My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3569: Endless madness

Between the giant ice blue moon, a three-legged ‘Tianzhu Turtle’, piggybacking the shrine, walked slowly--

When the blue moon shines down in the squally wind and thunder and lightning, the scenery has an incomparable feeling!

Su Jin alone, with his hands on the shore!

"You moved the tomb of the moon concubine under the Inle River?"

Before people arrived, the roar seemed to suppress the thunderous sensation!

On that day, there was a giant standing in front of the shrine! That sturdy figure, three feet tall and bare-chested, was wrapped in three scarlet chains with the thickness of a bowl, and the chains were also clenched on his fists!

"How is it?" Su Jin said lightly: "This woman is cursed on her body, so she is not suitable for being buried in the river—"



Several people already yelled at Su Jin!

At this time, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a scholar stood up and stared at Su Jin and said, "You know who is buried in the river! How dare you say such a blasphemous remark! You...don't die!"

"What I said is false?" Su Jin sneered.

"Under the river, a beloved concubine of the Vast Sky Emperor is buried. She likes this river the most. Therefore, the Vast Sky Emperor asked someone to calculate the burial cave. If you disturb the dead today and offend the Vast Sky Emperor, you deserve a million death!" Angrily said.

Su Jin was almost amused by the other party. He glanced at the shrine on the'Tianzhu Divine Turtle', and said, "If you like this river, you must be buried in the river? What kind of a funny way is this? I just got one here. When you stepped in, there was a woman crying, maybe it was your moon concubine—"

"You, you..." The middle-aged scholar with a blue face, shaking his fingers at Su Jin, was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"You really have the courage to offend Emperor Vast Sky! Not long ago, Emperor Vast Sky learned that something major had happened to the tomb of the Concubine Yue, so he directly asked me to wait and find out. Now that you have committed a major sin, you...follow us!"

The sturdy giant volleyed out of the'Tianzhu Divine Turtle' and stepped directly towards Su Jin. He continued: "In view of your offense, I will tear your mouth first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the giant's arm directly contained the power of suppression, and he directly stretched out his palm and pressed it towards Su Jin!

"Great practitioner!"

As the village chief, De Lao turned his face pale when he saw this scene, and he felt a little unbearable to look directly.

"A great warrior, don't need to be nervous." Chaosheng Banshee kindly reminded De Lao and said.


De Lao looked intently, but found that the giant's face changed wildly, and the palm that came down towards Su Jin directly seemed to grab a handful of air!

"Escaped?" The giant was a little surprised, but ordinary people didn't have this reaction. He stared at Su Jin who had manifested not far away, and then shouted: "I am the patriarch of the giants of the sky, you... take another blow. This blow of mine is the strength of a thousand families, and this punch is called Jutongquan!"

The Heaven-sweeping Giant holding a chain, directly clenched his fist, the surrounding fist strength was tearing apart pieces of void, and his body seemed to swell instantly!

Su Jin really wanted to take it seriously, but he couldn't help but smile. No way, he couldn't hold it back!

"Don't kill him!" the middle-aged scholar yelled to the Tianzhu Giant, "The Vast Sky Emperor wants to live! Let's fight the disabled!"

"Tenai Nai! Good! Take the cannibalized away!" The Bootian Giant was a little unhappy, knowing that this would be constrained, and then shouted at Su Jin: "Don't worry! I will take a good measure and leave you a breath!"

"Okay—" Su Jin nodded.

"Ju Tongquan!"

The simmering giant is like a **** of war, raising his fist, that fist has a strong and powerful spirit, and his fist is high! Smashed directly at Su Jin's head.


Don't hide?

Will something happen to this punch... Will it kill him?

The Tianzhu Giant hesitated in his heart, but he couldn't take it anymore now. This giant fist, like a washbasin, was only a foot away from Su Jin!

At that moment, everything around seemed to have stopped!

The eyes of Zhutian Giant gradually widened, his fist was lightly blocked by that hand, and his great sage and spirit seemed to be suppressed by inexplicable power!

Didn't even move!

Su Jin's hand was placed on the big fist of the washbasin, and the cold sweat of the simmering giant shed directly!

"Unexpectedly, you are still a master!" The Bootian Giant wanted to take his fist back, and the other party's performance was too scary. In his opinion, there are many strong people in the entire ancient world, who can take over his'giant punch'. It's not in the minority, but it's so easy to pick up... Few!


Su Jin kicked directly on one leg at a speed invisible to others!

Zhu Tian giant felt that his field of vision was getting smaller and smaller, he... was kicked directly into the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

"This!" The middle-aged scholar took a step backwards, he never expected that this would be the result!

"Mr. Gu Bai, why haven't people brought them?" In the shrine, in a room surrounded by beautiful women, a young man was reaching out his hand to touch a woman's face, causing the beautiful women to burst into laughter.

"The emperor forgive me! The patriarch of the heavens...he..." The middle-aged scholar was Gu Bai, and now he looked a little ugly, bowing to the temple.

"How is it?" The young man felt something was wrong.

"The enemy is a bit powerful!" Mr. Gu Bai quickly assured: "But we can deal with it! Please rest assured, the emperor!"

"You have to hurry up! Father Haotian is shocked by the bad news, and it is difficult to accept that this kind of thing will blaspheme the tomb of the concubine Yuehe, don't let anyone go--" the emperor said.


Gu Baitie's face was green, and finally looked at the other people, and his face looked better.

Because in addition to the patriarch of the celestial giant, in the team of these thousand people, in addition to some of the attendants, there are more than a hundred strong men, of whom 30 are great men, and the rest are all virtuous!

This lineup, Gu Bai can't win the opponent if he doesn't believe it!

"Go! Give it all to me!" Gu Bai waved his hand quickly and commanded.

"It is your misfortune to anger Emperor Haotian!"

Thirty great sages flew directly out of the turtle back of the Tianzhu turtle, stood in a row directly, and appeared in Su Jin's field of vision!

Su Jin yawned, as if he was a little tired, his expression gradually began to change slightly, "There are only thirty great sages, and I have no qualifications to connect with me. Now I will give you a chance to overthrow that turtle. The palace on the back, I will spare your lives—"

This person... is so rampant?

Thirty great sages are not enough to face him with a blow?

Not only Gu Bai, but even those thirty great sages are deeply lost!

"Your Excellency is too arrogant!" Finally, Daxian drank coldly, unable to hide the anger in his tone, and said to Su Jin.

Su Jin's eyes were indifferent, and he said calmly: "Is this considered arrogant? Forget it, call your Haotian Emperor, three steps and nine prayers, come to see me——"

Crazy, Gu Bai and the Thirty Great Sages, all who come will be mad at Su Jin, think about the identity of the Vast Sky Emperor in the ancient world! !

He...he actually wanted the Haotian Emperor of the ancient world to come and see him in three steps and nine bows!

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