My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3561: The change brought about by the Temple of the Earth

"Ah! Don't leave us!"

Sect Master Yu Beast, Kill Kamikaze and others, all screamed!

Now that the Temple of the Earth is born, and the world has entered the darkest moment, anyone can feel the breath of despair! Now, most of the people who bathe in the darkness have difficulty surviving!

Killing Kamikaze is just an instinctive fear. I really didn’t expect that woman to be so vicious, she left them behind when she said she left it.

Regret, killing Kamikaze can even be said to be regret! If before the very beginning, they could have a good relationship with Ye Di, and no matter how bad they were, they could be blessed by the Longevity Palace, would be too late to say anything! Even the emperor that night was so cautious, showing how serious the situation was.


Chaosheng Banshee, Qin Haiyang and others all appeared on the battlefield of the abyss, wrapped in the light of the Wanbao River, and even walked to the Palace of Longevity! Beside Su Jin!

"Is it serious--" The Chaosheng Banshee asked softly.

"We will definitely be able to go out alive." Su Jin said with cold eyes, "But the time **** realm, one hundred and twenty-eight **** realms, will turn into dead silence."

"What did you see..." The Chaosheng Banshee saw the golden pupil of Su Jin's eyebrows, flashing slightly, even if he knew that Su Jin possessed several pupil techniques, he was unpredictable.

The maiden emperor now feels thrilling--

When she and Su Jin looked at each other, she saw a faintly white symbol in Su Jin’s golden pupils...

"I communicated with the Immortal King of Good Fortune, and saw the fuzzy future of the Time God Realm. But I still can't stand too much fortune." Su Jin whispered in a low voice: "Follow me closely for a while, and there is a chance to escape. , Can’t be restricted here.”

"Fuzzing the future?" The Chaosheng Banshee almost cried out.

"Yes, I saw the monument of life, the star field where the Time God Realm is located, it is very likely that because of the appearance of the Temple of the Earth, it will turn into an eternal grave of all beings."

Su Jin told the story. Just now he passed the "Good Fortune Immortal Eye", and although the scene he saw was vague, he had a "Life Stele" on his body. That feeling can't be wrong!

This Time God Realm is over!

"Could it be a mistake--" asked the Empress Empress with no blood on her face.

"Impossible." Su Jin shook his head, "All sentient beings are wailing, the unknown is coming, and the corpse is lying on the ground. Even my ghost king body is faintly about to move."

"These ignorant people don't want to do anything now, but they still want to kill Ye Di Fujun!" The Chaosheng Banshee hugged Su Jin's arm, "We might as well stay in the ancient immortal world...stay at home in Jinxian City— —"

Now, the goddess of time is still hesitating!

Soon, a figure flashed, and the elder Taichen appeared directly in front of the Dao Wheel, shouting at the goddess of time: "Your Majesty! The lone star of the slasher can make the stars appear!"

"I...I can't do it anymore--" The Goddess of Time looked guilty, as if she had taken all the responsibility on her body, and shook her head.

"What?" Elder Taichen was taken aback, wondering why the Goddess of Time said so.

"I can't control the scepter of time. It... seems to be under the control of an inexplicable power. You should all know that it... was born in the'Temple of the Earth'." The unspeakable beauty appeared on her at exactly this moment.

"Your Majesty, try again!" Elder Taichen said anxiously.

The goddess of time closed her eyes, a situation she had never felt before, suddenly appeared!

What she heard in her ears was no longer the ‘Fusioning the World’, but the wailing of countless creatures. The tragic voice seemed to form a hell-like picture in her mind!

Disaster happened at this moment!

Elder Taichen's face changed wildly, he...feeled a kind of evil power, and instantly swept over his body, he...widened his eyes, and the dark side he had always hidden seemed to burst out completely——

"Ningshen, Ningshen——" Elder Taichen was burning the ancient sage divine will all over his body. He was injured by Su Jin just now, and now... that ancient sage divine intent burned like he didn't need money!

The other thousands of ancient sages who were on the Dao Wheel felt almost the same as Elder Taichen!

"Time God Realm, I'm in control!" Elder Taichen's pupils were faintly pale, and his eyes, like needles, were felt by the Goddess of Time.

When the Goddess of Time turned around and saw the state of Elder Taichen, she quickly took a step back.

This elder Taichen was several times more powerful, and the ancient sage's divine intent on his body seemed to be madly alienating. He... his body was showing blood-stained wounds!

"You...Elder Taichen!" When the goddess of time was horrified, she immediately angered.

"Your Majesty... I think about it day and night... You will be mine soon..."

Elder Taichen's voice has changed, it seems to be a lot thicker, with a very strange hoarse voice, the wounds on his body that are like knife-edges, in an instant, blood gushed out of his whole body!


Vaguely, a blood-colored great demon condensed by the blood of ancient sages, like a mountain, appeared behind the shriveled Elder Taichen! The scarlet demon, with a scarlet face, resembles a violent and hateful beast, with a red horse-shaped body and several blood wings, it is also extremely sturdy!

"Why is it like this?!" The maiden emperor turned her face pale and looked at Su Jin——

"Look at the west side of the Temple of Earth..." Su Jin looked ugly.

The virgin concubine, Chaosheng Banshee, including Qin Qingwu, all looked in the direction that Su Jin reminded!

In the condensed scene of that land temple, in addition to the ancient ruins, or intact or ruin-like buildings, there is also an ancient idol!

One of the idols is exactly like Elder Taichen! !

"Your Majesty Goddess! Why do you bring disaster to the people of Li... Why do you want to call out the Temple of the Earth!" On the Dao Wheel, the ancient sage with gray-white pupils stepped on the vision of a wasteland. Behind him, the condensed attitude of the evil **** was actually a blood-colored headless ancient **** holding a war sword!

That ancient **** without a head, with a huge body! With his eyes open on his chest and thorns on his palms, behind his back are strips of blue bone whip! The fierce power contained in that sword is unparalleled!

The face of the goddess of time is sad, she has lost the scepter of time, and her power is fading. Facing this terrifying evil god, she has silently closed her eyes, waiting for the arrival of death——

"Your Majesty! I... I'm sharing the time **** realm with you, how about sitting on the throne of the time hall!" Elder Taichen grinned, and the scarlet-faced scarlet demon behind him seemed to be fusing with him!

That kind of fusion is extremely terrifying!

The big scarlet monster with two wings and horse-shaped body suddenly opened a gap in his head, and directly submerged the shriveled body of Elder Taichen in the robe--

Hahahaha! The scarlet face of the Scarlet Demon has the face of Elder Taichen! It is laughing wildly!

Immediately afterwards, the elder Taichen, who turned into the **** big demon, flew his wings for a while and flew towards the goddess of time!

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