be killed by Shengshengzhen, but now that the Temple of Longevity came out, the situation changed drastically!

The entire Earth Temple, as far as it is located, is a huge building that looks like a world away. Most of those buildings are incomplete, and in the dim corners, there is a strange wind blowing——

"Temple of the Earth, don't lose any existence!" The Goddess of Time suddenly gritted her teeth and said to Su Jin.

"From the beginning, I didn't want to kill you. The Yang Qiwu I wanted exists in the world. You and the Blue Demon are indispensable--"

Sukin paused, and then continued: "You are the one who pushed yourself to a dead end, and you want to die with me in a way of sacrifice. Don't you find it ridiculous?"

"I never doubted my abilities!" The Goddess of Time saw contempt, or even contempt, in Su Jin's eyes, which she could not accept at all!

"Your sacrificial way can't kill me at all! On the contrary, the creatures of the entire Time God Realm will be involved in the Temple of Earth——" Su Jin brushed his hand, and a scene was seen by the thousands of ancient sages on the Dao Wheel. Trembling.

That shocking scene actually...exists in every corner of the Time God Realm.

Throughout the God Realm of Time, some ancient ruins sprung up from the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain, and the breath emanating from those ruins was vaguely connected to the huge earth temple——

But about dozens of breaths, the sun, moon and stars all disappear! Time God Realm seemed to fall into darkness for a while!

"This..." The Goddess of Time trembled violently.

Countless panicked eyes, with perplexity, the cultivators of the entire Time God Realm didn’t even know what happened—

"This is the power of the Earth Temple! Time God Realm, the original origin, is the Earth Temple." The knowledgeable Confucian sage old man took a breath and said a shocking guess.

Someone lights up the light, but finds that the moment the light is on, it seems to be engulfed by inexplicable power, the light... can't light up in the Temple of the Earth!

There are only various powers, emitting a faint firefly in the dark!

too frightening--

The heavens and the earth seemed to be in response to the catastrophe, except for the panic and panic sounds of many people, the pitch-black Temporal God Realm seemed to be turning into an invincible fierce land!

"The Temple of the Earth will only help me in the Time God Realm! It appeared not to exterminate living beings, but to deal with you, not the Lord!" The Goddess of Time forcibly defended, although she was a little lacking in confidence in her remarks.

"Have you ever planted flowers?" Su Jin really smiled, and almost asked the other party if he had planted any fields. Of course, he felt that this question seemed inappropriate.

The cold face of the goddess of time did not respond to Su Jin——

Su Jin said again: "If you put it to death and live afterwards, the creatures of the Time God Realm will surely die under the power of the Earth Temple. Just like the theory of planting flowers, this piece of God Earth you think may be destroyed by the Earth Temple. Overturned and started again..."

"Shut up!" This is the last thing the Goddess of Time wants to hear!

She painstakingly dragged the battlefield into this abyss, but she didn't want the "Time God Realm" to go wrong. She is very strong now! Even summoned the Temple of the Earth, but...why did the Temple of the Earth succumb to the Time God Realm?

This has simply subverted the perception of the goddess of time!

"Your Majesty the goddess! First kill the world-zun Yedi--" Guxian urged himself on the Dao Wheel, who considered himself smart.

"Yes, your Majesty the goddess! He is the lone star of the evil gods, this darkness may be a sign before the lone star of the evil gods falls! When he dies, I can guarantee...the time **** realm will end at! "And Gu Xian shouted.

"You can't hesitate, Your Majesty! The matter is over, we can only behead the devil and destroy the lone star of the gods, we... there is no turning back!"

"The devil hidden in the darkness will emerge from the Temple of the Earth. This catastrophe is inevitable. This is the disaster that the Goddess of Time brought to the people of Li-"

There was also Gu Xian who said something like this in a daze.

"Shut up! You are full of nonsense!"

"Darkness is caused by the lone star of the evil god! You quickly apologize to the goddess, you—"


Su Jin stepped to the Hall of Eternal Life. His "Unworldly Milky Way" has not yet come to use it. If it were not for the weirdness of the Earth Temple, he would definitely not be like this.

"Your Majesty, I... We are plunged into darkness..." Gu Xian, who had a great road, received a talisman arrow and learned the latest news.

Around the Time God Realm, there is a full star field, the stars are already dark, and the one hundred and twenty-eight God Realms dominated by the Time God Realm seem to be extinguished in an instant——

Forever dark moment!

The Goddess of Time's face was as pale as paper, she suddenly got up and held the ‘Scepter of Time’ with both hands, but a burst of strange electric arcs knocked her away!

The sacrificial path has begun!

Time God Realm, one hundred twenty-eight God Realms, it is very likely that they will fall into a moment of eternal silence! And the endless earth temple, there are many places, faintly emitting an extremely terrible halo——

That is the light of unknown!

Unknown signs!

The Song of Fu Shi suddenly became loud, and the rhyme of Taoism that had soothed countless creatures before seemed to change in an instant. The evil of sentient beings, the evil of sentient beings, seemed to be inspired by the exciting music!

Su Jin looked at the direction of the insect world...

With the power of the world-honored, the sound transmission passed!

"You all come here, right away—" Su Jin transmitted sound to Chaosheng Banshee.

"Okay!" The Chaosheng Banshee hurriedly responded. She actually felt that something was wrong, and the entire insect world was in darkness. This feeling is unknown!

"Are you talking to Ye Di?" asked the Empress Maid.

"Emperor Ye told us to go to the Time God Realm, to the battlefield, but it takes time, and the earth temple has already started to operate, and I don't know what will happen on the way." The Chaosheng Banshee is under a lot of pressure, even as an ancient sage. She, too, was not sure enough to walk this long dark road.

"What do they do?" Qin Shan suddenly said, pointing to the golden unicorn that shone with golden light.

"This robbery needs them to respond to the robbery by themselves -" the maiden emperor said without hesitation: "Throw it away~~~"

The saint squeaks not lightly, a little at a loss! She had a thought in her heart, knowing that she should choose to leave, and she would die if she stayed! But... The Worm World’s Wormhole is her home, she...she wants to live...


A crystal-red sky arm was directly grabbed from the distant battlefield of the abyss, that arm, unstoppable, reached directly into the depths of the insect world——

The saint squeaky watched the maiden emperor swept the royal beast sect from the golden unicorn directly, and then... the vast sky arm came over.

"Go!" The virgin concubine urged the saint to squeak, and together with the others, she walked directly onto the palm of her arm that day! And after hesitating for a while, Zhizhi also controlled the golden unicorn and sank into that vast palm!

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